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Compliance Training Access Guide

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Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 2


New Registration - for International users with IGEMS ID

User ID: 11 Digit IGEMS Employee ID.

If you don't know your IGEMS Employee ID contact your local
H.R. Management Team.

PIN: Your initial PIN/ password

How to construct your PIN:

First two letters from the name of your Region
(as for APAC employees lower case)
Last two digits of your hire/restart year
(Example: if you join in 2014, type 14)
Last two digits of your Employee ID
(Example: If your IGEMS ID is 00000123456, type 56)
**For this example, the PIN is as1456

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Setup registration
Once log in successfully,
Review and agree to Terms and Conditions for use of
Provide an e-mail address and, if appropriate, an ID for
access to UPS applications.
Create your Challenge Questions and Responses
Create a password
Passwords must be between 7-14 characters with at least 1
alpha and 1 numeric character. The password you create
cannot be the same as your PIN.
At initial log in, will flow you through a few
registration screens. Upon subsequent log in's, you will be
forwarded directly to the homepage.

Have issue?
Click on Log in Help for troubleshooting

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.


Access to UPS University

Log in to -> Quick Links -> UPS University/ IE LMS

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Access to UPS University

You will be directed to UPS University/ IE LMS page, select UPS University

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 6


Access to UPS University

A new window UPS University will pop up, select Click Here

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Access to UPS University

You will be directed to a page called My learning assignment, scroll down and type the
Compliance Training module name.

1. UPS Anti-Corruption Compliance

2. UPS Antitrust Compliance
3. UPS Professional Conduct and
Anti-Harassment Compliance
4. UPS Information Security &
Privacy Compliance
5. UPS Records Information
6. UPS Insider Trading Compliance

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 8


Access to UPS University

Search result will list the training module in different language, select the desired
language to complete.

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Access to UPS University

The completed training will be captured under Learning History.

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 10



Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.
2015 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

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