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Eye hath not seen, nor

MESSENGER ear heard, neither have

entered into the heart of
man, the things which
God hath prepared for
Evangelism Through
Journalism Phone: 044-65145334 | Email: 1 Corinthians 2:9.
Vol. 7, No. 3 JULY, 2010 Price: Rs.2/-
Afghan Christians plead for
help after execution call
A group of
Afghan Christians
living in exile in
India have issued
an ‘urgent’ plea to
the international
community to
help Christians
still living in
following the
recent call for their execution by a government
The letter was issued in June by a community of
150 Afghan converts now living as refugees in New
Delhi because of the threat to their lives in
In the letter they urge Christians around the world
to speak out against the ‘egregious injustices’ and
‘blatant human rights violations’ taking place against
Christians in Afghanistan.
“We left our country because we were sentenced
to death on account of our Christian faith …
Christians are called pagans and infidels and are
sentenced to death by the Afghan Government.
Death penalty is awaiting all those who want to leave
the darkness and come to true light, repent from their
sins, and put their faith on Lord Jesus Christ,” they
Detailed story on Page 3
E-mail: REGIONAL Page 2 | July, 2010

Pray for a people group! THE CHRISTIAN

Lord, call on His Name;
make known among the
nations what He has
FELLOWSHIP INDIA Advertisement Tariff
Per column centimeter: Rs. 50/-
done.” Psalm 105:1 Chennai Chapter (A unit of Businessmen Fellowship International) Book space now for
Tigre: The Tigre are August, 2010 issue
traditionally nomadic
shepherds who live in Call 0-98840 63345 /
Eritrea and northeastern
Sudan. They are 91-44-65145334
distinguished from other
regional peoples by the
fact that they possess hereditary slaves. Most of the
Tigre converted to Islam during the 1800s,
influenced by Muslim Arabs.
Cordially invites you with For Correspondence
Although the Tigre profess to be Sunni Muslims,
most of them practice ‘folk Islam’, which is a blend
your spouse and other 329/4, Poonga Apartments,
of Islam and ethnic beliefs. Their traditional beliefs
include animal sacrifices and rain-making rituals. 16th July business friends for a 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar,
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they think their sins are numerous. The Tigre also 2010, Friday fellowship dinner meeting to Working hours: 10 am to 5 pm,
believe in an evil spirit named Zar, who possesses
people and causes accidents, illnesses, and 7.15 pm share the vision that God has Monday to Saturday
sometimes death. The people depend on shamans given Christian businessmen The purpose of the newspaper
(priests) to cure the sick, communicate with the
le across the world.
sin o n r

spirits, and control events. is to report newsworthy religious

Bu tim aye

es ies

Prayer Points: events and activities within the

Te f p

Venue: Hotel Savera,

* Pray for God to grant His favor and wisdom to local community, nationwide and

missions targeting the Tigre. around the world, to increase the


Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai,
awareness and activism of

* Ask the Lord to call additional long-term

workers to live and work among them. believers regarding the moral

issues of today, to provide

* Ask God to strengthen, encourage, and protect
the few known Tigre Christians in Eritrea. Mylapore, Chennai. thought-provoking commentary,
and to provide an effective
* Pray that the Lord will give these converts
boldness to share Jesus with their own people. advertising vehicle for Christian

tion fee :
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to anoint the Gospel as it ministries and organisations,
g is t r a events and businesses that want to
goes forth via the ‘Jesus’ film among the Tigre.
Re B uffet) reach the Christian community. -
* Take authority over the spiritual principalities
i n g
(inclu - per head.
d Editor
and powers that are keeping these precious people
bound. /
* Ask God to call forth prayer teams who will Rs.750 (Readers are advised to make
thorough enquiries before acting on
begin breaking up the soil through intercession. any advertisements. This newspaper
* Ask the Lord to raise up strong local churches RSVP - Montgomery: 97907 88159, Anand Manohar: 98400 64273 does not necessarily agree to the
among the Tigre of Eritrea. claims or representations made by
Email:, any advertiser.)
(Source: Bethany World Prayer Centre)
Page 3 | July, 2010 NEWS & VIEWS E-mail:

A Father’s Day retrospective on submission and headship Afghan Christians face a bleak future!
BY JOHN PIPER bills, handled repairs, cleaned one who prayed at the meals. Now THE group of Afghan firm and vocal stand against the
house, cooked meals, helped me it was he that led in devotions. Christians living in exile in New severe and devastating wrongs
LAST Sunday’s message was being committed against them by
with my homework, took us to Now it was he that drove us to Delhi have appealed to the
on the meaning of submission in their own government,” they said.
church, led us in devotions. She worship, and watched over us in international community to help
marriage. I did not have time for The execution call came just
was superintendent of the the pew, and answered our believers still living in
this closing illustration. So days after two Christian aid groups
Intermediate Department at questions. My fear of Afghanistan after a government
consider this an application at the were suspended after authorities
church, head of the community disobedience shifted from my minister demanded that they be
end of that message. The point is accused them of proselytizing.
garden club, and tireless doer of mother's wrath to my father’s, for executed for converting to
that my mother’s submissive role Church World Service and
good for others. there, too, he took the lead. Christianity.
in relation to my father was not Norwegian Church Aid cannot
She was incredibly strong in her But I never heard my father They have written a letter in
owing to lesser competencies. It operate while authorities
loneliness. The early sixties were attack my mother or put her down response to the riots and
was owing to the God-given nature investigate the claim. Both
the days in Greenville, SC, when in any way. They sang together demonstrations that broke out in
of manhood and womanhood and ministries deny any wrongdoing.
civil rights were in the air. The and laughed together and put their Afghanistan in June, after an
how they are designed in marriage
church took a vote one Wednesday heads together to bring each other independent TV channel Noorin
to display the covenant CHRIST
night on a resolution not to allow up-to-date on the state of the TV aired a documentary revealing
relationship between Christ and
black people to worship in the family. It was a gift of God that I the names and faces of supposed
the church.
I grew up in a home where my church. could never begin to pay for or Afghan Christian converts. CALL DRIVER
When the vote was taken, she earn. Recently, protesters called on LO
father was away for about two- H RY CA
thirds of each year. He was an stood, as I recall, entirely alone in And here is what I learned — a President Hamid Karzai to arrest 5T RSA 24 L &
and execute the converts and the IVE S S TS
evangelist. He held about twenty- opposition. And when my sister biblical truth before I knew it was
deputy secretary of the Afghan AN A.K.RAJ VIC ION
five crusades each year ranging in was married in the church in 1963 in the Bible. There is no
length from one to three weeks. He
would leave on Saturday, be gone
and one of the ushers tried to seat
some black friends of our family
correlation between submission
and incompetence. There is such a
Parliament’s Lower House, Abdul
Sattar Khawasi, made his own call 9841543317
for the execution of Christian
for one to three weeks, and come
home on Monday afternoon. I
all alone in the balcony, my mother
indignantly marched out of the
thing as masculine leadership that
does not demean a wife. There is converts from Islam. 9710128887
went to the Greenville airport sanctuary and sat them herself on such thing as submission that is The group goes on to say that No. 76/2, Nedunzhelian Street,
the main floor with everyone else. not weak or mindless or they have received reports of M.G.R. Nagar, Chennai - 600 078.
hundreds of times. And some of
I have never known anyone manipulative. Afghan Christians being arrested
the sweetest memories of my
quite like Ruth Piper. She seemed It never entered my mind until I and having their homes and
childhood are the smile of my For Christian
to me omni-competent and began to hear feminist rhetoric in businesses searched in recent
father’s face as he came out of the
weeks. There have also been
plane and down the steps and overflowing with love and energy.
But here is my point. When my
the late sixties that this beautiful
design in my home was somehow reports that authorities are Counselling and for
almost ran across the runway to
father came home, my mother had owing to anyone’s inferiority. It torturing arrested Christians to prayer for healing
hug me and kiss me (no skyways in
the extraordinary ability and wasn't. It was owing to this: My force them to reveal the names of
those days).
This meant that my sister and I biblical wisdom and humility to mother and my father put their other Christian converts and the and deliverance:
honor him as the head of the home. hope in God and believed that location of underground churches
were reared and trained mostly by
She was, in the best sense of the obedience to his word would and fellowships.
my mother. She taught me almost
word, submissive to him. It was an create the best of all possible “In light of all these events, and Please contact
everything practical that I know.
amazing thing to watch week after families — and it did. So I exhort the perplexing media silence on
She taught me how to cut the grass Mr Satyarthi Sahu
week as my father came and went. you with all my heart, consider these atrocities occurring in plain
without skippers and keep a
He went, and my mother ruled the these things with great view of the international and Mrs Sarah Sahu
checkbook and ride a bike and
whole house with a firm and seriousness, and do not let the community, we are pleading with
drive a car and make notes for a
the Body of Christ around the at 044-26150605 or
speech and set the table with the competent and loving hand. And world squeeze you into its mold.
fork in the right place and make he came, and my mother deferred * This article was originally world to support our Afghan email:satyarthisarah
to his leadership. published in the June 15th, 2007 Christian brothers and sisters
pancakes (notice when the bubbles
during this critical time by taking a
form on the edges). She paid the Now that he was home, he is the edition of ‘Crosswalk Pastors’.


