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Tea Time

In the Tropics
A handbook for compost tea production and use.

Edited by
Theodore Radovich & Norman Arancon
Tea Time
In the Tropics
A handbook for compost tea
production and use.

Theodore Radovich, PhD

Assistant Extension Specialist
Sustainable and Organic Farming Systems Laboratory

Tea Time
CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Mnoa

Norman Arancon, PhD

Assistant Professor of Horticulture
College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management
University of Hawaii, Hilo

Contributing authors

Michael Alms
Industry Consultant
Board Member Hawaii Organic Growers Association
In the Tropics
Founder and CEO Growing Solutions, Inc

Norman Arancon, PhD

Assistant Professor of Horticulture
CTAHR, University of Hawaii, Hilo A handbook for compost tea production and use.
Nguyen Hue, PhD
Professor of Environmental Soil Chemistry
College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management Edited by
CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Mnoa
Theodore Radovich
Archana Pant, PhD
Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program Norman Arancon
CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Mnoa

Theodore Radovich, PhD

Sustainable and Organic Farming Systems Laboratory
CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Mnoa

Managing Editor
Gayle Hori

All photos by Jessica Radovich unless otherwise noted.

2011 College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii

All rights reserved. Any duplication or publication of this books text or images without written permission from
the publisher constitutes violation of copyright. The University of Hawaii is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action institution.

To obtain additional copies, contact:

CTAHR Office of Communications
University of Hawaii

3190 Maile Way, St John 102

Honolulu, HI 96822
Table of Contents

Introduction 7
I. Selecting High Quality Compost  9
The editors wish to
Compost Maturity 9
acknowledge the Types of compost 11
innovative growers, Why is vermicompost so great? 12
early adopters and Meeting organic standards 14
pioneering scientists II. Compost Tea Production 19
who have advanced Extraction methods 19
our understanding of Ratio of compost to Water 22
compost tea. Brewing (extraction) period 24

III. Using Compost Tea to Increase Plant Growth and Quality 27

Biochemical properties of compost tea 30

Nutritional quality of crop 32
Soil biological properties 34

IV. Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

Using Vermicompost Teas41
Suppression of root pathogens42
Suppression of folial pathogens44
Suppression of arthropod pests45

Mechanisms of Suppression52VI.

History, Trends, and Outlook; An Industry Perspective56

Application methods63
Future outlook64

Index  70


Water-based extracts of compost (compost tea) have long been recog-

nized as potentially valuable in promoting plant growth. Recent innova-
tions in production and application have popularized tea use among food
producers, landscape managers and others interested in promoting plant
health. This renewed interest in compost tea has made the input fairly con-
troversial, and it is often presented as either a Silver Bullet, or conversely,
Snake Oil. Like most other traditional agricultural inputs, compost tea
is neither. Unfortunately, our ability to effectively employ compost teas to
their full advantage is severely limited by our poor understanding of the
interactions between compost type, crop and environmental factors as they
relate to plant yield and quality, particularly under tropical conditions.
These gaps in our knowledge limit the efficacy of compost tea applications
on the farms that currently employ this strategy, and seriously restrict the
extension and adoption of compost tea technology to conventional farms
that want to improve the sustainability of their operations.
The purpose of this book is to critically evaluate the phenomenon of
compost tea from three general perspectives: Growers, Researchers and
Industry. By integrating these perspectives into a cumulative experience,
we hope to improve our understanding of the potential and limitations
of this technology from scientific, economic and practical points of view.
The book is arranged to specifically address the varied needs of multiple
stakeholder groups. Individual chapters are intended to provide both
broad and in-depth summaries of the science and technology of compost
tea, particularly from a tropical perspective. Brew Master insets feature
innovators, long time users and recent adoptors of compost tea, who share
their anecdotal experiences. Two longtime users describe their efforts to
quantify the impacts of compost tea on their farms. Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) are interspersed throughout the book and address com-
mon questions by people interested in using compost tea, including the
important question Does it work?

6 Tea Time in the Tropics 7

Chapter 1 - Compost Quality
Ted Radovich, Nguyen Hue and Archana Pant

I t is a simple fact: you cannot have high quality compost tea without high
quality compost. In other words, if you want to promote plant growth with
compost tea the extract must be derived from compost that also promotes
plant growth. Compost quality is determined by starting materials (feed-
stocks), as well as the management of moisture, temperature, other produc-
tion factors and storage conditions. All of these factors influence the rate of
biological decomposition and ultimately determine final compost quality.
Publications on compost production are available from several sources
elsewhere (Rynk and Richard, 2001; Sheldon et al., 2005). This chapter is
intended to improve the compost tea practitioners awareness of indicators
that are most commonly used to evaluate compost quality.

Maturity is an important concept 10-20:1 since composts within this range
that is closely related to the quality of are unlikely to immobilize, or "rob" plant
compost. Simply put, mature compost available nitrogen. Typically, composts
has decomposed enough to promote with C:N above 25:1 are unacceptable for
plant growth. Objective indicators of use in cropping systems. It is important
maturity have been established and are to note that C:N ratios are not adequate
discussed below. Most of these indicators to use as the sole determinant of compost
require special equipment or analysis maturity. However, C:N ratios are
fee, and it takes time for results to be extremely useful in prescreening compost
received. for acceptable maturity. Compost that
Experienced producers and users of have C:N < 25:1 should be further
compost often evaluate maturity using evaluated for other indicators of compost
subjective indicators such as color, smell, maturity.
and feel (Kuo et al. 2004; Sullivan and
Miller, 2001). Dark brown, earthy smell- Stability A common measure of
ing, moist, and finely divided composts compost maturity is stability or the
that lack sour or ammonia off-odors are potential for compost to further decom-
expected to be of adequate maturity to pose. The most common measure of
promote plant growth. However, more compost stability are self heating tests
quantitative measures are required to where the maximum rise in temperature
better enable end-users to determine the of moist compost are measured over a
optimal rate and frequency of compost 5-10 day period. Excessive heating (>20
application. C increase in 10 days) indicates unstable
compost (Briton, 2000).
C:N Ratio The ratio of carbon to Respiration or carbon dioxide evolu-
nitrogen in compost is probably the best tion from moistened compost is also used
known objective indicator of compost as an indicator of stability. Respiration
quality. Optimal C:N range is considered and self heating are both indicators of

8 Tea Time in the Tropics 9

Not all compost is created equal

Vermicompost -
Vermicompost is generated by worms
and associated microorganisms.
Vermicompost quality will vary depending
on many factors including worm species,
raw material used, and the age of the
compost. Vermicomposts are generally
of finer structure, contain more nutrients,
and have higher microbial activity than
other types of composts. High levels
of nutrient levels and plant growth
regulators make vermicompost ideal for
compost tea production.

Figure 1.1Compost quality is often described in terms of maturity; Mature compost promotes plant
growth, while immature compost retards it. Phytotocicity resulting from immature compost may be due
to high C:N, the precence of toxic compounds or other factors. In the photo above eggplant seedlings
are growing in an immature thermophilc compost (left) and mature vermicompost (right). Photo: Ted Handcrafted or
Radovich Artisan thermophilic
Careful monitoring of the compost
biological activity. Although biologi- and field trials in Hawaii (Pant, 2011).
cal activity is considered desirable in Ammonium should be less than 1000 temperature and conditions can
composts, unstable compost that rapidly ppm and the ratio of ammonium to maximize plant nutrients and biotic
consumes oxygen can result in anaerobic nitrate in the compost should be less than properties. Artisan thermophilic compost
conditions after bagging, resulting in off- 1:1. is appropriate for compost tea, but the
odors and the production of phytotoxic
compounds. Unstable composts are also Other measures of maturity Other quality can vary significantly depending
measures of maturity include EC (<2.0
likely to be low in plant available nutri- on the feedstock and handling.
ents. mmo), pH (6.0-7.5). Compost qual-
ity is also indicated by the presence
Plant available nitrogen Nitrate and or absence of contaminants (Walker,
ammonium are important indicators of 2001). Potential major contaminants
compost maturity (Briton, 2000; Sullivan include human pathogens, physical
and Miller, 2001). Nitrate concentra- contaminants such as plastics, weed
tion is recommended to be at least 100 seeds, heavy metals, and pesticide resi-
ppm for mature compost. Some sources dues. Maintaining high temperatures for Commercial
recommend that nitrate and other plant a period of time during the composting large scale
available nitrogen should not exceed 300 process has been the primary approach Large scale operations serve the
ppm when compost is being used as a towards minimizing contaminants
substrate in growing medium. However, particularly human pathogens. Screening purpose of processing large amounts
composts with nitrate concentrations of is also recommended which generat- of waste material. Generally, this
greater than 600-2000 ppm are associated ing and removes the bulk of physical type of compost is best used as a soil
with the best plant growth in greenhouse contaminants. amendment, rather than for compost
tea, because of low levels of mineral
nutrients and biological activity.

(Photo: Nguyen Hue) 11

10 Tea Time in the Tropics 11
Radovich et al.

Why is verimicompost so great? Figure 3: NO3- increases exponentially over time in cured vermicompost, after removal of
worms. Data points in figure below are means of three analyses; bars are standard error of
the means. Curing refers to the finishing of compost after the active composting process.
Vermicompost quality will vary contribute to the relatively high maturity Compost stored under warm conditions in plastic bags or bins to retain moisture will
depending on many factors including indicators and positive plant growth continue a prolonged mesophilic stage that results in bulid up mineral nutrients and other
worm species, raw materials used, and response observed in vermicompost compounds. These composts have been found to be most effective for use in compost tea
age of the compost. Vermicomposts are compared to other types of composts. (Chapter 3).
generally of finer structure, contain more The University of Hawaii compared
nutrients, and have higher microbial select quality characteristics of ther-
activity than other types of compost. mocomposts and vermicomposts from
Worms facilitate two sets of processes: various sources (see table 1.1). One
gut associated processes and cast associ- benefit of vermicomposts is the relatively
ated processes (Dominguez 2004). In large amount of plant available nitrogen
gut associated processes, several things that they contain in the form of nitrate
occur: the fractionation and homogeniza- (NO3-). This is partly due to the enclosed
tion of materials, the addition of sugars, nature of vermicomposting that reduces
the modification of microbial populations losses of NO3- and other nutrients.
and the addition of mucus and excretory Allowing vermicompost to cure (stored
compounds (e.g. urea and ammonia). in aerated container that conserves
In cast associated processes, high moisture) after harvesting for 3-4 months
mesophilic microbial activity further can also dramatically increase the NO3-
decomposes and mineralizes the mate- content (see figure 3). Note the high CV
rial under protected (i.e. covered, moist, levels indicate a great deal of variation in
dark) conditions (Fig. 3). Both processes mineral nitrogen from sample to sample.


Table 1.1 Select Method Feedstocks # of Samples N C:N P K NO3-N NH4-N

nutrients found in
vermicompost and Mean 42 2.11% 12:1 0.79% 1.47% 1672.2 141
thermal compost Foodwaste
Range 0.89-4.59% 5.1-25.1 0.06-2.06% 0.06-4.83% 267-2986 2-969
available in Hawaii.
Analisis were Vermicompost CV 39% 27% 70% 98% 93% 164%
conducted on 157
Mean 59 1.67% 14:1 3.04% 0.55% 1988.88 185
compost samples 2006-
2011. Manure
Range 1.29-2.25% 10:1-18:1 0.40-6.03% 0.08-2.39% 316-4824 1-2063

CV 15% 15% 53% 111% 72% 255%

Greenwastes Mean 28 1.28% 21:1 0.45% 0.77% 634 21

Range 0.67-2.72% 8:1-40:1 0.14-0.92% 0.21-1.12% 35-1913 0-175

CV 37% 42% 47% 30% 80% 369%

Manure &

mortalities Mean 28 1.77% 19:1 1.69% 1.68% 3834 243

Mortalities Range 0.61-3.01% 10:1-26:1 0.21-3.78% 0.48-3.13% 60-8625 26-1813

CV 42% 47% 70% 58% 79% 163%

CV - Coefficient of variation is an indicator of the variation within the N - nitrogen, C:N - Carbon to nitrogen (see page 8,) P - phosphorus ,K - potassium, NO3-N - nitrate N,
compost samples for that nutrient. NH4-N - amonium N

12 Tea Time in the Tropics 13

Radovich et al. Compost Quality

OK for Organics?
Compost Use - NOP Rule 205.203(c)) for compost use states that compost is com- Tea Use - The NOP is vague on the use of compost tea. In its 2006 recommenda-
pliant for use in certified organic systems if three conditions are met: tion, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) defined tea as a water extract
1. Compost is made from only allowed feedstock materials; of compost produced to transfer microbial biomass, fine particulate organic matter,
2. the compost undergoes an increase in temperature to at least 131F (55C) and soluble chemical components into an aqueous phase, intending to maintain or
and remains there for a minimum of 3 days; and increase the living, beneficial microorganisms extracted from the compost. The final
3. the compost pile is mixed or managed to ensure that all of the feedstock heats NOSB recommendation stated Recommendation: Compost teas if used in contact
to the minimum temperature for the minimum time. with crops less than 120 days before harvest must be made from high quality com-
If composting in windrows, Plant and animal materials are composted through a process post described above and not prepared with addition of supplemental nutrients such
that establishes an initial C:N ratio of between 25:1 and 40:1 and maintains a temperature as sugars, molasses or other readily available (soluble) carbon sources.

