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For the archetypal samurai, battle is as stance, before damage is rolled you may
much an art form as it is a test of strength. make an attack against the projectile (AC
Samurai seek out challenging fights and 15). Spending your reaction grants
uphold a great sense on honor in combat. A advantage on the attack roll. On a hit, the
fighter who takes on the samurai archetype inbound attack is instead treated as a miss
becomes adept at the ways of wielding two- and the projectile is destroyed.
handed weaponry.
Earth Stance. While you are in this stance,
Stances you have advantage on Strength checks
made to grapple and can hold a two-handed
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
weapon in one hand whilst grappling a
you learn special stances to increase your
creature. Additionally, When you make an
effectiveness in combat. You learn two
attack roll using strength, you may use a
stances when you gain this feature and one
bonus action to gain a bonus to the damage
more of your choice at 7th, 10th and 15th
roll equal to half your proficiency modifier
level. You can use a bonus action on your
(rounded down) if the attack hit. When you
turn to enter a stance if you are wielding a
are subjected to an effect that allows you to
melee two-handed weapon. The stance lasts
make a Strength saving throw while in this
for 1 minute, until you change stance or until
stance, you may use your reaction to gain
you are knocked unconscious.
advantage on that saving throw.
Wind Stance. When you are in this stance,
Fire Stance. While in this stance, you can
you may take the Disengage action as a
use a bonus action to frighten one creature
bonus action. In addition, whenever you are
within 60 feet of you that you can see. To do
hit with a ranged weapon attack while in this
so, make a Charisma (Intimidation) check Way of Steel
contested by the target's Wisdom saving
At 7th level, you have learned to master
throw. If you succeed, the creature is
your weapon. The damage modifier for your
frightened until you end this stance or if it
first attack each round is doubled if you hit
takes damage. Additionally, while in this
as long as you are attacking with a melee
stance you can use your reaction to become
two-handed weapon. You also have a +2
immune to fear and charm effects until the
bonus to AC when wielding a melee two-
start of your next turn.
handed weapon.
Water Stance. When you successfully hit a Surge of Energy
creature with a melee weapon attack while
in this stance, you may immediately spend At 10th level, you can use your Second Wind
your bonus action to knock the creature ability twice per short or long rest instead of
prone. Additionally, when you hit a creature once. Additionally, when you use Second
with an opportunity attack while in this Wind you also gain resistance to piercing,
stance, that creatures movement is reduced bludgeoning and slashing damage from
to zero until the start of it's next turn. nonmagical weapons until the start of your
next turn.
Lightning Stance. While in this stance, you
can dash as a bonus action. Additionally, Quickened Stances
while in this stance you may use your At 15th level You have advantage on
reaction to impose disadvantage on an Initiative checks when you aren't suprised
opportunity attack targeting you. and may take a stance during the first round
of combat (no action required). In addition,
Iai Stance. While in this stance, creatures
you may change stances as a reaction.
provoke an opportunity attack from you
when they enter your reach. Additionally, Iai Strike
when you hit with a melee weapon attack on
Starting at 18th level, you have learned to
your turn while in this stance, before rolling
cut through anything. Whenever you use
damage you can immediately spend your
your action surge, your melee two-handed
bonus action to deal an additional 1d8
weapon attacks have advantage until the
damage. This damage is multiplied on a
end of your turn and score a critical hit on a
critical hit.
roll of 18-20.

The Shieldman is a fighter archetype that your AC against melee or range weapon
focuses on fighting with shields. Those who attacks, and any ally that is 5 ft. behind you
carry shields are known to have the ability to can't be targeted by a melee or range
resist most damage as if it was nothing, and weapon attack coming from your direction.
defend others against what is coming from You must be wielding a shield to gain this
both close and afar. Today a shieldman is the benefit.
heavy front line infantry for any army. Due to
them being heavy infantry they are usually Shield Bash
composed entirely of warriors armed with
shields, swords, spears, pikes, or similar Beginning at 7th level, you can hit a creature
weapons. with your shield as a melee weapon attack
using a bonus action. The shield deals
Defensive Reflex bludgeoning damage equal to (the shield AC
x d4) and forces a target that is one size
Beginning at 3rd level, you can spend your larger than you or smaller to make a
reaction to add your proficiency bonus to Strength saving throw, DC equal to (8 + your
Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). with a Shield Bash ability. On a failed save,
On a failed save, you knock the target prone. the target is pushed back 5 ft. and knocked
You must be wielding a shield to gain this prone. You can use this feature once before
benefit. taking a short or a long rest. You must be
wielding a shield to gain this benefit.