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E-mail: INTERCESSION Page 4 | July, 2010

Gratefulness - the underrated

spiritual secret!
BY ELLEN VAUGHN us!” Jesus’ heart moves for them.
July 1: Thank God for bringing relationship with Jesus Christ: TB July 26: Pray for all those who MY husband and a few friends He tells them to go show
us into a new month. Because of and his fiancé, KB, ST, AP, need physical healing and comfort were in Cuba some time ago. themselves to the local priest.
the Lord’s great love we are not Mohan, Jerin, JM and Mohan. today. You can write down the Together with local believers, they Off they go. Faltering but
consumed, for His compassions July 14: It’s time to pray for the names that you remember and visited homes in small villages. hopeful.
never fail. They are new every missionaries and ministries that pray for them earnestly. They were welcomed in by And as they are going, the
morning; great is His faithfulness you know. Pray that God will meet July 27: Well-paying jobs curious Cubans. Over and over, Scriptures say, they are healed.
(Lamentations 3:21-23). their needs and provide for them. continue to be rare. Pray for all Lee and his team told the ‘bad The 10 stumble along the road,
July 2: According to an July 15: Pray for all the children those around you who work hard news, good news’ story of Jesus. ragged robes flapping. Bystanders
estimate, one woman is raped in you know especially those in your for a living. Commit those who are (The bad news is that we have all scurry away as they see the lepers
India every 30 minutes. Commit family, in your neighborhood, looking for a job in to God’s hands. sinned. The good news is that coming. As the men hurry, the dirty
those women you know into the those of your friends, colleagues July 28: If there are any Jesus paid the penalty for sin.) rags fall from their faces. I can
Lord’s hands. Ask Lord Jesus to and acquaintances. families that you know that grieve The Holy Spirit moved in imagine what happened next.
cover them with His blood. July 16: Prayer for JK. A retired the loss of their loved ones, hundreds of Cubans’ lives. In one “Hiram!” shouts one. “Your
July 3: Pray for your church. bank employee, his heart’s desire commit them into the Lord's hands rural village, a young man who nose!”
Pray for the pastor, the worship is to build his own house on a piece today. had just given his life to Christ “What do you mean, my nose?”
leaders or the choir, the Sunday of land. He has been claiming a July 29: Pray for Bro. Walter went out into the unpaved road in says Hiram, bustling along.
school teachers and the ushers. promise given to him by God that and his family today - for front of his house, waving his arms “You’ve got one!”
Pray that the Lord will add new he will indeed build his own house. prosperity in his business and and yelling to his neighbors. “Aaugghghh!”
believers to the church as it Pray that God opens doors for him abundant peace in the family. ‘Venido aqui’ ‘Come here!’ he Piling to a stop, slamming into
happened in Acts 2:47. this year. July 30: Pray for NS today. shouted. ‘Tengo buenas noticias’ one another like clowns at the
July 4: Pray for Sam, who is July 17: Pray that the Pray that God gives her grace ‘I’ve got good news!’ ‘Usted ti circus, they stare at each other’s
heeding the calling in his life. This instructions of our God through when she comes down from Saudi tiene que oir esto!’ ‘You’ve got to faces, mouths wide open. They
young man, an engineering Ephesians 5:22-33 concerning Arabia to India next month to pack hear this!’ unwind the rags from their hands,
graduate, will shortly be in the marriage is followed in every up from Chennai and leave for In America, we tend to tell our shouting because they have fingers
Philippines to seek admission into Christian home. Let believing Kerala. neighbors how thankful we are if again. They leap into the air; they
a Bible college. Pray that the Lord Christian couples be the role July 31: Harvard University we get a great deal on deck land, sure-footed. They strip off
keeps him under His wings. models for our children. Pray that has created an endowed furniture or find a big sale on gas their bonds and clap their arms
July 5: Pray for your pastor. Christian couples impact their professorship in lesbian, gay, grills. We would do well to strip around each other’s shoulders,
That God will give him more grace children’s lives positively and are bisexual and transsexual studies. A off our sophistication, remember laughing with joy. They can’t wait
(James 4:6), spiritual revelation able to point to the Lord Jesus. first of its kind in the US, this in thanks our own rescue, and get to find their families. They sprint
through the Holy Spirit (John July 18: Pray for BI and her reflects a rise in sex-related back to the really good news like toward town.
14:26), anointing (Isaiah 10:27) family. Her daughter has passed academia in that country. Pray for our brother in Cuba—or that first- But one whirls and turns in the
and holiness (1 Peter 1:15,16). out of 12th standard with good homosexuals and lesbians you century leper whom Jesus healed. other direction, back toward Jesus.
July 6: Pray for 25-year-old JT. marks. She now hopes she would know. Jesus Christ can change In Jesus’ day, leprosy and other He runs fast with his new feet.
A juvenile diabetic patient, the get an engineering seat in Anna them! skin diseases were cause for Weeping, he falls and kisses Jesus’
young man is underweight and has University through counseling. terrible fear and shame. Lepers perfect ones. “Thank you!” he
bouts of vomiting and stomach Pray also that the family members A Prayer Request were ostracized and could return sobs. Thank you. Thank you.
pain. Doctors have stated there’s accept the Lord as their savior this to their community only if a priest Ten were rescued, cleansed,