Q ?
of between 131F and 170F for 15 days, during which period the composting materi-

als must be turned a minimum of five times. Compost that contains no animal materials
F Q ?
as feedstock may be used without restriction provided that it contains no prohibited The NOSB recommendations also state:

or restricted-use plant materials. Acceptable feedstocks include, but are not limited to,
A 1. Compost teas must be made with potable water.
by-products of agricultural commodities processing, and source-separated yard debris or

? A Q
clean green. Compost that contains more than 1x10 (1,000) MPN fecal coliform per gram 2. Equipment used to prepare compost tea must be sanitized before use

? F
of compost sampled or more than 3 MPN Salmonella per 4 grams of compost sampled will

result in a reclassification as manure. Composts that contains sewage sludge, synthetically
with a sanitizing agent as defined by 21 CFR 178.1010, using allowed ma-

terials found on the National List.
fortified compost starter, glossy paper, and materials containing colored ink are prohibited.

3. Compost tea must be made with compliant compost or vermicom-

post, using the NOSB recommendation for compost and vermicompost

mentioned above, and as defined in section 205.203 (c) (2) of the NOP

Q FA Q FA rule.

4. Compost tea made without compost tea additives can be applied

?Frequently Asked Question: F A Q without restriction. Compost tea made with compost tea additives can

be applied without restriction if the compost tea production system

How much time between foliar applications and harvest?
(same compost batch, additives, and equipment) has been pre-tested to

Q This
produce compost hat meets the EPA recommended recreational water

FA ?
an area still in development. At the time of printing, there are no explicit quality guidelines for a bacterial indicator of fecal contamination (US EPA,

restrictions in the NOP guidance or NOSB recommendations on pre-harvest

interval as long as the compost is produced according to the NOP guide- ? 2000).

FA be tested for pathogens
lines described and NO MICROBIAL FOODS ARE USED. If microbial

The Organic Materials Review Institutes classification of compost tea as raw manure

A Q foods are used, the resulting tea must

(e.g. E. Coli
is extremely conservative and seemimgly incongruent with NOSB and NOP guidance:

O157 and Salmonella). If the tea is found to be clean then future testing is
not required if the
brewing process and compost are not changed.
FA Compost tea used as a fertilizer or soil amendment is subject to the

?manure regardless of compost

OMRIs current interpretation of compost tea is much more conservative. same restrictions as raw, uncomposted manure. It may only be (i) ap-

type. Q
plied to land used for a crop not intended for human consumption;
They consider all compost teas to be raw
FWe suggest avoiding manure
That means 90-120 days pre-harvest interval (see facing page).
(ii) incorporated into the soil not less than 120 days prior to the har-

vest of a product whose edible portion has direct contact with the soil
Fare changed. If your teaAis Q F surface or soil particles; or (iii) incorporated into the soil not less than

AQ time
based inputs and retesting for pathogens each
90 days prior to the harvest of a product whose edible portion does
Fbe needed, but some A
protocols or inputs non-manure based and

pathogen free, a pre-harvest interval may not
con- not have direct contact with the soil surface or soil particles. Compost
sumers may
not like the idea of spraying with microbes (even good ones)
right before harvest.
tea made on the farm may be used to suppress the spread of disease
organisms. Compost tea sold for disease suppression must comply

A Q A Q with all pesticide regulations. (OMRI, 2011)

F14 Tea Time inA Q F A Q

F the Tropics
Q F 15
Brew Master - 1
Gerry Ross and Janet Simpson
Kupaa Farms, Maui
Type of Operation: Organic
Years using compost tea: 6
Row crops: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, lettuce, brassicas, beans
Green house: cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers,
Trees: Coffee, citrus, mango, longan, papaya
Source compost
Compost type: Farm produced thermophilic and vermicompost
Feedstock: greenwaste, fish waste, wood chips, rock powder, seaweed

Method: Aerated using GEOTEA 250 gallon brewer (see page 21).
Ratio by volume: 125:1
Brewing time: 20 hours
Supplements: For each 250 gal brew cycle, we add 2 c 3-2-2 enzyme digested
fish, 3 c Humax, 2 c Maxicrop, 5 gal seawater, and 5 gal rock milk. To make rock
milk, mix quarry basalt rock powder with water, and allow to settle for 10-15
minutes then pour off and add the brown milky water to the tea.

Application method: Drench/root soak applied using a 3/4 inch hose with a
non-clogging spray nozzle (20 foot reach) and 1 HP Honda pump. At the time of
application, we add 2 cups fish and 4 oz of an organic spreader (NuFilm or Natural
Wet which comes from Yucca shidigera) for each 50 gallon increment.
Coverage: About 100 gal per acre undiluted
Frequency: Every week to 2 weeks we cover about a third of the farm with our
main veg production areas getting it weekly.

Observed benefits
While it is sometimes difficult to separate the benefits of the tea from other
practices we have used, especially cover crops, we have seen a dramatic
improvement in our soil which now has wonderful tilth and biologically diverse
soil life. Even though it is a silty stony clay-rich soil, it has excellent aggregation
with lots of pore space for air, water and root penetration. We see good responses
from potatoes, keeping the bacterial wilts off long enough to get a healthy crop.
Chard and the rest of the beet family as well as most vegetables respond very
well for us.

Gerry and Janets Advice

We use the tea to help digest cover crops: we mow, disc and then spray on tea
to speed up their breakdown. Absolutely essential is good compost...we fuss
over our compost and do seedling tests with cress to make sure it is mature. It
is important to spray early in the day before it gets too hot. I also recommend
spraying on cloudy days and using a spreader sticker to reduce microbe loss from
UV. Following an irrigation cycle or rain gives the microbes a moist refuge they
can move into at the time of application. The criteria we use to evaluate the tea
quality are lots of foaming and no off odors.

16 Tea Time in the Tropics 17

Chapter II - Compost Tea Production

Archana Pant, Theodore Radovich, Nguyen Hue

Extraction Methods

T wo dominant approaches of compost

tea production are aerated and non-
require any special technology beyond a
steeping vessel and is associated with low
aerated methods. Scheurell and Mahaffee cost or low energy input, whereas, ACT
Kupaa On-Farm Trials (2002) and Ingham (2005) used the requires constant stirring and aerating
Objective: Quantify yield of specialty during the crop cycle, about every 3 terms non-aerated compost teas (NCT) of large volumes of liquid. Proponents
potatoes grown with and without compost weeks. Potatoes were harvested 72 days and aerated compost teas (ACT) to refer of ACT production argue that the risk
tea in an organic production system on after planting for a Red, White and Blue to the extracts produced by these meth- of contamination by human pathogens
Maui. mix to marketed for 4th of July. Total ods. ACT refers to methods in which is very low in ACT compared to that of
and marketable yield per 90 ft2 plot (3ft the mixture is actively aerated during NCT, as the human pathogens including
Trial Set-up: Three potato varieties wide x 30 ft long) and average weight of extraction. NCT refer to methods that E. coli are poorly competitive under
(Cranberry, All Blue and Onoway) were individual potatoes were determined for do not disturb or only minimally disturb aerobic conditions, however, there is no
planted to 200 foot rows at approximately each variety. the extraction after initial mixing. Other documented evidence to substantiate
2000 feet elevation in Kula Maui. A terms used to describe aerated and these claims (Brinton et al., 2004).
preceding barley cover crop, seeded at 70 Trial Duration: April 4, 2009 - July 1, non-aerated compost teas are: aerobic There is no agreement whether aera-
lbs/acre, had been incorporated 6 days 2009. and anaerobic, or active and passive. tion is required. Several investigators
before potato planting. Seed pieces were Aerated and non-aerated, however, have reported that non-aerated compost
cut to have 1-3 eyes then immediately Results Summary: Yield and
concentrations of total phenolic
seem to most accurately describe the tea has consistently positive effects
coated in a commercial mycorrhizal
compounds were significantly influenced different processes used in production as on disease control and plant growth
preparation (Glomus interradices, www.
by variety. Tea applications did not have a well as the end-product (Scheuerell and in contrast to aerated compost tea and planted in raised
beds with ~3 ounce of mature compost significant effect on either marketable or Mahaffee, 2002). (Weltzien, 1991; Cronin et al., 1996;
per seed piece. Potatoes were spaced 1 unmarketable yields of the three varieties, Both extraction methods involve Scheuerell and Mahaffee, 2006). Welke
foot between seed pieces within rows, nor did it significantly impact total phenol the steeping of compost in water for (2005) concluded that both aerated and
and 8 feet between hills. Compost tea levels. Phenolic compounds are important a defined period at room tempera- non-aerated teas have similar effect
was applied as per grower practice because they contribute to the color and ture. Aerated compost tea requires on plant growth and disease suppres-
(see opposite page), but was withheld antioxidant potential of produce. In this aeration throughout the extraction sion. In contrast, Arancon et al. (2007)
from four sections within each row (i.e. on-farm trial, variety selection was more period (Weltzien, 1991; Scheuerell reported that aerated vermicompost tea
4 replications per row). Compost tea impactful on potato yield and quality than and Mahaffee, 2002). Weltzein, as a had a greater positive impact on plant
was produced and applied three times compost tea applications. pioneer in this area, focused primarily growth than non aerated tea extracted
on non-aerated method of compost tea for the same period of time (24 hrs).
production in the late 1980s and early These varying reports of the impacts of
1990s (Weltzein and Ketterer, 1986; compost tea production method on plant
Weltzien, 1991). However, in recent health and yield are crop specific and
years, interest has shifted to the ACT inferences about the superiority of one
method (Scheuerell and Mahaffee, 2002). method over another on disease suppres-
From a growers perspective, ACT has sion or plant yield cannot be generalized.
the distinct advantage that it can be When recommended protocols for both
prepared in 1-2 days and results in less methods were trialed concurrently no
odor problems, whereas, NCT requires difference in plant growth were observed
1-2 weeks steeping time (Ingham, 2005). (Chapter 3).
Non-aerated compost tea does not

18 Tea Time in the Tropics 19

Pant et al

Keep it Simple (KIS)

Homemade Brewers Their smallest system is designed to
fit in standard 5 gal buckets. It consists
of a pump and perforated PVC piping
The most basic brewer is a 5 gallon bucket that is shaped to distribute air across
with a mesh bag (see illustration). Many the bottom of the bucket. It has been
people find that using a nylon paint strainer tested for a 12 hour brew time.
made to fit over the top of the bucket is
convenient. Brewers with higher volumes
add spigots and support systems for
easier draining. The obvious advantage of
homemade, non-aerated brewers is lower
costs. (See pages 19 for an overview of
research comparing non-aerated and aerated Greater Earth Organics
tea.) (GEOTEA)
A high volume of rapidly rising bubbles
Non-aerated compost tea requires exit a stainless steel air diffuser tube at
approximately a 1 week steeping time the bottom of the tank to oxygenate
(Weltzien, 1991). and circulate the tea. At the same time,
additional air is pumped out of holes
from a tube extending into the compost
in the submerged extractor dome.
Aeration requires the addition of an air pump
and a device to produce bubbles. Options
include using pumps and air stones (see
picture at left) from the aquarium industry and
perforated PVC pipe or hosing. Many designs
are available on-line, however, these have not Living Soils Organics
been evaluated so individual judgement on
This design uses a conical tank and
their effectiveness is required. an external, vortex creating, aeration
system. Each up-feed pipe has an air-
stone for bubbles. The bubbles lift the
tea up the pipes where it reenters the
tank at an angle that results in a circular
motion. More liquid is drawn from
the bottom of the tank for constant
Commercial Brewers
Commercial brewers are designed to provide uniform aeration and circulation. Check with
individual retailers for information on circulation, oxygen levels and biomass growth. The
brewers on the right were selected to demonstrate the range of designs on the market.
Please see the suppliers list on page 67 for additional dealers.
Growing Solutions
Recommendations for brewing time and use of additives vary by manufacturer but are Aeration is achieved through Fine
typically about 24 hours. . Bubble Diffusion. This technology was
first developed for and has had long-
term use by the waste water industry.

