Survey On Demonetisation: 9L4Crytcviaopz1Ifiq-Pftca34Q9Hber3Gzq/Viewform

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The topic chosen by our team is "DEMONETISATION IN INDIA".

We have chosen this topic because this a sensitive issue which has affected a
lot of people of all backgrounds and age groups. But majority of people are
not aware about the root cause of the problem and the magnitude of the
situation. Our aim is to aware people about the main cause and come up with
some solutions which can fix the issue and benefit the society.

There are multiple reasons why nations demonetize their local units of
currency. Some reasons include to combat in nation, to combat corruption,
and to discourage a cash system. The process of demonetization involves
either introducing new notes or coins of the same currency or completely
replacing the old currency with new currency.

1. Statement of Research Problem - "Demonetisation has affected day to day


2. Survey of Related Literature (100 Surverys) Interviews (15 Interviews)

3. Theoretical Model: Formulation of Hypothesis

4. Analysis of Data: Testing of Hypothesis

5. Conclusions and Solutions

A survey form has been uploaded using google forms.

Interviews will be conducted by each and every member or the group.

Data Analysis will be done after the same.

We will come up with solutions by analyzing the data.

Survey on Demonetisation
1. What is your age group?

a) 18-30
b) 30-45
c) 45-55
d) 55-65
e) 66 above

2. Whose decision was it to demonetise?

a) The RBI.

b) The government.

c) Both.

d) Dont know.

3. What do you think the primary motive for this move was?
a) Financial
b) It was a strike against corruption
c) Political

4. When was the decision taken?

a) 6 months back.

b) One month back.

c) 2 years back.

d) Doesnt know.

5. At what level of non-surrender would the scheme be called a success?

a) 2 lakh crores.

b) 3 lakh crores and above.

6. The ban on Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes will bring an end to black money & corruption?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Maybe

d) Dont know

7. Did the move cause any inconvenience to you?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Yes, but I dont mind it.

8. Have you faced any professional or personal crises due to severe cash crunch?

a) Yes

b) No

9. How much time daily have you spent at ATM/Bank to withdraw or exchange money?

a) 0-1 hours

b) 1-3 hours

c) 3-8 hours

d) Over 8 hours

10. Demonetisation will bring real estate, higher education, health care in common mans

a) Completely agree

b) Partially

c) Cant say

d) Disagree

11. What do you think of the demonetisation of notes?

a) Good idea, well executed.

b) Good idea, badly executed.

c) Bad idea, badly executed.

12. Are the ATM/Banks in your locality being steadily supplied with cash?

a) Yes

b) No

13. What do you think of the Government efforts against corruption so far?

a) Good
b) Poor

c) Dont know

14. Did you get the amount you needed? If yes, after how many attempts?


15. Do you think the stories of people dying and suffering in the aftermath of
demonetisation are fake and politically motivated?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Cant say

Sl No Name andTitle
Reg. no.
ofofthe Name of Name of the year Inference
the student
article the Journal/Book/Newspaper
1 POOJA a.Indias Bruce Bloomberg Businessweek 2016 Digital India
GUPTA Cash- Einhorn Forbes 2017 Negative
Canceling Wade knowledge Wharton 2017 impact on day
Experimen Shepard today's life.
t Kartik Lack of Money
b.One Month In, Hosanagar leads to loss in
What's The
Impact Of
India's (predictions)

c.How Will

Demonetization Affect

Business in India in 2017?

2 KUNAL a.Black TNN The economic times 2016 Steps to

BISWAS money Mahua Hindustan Times 2016 digitalize
b. Pain VenkateshThe Indian Express 2017 Indian
Returns Ashutosh Currency.Initial

c.Post truthVarshney stage.

Aim was to
black money.
R b.

4 GOPAL a.India's sadanand The wall street journal 2016 country's

SINGH demonetiza dhume The economic times 2016 bungling

tion Pratik The economic times 2016 effort to cut

Bhakta down on cash
Shailesh has
Menon undermined
c.50 Days

5 B.CHET a. Free Suresh The Economist 2016 Withdrawing

HANA exchange Bhatt The Hindu 2016 86% by value

b.Demoneti Dhiraj Firstpost 2016 of cash in

sation is forNayyar circulation in

Dinesh india was abad
long run
Unnikrish idea, Badly
nan executed.
by Modi

A c.

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