Join with us, praying for declared them fit. Old Testament given a brand-new beginning. Yet
no medical remedy. Claim Isaiah year and experience peace and
53:5 for him. prosperity. the Salvation of Children law held that a person “with such nine ran the wrong way. Only one
July 7: Pray for SJ. The 48- July 19: Powris are aboriginal (up to 18 years) @ 10 pm an infectious disease must wear ran for home base, where Jesus
year-old man working abroad is tribes living in Maharashtra, every night. You can pray torn clothes, let his hair be was.
addicted liquor. Pray that our Lord Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. unkempt, cover the lower part of Friends of ours have a family
who makes all things new (Rev. Their estimated population is 45
where ever you are - just his face and cry out, ‘Unclean! mantra. “Be the one!” they tell
21:5), turns him also into a new lakh. The Powris who believe their for 5 minutes each night. Unclean!’ As long as he has the their kids and each other.
creature in Christ according to his god is Bahwan fear death. By email: infection he remains unclean. He “Be the one who thanks Jesus.
Word found in 2 Corinthians 5:17. nature, they are rebellious and must live alone; he must live Let others go where they may. You
July 8: Pray for KB. This wild. Pray for the missionaries And I will establish my outside the camp” (Lev. 13:45- be the one who is grateful.”
widow is fighting a court case over working among this people group. 46). Be the one!
her land in Kerala. An envious Pray for this people’s salvation.
covenant between me and One day about two thousand Being thankful is not rocket
neighbor is intent on creating a July 20: Pray for The Christian thee and thy seed after thee in years ago, Jesus is on the road science. Though the topic of
pathway through her land even Messenger’s founders – Robin their generations for an when 10 tattered lepers call to him gratitude goes as deep as the grace
though he has an approach road to Sam and Elsy Robin, their children everlasting covenant, to be a from afar. They dare not draw of God, it does not require tough
his field. Pray to the One who sits and their family. May God God unto thee, and to thy nearer. biblical exegesis or advanced
on the throne judging in continue to make them shine for seed after thee. Genesis 17:7. “Jesus, Master, have pity on degrees to practice. It just requires
righteousness (Psalm 9:4). Jesus. obedience.
July 9: Pray for all married July 21: According to a Child
couples that you know. We need to Rights and You (CRY) study, India SUBSCRIBE TO ‘THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER’
pray that they will uphold is home to the largest number of
Christian principles in their child laborers in the world. An Pick up a lifetime subscription & get a FREE
relationship with their spouses, estimated 17 million children are
others and their children. employed in some form of work or copy of ‘Systematic Theology’
July 10: Pray for THE the other. Eighty-five percent of
CHRISTIAN MESSENGER these children work in About the book: About the author:
media ministry. We intend to bring unorganized sector, while 19% ‘ S y s t e m a t i c Dr. Henry Syn served the
out faith-building Christian work as domestic help. Pray for Theology’, a 793- Lord as chemist, missionary,
literature in English, Hindi and their deliverance. professor, pastor and author.
Tamil among other languages. July 22: Pray for all those who page book authored by
Pray for more volunteers who can are looking for a divine Dr. Henry Syn, is He graduated from the Grace
help us in news gathering, intervention or a financial currently used in Seminary and served the Lord
translation work, distribution of breakthrough. That the Lord who many theological by preaching and teaching the Word of
literature. sends rain in its due season will seminaries and Bible God. ‘How to be born again’, ‘The demon
July 11: Pray for Joemon today. continue to provide for their colleges around the empire’, The standard of true faith’ are
This 28-year-old man is in financial needs. some of his other books.
Chennai looking for a job. He July 23: Pray for anyone who
recently walked out of a Catholic may be mentally tormented or at
seminary after nearly 8 years of loggerheads with their family THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION FORM
studies and training to become a members.
priest. Pray that the Lord of Hosts July 24: Pray for India’s peace
Name: Mr/Ms:_______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
will touch him and help him see the with her neighbors especially Address:________________________________________________________________________
path ahead. China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and ___________________________________________________ Pin code: __________________
July 12: Pray for Pakistan Sri Lanka. Phone : ___________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________
today. The country is reeling under July 25: Pray for peace in West
attacks by the Taliban. Weak Bengal in the backdrop of the Please find enclosed Cheque/DD No:_________ Dated:_______ for Rs.1,000/-
leadership, insurgency and poor
economy in addition to the Taliban
recent Maoists’ unrest in some
districts of the State. Pray that
favouring ëMessenger Communications Pvt. Ltd.í
threat is threatening to turn the these outfits, now banned by the Signature: Date: Please allow minimum two weeks for the FREE gift to reach you.

country into a failed nation. Union Govt, will see sense in Fill in this Subscription Form and mail it with your remittance to The Christian Messenger,
July 13: Pray for the following integrating into the mainstream 329/4, Poonga Apartments, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Phone: 044-65145334.
people who need a personal society.
Page 5 | July, 2010 PROMOTIONS E-mail:

Is that your home?