20 Tea Time in the Tropics 21

? FA Q
Pant et al.

Q ?
Ratio of compost to water

FA Frequently Asked Questions

Optimum ratio of compost to water of compost tea prepared with a 1:8 Q
FACompost to water
Q ?
tends to vary, depending upon the compared to that of 1:4 ratio. Edwards

FA ratio and application rate

brewing process, compost quality and et al. (2006) reported a non-significant
purpose of compost tea application. Too difference on plant growth response of
little compost will result in dilute tea with tomato seedlings with the applications of
A 1:10?
low amounts of nutrients or organisms; vermicompost teas with 1:25, 1:12 and How much compost do I need to use?
whereas, too much compost may not 1:10 ratios. Several studies indicated that - 1:20 ratio of compost to water is recommended. Benefits de-
allow maximum amounts of nutrients limiting compost to water ratio to 1:10 is

is generally based on compost cost and quantity?

crease in a linear fashion as the solution becomes more dilute, but some
and microbial biomass of compost to be found to be effective on disease suppres-

FA tion
effect is seen with solutions as low as 1:100. The decision on concentra-

extracted (Ingham, 2005). sion and yield improvement although the
Q of tea required. To

Studies on compost to water ratio have exact mechanism is unclear (Weltzien,

mainly focused on disease suppression 1991; Touart, 2000; Scheuerell and get a 1:10 ratio you add a little over 1 1/2 cups compost for every gal of

effect of compost tea with diverse results. Mahaffee, 2002). water.

?Optimal growth in our research was seen at an applicationFArateQfeet?

Most studies have followed the meth- Research at the University of Hawaii
How many gallons should I be using per 1000 square
odology developed by Weltzien (1990) (Pant, 2011) showed that application
that uses a 1:3 - 1:10 (vol:vol) compost of vermicompost tea with vermicom-
? of 7-14
Q ?
to water ratio. Weltzien (1990) reported post to water ratios of 1:10 - 1:100 (by

that there was a significant suppression of volume) increased plant yield and root gal per 1000 sq ft (300-600 gal per acre). This rate allows for some pen-

Q ?
Phytopthora infestans with the application growth, and the response to the ratio of etration into the root zone when applied foliarly. Weekly applications are
of compost tea, no difference in suppres- vermicompost to water was generally
recommended for at least 4 weeks in vegetable crops.
I buy vermicompost byA
sion was observed for compost to water linear. Similar effects were observed
F QHowever, It is
the pound,what is the conversion?

? stillmoisture
ratios between 1:3 and 1:10. However, in tissue N, phytonutrient content and
the suppression effect of compost tea was microbial activities in soil. The best plant
best to measure the volume as the weight ofF
One gallon of vermicompost weighs around 4-5 pounds. A Q
lower with 1:50 compared to 1:3 and 1:10 growth response was observed with
compost to water ratio (Weltzien, 1990). vermicompost to water ratios of 1:20 and
compost varies by the
What is the best way to apply?
Welke (2005) observed that strawberry 1:10, indicating that the optimal ratio of content.

Q ?
plants had higher yield and lower inci- vermicompost to water ranges between compost tea?

FA For
dence of disease with the application 1:10 and 1:20.
Q ?
small areas, applying with a watering can is probably easiest. For larg-
Abut requires filtering andQ
er areas, tea may be pumped through a hose or sprayer. Injection through

Athat at least some portionQ

drip lines is possible, flushing of the lines with
fresh water after application. We recommend

of the compost tea be applied to the root

How do get the most bang for my compost tea buck?
F A Q ?
Research in Hawaii suggests that much of the impact on plant growth is

due to improved nutrient availability, particularly nitrogen.

FAis expected to be low.ATheQuse of high quality compost

may have the greatest impact in low input environments
Compost tea
where nitrogen
Fabove would be expected Q
? Conversions:
plied at the rates recommended to improve
plant nutrient status and growth.
? F A
1 gallon = 3.8 liters
1 pound = 0.45 kilograms

Q ?
? F A
22 Tea Time in the Tropics
Pant et. al
? FA Q
? FA
Q ?
Brewing (extraction) period

FA Frequently Asked Questions

Q :
Brewing (extraction) period is an a 5 to 8 day period and up to a 16 day
important factor contributing to compost brewing time is needed for NCT, which
tea quality and efficacy. Compost tea has been hypothesized to allow sufficient
ExtractionFand AQbrewing Q ?
should be brewed to an extent when most time for facultative anaerobes to domi-

of the soluble nutrients and organisms nate and for their metabolites to accu-
from the compost are extracted or pulled mulate. Ketterer et al. (1992) examined
out into the solution (Ingham, 2005). Botrytis suppression on detached grape
Do I need to use aeration?
F for
Too short brewing period may prevent leaves with 1, 3, 7 and 14-day brewed
Not necessarily. There is some evidence to suggest that if brewed

Q ?
maximum extraction of nutrients and NCT, and that the maximum suppression longer periods of time non-aerated teas can produce similar effects as
microbial biomass from the compost was observed with the application of
FA aerated compost teas. The primary benefit to aeration is to shorten the
Q ?
whereas too long brewing period may 7-day brewed tea.
extraction time. Other reasons for using aeration include increasing

favor microbial immobilization of Ingham (2005) suggests that the
oxygenation to promote aerobic activity and to avoid potential for bad

extracted nutrients leading to microbes optimum brewing time for ACT co
smells and phytotoxic compounds that can result from anaerobic activ-
?Do I need to add supplements to my brewer? F
become inactive once all the available incides with maximum active microbial

foods are immobilized (Ingham, 2005). population in the tea, often 12-24 hours ity. More research is needed to determine when aeration is ideal or nec-

Similarly, Scheurell and Mahaffee (2002) with commercial aerobic compost tea essary.
noted that effectiveness of compost tea makers. Schurell and Mahaffee (2002)
increases with increasing brewing time to citing Cantisano (1998) stated that one

FA Q ?
Not necessarily. While supplements, particularly sugar, can increase mi-
a maximum and then declines. Brewing day brewing of ACT would be effective
period of compost tea may vary with
brewing methods, compost source and
for foliar feeding while longer brewing
period up to 14 days is useful for disease
crobial populations, evidence linking increased microbial populations

to enhanced plant growth is not conclusive. Teas made with high qual-
purpose of compost tea application. control.
ity teas without supplements have been shown to be effective. Supple-
? A
Non-aerated compost tea gener- Research on compost tea brewing ments may be an issue for growers with organic certification (see pages
ally requires a longer brewing period period have focused primarily on disease 14-15).

compared to that of aerated tea (Brinton suppression effects; further research work

et al., 2004; Ingham, 2005; Diver, 2001). on effect of compost tea brewing period How long can I keep the tea after brewing?
Weltzien (1991) reported that usually on plant growth is needed.
Q ?
The convention is to use the tea within 4 hours, however research at Ohio

FA to 14 days. (citationAArancon)
State University has shown that refrigeration can extend efficacy for up
Q ?
What are theF characteristics of high qualityQ tea?
? A
The characteristics of the tea reflect the characteristics of the compost

used. Brewing, when properly managed, extracts the soluble nutrients

and preserves the biological characteristics of the compost. Biological

Q ?
characteristics of high quality compost teas have been proposed (see In-

FA Q ?
gram, 2005). Chemical characteristics of high quality include high levels

WhatF A chlorine or chloramine

of available nitrogen, humate, and gibberelic acid.

Aby allowing the water to sitQovernight
about in the water?
? ormonialettingandtheisaerator FAsituations. am-
Clorinated water can be degassed

?to remove (check with your water supplier).
run for several hours. Chloramine is chlorinated
used as an alternative to chlorine in some It is
much more difficult

Q ?
24 Tea Time in the Tropics ? F A Q
Brew Master - 2 Chapter III - Using Compost Tea to
Increase Plant Growth and Quality
Alex Karp Archana Pant, Theodore Radovich, Nguyen Hue
Island Harvest Organics
Pahoa, Hawaii
U se of compost tea as a foliar spray or
soil drench has been demonstrated to
Applications of vermicompost tea,
regardless of extraction method (ACT,
Type of Operation: Certified Organic improve plant health, yield and nutritional NCT or ACTME) enhanced yields, total
Years using compost tea: 2 quality by: (i) enhancing beneficial micro- carotenoids, total glucosinolates and
Green house: tomatoes, sweet bell bial communities and their effects on mineral nutrients of pak choi across
peppers agricultural soils and plants; (ii) improv- the fertilizer regimes and this effect was
ing mineral nutrient status of plants; and, most prominent under organic fertiliza-
Source compost (iii) inducing the production of plant tion in an Oxisol, a Mollisol or a peat-
Compost type: on-farm defense compounds that may have benefi- perlite medium (see figures 3.1 & 3.2).
vemicompost cial bioactivities in humans (Weltzien, Vermicompost tea improved mineral
1991; Hoitink et al., 1997; Scheuerell and nutrient contents and microbial proper-
Extraction Mahaffee, 2002; Carpenter-Boggs, 2005; ties of these growth media. The vermi-
Method: aerated, Glen Matinez Ingham, 2005a; Diver, 2001). The poten- compost tea effect on crop growth was
brewer design tial benefits of compost tea are substantial attributed largely to additional mineral
Ratio by volume: 2lbs compost to and particularly relevant to crop produc- nutrient uptake by plants. This finding
50 gal water tion in low-input agricultural systems. suggests that vermicompost tea can posi-
Brewing time: 24 hrs Most of the previous research on tively influence plant yield and quality and
Supplements: molasses only used if compost tea has investigated the poten- increase soil biological activity in multiple
brew is not consumed within 4 hours
tial of compost tea for control of plant soil types. Similarly, application of vermi-
disease. Pant et al. (2011) conducted a compost tea with compost to water ratios
Application series of experiments to determine the of 1:10 - 1:100 (v:v) increased yield, total
Method: Drip effects of vermicompost tea on plant carotenoids, total glucosinolates and N
Concentration: 50 gallons for 7000 sq ft growth, yield and nutrient quality of content of pak choi; and microbial activi-
greenhouse pak choi; and soil biological properties. ties in soil. The responses of these param-
Frequency: Once per week Specifically, the effects of vermicompost eters to vermicompost to water ratio was
tea extraction methods [(i) non-aerated positive and linear. The best plant growth

Observed benefits (NCT), (ii) aerated (ACT), and (iii) response was observed with vermicom-
Increased plant growth aerated with additives (ACTME)], fertil- post to water ratios of 1:20 and 1:10, (see

izer types (Osmocote and vermicompost), page 29) indicating that the optimal ratio
Advice and three growth media (Oxisol, Mollisol of vermicompost to water ranges between
and a peat-perlite medium) on yield and 1:10 and 1:20. The results also indicated
Try to use up brew within 4 hours, or add
nutritional quality of pak choi (Brassica that biochemical properties of compost
molasses if this is not possible. Be careful
with foliar spraying of seedling starts rapa, Chinensis) as well as soil biochemi- determined biochemical properties of
because they may get burned. cal properties were evaluated. The effects compost tea, and variability in quality of
of the ratio of vermicompost to water and tea explained differences in the magnitude
different fertilizers on yield and nutri- of effect of compost tea on plant growth
tional quality of pak choi as well as soil and tissue mineral nutrient. The positive
biological properties were assessed. Also, effect of vermicompost tea or compost
the effect of compost quality on biochemi- tea on plant growth was largely associated
cal properties of compost tea; and mecha- with N (NO3-) and gibberellin (GA4)
nisms involved in the effects of compost present in the tea and nutrient uptake by
tea on plant growth were determined. plants.