Final Stand

Beginning at 18th level, you can gain the

Wall Barrier following features for 1 minute:

You gain the benefit of Defensive

Beginning at 10th level, every ally that is 5
Reflex at all times.
ft. away from you that is wielding a shield
gives you +1 to AC, this stacks to a +3 limit
You gain advantage to Strength,
to AC. You must be wielding a shield to gain
Dexterity, and Constitution saving
this benefit.

At 13th level, you can stack this ability with

You gain the ability to return to 1 HP
the AC given by Defensive Reflex when
after you drop to 0 HP, which
being attacked by a melee or range weapon
deactivates the Final Stand ability.

You cannot use this ability again until after a

Charging Shield
long rest. You must be wielding a shield to
gain this benefit.
Beginning at 15th level, you can charge at
an enemy that is within half of your speed
usually melees use nonlethal
damage). Special rules for the joust
are set forth below.

In a joust, two mounted combatants

will charge towards each other with
the intent of dismounting their
opponent. An opponent can be
dismounted through being
incapacitated (doing normal hit point
damage) or by using a special
dismounting attack.

To make a dismounting attack, you

first must successfully strike your
opponent. If you hit, the target makes
a Strength saving throw with a DC
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your strength modifier + your mounts
strength modifier (but only if you are
proficient in animal handling). If your
target is using a military saddle, they
have advantage on this saving throw
Martial Archetype: Knight (military saddles are usually prohibited
The knight, also known as the in tournaments). If you have access to
chevalier or ritter, is the pride of Trip Attack combat maneuver and you
feudal armies: heavy, disciplined spend a superiority die, you can do
cavalry whose charge can drive damage to your opponent (adding the
opponents from the field. However, a superiority die to the damage roll) and
knight is more than a mere soldier; he your target must make a saving throw
also must be a military commander, a or be dismounted.
just lord, and a wise manager of his
estate. Many knights take the Inspiring Knights Companion
Leader, Mounted Combatant and At 3rd level, you can train any
Heavy Armor Master feats. warhorse you own to be a warhorse
companion that accompanies you on
your adventures. Add your proficiency
bonus to the warhorses AC, attack
rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to
any saving throws and skills it is
Tournaments proficient in. Its hit point maximum
Knights often compete in tournaments equals its normal maximum or four
featuring melees and jousts. A melee times your fighter level, whichever is
is nothing more than a generalized higher.
unmounted combat and no special
rules are needed for the melee The warhorse obeys your commands
(although as a matter of custom, as best as it can. It takes its turn on
your initiative, though it doesnt take for ability checks using animal
an action unless you command it to. handling, but only for checks related
On your turn, you can verbally to your warhorse companion.
command the warhorse to approach
you, or you can use your knees while Combat Superiority
riding to command it where to move Starting at 3rd level, you gain access
(no action required by you). While to superiority dice and learn
riding it, you can use your action to maneuvers like a battle master. You
command it (using your knees) to take start with four superiority dice at 3rd
the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, level. You gain another superiority die
or Help action. Once you have the at 7th level and one more at 15th
Extra Attack feature, you can make level. Your superiority dice are
one weapon attack yourself when you normally d6s, but are d10s if you use
command the beast to take the Attack them while riding your warhorse
action. In addition, your warhorse can companion.
do a Trampling Charge after your
attack instead of your warhorses Exceptional Training
attack (but you must fulfill all the Beginning at 7th level, on any of your
other conditions and it cannot make turns when your warhorse doesnt
more than one Trampling Charge per attack, you can use a bonus action to
turn regardless). If the warhorse dies command the warhorse to take the
or is lost, you can train another Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help
warhorse with a week of time. action on its turn.

Expert Horseman Improved Combat Superiority

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in the Starting at 10th level, your superiority
animal handling skill. If you are dice turn into d8s normally and d12s
already proficient in animal handling, while riding your warhorse companion.
you gain expertise in animal handling, At 18th level, they turn into
i.e. your proficiency bonus is doubled d10s/d14s, respectively.