A teacher from primary school
asks her students to write an essay
about what they would like God to
do for them... At the end of the day,
What’s God’s message to us when
while marking the essays, she read
one that made her very emotional.
Her husband, who had just walked
in, saw her crying and asked her:
times are bad and paths difficult?
“What happened?”
She answered: “Read this. It is
one of my students’ essays.”
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something very special:
Make me into a television. I
Agnes Amos, author of
want to take its place and live like
the TV in my house. ‘THE JOURNEY
Have my own special place, and
have my family around ME. OF A
To be taken seriously when I
talk.... I want to be the centre of CHRISTIAN
attention and be heard without
interruptions or questions. I want
to receive the same special care
that the TV receives even when it
is not working.
discovered it in her life.
Have the company of my dad
when he arrives home from work,
even when he is tired.
And I want my mom to want me
when she is sad and upset, instead
of ignoring me...
And... I want my brothers to
fight to be with me... For direct delivery:
I want to feel that family just
leaves everything aside, every THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
now and then, just to spend some
time with me. And last but not 20/20, Bharathiar St., Srinivasa Nagar,
least, ensure that I can make them 184 pages | Rs.120
all happy and entertain them... Padi, Chennai 50. Ph: 044-65145334.
Lord I don t ask you for much... I (postage free)
just want to live like a TV.’
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E-mail: DEVOTIONALS Page 6 | July, 2010
July 1: God said to him, “Your
name is Jacob, but you will no
longer be called Jacob; your name
THE WORD TODAY July 13: ‘Speak to all the
congregation of the children of
Israel, and say to them: ‘You shall
will be Israel. So He named him
Israel. Genesis 35:10.
(Daily Devotionals for July, 2010) be holy, for I the Lord our God am
holy.’ Leviticus 19:2.
How did Jacob (the one who attempted to see themselves in July 7: …they tried to go into speak, and do not keep silent.’ It is not difficult to see why
deceives) become Israel (the one Job’s position, their attitude could Bithynia, but the Spirit did not Acts 18:9. Christianity is seen as a hard way
who struggles with God)? You have been different. Bible permit them. Acts 16:7. Do you know we serve a God to tread on. Ill-informed people
could say perhaps it was God's reading: Ruth 3, Is 4, 1 Thess 3. Have you heard no from God to who listens to our prayers and think it is all about a set of dos and
divine plan. Yes, perhaps. But God any question that you raised? Has groanings? Paul and Silas were don’ts. However, once you know
is looking for people who will July 4: So teach us to number the Spirit forbid you from doing having a hard time in their mission that you have been bought by the
heed His voice to fulfill His divine our days, that we may gain a heart something in your ministry? If so, trip. They had faced prison, blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews
plan. Jacob's transformation to of wisdom. Psalm 90:12. what has been your reaction? endured hunger, beatings and 9:12) and brought near to God’s
Israel came when he obeyed God. Psalm 90 is a solemn prayer of Have you, like a rebellious child, public condemnation. Did God presence (Ephesians 2:13), it is not
In the beginning of the chapter, we Moses, the man of God. He knew protested against God’s response? stand aloof and let them sort out difficult to understand the higher
see God asking Jacob to go to what it was to count on God. His Or have you humbly waited at His their problems? No, He spoke to calling of a Christian. The
Bethel and build an altar there. dependence on God gave him an feet to hear the next command? Paul in the night by a vision. Paul standard of Christian living is
Jacob not only obeyed eternal perspective. He knew Paul and Silas faced a series of was encouraged by the vision quite high as our yardstick is not
immediately but he also asked his human life will be over like a sigh. negative responses from God in where God asked him to be not determined by any man but by God
clan to get rid of all the foreign That’s why he says in verse 14, ‘Oh their mission in Asia. First, they afraid but speak and not keep Himself. In Ephesians 1:4, Paul
gods in their midst. Even today, satisfy us early with your mercy, were forbidden to preach the word silent. Our God fills courage was moved by the Holy Spirit to
blessings follow those who obey that we may rejoice and be glad all in Asia, then when they tried to go where there is none, gives us say why we need to be holy. ‘…He
God and sanctify themselves. our days.’ To know God early in to Bithynia, the Spirit did not words when our tongue is tied and chose us in Him before the
Perhaps, you think you are a our lives is a blessed experience. allow them. However, they did not helps us praise and glorify Him foundation of the world, that we
wastrel, a no-good person. God appeared in the burning bush consider it to be the end of their even in adverse conditions. What a should be holy and without blame
Perhaps, people may have a bad to Moses when he was 40. Till missionary lives. When they great God we serve! Bible before Him in love…’ Has it sunk
opinion about you. However, then, his life was directionless. He waited in the Lord, they heard a reading: 1 Sam 6, Is 15-16, 1 Tim in yet? Even before He created the
remember God knows you had no clue what was in store for cry of help from Macedonia and 1, 11-20. world, He chose you and me so
personally. He wants to give you a him. If you are a parent, teach this went over to preach the gospel that we will be holy and without
new name along with innumerable psalm to your children that they there. God does not shut one door July 11: Then she said to her blame when we appear before the
blessings. Are you ready to obey may know it is best to trust in God before He opens another. Bible mistress, “If only my master were His great white throne (Rev.
him and sanctify yourself? Bible right from a young age. Even reading: 1 Sam 3, Is 8-10, 2 Thess with the prophet who is in 20:11). Bible reading: 1 Sam 9, Is
reading: Ruth 1, Is 1-2, 1 Thess 1. today, God is looking for people 2. Samaria! For he would heal him of 21-22, 1 Tim 4.
who will submit to Him willingly. his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3.
July 2: Jehoram was thirty-two He will establish the work of their July 8: For if we believe that A young Israelite girl who had July 14: Do not be deceived,
years old when he became king, hands (verse 17). Bible reading: Jesus died and rose again, even so been captured by the Syrians in a God is not mocked; for whatever a
and he reigned in Jerusalem eight Ruth 4, Is 5, 1 Thess 4. God will bring with Him those raid was the maid of Naaman’s man sows, that he will also reap.
years. He passed away, to no one's who sleep in Jesus. 1 wife. Naaman, the commander of Galatians 6:7.
regret, and was buried in the City July 5: Declare His glory Thessalonians 4:14. the Syrian army, was a man known Why did it take Israelites 40
of David, but not in the tombs of among the nations, His wonders For the next few days, we will for his conquests and courage but years to reach the promised land?
the kings. 2 Chronicles 21:20. among all peoples. Psalm 96:3. meditate on overcoming grief at sadly he had a physical ailment, The people of God were choosy in
As the eldest son of Only a child of God who has the death of our beloved ones. too. He was a leper. The Israelite following His Word. They chose to
Jehoshaphat, Jehoram had a tasted His grace and guidance in Though the word is not mentioned girl, who waited on his wife, knew do those commandments that
natural claim to his father's throne his life will yearn to talk about Him anywhere in the Bible, we know his physical condition. She knew appeared easy and convenient and