26 Tea Time in the Tropics 27

Pant et al. Using Compost Tea to Increase Plant Growth and Quality

Effect of Compost Tea on Yield in Greenhouse Trials Figure 3.3

Pak choi grown
in Mollisol
Applications of vermicompost tea, showed a positive effect on yield (Waialua
regardless of extraction method (see figures 3.1). These positive effects series, very-
were seen in pak choi plants that were fertilized with either compost or fine, kaolinitic,
Osmocote. The impact of vermicompost tea on crop growth was largely isohyperthermic,
attributed to additional mineral nutrient uptake as evidenced by a linear Vertic
relationship between the above ground dry weight of the plants and their Haplustolls)
nitrogen content (see Figure 3.2). Growth was also attributed to the bio-
chemical properties of the compost tea (see page 30).

Pak choi grown

30 in Oxisol
Above ground fresh weight (g plant )

a (Wahiawa series,

25 a clayey, kaolinitic,
ACTME isohyperthermic,
20 NCT Tropeptic
a Eutrustox)
15 a


Pak choi grown
Compost Osmocote
in peat-perlite
Fertilizer type
Fig. 3.1 Above ground fresh weight as affected by compost tea

Above ground dry weight (g plant -1)

y = 0.0511x + 0.1039
R = 0.9814
photos: A Pant
Figure 3.3 Evaluation of the effect of compost tea applications on
pak choi yield under 5 conditions: Aerated compost tea with added
0 microbial enhancer (ACTME), Aerated compost tea (ACT), Non-
aerated compost tea (NCT), NPK solution (NS) with nitrogen levels
0.00 50.00 100.00
matched to those found in the compost tea, Water (control)
Nitrogen uptake (mg plant -1)
The plants were grown in a greenhouse with one of the four solutions
Fig. 3.2 Relationship between plant growth and N uptake. or water applied weekly for four weeks. All compost teas increased
plant growth. The results were consistent in three different growth
media: Mollisol, Oxisol and a peat-perlite.

28 Tea Time in the Tropics 29

Pant et al. Using Compost Tea to Increase Plant Growth and Quality

Biochemical properties of compost tea Table 3.2 Micronutrient content in vermicompost tea across extraction methods (n = 8).

affecting plant response

Fe Mn Zn Cu B
Mineral Nutrients in compost tea ------------------------------------------g L-1-------------------------------
Compost tea contains a considerable compost contains 58:11:188 mg L-1 N:P:K
amount of soluble mineral nutrients that and 68 Ca and 21 Mg. Pant et al. (2009) NCT 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.3(0.0)
are readily available for plant uptake and reported that ACT and NCT produced
promote crop growth and yield (Welke, from chicken manure-based vermicom- ACTME 1.5(0.1) 0.3(0.1) 0.6(0.1) 0.4(0.1) 0.6(0.1)
2005; Hargreaves et al., 2009; Pant et post contain 80:16:180 mg L-1 N:P:K, 49
al., 2009; Azza et al., 2010). Mineral Ca and 43 Mg (see table 3.1). Higher levels ACT 0.1(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.3(0.0)
nutrient concentration in compost tea of N, K, Ca and Mg in ACTME is due to
generally varies with compost source, those present in the additives (humic Control 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0)
compost age and compost tea extraction acid and kelp). Compost tea and vermi- Parenthesis show standard error,
methods. Hargreaves (2008) stated that compost tea also contain a considerable
NCT produced from ruminant manure amount of micronutrients and macro- Phytohormones in compost tea hydrolysis of glucosides by the enzyme
compost contains 315:43:122 mg L-1 nutrients (Hargreaves, 2008; Pant et al., Compost tea may contain phytohor- -glucosidase produced by microbes
N:P:K, 23 Ca and 13 Mg; whereas NCT 2009)(see table 3.2). mones or plant growth regulator-like (Arthur et al., 2001).
produced from municipal solid waste substances which contribute to better Various studies have postulated that
plant growth and yield. It is believed vermicomposts contain a large amount of
Table 3.1 Macronutrient content in vermicompost tea across extraction methods (n = 8). that greatly increased microbial popula- plant growth regulators such as gibberel-
tion during composting would produce lins, auxins, and cytokinins produced
Extraction plant growth regulator-like substances. by the increased microbial populations
method N NO3-N NH4-N NO2-N Ali et al. (2009) demonstrated that vari- resulting from earthworm activity (Atiyeh
----------------------------------- mg L-1-------------------------------------- ous strains of bacteria such as Bacillus, et al., 2000, a; Arancon et al., 2004). These
NCT 74.9(4.6) 73.3(4.5) 0.6(0.2) 0.3(0.0) Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Micrococcus studies have concluded that application
and Staphylococcus genera associ- of vermicompost increases seed germina-
ated with wild herbaceous flora are able tion, seedling growth, flowering of orna-
ACTME 106.9(6.3) 97.5(6.1) 8.3(0.7) 0.5(0.0)
to synthesize indole-3 acetic acid (IAA). mentals, and yield of vegetables even at
The authors also reported that most of low substitution rates regardless of nutri-
ACT 81.7(4.4) 80.2(4.4) 0.5(0.1) 0.4(0.0) the bacterial strains of Pseudomonas and ent supply. Edwards et al. (2006) observed
Bacillus genera enhanced endogenous better growth of tomato seedlings treated
Control 9.6(1.8) 9.0(1.7) 0.3(0.2) 0.1(0.0) IAA content and growth of Triticum aesti- with vermicompost tea compared to
vum. Similarly, Ali and Hasnain (2007) water (control) and suggested that pres-
Extraction observed that RE1 strain of Halomonas ence of plant growth regulators in vermi-
P K Ca Mg desiderata produced IAA that has simi- compost tea is responsible for growth
----------------------------------- mg L-1-------------------------------------- lar effects to other synthetic and natural promotion effect, but the authors did not
auxins on in vitro growth of Brassica report on the amount of any phytohor-
NCT 16.2(1.0) 166.6(10.3) 48.6(2.2) 42.8(2.3) oleracia. Garcia Martinez et al. (2002) mones present in vermicompost tea. Pant
showed that a compound with molecular (2011) reported that extracts of chicken
ACTME 16.5(1.1) 656.1(21.7) 83.4(3.6) 61.5(3.4) structure and biological activity analo- manure-based thermophilic compost,
gous to auxins was present in compost. food waste vermicomposts and chicken
ACT 16.2(1.7) 180.4(5.9) 49.0(2.8) 43.9(2.3) The authors also reported similar biologi- manure-based vermicompost contained
cal activity and growth promotion effect Gibberellin4 (GA4) and Gibberellin34
of water based compost extract and IAA (GA34). It would be reasonable to believe
Control 0.2(0.1) 5.61(1.3) 12.4(0.3) 15.3(0.2) treatments on garden cress (Lepidium that phytohormones present in compost
Parenthesis show standard error, NCT = Non-aerated vermicompost tea, ACTME = Aerated sativum). Leachate from well decomposed or vermicompost would be extracted in
vermicompost tea with microbial enhancer, ACT = Aerated vermicompost tea, Control = water. compost has been shown to contain cyto- the tea during brewing process.
kinin-like substance, derived from

30 Tea Time in the Tropics 31

Using Compost Tea to Increase Plant Growth and Quality
Pant et al.

Nutritional Quality of Crop

Secondary plant metabolites such as vegetables (Radovich et al., 2005; Perez-

carotenoids, glucosinolates, and phenolic Lopez et al., 2007).Perez-Lopez et al.
compounds are often called phytonutri- (2007) observed that the use of compos-
ents. These molecules are known to play ted animal manure increased the total
a major role in the adaptation of plants to carotenoids in sweet pepper (Capsicum
their environment and also have impor- annuum). Sanwal et al. (2006 ) have
tant implications to human health, crop reported that increased crop yield and
flavor, and commodity value because of dietary anti-oxidants of broccoli occurred
their demonstrated biological reactivity with the use of compost and non-aerated
and association with anti-oxidative and compost tea.
anti-carcinogenic activity in humans Hussein et al. (2006) and Kopsell et
(Radovich et al., 2005). al. (2007) reported higher carotenoids
Anti-oxidants (e,g. total phenolic and in plant tissue to correspond with
carotenoids) are vital to prevent damage increased plant growth at higher fertil-
due to pollution in plants, and to prevent izer rates, particularly levels of available
diseases in both plants and animals. N. Krumbein et al. (2002) reported that
They play a very important role in levels of total glucosinolates were reduced
scavenging reactive oxygen species and in at low N fertilizer in broccoli plants,
the body defense system (Ou et al., 2002). whereas, total glucosinolates levels were
Vegetable crops, particularly cruciferous increased at sufficient N supply. Pant
vegetables, act as good sources of nutri- et al. (2011) reported that application
tionally important dietary carotenoids, of vermicompost tea increased total
polyphenols and glucosinolates (Kopsell carotenoids, total glucosinolates and
et al., 2007; Ahmed and Beigh, 2009). mineral nutrients of pak choi and this
Studies have demonstrated that plant effect was most prominent under organic
nutrient relations and environmental fertilization in an Oxisol, a Mollisol or a
factors significantly affect the concen- peat-perlite medium (figure 3.4).
tration of those plant metabolites in

Total carotenoids Total glucosinolates Total phenolics

Figure 3.4
1400 6000
Phytonutrients in plants treated with a a 25
a.Total carotenoids c. Total phenolics
different types of compost tea compared a
b. Total glucosinolates
a a a a
1200 a
to controls treated with water. Bars with a a a
a ab
the same letter are not significantly b
a a
1000 a
different. a 4000 a bc bc c
mg kg-1 dw

mmol kg-1 dw

mg kg-1 dw
800 15 ab bb
b b b bc bc
b b b b 3000 c b
b b
600 c b c 10 c
Aerated compost tea 2000
ACT 400 c
Aerated and microbial enhancers
5 1000
Non-aerated compost tea
NCT 0 0 0
NPK solution
MNS Oxisol Mollisol Peat Oxisol Mollisol Peat Oxisol
Oxisol Mollisol
Mollisol Peat
Water control

32 Tea Time in the Tropics 33

Pant et al.

Soil biological properties

Brew Master - 3
Soil chemical and biological properties easily metabolizable compounds such
are indicators of soil quality and health, as active organic carbon added through Tane and Maureen Datta
as influenced by management practices. compost or vermicompost.
Various studies have shown that organic Application of tea potentially can add Adaptations, Kona, Hawaii
fertilization improved mineral nutri- a huge numbers of active microbial
ent status as well as soil biological and populations and mineral nutrients to the Type of Operation: Certified Organic
physical properties (Tejada and Gonzalez, soil. Microbial biomass in compost tea Years using compost tea: 10 years
2006; Okur et al., 2008). Rhizosphere provides a source of nutrients and plays Apply tea to: Leafy crops that are prone to fungal
properties are strongly influenced by an important role in soil organic matter diseases
management practices and sensitively mineralization, improving the synchrony
reflect the change and dynamics in soil of nutrient release to meet crop demand. Source compost
quality and health (See Brew Master 4 on Pant et al. (2011) reported that appli- Compost type: Thermophilic and vermicompost
page 40). cation of vermicompost tea improved Compost source: From Keep IT Simple for quality
Microbial respiration and dehy- biological properties of an Oxisol, and consistency during our research. Now shifting
drogenase enzyme activity are often a Mollisol and a peat-perlite media toward homemade leaf and worm compost
considered to be a good index of total in greenhouse and field conditions.
microbial activity in soil (Nannipieri Vermicompost tea treatments contrib-
et al., 1990). Arancon (2001) reported uted to increased microbial respiration Method: Aerated, 5 gal KIS with high quality pump
significant increases in dehydrogenase (mol CO2 fluxes m-2 sec-1) and Ratio by volume: 4 cups /5 gal bucket, ~1:20
activity in soils treated with vermicom- dehydrogenase activity (g TPF g -1 soil), Brewing time: 24 hours off at night due to solar
posts coinciding with the soil microbial particularly under compost fertilization,
Supplements: None due to organic standards
biomass. Various other studies suggested implying more efficient organic matter and food safety restrictions
that application of different types of decomposition and mineralization of
thermophilic compost increased soluble nutrients in soil, and therefore produc- Application
carbon and soil respiration (Sikora and ing better plant growth. Application of
Method: Spray and drench
Yakovchenko, 1996; Bernal et al., 1998; vermicompost tea also improved mineral Coverage: 5 gal/1000 ft
Lalfakzuala et al., 2008). These increases nutrient concentration in an Oxisol, a Frequency: Weekly
would be attributed to the intense activity Mollisol and a peat-perlite medium.
of the soil microorganisms in degrading Observed benefits
Benefits were variable, decreasing with time as
the general micro eco system strengthened. Helps
most against molds on leaves that get good air flow.
Helps least on lettuce and can actually hasten some

The best advice I was given was to use several sources
of compost, some just finished thermophilic, some
several year old wood based with white fungus on
it, and some vermiculture.