The first lesson taught to an Arcane you can coalesce an arrow of pure
Archer is how to imbue their tools of war arcane energy, eliminating the need to
with magic. Upon gaining this use actual arrows. All arrows fired from
archetype, you gain the ability to your bow count as magical, and gain a
enhance both your bow and armor. You magical enhancement bonus of one-fifth
must spend an hour to attune yourself your level (round down). This bonus also
to a bow or a set of armor, and you can cannot exceed your Intelligence
only be attuned to one bow and one set modifier, regardless of your level, and
of armor at a time. does not stack with any magical
enhancement bonus already on the
Any time you draw your attuned bow, weapon; use whichever modifier is
higher. direction without expending any sort of
action. If you attack immediately after
When wearing your attuned armor, it using this ability, the target must make
gains the following benefits: a Perception check equal to your spell
-Any attuned armor set effectively save DC. If it fails, you have advantage
weighs half as much. Heavy armor on the attack roll.
Strength requirements are reduced by
an amount equal to your Intelligence Range - Your attuned bow's short and
modifier. long ranges are tripled.
-Your maximum Dexterity bonus to
armor class is one higher than usual in Skirmish - Attacking with a bow from
attuned medium or heavy armor, and melee range does not impart any
stealth penalties are eliminated. disadvantage. You do not provoke
-An attuned set of light armor can be attacks of opportunity from moving
magically donned or doffed magically as through the threatened area of enemies
a bonus action, or as a reaction to being you have attacked this turn.
attacked. Once you use this ability, you
must take a short or long rest before Vision - You gain darkvision to a range
using it again. of 60 feet, and ignore the effects of any
cover less than full cover. If you already
Spells have darkvision, its range increases by
60 feet. Finally, you can see and discern
An Arcane Archer also learns a very detail out to a range of a quarter mile.
small number of spells. Pick one Wizard At 1/4 mile distance, you can see detail
cantrip and two first-level spells from as though you are looking at the object
the Wizard or Ranger spell list as your or target from 100 feet away.
spells known. You start off with two spell
slots, which are first level. Each time Specialty Arrow
you gain a new feature from this
archetype (at levels 7, 10, 15, and 18), At 10th level, you learn to imbue a
your number of spell slots and the spell special effect into your arrows.
slot level increases by 1, and you pick
one more spell, which must be from the Crippling Arrows - Until the beginning
Ranger spell list and of a level you can of your next turn, any target struck by
cast, and add it to your spells known. one of your arrows has its vitality
sapped, and each of these arrows
Your Intelligence is used for your voraciously seeks out any vital point or
spellcasting modifier. You regain all weak spot in its armor. The target's
expended spell slots when you finish a speed is halved, and if it fails a
long rest. Constitution saving throw, it is rendered
vulnerable and all attacks against the
Arcane Warfare target have advantage until the
beginning of your next turn.
By 7th level, your arcane imbuing has
improved. Choose one of the following Explosive Arrows - Until the start of
benefits: your next turn, all your arrows, whether
they hit or miss, explode in a blast of
Mobility - At any point during your elemental energy. With each shot,
movement, you can blink 10 feet in any choose an elemental damage type: acid,
cold, electricity, fire, force, or poison, At 15th level, you gain an additional
and choose a point of detonation within Arcane Specialty from the list gained at
your bow's range. Every creature in a 7th level, or an enhanced effect for the
cone 30 feet directly along the arrow's one you already have:
path beyond the detonation point suffer
the arrow's damage as the chosen Mobility - Your base speed increases by
damage type. Each creature can make a 10 feet and you can use a bonus action
Dexterity save to reduce the damage by to take the Dash action. When dashing,
half. you ignore all magical and nonmagical
terrain restrictions and can run over
Guided Arrow - By expending one spell water or up vertical surfaces without
slot as a bonus action, your next shot falling until the end of your movement.
against a target you can see ignores all
cover and concealment and line of effect Range - With vertical clearance of half
requirements. The arrow snakes the distance to your target, you can fire
unerringly around terrain and volleyed shots that make it difficult for
obstructions, dodging everything in its distant targets to pinpoint your location.
path to strike the target unerringly. Against enemies further than 100 feet
Choose one of the following damage away, your first shot does not impart a
types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, new chance to spot you. Every shot
or poison. The target is automatically after the first gives the enemies a
struck for your weapon damage, plus cumulative +1 bonus to their Wisdom
1d8 per spell level of the spell slot (Perception) checks against your current
expended. Stealth check.

Siege Arrow - Until the beginning of Skirmish - As a reaction, you can

your next turn, all of your arrows launch a small arcane flare from your
explode with ruinous force. All arrow bow against a target within short range
damage is converted to bludgeoning who attacks a target other than yourself.
damage and ignore all forms of damage The flare is harmless but the target has
resistance, and creatures struck must disadvantage on its attack roll, and the
succeed on a Strength save or be dazzling light grants advantage on the
thrown back 10 feet. Any inanimate next attack roll against it before the
object or structure struck takes triple start of your next turn if it fails a
damage from one of these arrows. Wisdom saving throw.

Web Arrow - Until the beginning of your Vision - You can see into the Ethereal
next turn, each arrow you fire explodes plane and through magical darkness out
in a 10-foot cube of webbing with the to the range of your darkvision.
same effects as the Web spell.