in Judah but he was not definitely to others. If we truly live by faith this coming of Jesus as ‘rapture’. her master, too. Do you know your ignored those that looked hard to
the worthiest or the brightest and walk according to the Word, Besides the great assurance that master, Jesus Christ? Do you follow. Only two out of all those
among his siblings whom he killed we can witness miracles and we will be with Him in the proclaim about Him to those who came out of Egypt, Caleb and
to fortify his position. Did God wonders in our own lives. Such a twinkling of an eye, the other great around you – your bosses, co- Joshua, were allowed enter
turn a blind eye to this? No, He blessing should not be contained. comfort of rapture is that our workers, neighbors, friends and Canaan. Why did God favor these
kept this cruel massacre in mind. It should be proclaimed, says the beloved ones who left us on the family? When the girl told her two men? Moses says in Numbers
He made prophet Elijah list it out psalmist. Only we serve the Living earth will also be with Him in His mistress about her master, the way 32:12 ‘for they wholly followed
among the other evil things that God. ‘For all the gods of the glorious appearance. Will all our for a miracle had already been the Lord.’ When you follow Lord
Jehoram did. Our holy God cannot peoples are idols,’ the psalmist loved ones be with Him? No, only paved. Why did Naaman and his Jesus Christ, He expects total
and will not tolerate sins in His says. The Great Commission is to those who lived for Him and slept wife act on the young girl’s commitment from you – a half-
children's lives. One of the reasons those who have been redeemed by in Him (verse 14). Though the advice? I think because she had a hearted or sulking approach to
why Jehoram did evil in the eyes of His grace. The power of Jesus death of our loved ones causes a good testimony. That’s the power obedience is disapproved. What is
the Lord was the company he kept. Christ’s blood that saved us has not void in our lives, the Bible says we of holy living. Your life is the only our level of obedience? Are we
Make no mistake about it. Bad diminished today that it cannot ought not to sorrow as others who piece of scripture that some people making attempts to listen to the
company will not edify you, it will save those around us. As believers, have no hope (verse 13). Unlike will ever get to read. Show your still small voice (1 Kings 19:12) or
only serve to pull you down. it is our duty to tell them Jesus is others who do not know believe in Master through your life. Bible are we throttling it completely?
Jehoram was afflicted with a coming to judge the earth and salvation, we have a great hope: reading: 1 Sam 7, Is 17-18, 1 Tim Remember what His Word says
grievous disease; his neighbors salvation is found in no other that we will see our loved ones 2. today: God is not mocked:
turned against him and died a name. Let the heavens rejoice, and with Jesus. Bible reading: 1 Sam Whatever we sow is what we will
death that was unsung, let the earth be glad. Bible 4, Is 11-12, 2 Thess 3. July 12: Let the words of my reap. Bible reading: 1 Sam 10, Is
uncelebrated and his life was reading: 1 Sam 1, Is 6, Thess 5. mouth and the meditation of my 23-24, 1 Tim 5.
unrepented for. Bible reading: July 9: ..they came there also heart be acceptable in your sight,
Ruth 2, Is 3, 1 Thess 2. July 6: Then many of the people and stirred up the crowds. Acts O Lord, my strength and my July 15: The memory of the
of the land became Jews, because 17:13. redeemer. Psalm 19:14. righteous is blessed. Proverbs
July 3: Know therefore that fear of the Jews fell upon them. After the imprisonment and How is it possible for us to live a 10:7.
God exacts from you less than Esther 8:17. subsequent release at Philippi, life holy and acceptable to the The Bible does not endorse
your iniquity deserves. Job 11:6. The Jews had honor and joy Paul and Silas traveled to Lord? Romans 12:1 & 2 have the celebrating the death anniversary
Eliphas, Bildad and Zophar, the when one of them was lifted up by Thessalonica. They stayed there answer. If we live a life that is of people, however spectacular
Bible says, made an appointment the king of the land. Till then, a for three weeks and did preached conformed to this world, then it is their lives had been. The early
together to come and mourn with despised nation the Jews would the good news. Though resistant to difficult that our lives will be holy. church did not resort to making
Job, and to comfort him. Lofty aim have been annihilated by Haman’s the Gospel, a great multitude of Paul calls us to be transformed by saints out of martyrs. When
alright but unfortunately when it wicked plan if not for a divine devout Greeks became Christians. the renewing of our mind so that Stephen died a martyr’s death after
came to executing it, things went intervention that was triggered by A f t e r t h e r e v i v a l c a m e we may prove what is that good he was stoned by people opposed
awry. Their one intent was to find some earnest prayers. What caused persecution. Soon, Paul and Silas and acceptable and perfect will of to the Gospel being proclaimed
what went wrong with Job and the fear of the Jews upon King had to get out of Thessalonica to God. Remember, he is not saying (Acts 8:2), the Bible says devout
help him set it right. They Ahasuerus’ people? When the reach Berea. When Jesus was we may know what is the perfect men buried him and mourned his
presumed that was the only way whole country knew the Jews were preached, many Bereans believed, will of God. The word he uses is death. However, they did not
Job could redeem his previous destined to perish, there was a but then trouble followed them ‘prove’. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says earmark a day or date to celebrate
position. However, their approach turnaround in the scheme of there, too. Paul was helped by his our sanctification is the will of his death anniversary. In fact, the
was hostile, attitude fault-finding things. They knew such reversal of friends to get out of Berea to go to God. 1 Peter 1:2 talks about Bible explicitly asks us to
and their words were scathing. A royal plans does not happen Athens. Don’t believe anyone who believers having the sanctification remember Jesus at the holy
sharp tongue is a weapon. It only without the working of a powerful says Christian life is a bed of roses. of the Spirit. Sanctification is not communion (1 Corinthians
serves to cut not heal! If you hand. This fear not only caused It is full of troubles, but then Jesus just of the physical as is mentioned 11:24,25). By that, we recall the
possess a sharp tongue and a fault- them to be in awe of the Jews; they words in John 16:33 should in Thessalonians but also being price that our Lord paid for our
finding attitude, be doubly sure wanted to be counted as one comfort and encourage us. approved of by the Holy Spirit. redemption. Bible reading: 1 Sam
that you do not have the fruit of the among them. Do our lives have Through Him, we can face hostile Subjecting every thought into 11, Is 25-26, 1 Tim 6.
Spirit yet (Gal 5:22-23). How did such powerful impact on those crowds and opposing situations. captivity to the obedience of
God treat Job’s comforters? He around us? Does they way we live Bible reading: 1 Sam 5, Is 13-14, Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) is the July 16: ‘Come aside by
dismissed them and their our lives instill the fear of God in 1 Tim 1, 1-10. way to fight the battle against the yourselves to a deserted place and
patronizing speeches. If only they them? Bible reading: 1 Sam 2, Is devil. Bible reading: 1 Sam 8, Is rest a while.’ Mark 6:31.
empathized with Job and 7, 2 Thess 1. July 10: ‘Do not be afraid, but 19-20, 1 Tim 3. In Mark 6, we see Jesus sending
Page 7 | July, 2010 DEVOTIONALS E-mail:

out His disciples to minister to the have given Me; for You loved Me is claimed, were descendants of The Spirit of God spoke to in Him at all, the body of Christ
people. They went out two by two. before the foundation of the some Syrians who had come down Philip and asked him to take the can get a glimpse of the exceeding
They stepped out on a journey of world.’ John 17:24. along with Apostle Thomas for road that goes from Jerusalem to greatness of His power towards us.
faith. They were given power of What do we do when death proselytizing native Indians. The Gaza. When Philip reached Gaza, The moment you and I were saved,
unclean spirits. Their primary task, removes those who once lived with Bible does not say those who are he saw an Ethiopian eunuch sitting our sins were washed clean and we
however, was to preach the Gospel us? Do we become inconsolable at born Christians will see the in his chariot and reading Isaiah. became new creatures. Only Jesus
(verse 12). Casting out devils and their passing that we lose all hope kingdom of God. Tradition, Why did God send Philip to the can forgive us of our sins. God the
healing the sick followed the in life? While grieving the death of heritage and great lineage can get Ethiopian? He knew the eunuch Father’s power was revealed when
message of repentance. In the our loved ones is a natural process us nowhere near the kingdom of needed help in understanding the He raised His only Son from the
meantime, something dreadful toward healing, we ought to view it God. Jesus told Nicodemus one scripture passage he was reading. dead and set Him on His throne.
happened. John the Baptist was from the Lord’s perspective. Look had to be born again to see the Was Philip’s job only to explain He will raise us also likewise and
beheaded by king Herod. The at Jesus’ prayer in this verse. Take kingdom of God. Is a born again the passage and come away? No, make us co-heirs along with Jesus,
news of John’s death must have courage, all is not lost. Your loved experience enough? No, look at when he understood the passage His Son. Bible reading: 1 Sam 25,
coincided with the disciples’ one has gone to be with the Lord, verse 5 in John 3. “Most assuredly, and heard the gospel message from Is 51-54, Heb 7-8.
return from their first independent and that’s just according to His I say to you, unless one is born of Philip, the eunuch did not thank
missionary trip. While they had will. They have gone to be with water and the Spirit, he cannot the latter and go his way. Note his July 29: ‘And when he had
reason to exult over their Him where He is now. Why? enter the kingdom of God.” Why question: ‘What hinders me from come into the house, the blind men
ministry’s success, they were also Because, it’s Jesus’ desire that they did Jesus have to clarify it any being baptized?’ Wasn’t belief in came to him, and Jesus said to
taken through the valley of shadow see His glory that God the Father further He did not have baptism by Jesus Christ enough? Obsviously them, ‘Do you believe that I am
of death. Are you going through a has given Him. When our loved water in His mind. Dear friend, not, otherwise Philip, who was led able to do this?’ They said to him,
similar valley experience in your ones go to visit the royalty or some whether you are a born Christian by the Holy Spirit, would have told Yes, Lord.’ Matthew 9:28.
life or ministry? Jesus is asking big celebrity, do we cry over it? or a born again Christian, you need him so. Philip’s answer was one of Matthew 8 is a passage full of
you to come apart and rest for a Never, on the contrary we wish we to be baptized and walk in the affirmation. Yes, dear reader miracles. Jesus healed a paralytic,
while. He will comfort you like no were with them too. Such a desire Spirit to enter God’s kingdom. baptism is an open proclamation to raised a dead girl to life, healed a
one else can. Bible reading: 1 should make us live a holy life. For Bible reading: 1 Sam 18, Is 39- the world about your faith in Jesus bleeding woman, made a mute
Sam 12, Is 27-28, 2 Tim 1. without holiness no one will see 40, Phile 1. Christ. Will you be bold enough to man speak and gave vision to two
God (Hebrews 12:14).Bible display your faith? Bible reading: blind men. The blind men must
July 17: For whoever is reading: 1 Sam 15, Is 33-34, Titus July 23: But the Pharisees and 1 Sam 21, Is 45-46, Heb 3. have heard of Jesus. They knew
ashamed of Me, and my 1. lawyers rejected the counsel of Him as the Messiah. That’s why
words…with the holy angels. God for themselves, not having July 26: ‘Men and brethren, they called Him ‘Son of David.’
Mark 8:38. July 20: Precious in the sight of been baptized by him. Luke 7:30. what shall we do?’ Acts 2:37. But did they know Jesus will open
In Mark 8:31, the writer notes the Lord is the death of His saints. Some people think baptism by Have you ever thought how their blind eyes? That’s the
that Jesus predicted his death and Psalm 116:15. water is the teaching of a particular 3,000 people were baptized on the question, the Lord put to them.
resurrection. This was not a How often do we recognize that church or a denomination. No, it is Day of Pentecost? Apart from the And they answered in the
disclosure to His select disciples this verse should be said of us, too? God’s counsel. That’s what the obvious reason that God chose to affirmative. You probably know
but to all those who had assembled Grieving over the death of our passage we read today says. In move in His Spirit among the Jesus as Lord and Savior. But do
around Him – ‘He spoke this word loved ones is good. It makes us rejecting the baptism of John the people who had assembled to hear you trust Him to do a miracle in
openly.’ This public address of His overcome the jolt in our lives and Baptist, the Pharisees and lawyers the apostles speak in tongues, your life today? He is asking you:
death, Peter perhaps felt was move forward. If you have lost of that time rejected the counsel of there is yet another. After Peter’s ‘Do you believe that I am able to
unwarranted. Maybe, Peter also your loved one recently, God God. One of our Lord Jesus powerful sermon, the devout Jews do this?’ Bible reading: 1 Sam 26-
felt like a loser to follow someone wants you to remember that it Christ’s last words to His disciples of Jerusalem asked the right 27, Is 55-59, Heb 9-10.
who had come to the end of his life. happened with His knowledge. on earth had to do with baptism question: ‘Men and brethren, what
Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked The Bible says the very hairs of our (Mark 16:16). I don’t know what shall we do?’ Theirs was true July 30: ‘For even the Son of
Him. Jesus identified the force head are all numbered (Luke 12:7; church you belong to, what your repentance and they wanted to Man did not come to be served, but
behind this chastisement as the Matthew 10:30). He knows such pastor says about baptism by know how to move forward in to serve, and to give His life a
devil. It was in this background, fine details about us. If our loved water, the teaching of the Bible is their walk with God. What was ransom for many.’ Mark 10:45
that our Lord said those famous one had lived a life according to clear on the subject. In Acts 16:33 Peter’s response? Repent and be The KJV says the Son of Man
words about following Him. Why His Word, the Bible says, he/she is we read that the Philippian jailer baptized, Peter told them. Verse 41 came to ‘minister’. The word
do we follow Jesus? Is it because counted among God’s saints and and his family were baptized after says ‘then those who gladly simply means ‘to serve’. How
we feel it’s good to be a Christian – his/her death is precious in His they believed the Gospel that was received his word were baptized.’ many of our legislators know and
because of the nice church sight. Our Lord also wants us to preached to them. There was no When there is true obedience to appreciate the meaning of the
buildings we helped build, the remember His word in Isaiah 57:1: dilly-dallying over this. The jailer God’s Word, there will be miracles word – the post that they hold?
choir where our children sing and ‘the righteous is taken away from could have stuck to legalese and in our lives. We often see this From being public servants, they
the committee meetings that we evil.’ Hallelujah!Bible reading: 1 told Paul that he believed in Jesus incident as one sermon moving have come to be known as lords
preside over? Or is it because He Sam 16, Is 35-36, Titus 2. and hence there was no need for 3,000 people. There’s more to it presiding over their fiefdoms.
redeemed us from sin and has baptism. Instead, we see him and than meets the eye. The church Leave alone ministers, how many