It continues to be a learning process. Due to

restrictions from organic certifiers and developing
food safety restrictions, I have had to switch to
Mycotrol O and Serenade for bugs and disease
control. I am developing a method to increase
production field vermiculture. I am growing all sorts
of visible critters and therefore building soil and
therefore have easy to care for, healthy plants.

34 Tea Time in the Tropics 35

Adaptations On-Farm Trials

Objective: Observe Pak Choi (Brassica Once transplanted, seedlings were

rapa group chinensis) yields for 29 managed under similar conditions
months from 2 beds receiving tea (fertilizer, irrigation etc), with the
applications regularly, and 2 beds that exception of tea applications. Plants
did not receive compost tea. were harvested at market maturity (20-
40 days after transplanting). At harvest,
Trial Set-up: Four beds (4 x 30) in fresh weight of individual heads,
close proximity to each other were and notable defects were recorded.
randomly assigned either tea or no Approximately 300-400 plants were Results Summary: Seasonal differences in yield across beds were much greater
tea treatment. Tea was applied weekly harvested per month from each than yield differences between Tea and No Tea beds. Yield differences between beds
via a back pack sprayer to the Tea treatment (~150-200 plants per bed/ were generally inconsistent, although there was a greater frequency of heavier yields
beds. The primary varieties used were month) in the first year from Tea beds compared to No Tea beds. The relatively small and
Fuyu and Shogun. Seedlings were inconsistent effect of tea may be partly explained by high fertilizer applications in all
grown under identical conditions in the Trial Duration: Continuous from beds throughout the project period, and a change in tea production practices in the
greenhouse and planted out to beds October 2008 to March 2011. second year of the project.
approximately 20 days after seeding.

Observations by Grower: As a whole, we saw decreasing differences between the

compost tea beds and the non-tea beds. This may be because the 1/8 cup of fertilizer
we gave each plant and the care we gave to the beds equalized and improved the soil
quality. Nursery techniques, planting time, transplanting care, which is to say basic
horticultural techniques were a bigger factor in producing consistent quality plants
than the tea. Another important factor is the tea was forced to change over time. Even
though we started with the same type compost from the same company. After the
first year, organic certification and food safety requirements prohibited the addition of
nutrients. I think this lowered the quality of the tea.
? FA ? FA
? FA Q ?
? FA Q ?
Q ? FA Q
Q ?
FA Asked AQuestion : ? FA Q
Q ? FA Q
?Does it Work?
? FA Q ?
Trial duration: Compost production, March-August, 2009; Field trial February-
Q ?
Researchers: Ted Radovich, Jari Sugano and Jensen Uyeda

Grower cooperator: Ho Farms
? A
April, 2010.

TrialF Q
Yes, depending on conditions. Compost tea has been demonstrated to have the
? results:
Tea applications resulted in subtle, but significant increases in dry
Q ? A
potential to promote plant growth in green house trials (see Chapter 3) despite in- matter production in pakchoi heads after 5 weeks (Figure A). On a fresh weight

conclusive results from earlier on-farm trials (see Master Brewers 1 & 3). Grower use basis, heads in plots receiving tea were 14% heavier than heads not receiving tea.
? A A
of compost tea in the field is generally limited by labor and material costs, which Assuming a planting density of 29,000 plants per acre, yields in this trial are ex-

? Q ?
may preclude use of composts at highest recommended rates when producing trapolated to be 7.7 and 6.6 tons per acre for tea and no tea plots, respectively. As-

and applying tea. Injection of tea through the irrigation system minimizes labor suming a wholesale price of $1.50 per pound, this translates to a potential increase

? Q ?
associated with spraying, applies tea directly to the root zone and avoids spaying in farm-gate value of $3,300 per acre in the tea plots. Although it is not possible

FA Q ?
leaves of crops. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of compost to determine the exact costs of the on-farm produced compost, it is estimated at

A Q ?
tea made from small quantities of farmer produced thermophillic composts on pak

F bjective FA
$50 a yard (1 cubic yard = 202 gallons of compost). If 300 gallons of tea are ap-

Q ?
choi growth in the field when applied through a drip system plied 4 times during the crop cycle, this is equivalent to 10 gallons of compost at

a 100:1 ratio, or $3.00 of compost for the whole crop. Even if the highest prices for

? Q ? FA
O : To quantify the impact of compost tea on field grown pak choi using vermicompost are used ($3/pound or $57 per acre), the cost benefit appears to be

thermophilic compost produced from on-farm feedstock in a brewer constructed favorable.
? FA
from local materials.
Q ?
Discussion: This study was de-

Trial setup: Compost was produced in static piles from tomato and cucumber
FA signed specifically to evaluate a sys-

Q ?
Q ?
culls and wood chips by Ho farms (Kahuku). Feedstocks were combined and com- tem of tea production and application

posted in bins for 6 months. A field experiment using pak choi variety Red Choi that was both feasible for growers

was conducted at Waimanalo Field Station of the University of Hawaii. Five repli-
? and in agreement with our current

Q ?
cations of two treatments; tea or no tea. Individual plots were 300 ft2. One half of understanding of the optimal rates

a gallon of compost was extracted weekly in 50 gallons of water (100:1). Tea was of compost tea for improving plant
? Q ? A
applied through the drip system at a rate of 300 gallons per acre on a weekly basis. growth. Although impacts of compost

Drip tape was flushed with clean water after tea applications. Pak choi plants were tea have been difficult to measure in
? A
harvested 6 weeks after transplanting. complex production systems, it does

Q ? Q ?
appear that there is potential for tea

to increase the profitability of farming

Q ?
systems. Each farm manager should

independently evaluate the poten-
FAQ ? tial for beneficial use of compost tea

? Q ?
in their system. Current recommen-

dation include using <100:1 ratio of
? Q ?
water:compost by volume and weekly

FA applications of at least 250 gallons per

? FA
Qacre directly to the root zone.
Figure A. Average head weights of pak choi

Q ? Q ?
grown with and without weekly applications of

compost tea. Values are means of 5 replications

Q ?
. Error bars are standard errors. Different letters

indicate significant differences between mean

Q ?
at P<0.05..

? FA Q ? ?
38 Tea Time in the Tropics
? FA
Q ? 39
Brew Master - 4 Chapter IV -
Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases
Ian Cole, Using Vermicompost Teas
Breadfruit Institute
Hana, Hawaii Norman Arancon
Type of Operation: Botanical Garden
Years using compost tea: 1
Greenhouse: Breadfruit (Artocarpus Three key contributors to crop infestation and disease:
Orchard: Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, 1. Availability of a susceptible host
Artocarpus mariannensis, hybrids of
those 2 species and Artocarpus camansi)
2. Presence of causal organisms
3. A favorable environment for infestation
Source compost
Compost type: Vermicompost and Understanding the relationships between these three components
thermophilic is central to the success of pest and disease management programs.
Compost source: On-site, locally
produced and store bought
Organic farmers have long claimed on bush beans and eggplants, and aphids
Extraction that plants grown with organic amend- (Myzus persicae) on cabbages at low
Method: Aerated, Growing Solutions ments are much more resistant to insect application rates.(Arancon et al. 2007).
100 gal pests and diseases than plants grown with Yardim etal. (2006) reported the suppres-
Ratio by volume: 10: 1 synthetic inorganic fertilizers. Scientific sion of tomato hornworms and cucumber
Brewing time: 24 hours literature provides evidence that specific beetles by solid vermicomposts in the
Supplements: fish hydrosylate, kelp, insect attacks are suppressed by vari- field and in greenhouse experiments.
Growing Solutions booster ous forms of organic amendments. For The use of aqueous extracts from
instance, reports have demonstrated composts and vermicomposts shows
Application that field applications of composts can potential to suppress a number of pests
suppress attacks by pests such as aphids and diseases on certain plants. This is
Method: Soil Sprench, foliar and scales (Culliney and Pimentel, 1986; not surprising because composts and
Coverage: 66-100gal/acre
Frequency: Once per week Yardim and Edwards, 1998; Huelsman et vermicomposts have already demon-
al., 2000). strated such suppressions. These extracts,
Observed benefits Vermicomposts, are produced by commonly called teas, have been fully
mesophilic decomposition and stabiliza- described in the previous chapters. One
Not much observable differences in our tion of organic matter by certain earth- of their notable characteristics is that
mature trees. The soil layer sometimes
shows colonies of fungal fruiting
worms and microorganism. They have chemical and biological components are
bodies that were not observed prior to been shown to increase plant growth and largely inherent from the parent mate-
application, but this may not be directly yield in addition to suppressing key pests rial. Their effects on growth of plants
linked to tea (see page 34.) and diseases of horticultural plants in the and degree of suppression on pests and
greenhouse and in field soils. Arancon diseases could vary greatly depending
Advice and Edwards (2004) and Arancon et al. on the characteristics of the parent
(2005) showed that solid vermicomposts material. This chapter shows conditions
Use simple recipes for large volume
applications. If you cannot make your produced significant suppression of where vermicompost teas successfully
compost on site, you need an affordable mealy bug infestation (Pseudococcus sp.) suppressed certain pests and diseases. We
source for quality compost. on cucumbers and tomatoes, two-spotted will also attempt to include the mecha-
spider mite attacks (Tetranychus urticae) nisms behind these suppressions.

40 Tea Time in the Tropics 41
Arancon Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

Suppression of plant pathogens by vermicompost teas

Preparation of Teas Root Pathogen Experiments Root Pathogen Experiments Results

The greenhouse experimental treat- The soil pathogens, crop plants, and Nearly all of the test concentration measured by growth of foliage such as
ments consisted of three concentrations pathogen inoculum density, used for each of vermicompost teas suppressed all leaf areas or heights. A typical scenario of
of aqueous vermicompost extract: 5%, pathogen-plant combination are sum- root pathogens with the exception of 5% increased in plant growth parameters was
10% and 20%. Their effects on plant marized in Table 4.1. All of the drench vermicompost tea on Rhizoctonia solani demonstrated by Phytophthora capsici
pathogens were compared with those of treatments were applied to 4 replicate inoculation on cucumbers (Table 4.1). inoculated cucumber seedlings that
a deionized water control. The vermi- 10-cm diameter pots, each sown with The suppression of these pathogens is received vermicompost tea applications
compost aqueous extracts were produced either 8 tomato or 8 cucumber seeds and usually associated better plant growth as (Figure 4.1).
in the Growing Solutions System 10TM thinned out to produce 4 plants per pot.
Teas were applied as soil drenches (5%, Table 4.1. Suppression of root pathogens on tomatoes and cucumbers using a range of vermicompost teas.
Compost Brewing Equipment (Growing
10%, 20% and a deionized water control),
Solutions, Inc. Oregon), with a maxi- up to the field capacity of the medium, Root Pathogen Inoculum Density Suppressive Tea Concentrations
mum capacity of 37.5L. A 20% aqueous at sowing and weekly intervals thereaf-
vermicompost solution was prepared by ter, until harvesting. Pots were arranged Tomato Cucumber
suspending a mesh container with 7.5L on greenhouse benches in a completely
of food waste vermicompost in 30L of randomized design. The numbers of Fusarium oxysporum 108 spores in 5 ml water drenched 5%, 10%, 20% --
water. This was extracted for 24h whilst seedlings emerging were recorded. Roots onto media
aerating continually. The 20% aqueous were washed and rated for root pathogen
extract was diluted to 10% v:v or 5% damage severity using a 5 point scale (0 Phytophthora capsici 108 sporangia in 5 ml water 5%, 10%, 20% 5%, 10%, 20%
v:v (tea : deionized water) for use in the no damage 5 total damage). The final drenched onto media
experiments. The vermicompost aqueous dry weights of aboveground tissues and
roots were determined after oven-drying Rhizoctonia solani 0.1% (v:v) Rhizoctonia cultured 5%, 10%, 20% 10%, 20%
extracts were used within 24h of prepara- ground rice inoculum
tion to minimize any loss of microbial at 55 0C for 72 hours. Leaf areas were
measured on a Licor leaf area meter.
activity. The 5%, 10% and 20% aqueous Pythium ultimum 0.1% (v:v) Pythium potato-soil 5%, 10%, 20% 5%, 10%, 20%
vermicompost extracts and a deionized inoculum
water control were applied as drenches to
bring the growth medium at field capac-
ity (Metro Mix 360) at sowing, and at
weekly intervals thereafter.

