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>> num =[0 0 1000 2000];

>> den = [1 1508 8515 2000];

>> H = tf(num,den);
>> step(H);
>> grid;
>> title('Unit step response of H(s)=(1000s+2000)/(s^3+1508s^2+8515s+2000)');
>> num2 = [0 0 0 1000 2000];
>> den2 = [1 1508 8515 2000 0];
>> t = 0:0.1:7;
>> y = step(num2,den2,t);
>> figure();
>> plot(t,y,'o',t,t,'-')
>> grid
>> title ('Unit-Ramp Response Curve for System G(s) = (1000s+2000)/
>> xlabel('tsec');
>> ylabel('Input and Output');

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