eternity promised for us? Bible July 21: ‘He who believes and his family willingly obeying grew because the people chose to Christian workers, pastors, priests
reading: 1 Sam 13, Is 29-30, 2 is baptized will be saved; but he God’s command. Bible reading: 1 obey God’s Word. Will you obey and bishops appreciate this verse
Tim 2. who does not believe will be Sam 19, Is 41-42, Heb 1. His Word today? Bible reading: 1 in its fullness? It’s quite sad that
condemned.’ Mark 16:16. Sam 22, Is 47-48, Heb 4. many ministries have become self-
July 18: …Paul and Silas were One of Jesus Christ’s last words July 24: ‘He will tell you what serving rather than flock-tending.
praying and singing hymns to to His disciples dealt with baptism. you must do.’ Acts 10:6. July 27: Beloved, do not How can we regain our true
God…Acts 16:25. Baptism is not an afterthought of a In Acts 10, we read about believe every spirit, but test the calling? By looking up to Jesus,
The Bible does not say our few pastors. It is God’s command Cornelius. The Bible describes spirits, whether they are of God.’ 1 the ‘master-servant’, who forsake
troubles in the world will come to given through His Son Jesus Christ him as a devout man. He was a John 4:1. everything to save us! Bible
an end if we believe in Jesus while He was still on earth. There God-fearing man, he gave The Bible tells us that we ought reading: 1 Sam 28-29, Is 60-63,
Christ. Our Lord warned in John are those who say they believe in generous alms and prayed to God to test the spirits to know whether Heb 11-12.
16:33 that we will have tribulation Jesus and yet refuse to be baptized. always. What more, he was not they are of God. In Acts 8, we read
in the world. But the good news is They quote the example of the alone – his family feared God, too. of Simon the Sorcerer. He July 31: ‘For many are called,
Jesus has overcome the world. thief on the cross who went to be in One day, this centurion of astonished people around him but few are chosen.’ Matthew
That is good enough for us to be of paradise with Jesus Christ. But Caesarea received a vision. He with his sorceries for a long time. It 22:14.
good cheer. Paul and Silas were believers must remember that is a perceived it to be from God and is possible for Satan to perform Hell is described as a place of
beaten up and held by chains at rare event – the thief was hung asked Him to know what it was. miracles too. The magicians in outer darkness where there is
their feet in the prison. They did alongside Jesus, he spoke to Him He was told about Peter and where Egypt also performed miracles to weeping and gnashing of teeth in
not turn remorseful to God, instead and had an occasion to believe in to find him. ‘He will tell you what counter those God performed Matthew 22:13. It must be a place
they chose to glorify Him. Job Him. Note the sequence of words you must do,’ Cornelius was told through Moses. But eventually, fit for those rejected by the King.
35:10 says God our maker gives in the verse above. ‘He who by an angel in the vision. And, God won. How do we test the But why does the King reject those
songs in the night. The psalmist believes and is baptized will be when Cornelius met Peter what spirits? Simple. ‘Every spirit that He called for the wedding? He was
says in Psalm 42:8 ‘The Lord will saved.’ Baptism follows your faith did the latter tell him? ‘Can confesses that Jesus Christ has the One who called them in the
command His lovingkindness in in Jesus Christ. If you have been anyone forbid water, that these come in the flesh is of God.’ (verse first place. Now, why does He
the daytime, and in the night His postponing this important decision should not be baptized who have 3). Darkness has no fellowship reject them and choose only a few?
song shall be with me.’ God’s love in your life, may God Himself received the Holy Spirit just as we with light. Satan cannot profess Indeed, the King had invited the
for us does not change by daytime, speak to you through these words. have,’ Peter said. Later, Peter Jesus to be the Lord. Bible good and the bad. But in order for
noontime or night. There’s no Bible reading: 1 Sam 17, Is 37- commanded them (Cornelius, his reading: 1 Sam 23-24, Is 49-50, them to enjoy the proceedings,
reason why our love for Him 38, Titus 3. family and possibly a few others Heb 5-6. they must have the wedding
should. When Paul and Silas sang who had gathered to hear Peter garment – the sanctification of the
hymns to God, the prisoners July 22: ‘Unless one is born speak) to be baptized in the name July 28: ‘and what is the Holy Spirit. Those who lack it will
listened to them and a miracle soon again, he cannot see the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ. Has God told exceeding greatness of his power not make it.
happened. Bible reading: 1 Sam of God.’ John 3: 3. you what you must do? Will you toward us who believe, according Holiness is an essential
14, Is 31-32, 2 Tim 3-4. One of my friends boasts of heed His words about baptism? to the working of His mighty character without which no one
being a ‘born Christian.’ It is a dig Bible reading: 1 Sam 20, Is 43- power.’ Ephesians 1: 19. will see God (Heb 12:14). To be
July 19: ‘Father, I desire that at those who claim to be born again 44, Heb 2. Who can claim to have fully among the chosen, we need to be
they also whom You gave Me may Christians. I come from a family understood the awesome power of holy for the Lord our God is holy.
be with Me where I am, that they that boasts of being traditionally July 25: ‘If you believe with all G o d ? N o b o d y. W h i l e t h e (1 Peter 1:15) Bible reading: 1
may behold My glory which You Christian. Some of my ancestors, it your heart, you may.’ Acts 8:37. unbelieving world may not believe Sam 30-31, Is 64-66, Heb 13.
Registrar of Newspapers in India No. TNBIL/2004/15307 INTERVIEW THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
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Christian businessmen must talk about Jesus in the marketplace: Gul Kripalani
BY PALLAVI myself. I am known as GK in my I didn’t exactly face any There is a challenge in the Bible.
BHATTACHARYA IN MUMBAI circles. So the company’s name opposition when I accepted Jesus It says only once, ‘Test God.’ In the
became Pijikay. My former partner as my personal savior. People, Book of Malachi, in The Old
I T took Gul Kripalani, a Sindhi is now no more.
businessman, a while to see the
hand of God behind a successful How has Pijikay grown over
however, did say: “You are a
Sindhi, how can you become a
Christian now?” People say that
Testament, Chapter 3, verses 11
and 12 it says, “Test God and see if
He’ll open the windows in heaven
seafood empire. When he realized the years? Sindhi and Christianity don’t go and fill up your storehouses with
that it was Jesus Christ who filled together. blessings which can’t be contained
his nets with fish, he stopped We have become market leaders As a matter of fact, I was in your storehouse.” I’ve taken
crowing about his own talents and in some products. Today, as excluded from a major Sindhi that as a firm promise of God.
marketing strategies that he seafood exporters, we are very event at the Raj Bhavan about 10 When you give to God as a
thought were behind the success of well respected. I was elevated to months ago because I’d become a cheerful giver he gives you back.
the business. His wife, Sheila, a the rank of the Vice President of Christian. If that’s the reason that He doesn’t need our money.
devout Protestant Christian t h e S e a F o o d E x p o r t e r s they have excluded me, I feel Do you think God bothers about
i n t r o d u c e d h i m t o J e s u s . Association of India sometime honored as the Bible says that if we the 50,000 rupees or one lakh that I
Thereafter, it did not take Gul, who ago. are persecuted because of Jesus’ can offer? After all He “owns
thought washing the feet of name, we should consider every cattle on the thousands
religious gurus would bring him You are involved in several ourselves fortunate, so I am okay hills.” But when we give Him
good luck, much time to realize social service organizations… that they excluded me. money, we are only showing Him
that the greatest of gurus is Lord our love. That’s when He
Jesus Christ. Despite being God in I think it is the duty of each and How do you manage so many appreciates our love and blesses
human form, Jesus washed the feet every one of us, whether we are in things together - business, social us.
of his disciples. Soon enough, Gul business or in service, to give work, administering
accepted Jesus as his Lord and something back to the society. educational institutes and Many Christian businessmen