Figure 4.1. Mean plant heights of cucumbers attacked by Phytophthora capsici (Means
Rhizoctonia S.E.). Columns with different letters are significantly different (p 0.05). Plants were grown
Photo: Norman Arancon in MM360 with all needed nutrients supplied (Edwards et al. 2011a)

42 Tea Time in the Tropics 43

Arancon Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

Foliar Pathogen Experiment Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Nematodes

Tomato or cucumber plants were days. Densities of inoculation for each
grown in the greenhouse in Metro Mix foliar pathogen are summarized in Table Arthropod Pests
360, a soilless sphagnum peat moss-based 4.2.
plant growth media, and inoculated with Similar to the patterns of root patho- We report significant suppression 100ml/plant (field capacity) weekly for
plant pathogens: Plectosporium tabaci- gens suppressions, foliar pathogens were of plant parasitic nematodes, by soil 2 weeks, were compared with those
num, Botrytis cinerea, Verticillium wilt suppressed on tomatoes and cucumbers drenches of aqueous extracts teas of deionized water, in the suppres-
Scleretonia rolfsii.The range of vermicom- after applications of teas extracted from produced from food waste vermi- sion of cucumber beetles and tobacco
post teas and the control deionized water food waste vermicomposts (Table 4.2). All composts, (Edwards et al 2007) and hornworm. The plants were grown in
treatments were sprayed on to the crop of the concentrations: 5%, 10% and 20% of above-ground foliar pests by soil cages, (40cm x 40cm x 40cm) ( 0.2 mm
foliage until run off, one day before, and suppressed significantly the test patho- drenches of aqueous extracts (teas) ( mesh) in the greenhouse, and eight
seven and fourteen days after inoculating gens compared with those plants that Edwards et al 2010 a and b). cucumber beetles were released on to
plants with the foliar plant pathogens. only received deionized water treatments. four cucumber plants per cage or eight
Greenhouses were maintained at 25 0C The suppression of these pathogens was Series 1 Vermicompost teas were tobacco hornworms were released on
and more than 75% relative humidity to also associated with increases in plant prepared using the procedure to four tomato plants per cage.
provide optimal conditions for infection growth such as those shown by the mean mentioned earlier from food waste-
by the pathogens. The numbers of lesions leaf areas of tomatoes attacked by Botrytis based vermicomposts, and were used Series 2 Tomatoes and cucumber
per leaf and percentage leaf area with cinerea and after applications of vermi- to assess the effects on populations seedlings were germinated and grown
disease symptoms were recorded after 14 compost teas. and damage by cucumber beetles for 4 weeks in 25cm diameter pots,
(A. vittatum) to cucumber plants containing a soil-less growth medium
Table 4.2 .Inoculation densities and suppression of foliar pathogens on tomatoes and cucumbers using a
range of vermicompost teas (Cucumis sativa), the caterpillars MM 360 and thinned to four plants
of tobacco hornworm (M. sexta) to per pot. They were placed under mesh
tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculen- cages (40cm x 40cm x 40cm) (0.2mm
Folial Pathogen Inoculum Density Suppressive Tea Concentrations tum).The effects of vermicompost tea mesh aperture), with one pot contain-
soil drenches applied at dilutions of ing four plants in each treatment cage.
Tomato Cucumber 5%, 10% and 20% applied at about At germination, plants were treated
Plectosporium tabacinum 104 water 5%, 10%, 20% 5%, 10%, 20%

Botrytis cinerea 105 water 5%, 10%, 20% 5%, 10%, 20%

Scleretonia rolfsii 103 water 5%, 10%, 20% 5%, 10%, 20%

Figure 4.2. Mean

leaf areas of
tomatoes attacked
by Botrytis cinerea
(Experiment 4)
(Means S.E.).
Columns with
different letters
are significantly
different (p 0.05).
Plants were grown
in MM360 with all
needed nutrients
supplied. (Edwards
et al. 2011a)
Striped cucumber beetle photo: ARS Scott Bauer

44 Tea Time in the Tropics 45

Arancon Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

with soil drenches of 5%, 10%, or 20% application concentrations of the aque-
vermicompost extract or a deionized ous extracts made both tomatoes and
water control, to bring the medium cucumber plants much less attractive for
to field capacity, and thereafter at feeding. The highest application concen-
weekly intervals. A complete Peters tration of 20% aqueous extract tea had
Professional Nutrient Solution was major impacts on the extent of infesta-
applied weekly to all plants. In each tion. In a number of the experiments
experiment, eight cucumber beetles even the 5% extracts made the plants
or eight tobacco hornworms were relatively unattractive to the pests.
released onto the leaves of cucumber The weekly soil drenches of vermi-
or tomatoes in each cage (i.e. two pests compost extracts applied to the soil-less
per test plant). All treatments were medium in which the plants grew, must
replicated four times per pest experi- also have interfered with the reproduc-
ment, in a randomized complete block tion patterns of the green peach aphids,
design. Numbers of pests were counted citrus mealy bugs and two spotted spider
and damage rated (0-none to 5-total) mites, since the increased rates of appli-
on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14 after cation of aqueous vermicompost extracts
the release of pests into the cages. decreased the rates of reproduction of all
three pests. A typical scenario is shown
Series 3 In another series of green- in Figure 4.3 in which the number of Figure 4.3. Effects of a range of aqueous vermicompost extracts or deionized water
(control) on green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) numbers on tomatoes. All needed
house experiments three species aphids decreased significantly in 5%, nutrients were supplied. Differences in means were significant at day 14. (P 0.05).
of arthropod pest; peach aphids 10%, and 20% vermicompost tea applica-
(Myzus persicae), citrus mealy bugs tions. The numbers of pests leveled off or
(Planococcus citri) and two-spotted decreased particularly in response to the
spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) higher application rates of extracts.
were caged over tomato and cucumber Finally, there was consistent evidence
plants grown in MM360 to which that the higher application rates of
a range of aqueous extracts (teas) vermicompost extracts caused the pests Table 4.3. Suppression of striped cucumber beetles, tobacco hornworms, peach aphids, citrus mealy bugs,
from food waste vermicomposts were to either leave the plants or die, since and two-spotted spider mites on tomatoes and cucumbers using drench treatments of vermicompost teas.
applied as soil drenches ( Edwards et overall numbers of the pests on the
al 2009a). The designs of the experi- crops decreased significantly with time Suppressive Tea
Pest Host Plant
ments were similar to those used with in response to these higher application Concentrations
tobacco hornworms on tomatoes rates of vermicompost aqueous extracts.
Striped cucumber beetles
and striped cucumber beetles on In Figure 4.3, the numbers of aphids Cucumber 5%, 10%, 20%
(Acalymma vittatum)
cucumbers, except that 100 pests (25 decreased with time after application of
per plant) were released into each cage 10% and 20% vermicompost teas. Tobacco hornworms
instead of 8 pests. Tomato 5%, 10%, 20%
(Manduca quinquemaculata)
Results on Arthropod Pests
The overall effects of the teas on both
numbers and damage by all of these pests Peach aphids Cucumber and Tomato 5%, 10%, 20%
were dramatic, significant and consistent (Myzus persicae),
on both tomatoes, and cucumbers.
Weekly applications of aqueous Citrus mealy bugs
extracts or teas to tomatoes and cucum- Cucumber and Tomato 5%, 10%, 20%
(Planococcus citri)
bers as soil drenches, had three major
effects on the arthropod pests. Two-spotted spider mites 5%, 10%, 20%
Firstly, since the pests in the experi- Cucumber and Tomato
(Tetranychus urticae)
mental cages had a free choice to infest
any of the test plants, it seems that all
Photo: Norman Arancon

46 Tea Time in the Tropics 47

Arancon Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

Nematode Pests
Series 4 For the nematode experi- cultures maintained on tomato plants.
ments, 6-week-old tomatoes and Thirty days after infestation, soil
newly-germinated cucumber seed- was removed from the pots to assess
lings were used. Drench treatments the extent of root damage and the
of 5%, 10%, 20% food waste vermi- numbers of root galls. The washed
compost teas or a control deionized roots were rated for numbers of root
water treatment were applied at knot galls and the numbers of galls
transplanting for tomatoes and 7 days per unit wet weight of roots assessed.
after germination for cucumber, and The suppression of arthropod pests
every two weeks thereafter. Ten thou- and nematodes on tomatoes and
sand eggs of M. hapla were added to cucumber are summarized in Table
each pot in suspension in deionized 4.4.
water. The eggs were collected from
Table 4.4. Suppression of nematodes on tomatoes and cucumbers using drench treatments of
vermicompost teas.
Figure 4.4. Mean leaf areas of tomato plants grown in MM360 and received all needed nutrients
infested with Meloidgyne hapla and treated with soil drenches of vermicompost teas (mean
S.E.) columns with different letters significantly different (p 0.05)

Suppressive Tea
Pest Host Plant Concentrations
Tomato 5%, 10%, 20%
Meloidogyne hapla
Cucumber 10%, 20%
Meloidogyne hapla

Nematode Pests Results

All of the three application rates of food vermicompost teas were spectacular
waste vermicompost teas increased The higher the concentration of
the shoot weights of tomato plants vermicompost tea the less was the
significantly (p 0.05), compared with response of the tomato plant to the
the deionized water control. The three nematode; which demonstrates clearly
vermicompost tea application rates all the dramatic suppression of the nema-
increased mean leaf areas significantly (p tode populations and damage by the
0.05) (Figure 4.5) compared with the vermicomposts..
deionized water control. The growth of The numbers of nematode root knot
tomato plants inoculated with M. hapla galls on tomato plants in response to
and treated with a range of vermicom- the vermicompost tea applications are
posts or 20% thermophilic compost are illustrated in Figures 6. The suppression
illustrated in Figure 4.6. The differences of the nematode galls in response to Figure 4.5. A comparison of tomato plants infested with Meloidogyne hapla and treated with
thermophilic compost teas or a range of food waste vermicompost teas. Plants were grown in MM360
in tomato plant growth between treat- application of the vermicompost teas with all needed nutrients supplied.
Photo: Norman Arancon
ments, especially in response to the was extremely dramatic and significant (p

48 Tea Time in the Tropics 49

Author Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

0.05) and led to considerable increases Since the roots of the plants grown with The numbers of galls on the cucumber roots and fresh shoot weights significantly (p
in tomato growth. Clearly, the effects of ionized water were so small compared (Figure4. 7) were decreased significantly 0.05). However, all three applications of food
the food waste vermicompost teas on the with those receiving vermicompost teas (p 0.05) by the 10% and 20% application waste vermicompost teas increased fresh
suppression of M. hapla damage were the data were expressed as numbers of rates of food waste vermicompost teas root weights significantly compared with
dramatic, and so was the suppression galls per gram of roots (wet weight) but compared with the water control (p 0.05). the water controls (p 0.05). In terms of the
of the number of galls on the tomato the size of the roots is a more relevant Similarly, only the 10% and 20% tea applica- heights of the cucumbers plants (Figure 18)
roots which are illustrated in Figure 4.6. index of the overall damage. tions increased mean leaf areas. Only the all of the three application rates (5%, 10%,
10% and 20% food waste vermicompost tea and 20%) increased the mean heights of the
applications increased cucumber leaf areas cucumber plants significantly.

Figure 6. Mean numbers of Meloidgyne hapla galls (mean S.E.) on tomato roots infested Figure 7. Mean numbers of Meloidgyne hapla galls (mean S.E.) on cucumber roots infested with
with the nematodes and treated with soil drenches of vermicompost teas columns with the nematode And treated with soil drenches of vermicompost teas or deionized water grown in
different letters significantly different (p 0.05). All plants grown in MM360 and received MM360 and received all needed nutrients
all needed nutrients.

50 Tea Time in the Tropics 51

Arancon Suppression of Arthropod Pests and Diseases

Mechanisms of Suppression

Several theories have been proposed a microbial community structure rather differential availability of mineral nutri- correlated positively with the extent of
to explain the tolerance of some crops than a single species (Boulter et al 2002). ents to plants or on changes in the balance insect feeding. Conversely, inadequate
against infestation of pests and diseases. Effective disease antagonists that may of available nutrient elements, which nitrogen availability can increase rates of
They usually result in complex interac- occur in composts include Trichoderma could affect aspects of plant morphology consumption of plant tissues by insects,
tions between the major factors involved hamatum, Flavobacterium balustinum, and physiology in ways that could render thereby causing even more damage to
the growth and development of plants. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. fiuorecens, plants more resistant to pest attacks crop plants (Hamilton and Moran, 1980).
These include availability of mineral P. putida, P. stutzeri, Xanthomonas (Patriquin et al., 1995; Fox and Macauley, Products of nitrogen metabolism, such
nutrition and its sources, physiological maltophilia, Janthinobacterium lividum, 1977; Prestidge and McNeill, 1983). Some as amino acids have also been linked to
and morphological changes of plants as Enterobacter cloacae, E. agglomerans, of the changes in plant characteristics increased insect pest attacks on plants.
affected by mineral nutrition and the Bacillus cereus, B. mycoides, and affected by organic or inorganic nutrition, For instance, large amounts of amino
eventual changes of the feeding behaviors B. subtilis (Hoitink and Fahy 1986, are their growth patterns such as the onset acids stimulated the growth and fecundity
of the pests and pathogens infesting the Dowling et al 1996, OSullivan & OGara of senescence, thickness and degree of of some herbivorous insects (Prestidge
plants. The fecundity of these pests and 1992, Shanahan et al 1992). Several lignification of the epidermal cells, sugar and McNeill, 1983). Wilson and Stinner
pathogens could also be affected by the of these microorganisms can induce concentrations in the apoplats, amino-N (1984) suggested that decreased infesta-
changes in the diversity and population of systemic resistance to plant disease in phloem sap, and levels of secondary tions by aphids were due to poor assimi-
other microorganisms resulting from the (Han et al 2000, Krause et al 2003). plant compounds (Patriquin et al., 1995). lation of ureide N by pests. Additionally,
addition of a variety of sources of organic Alfano et al (2007) demonstrated that Plants grown in soils with high levels variations in the nutritional status of plant
matter. systemic resistance induced in tomato by of N resulted in larger infestations of tissues other than N, might influence pest
The production of teas from vermi- Trichoderma hamatum 382 was linked cabbageworms, diamondback moths and resistance, or result in increased suscep-
composts can multiply both soil-dwelling to the up-regulation of genes for several thrips, promoted faster development of tibility to insect attacks, due to deficien-
and epiphytic microbial populations that different stress-related proteins. A diverse aphids (Dixon, 1969) and production of cies of K, Ca, Bo, Zn and Si (Patriquin et
can suppress plant pathogens. Several array of bacteria and several fungi have larger lepidopteran larvae (House, 1965). al.,1995).
mechanisms of specific suppression been identified that can significantly Fox and Macauley (1977) suggested that The use of organic amendments
by vermicompost and vermicompost suppress pathogens. Some Suppressive amounts of N in a plant can often be provide a more balanced and better timed
teas have been proposed, including (a) properties include secretion of: hydrolytic
destruction of pathogen propagules; (b) enzymes that attack pathogen membranes
prevention of propagule germination; (e.g. chitinase, protease, -1,3, glucanase);
(c) antibiosis; (d) hyperparasitism; (e) iron-chelating siderophores that limit
competition for nutrients; or (f) compe- the availability of iron for the growth
tition for infection sites (Stone et al., of pathogens; cyanide; and antibiotics
2004). In practice there is probably is a (Mazzola 2002).
combination of multiple effects, includ- It is also important to note that
ing competition for nutrients, antibiosis, vermicomposts are produced through
extracellular enzymes and parasitism, mesophilic rather than thermophilic
acting directly on the pathogens in the process which may offer a totally different
bulk soil or the rhizosphere, or indi- set of microbial community than those
rectly through host-mediated induced of traditional composts. Hence, their
resistance (Noble & Coventry 2005). The suppressive qualities of these materials
other type of suppression is a general and its aqueous extracts may differ within
suppression which cannot be linked specific crops and pests and would surely
any individual organism. A wide range require further investigation. Compost
of aerobic organisms may be involved, qualities are also dependent largely on the
and a range of population effects may source of organic material from which
lead to suppression of plant pathogens. they are produced and it is inevitable that
However, it is difficult to determine the the suppressive properties can also vary.
exact suppression mechanisms since a Decreased infestations of insects Tomato with Rhizoctonia Photo: Norman Arancon
compost, or vermicomposts, represents on plants are usually based on either

52 Tea Time in the Tropics 53


source of nutrition for plant growth, the breakdown of dead and decaying Brew Master -5
through gradual decomposition of the plant materials (Edwards and Heath1963;
organic matter by microorganisms, and Heath and Edwards1964). Asami et al. Faith, Tio and Keola Tuipulotu
slower mineralization rates of nutrients (2003) reported that the total phenolic
that it contains (Pascual et al., 1997; contents were significantly higher in mari- Tuipulotu Farm
Zink and Allen, 1998; Patriquin et al., on berries, strawberries, and corn plants Hoolehua, Hawaii
1995). Vermicomposts, as an organic grown organically than in those grown
amendment, can usually provide plants with inorganic fertilizers. An endogenous
with a balanced source of nutrients and phenoloxidase has been obtained from Type of Operation: Certified Organic
influence the composition and physiol- an earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus, that Years using compost tea: 9 weeks
ogy of plants. Our results demonstrate is sometimes used to produce vermicom- Apply tea to: Papaya
that use of vermicomposts in the potting posts. This phenoloxidase can bioacti-
medium had considerable influences on vate compounds to form toxic phenols, Source compost
the intensity of attacks and damage by suchasp-nitrophenol (Parketal.1996). Compost type: Vermicompost
aphids, mealy bugs and imported cabbage Polychlorinated phenols and their metab- Compost source: Wonder Worm (OMRI listed
butterfly. Vermicomposts teas could olites have been reported from a range of
have provided some essential nutrient soils containing earthworms (Knuutinen Extraction
elements, that are not available in inor- et al. 1990). Vinken etal.(2005) found that Method: Aerated, Hakko pump, HK 80
ganic fertilizers, and these could either monameric phenols could be absorbed Ratio by volume:1:20
have increased the plants resistance to by humic acids in the gut of earthworms. Supplements: We use 4 cups of worm casting,
pests or made the plants less palatable to In another study, Koul (2008) identified blood meal, or fish bone meal to 5 gals. of water
the pests. phenolics as insect anti-feedants in a and 2 tablespoons molasses and kelp to 5 gal. of
A number of plant metabolites have review on these and other chemicals. It water.
been identified as compounds that can has also been shown that sprays of phenols
deter pests and pathogens from infesting and phenolic acids extracted from gingko
plants. The enzyme chitinase has been plants were as effective in controlling Method: Dosatron drip irrigation lines
reported to be present in vermicom- attacks by caterpillars, as the use of several Coverage: 50 gal/acre
posts (Hahn 2001) and it is feasible that pesticides approved for use against these Frequency: Once a week and usually after
this could affect arthropod pest molting. pests(QiTian 2004). Haukioja etal.(2002)
However, this enzyme has never been reported that phenolics in plant tissues
reported in the literature to have any decreased the rates of consumption of Observed benefits
effects on pests, although it does appear to tissues by a geometrid caterpillar Epirrita I dont know if Im imagining this but, we started
have some influence on plant pathogens. autumnata. These results all point to the using compost tea the 1st week, 2nd week, 3rd
There is unlikely to be a mechanism by probability that water-soluble phenols, week then stopped the 4th week and the powdery
which microorganisms might be taken up extracted from the vermicompost during mildew infested the 1 acre. We started applying
into the tissues of plants and could thereby the brewing process and taken up by compost tea in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th week and
influence arthropod pest feeding. Hence, plants from soil receiving drenches of the powdery mildew hasnt come back into the
the most likely way in which vermicom- vermicompost aqueous extracts, is the field.
posts and similar organic materials may most likely mechanisms by which vermi-
inhibit attack by arthropod pests on the compost aqueous extracts can suppress Advice
foliage and fruits of crop plants, is to pest attacks. A similar mechanism would Gather as much information as you can and see
change the arthropods feeding responses. account for the suppression of arthropod what works best for you and your crops.
It is well known that phenolic substances pests by solid vermicomposts (Arancon
are distasteful to secondary invertebrate and Edwards 2004; Aranconetal.2005).
decomposers in soil systems and inhibit

54 Tea Time in the Tropics 55

? FA ?
? FA Q ?
Q ?
FA Asked Question
Frequently ? FA Q
FA Q :
? FA
? FA
Q Results
? FA
Q ?
Does it Work?
? A
Compost tea had inconsistant effects on pineapple crown survival. Heart rot

? Q ?
in the activated and unactivated vermicompost tea treated crowns was simi-

Researchers: B. S. Sipes, G. Taniguchi, and T. Radovich (citation) lar to the untreated control in 73-50 plants (Fig. 1 and Table 1). The activated

Q ?
vermicopost tea treatment was similar to the BTH treatment in hybrid 73-114

A and there may be unexpected FA

(Fig. 2) whereas the unactivated tea behaved similar to the untreated control
NotF Q
Q ? A
(Fig. 2). The vermicompost teas did not control heart rot, especially in 73-50.
always, results.

F nicotianae var. nicotianae F Q

Qand other spe- ?
BTH provided early control of heart rot and gave lower levels of plant loss

? pineapple.
cies, is a serious and widespread disease encounteredA
Heart rot caused by Phytophthora

Control is achieved by moderating soil F

and the use of?
in the production of

pesticides. Although Aliette is an effective, environmentallyF

pH, providing drainage,
compared to the untreated pineapple. Vermicompost teas did not provide

? F
sufficient control of heart rot in pineapple. BTH may be useful when disease
pressure is not great or environmental conditions are not favorable to heart

of this research was to determine the? FA Q ?

rot. Aliette continues to provide excellent control of heart rot.

Q ?
safe, and inexpensive pesticide, alternatives are desirable. The objective
FAacibenzolar-S-methyl ?
efficacy of vermicompost teas and

Q ?
(BTH) in protecting pineapple from heart rot caused

by P. nicotianae var. nicotianae. Untreated

? Q ?

Fnicotianae nursery. Treatments FA Ac6vated Tea

Q ?
Materials and Methods

? A

Crown death (%)

A test was established in a P. nicotianae var.

Q ?

were an untreated control, drenches of aqueous extracts of vermicompost

(equal to 2.3 mt/ha, 10:1 v/v water:compost, delivered in 500 ml/crown)

? Q ?


with (activated) and without microbial enhancer (see chapter 2), a BTH (100

FA 10Planttimes. was recorded weekly beginning 3 weeks after planting and ?

ppm) dip, and a fosetyl-Al (Aliette 3 g/l) dip. Each treatment was replicated
0.3 Tea

Figure B1. Death of
death A
Plots were irrigated immediately after planting and then weekly. 0.2

Fthrough Q
pineapple hybrid 73-

A Q 50 from Phytophthora

continuing to 12 weeks after planting. Cumulative plant death was
F treatment means were Q
Qseparated ?

? A
analyzed for variance. Where appropriate, 0

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

F Q ?
with a Waller-Duncan k-ratio t test (k=100).

Weeks a2er plan5ng

F A Figure 1. Death of pineapple hybrid 73-50 from Phytophthora nico-anae.

? Q ?

A Q FA 0.9

Q ?
Table B Pineapple crown death (percent) from heart rot 12 weeks after planting in two


low-acid cultivars treated with vermicompost teas. as SAR inducer (BHT) or Aliette.