Savior. He is now a fisher of men Whatever God has given to us working with the church? are clueless about how to tithe as
who spreads the good news in the doesn’t really belong to us. Out of a company. Should it be based
marketplace. his grace and mercy, He has given I don’t manage anything at all. on net profit or the total
In an interview with The us something. For instance, let’s In fact, I am a mis-manager. It’s turnover? Under what heads
Christian Messenger, Gul assume my salary is Rs.10,000 a Jesus who manages everything for should one tithe so they are also
Kripalani, managing director of month. I don’t think I could have me. in adherence to the taxation
Pijikay Group, president of the got that salary without the grace or rules and make it easy for the
Indian Merchants Chamber and mercy of God. Can one be a committed auditors?
President of the Federation of the If I have got this salary, it is my Christian and a successful
I n d o - I s r a e l i C h a m b e r o f duty to plough back something businessman at the same time, You need to tithe to your
Commerce and Culture, spoke on into the society to promote His especially when the Bible says storehouse. What is your
his walk with God and the ethics of work in the world; to look after the you cannot serve both God and storehouse? Your storehouse is
a C h r i s t i a n b u s i n e s s m a n . poor, needy, sick, children with the Mammon? where you draw your provisions
Excerpts: cancer and homeless poor people. from. You draw your daily
‘Christianity is not a provisions from your church and
This is what the entire world is You are not serving the
What inspired you to set up a talking about nowadays as religion. It’s about a Mammon if you are in business. your pastors. Ten percent must go
seafood business 35 years ago? Corporate Social Responsibility personal relationship You serve God and follow His to your church and pastor - that’s a
(CSR). But even before the term with God. If I am not in principles to serve the country as tithe.
I am a mechanical engineer by CSR came into existence, I was an honest Christian businessman. A tithe must be given on the
education. I was inspired to start involved in 1965 with the Jawans
the marketplace, how
can I talk about Jesus? If people like us don’t work, how gross profit. It says in the Bible
my seafood business by Peter Welfare Association. In the Indo- will we talk about Jesus in the that you should tithe from your
Harris from England who was into Pak war of 1965, I was moved by When I go to the income market place? Every opportunity I first fruits. What is the first fruit?
the same business too. Peter is no the condition of the soldiers and tax department, I talk get in the market place, I talk about The gross profit. Then the Bible
more. He passed away a few officers of armed forces. That’s about Jesus to the Jesus. My Rotary Club is the only says about offerings. Offerings are
months ago. h o w t h e J a w a n s We l f a r e one which has invited Gladys anything we give over and above
commissioner. When I
Association was born. We go to the Rotary Club I Staines, Ravi Zacharias and the 10 percent which we want to
What challenges did you face collected money by doing shows Ramesh Richards. give out of the cheerfulness of our
while setting up your business for them and gave it for their talk about Jesus. When I However, I don’t spread the heart. For instance, an offering
and how did you overcome welfare. sit in the Indian word about Jesus by talking about may go to help blind people and
them? Merchant’s Chamber, I religion. Rotary Clubs aren’t lepers. Jesus loved blind people
You come from a Sindhi talk about Jesus. But I supposed to talk about religion. and lepers.
When I got into the seafood Hindu background. I’ve read Christianity is not a religion. It’s One has to explain to the tax
industry, I had not known Jesus. So that as a Hindu you would don’t talk about Jesus people that we are Christians, and
about a personal relationship with
I didn’t give any glory to God at worship gurus and wash their without a reference.’ God. If I am not in the show them what God has
that time. I just thought the feet in devotion. How did you marketplace, how can I talk about commanded us to do.
business prospered because of my understand that Jesus is the can call myself worthy. Jesus? When I go to the income tax That’s how we can give them
efforts. I came to know Jesus in truth, the way and the life? About three or four generations department, I talk about Jesus to the Bible in the marketplace in the
1982. I got into the seafood ago my wife’s forefathers were the commissioner. When I go to name of Jesus. The Bible clearly
industry in 1972. I don’t remember I was introduced to Jesus by my Hindus. She told me about Jesus. the Rotary Club I talk about Jesus. states about the FLAW (F:
giving any glory to God at all at wife Sheila and I was touched by When I was reading the book of When I sit in the Indian fatherless, L: Levites, A: aliens,
that time. this one guru who washed the feet John, I was touched by the fact that Merchant’s Chamber, I talk about W: widows). These are the four
However, after I got to know of His disciples. I had grown up God had come down to earth in the Jesus. But I don’t talk about Jesus sectors which the Old Testament
God, I have become a more ethical washing the feet of my gurus. Then form of a human being in the form without a reference. In my has repeatedly told us that we need
businessman. Being a Christian I was introduced to this guru, who of Jesus lived through similar Seafood Exporters Association, to support. By Levites, we mean a
has helped me to become a better was so humble that He came down challenges as we do and had died the Indo-Canadian Business priest. An alien is just anybody.
employer. I hope that, gradually, I to earth to save each and every one for us. I’ve been baptized in a Chamber and the Israeli Business
will become a better husband and a of us and died on the cross for us Protestant church in Montreal in of Commerce, they know that I’m Another area of concern for
better father. irrespective of the fact whether we Canada. a believer in Jesus. most Christian businesses is the
were Hindus, Muslims, Christians When I retire from my business So one is not serving the fact that they have to grease
What were you doing before or Sikhs! I’d like my company Pijikay to Mammon or money for that matter palms to get things done at
you got into business? I was overwhelmed by Him than promote God’s Kingdom fulltime. by being in the marketplace. It’s a various levels with the
by any other guru I had ever However, my mission will not be must for a Christian businessman government. What’s your take
After graduation in 1965, I known. He didn’t come here to to convert people. Conversion to be able to talk about Jesus in the on that?
worked with Bradys. In 1967, I create a religion. He came here to isn’t a part of what Jesus has marketplace.
joined the TATA group. Three create a direct relationship taught us. I can’t convert anyone. I No way. When you talk to the
years later, I shifted to London. between God and man. When He can only talk to people about what What’s the key to success as a authorities keep in mind that Jesus
Two years later, I came back to was crucified on the cross, the brought about a change in my life. Christian businessman? is sitting next to you. Don’t bribe
India to start my own business. curtain of the temple tore open Conversion is a wrong word. as it’s a sin. Just try saying no to
signifying a direct relationship There has been a change in my Jesus Christ is the key to bribes. Neither be a giver nor a
What’s behind your company between God and man. And that’s mindset that I can now trust in a success. receiver of bribes. God is just
name Pijikay? the guru who washed the feet of Living God. testing you by sending you a
His disciples before He was W h a t h a v e b e e n y o u r corrupt person who wants a bribe.
My business was at one time a crucified. I was touched by His How did the Sindhi Hindu experiences of financial blessing We can succeed in accomplishing
partnership between two people: P example. I am not worthy but I can c o m m u n i t y re a c t t o y o u that come from tithing and our task without ever having to
G Rao (who was called PG) and only say that through His blood, I accepting Jesus as your savior? being a ‘cheerful giver’? bribe.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040.
Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., 1, Narasinghapuram Extn.., 1st Lane, Maduvankarai, Guindy, Chennai 600 032. Editor: Elsy Robin

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