Q ?
Ac6vated Tea


Untreated F A F Q

Crown death (%)


? 73-114 59 a 33 b 61 a F 34 b 14 c AQ

Tea BTH Aliette



66 x ? 55 y FA
Q ?
0.3 Tea

Q ?
Figure B2. Death of
Q ?
73-50 68 x 53 y 24 z 0.2

pineapple hybrid 73-

114 from Phytophthora
Numbers in a row with the same letter are not different (P>0.05).



? Q ? A
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Weeks a2er plan5ng

? Q ?
Figure 2. Death of pineapple hybrid 73-114 from Phytophthora nico-anae.

? FA
Q ? Q57
56 Tea Time in the Tropics
? A FA
Brew Master # 6
Chapter V - History, Trends, and Outlook;
Erin Lee, An industry perspective
Hualalai Resort, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Michael Alms

User Profile Extraction

Type of Operation: Resort Method: Aerated, Growing Solutions 100 gal History
Years using compost tea: 12 Ratio by volume: 50: 1 Compost tea has a long history and manufactured and released to the market
Apply tea to: Ornamental plants: trees, Brewing time: 24 hours has been used in many different forms. was the Microb-Brewer 50g, a 50 gallon
particularly if they seem compromised; Supplements: Always use a catalyst Almost every major agricultural region compost tea machine. Soon to follow were
interior quality palms and foliage; turf, at recommended rate, sometimes use in the world extracted compost into a 12 gallon and 500 gallon versions designed
groundcovers, and shrubs. molasses 1 qt/100 gal liquid for the same reasons we do today; and manufactured under the same patent.
to apply the beneficial components of The Microb-Brewer quickly moved
Source compost Application compost with less labor, less energy and into many sectors of agriculture including
Compost type: Thermophilic Method: Drench, foliar spray more readily available (bio-available) small and large scale farming operations,
Compost source: On-site Coverage: 100 gal/15,000 sq ft nutrients and organic compounds than greenhouse and horticulture production
Compost feedstock: Foliage, grass Frequency: We brew and use daily, the solid material. There are historical facilities and some early adopters within
clippings, leaves, chipped branches rotating areas of application. references to the use of liquid compost municipal greenspace markets. As with
in leading agricultural centers such as any emerging technology market, new
Observed benefits Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Mayan and competition was arriving on the scene
We observe increase plant vigor, ability to withstand environmental stress and better Polynesian cultures. While produc- offering various iterations of the original
resistance to insect infestations. tion methods varied depending on the Microb-Brewer. At this stage, the Microb-
climate, compost feed stocks, or crops, Brewer and the new arrivals were primar-
Advice the end goal was the same; These early ily designed as re-circulation devices and
Keep doing it; make compost brewing a behavior. Keep compost dampened during storage adopters were providing a biologically classed as aerobic compost tea machines.
to keep the microbial organisms active and keep the brewing machine clean by thoroughly rich and nutrient dense solution for their Re-circulation was utilized to bring air
hosing down all parts. We use compost tea as an added amenity in addition to our fertilizing crops. in contact with the tea solution and ulti-
and IPM program for our custom estate and residential landscaping contracts. We also use it Fast forward to modern times, in mately diffuse oxygen throughout the
to establish new plantings in our hotel and residential properties. Photo: Erin Lee January 1997 the compost tea industry holding tank.
was officially formed in the
United States. Shifting from
a wide range of on-farm and
home-made compost extrac-
tion devices to commercially
produced machines; the compost
tea industry was underway.
The first machines to enter the
market were officially branded
as Microb-Brewers and were
produced, and marketed, by a
small company in Oregon called
Growing Solutions Incorporated.
Mr. Karl Rubenberger owned
the US Patent for these units and The first commercial compost tea brewers,
named Growing Solutions as the manufactured by Growing Solutions, became available
North American manufactur- in 1997. Early brewers primarily used recirculation to
ing licensee. The first unit to be aerate the tea solution.

58 Tea Time in the Tropics 59

2001 / New Technology
2001 saw a revolutionary design
change in commercial brewers. Aeration
by recirculation gave way to aeration
by bubble diffusion. This technology
had been developed for the wastewater
treatment industry 25 years prior and
proved to be a very suitable method
to provide both oxygen and thorough
mixing, by way of air bubbles. Growing
Solutions integrated this technology into
their patented compost tea system design.
Within a year, various versions replicating
Fine Bubble Diffusion appeared on the
market driving commercial competition
and further establishing a basis for a new
(Photo courtesy of Growing Solutions)

Microbial Nutrient Sources

Another area of new and constantly evolving idea, are the use of nutrient
sources, or additives, as food for the reproduction of microorganisms during the
compost tea extraction process. While the science community is still adjourned
on the matter, the private sector continues to forge ahead with their own set of
field experiments using various ingredients to produce the ultimate compost tea.
Currently, there are three basic schools of thought in regards to the use of supple-
mental foods:

No additives whatsoever. The compost tea is simply produced as a

pure extraction of the source compost without any additional food Compost
ingredients. Regardless of the compost tea machine you are
Food resources used are in the form of simple sugars such as molas- using, the source compost is the number one
ses, pure cane sugar, etc. driver of the final compost tea quality. How
Food resources used are comprised of complex carbohydrates such as well engineered the compost tea machine is
starches, botanical extracts, etc. whether commercially produced or home-
made, or how highly complex your food
This is an area of controversy within the science community, regulatory agen- resources may be the end result of compost
cies and the private sector. The primary concern is food safety revolving around tea always is directly correlated to the source
the use of simple sugars as food resources for the microbial population, as this compost quality. See page xx in chapter 1 for
could potentially promote reproduction of human, or plant pathogens. As the
details on selecting the source compost.
industry evolves, safety protocols and standards will come into place allowing for (Photo courtesy of Growing Solutions)
quality compost tea production without risk to people or the crop.

60 Tea Time in the Tropics 61

Application Methods
As the industry continues
to expand in the aforemen-
tioned sectors, the ability to
apply compost tea cost-
effectively, with success-
ful results, is a compelling
issue to address. The biggest
challenge our industry faces
is the re-engineering of ap-
plication equipment that
Markets was originally designed for
In 1997 the primary use of compost tea soluble chemicals and fertil-
was for agricultural crops, mainly in the izers. While this is certainly
young and burgeoning organic industry. a surmountable task, it is a
Today the use has spread into many new significant shift in traditional
markets, some of which were unexpected. tooling. A combination of
Compost tea is used in a wide range of input from end-users in the
applications including municipal parks, field, application equipment
sports fields, schools and botanical gar- suppliers and manufacturer
dens as a viable alternative to conventional engineering teams all need
fertilizer programs. While not all of these to work together to offer cost
market have verifiable scientific evidence effective solutions that will
pertaining to compost teas value, there is perform in the field.
a wealth of supporting anecdotal evidence Methods shown from top to
in favor of its use. bottom: greenhouse sprayer;
boom sprayer; center pivot; nozzle
Clockwise from top: Keyser Stadium, San options; hand sprayer.
Francisco; cyclamen, Bellingham, WA; pineapple, (Photos courtesy of Growing
Maui, Hawaii; Harding Golf Course, San Francisco. Solutions, photo lower right: Erin
(Photos: cyclamens courtesy of Sound Horticulture, Lee)
other photos courtesy of Growing Solutions)

62 Tea Time in the Tropics 63

Alms History, Trends and Outlook

Future Outlook
Our industry has many success stories provide the disease suppression and Areas for Further Research
across a wide range of compost tea uses. growth enhancement that growers have
Home gardeners to 5000 acre farms observed. The availability of micronutri- Soil Remediation
have realized teas benefits. Attributes of ents and organic compounds is a compel-
Well-structured soils promote root health and active growth by maximizing
compost tea include optimum delivery ling reason to implement a compost water and oxygen availability and minimizing compaction, which slows root
of micronutrients and bio-available tea program. Please see chapters three penetration. Biological activity of microorganisms, contributes significantly
organic compounds. Additionally, a host and four for more information on this to soil aggregation. The biological fraction of compost tea to improve soil
of beneficial microorganisms found in research. profiles is an area that has been identified for increased investigation.
quality compost tea provide the mechan- Looking forward, three new applica-
ics of creating soil structure that results tions for compost tea are of particular Water conservation
in greater oxygen exchange and increased interest due to their direct impact on It has generally been accepted by the science community that increasing soil
water holding capacity. the environment and food quality. These organic matter has a positive correlation with water holding capacity. While
Compost tea production is a relatively include soil remediation, water conserva- historically the use of high quality compost has offered this benefit as a soil
young industry. Researchers are just tion and nutrient-dense food production. amendment, there are reports within the industry of similar results with the
now investigating the mechanisms that use of compost tea.

Food quality
The use of compost tea in food production systems can improve the nutrient
status of the plant. This in turn can impact the primary and secondary
metabolites that contribute to human nutritional value and flavor.

64 Tea Time in the Tropics 65


References and Resources

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Fertility of Soils 24 (4), 429434. Magdoff, F. and R. R. Weil. 131-177. CRC Press LLC, be available within the community so check with farmers in your area.
Patriquin, D.G., Baines, D., Abboud, A., 1995. Diseases, Boca Raton, Florida
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2004. Research on prevention and elimination of northwest. BioCycle 41, 74-77. 920-251-0333 1-866-558-0990
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2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol from a fluorescent tomato hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata) and
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68 Tea Time in the Tropics 69

A Fusarium oxysporum 43 Plectosporium tabacinum
aerated 12, 20, 25, 29, 30, 44
32, 6 G Pythium ultimum 43
anti-oxidants 32 gibberelic acid 25
application concentration glucosinolates 32 R
42, 43, 45, 47 growth media 32, 34 ratio of compost 42, 43
application frequency 29, research 42
42, 46 H Rhizoctonia solani 43
application methods humate 25 root knot galls 46
drench 35, 42, 47 root pathogens 43
drip 26 M
spray 16 microbial enhancers 16, S
sprench 40 26, 29 Scleretonia rolfsii 44
arthropod pests 46 microbial population 31, soil biological properties 34
auxins 31 34 supplements 25., 58
mineral nutrients 30, 32, Also See aeration
B 34
Botrytis cinerea 45 T
brewers 16, 20, 25, 73. N tea quality 14, 15, 19, 22, 24,
See aerated and nitrogen 9, 10, 12, 13, 23, 25, 59,
non-aerated 25, 29, 51 thermophilic compost 11,
C non-aerated 20, 25, 32, 65 16, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40,
compost feedstock 48, 50, 73
greenwaste 16 O V
manure 14-15 organic systems 1415 vermicompost 11-13, 23,
compost types. 27-34, 41- 52, 5
Seevermicompost; P Y
See thermophilic pak choi 29 yield 31
curing 9-10, 13 pest suppression
aphids 41, 47
D mealy bugs 41, 47
disease control 41, 42, 43, scales 41
44 spider mite 41
disease suppression 62, striped cucumber beetles
66, 70 47
drench 35, 42, 47 tobacco hornworms 47
tomato hornworm 41
E two spotted spider mites
Extraction Methods. 47
Seeaerated; phenolic compounds 32
See non-aerated phytohormones 31
F phytonutrients 32
fertilizer, synthetic 29, 41 Phytophthora capsici 43
foliar plant pathogens 44 plant growth 31
Frequently Asked Questions plant growth regulators 31
23, 25, 38, 54, 74 plant health 42

70 Tea Time in the Tropics

Compost Tea
Farmers have long known the benefits of compost
application for plant growth and health. While many
growers would like to spread compost frequently,
they are limited by availability, costs and the labor
Compost tea extracts the beneficial components of
compost into a water solution. It is often presented
as either a Silver Bullet, or conversely, Snake Oil.
Like most other traditional agricultural inputs, com-
post tea is neither. There is a lack of clarity regarding
the actuak benefits and limitations of compost tea.
These gaps in our knowledge limit the efficacy of
compost tea applications on the farms that current-
ly employ this strategy, and seriously restrict the ex-
tension and adoption of compost tea technology to
other farms that want to improve the sustainability
of their operations.
The book provides an overview of current research
and practices for the production and use of compost
tea in tropical climates. This book was written for
commercial food producers, home gardeners and
agricultural professionals.

This publication was funded by

Western Sustainable Agriculture

Research and Education Program
of the
United States Department of Agriculture

With additional support from

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

University of Hawaii

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