Once you use a specialty arrow other Master Arrow

than Guided Arrow, you must finish a
short or long rest before using another. Upon reaching 18th level, you can
At 15th level and again at 18th level, create a powerful arrow representing the
you learn one additional specialty arrow. mastery of your imbuing craft. It takes
four uninterrupted hours of work and
Warfare Mastery 500 gp of materials to create a Master
Arrow, which are consumed at the end
of the creation. One of your spell slots is area. Firing the arrow unleashes that
permanently disabled until the arrow is spell with the point struck by the arrow
used. Once you fire this arrow, your spell as the originating point of the spell's
slot returns on your next long rest, and effect. A padded arrow can be created to
you cannot create another Master Arrow impart a beneficial spell effect. A spell
for 1 week. that requires an attack roll requires this
arrow to hit for the spell to trigger, or
Gate - Wherever this arrow strikes, a else it is wasted.
magical arch 15 feet high and across
springs into existence, and another Slaying - Specify a creature type or a
matching one appears at a point of your specific type of humanoid. When fired
choosing within 30 feet of your person. with killing intent at a creature of this
Anyone passing through one of the type, the arrow unerringly strikes its
portals is instantly transported out of target, which must make a Constitution
the other one. You can maintain this saving throw or suffer 10d6+40 necrotic
magic gate with Concentration for up to damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit
1 minute. points by this effect dies instantly.

Spell - Choose one Wizard spell of 5th

level or lower that targets a creature or
The archetypal Guardian is a master of Charisma modifier + your proficiency
defense who puts the well-being of his bonus. You can use this a number of
allies above all else. Guardians are times equal to 1 + your Charisma
resilient and near impenetrable iron modifier (minimum 1 time) before
walls that stand in the way of all needing to take a short or long rest.
opposition while still dealing heavy
damage on the battlefield. It takes more Spell blocker
than your average foe to take these At 10th level, you create a safe area
juggernauts down. within a 15ft cube behind you whenever
you enter your defensive stance. Allies
within this cube add your shield's AC
Two-Handed Defense bonus to dexterity saving throws they
When you choose this archetype at 3rd make against spells or other harmful
level, you gain the ability to use special effects. If they are subjected to an effect
two-handed shields. These shields have that allows them to make a Dexterity
the heavy property and grant a +2 AC saving throw to take only half damage,
bonus when wielded with one hand. If they take no damage if they succeed on
you use the shield with both hands it the saving throw.
grants a +4 AC bonus instead, and you In addition, whenever you successfully
can only move at half your speed. block a ranged attack spell you may use
In addition, you can make attacks with your reaction to attempt to deflect it at
shields. The damage die you use for this a target. Make an attack roll and add
attack is a d4 and it deals bludgeoning your proficiency bonus and your
damage. At 10th level, this increases to Dexterity modifier to the result.
Undying Protector
Defensive Stance Starting at 15th level, whenever you are
At 3rd level, as an action you can take the target of an effect that would cause
an all-out defensive stance when you're you to gain hit points, you gain twice
holding your shield with both hands until your constitution modifier in hit points
the beginning of your next turn. While as well and whenever you take a short
you're in this stance, attacks against rest you automatically recover a number
you have disadvantage and you have of hit points equal to twice your level.
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage. If you are subjected to Ultimate Shield
an attack that requires you to make a At 18th level, you may end your turns in
dexterity saving throw, you may make a an ally's space whenever you wish.
strength saving throw with advantage When you are within an ally's space you
instead. may add your shield's AC bonus to their
total AC.
Provoke In addition, you may enter a defensive
Starting at 7th level, you may force all stance as a bonus action instead of an
foes within 30ft to direct their single action. When you enter a defensive
target attacks and actions at you as a stance you may add your Strength
bonus action. All targets effected must modifier to your total AC.
make a Wisdom saving throw. The
saving throw DC equals 10 + your

You are an up-close, in-your-face, grim- You gain the following benefits while
and-gritty combatant. A master of you are unarmed or wielding fist
unarmed hand-to-hand combat, ready weapons and you aren't wielding a
to throw down at any time, they are shield.
the typical street thug. They are not You can use Dexterity instead of
monks with their codes and mysticism. Strength for the attack and damage
They don't learn their prowess through rolls of your unarmed and fist weapon
discipline and intense teaching but attacks.
through survival of the fittest. You can roll d4 in place of the normal
damage of your unarmed strike or fist
weapon. This die increases to d6 at
Pugilist 8th level and d8 at 16th level.
Starting when you choose this When you use the Attack action with
archetype at 3rd level, your an unarmed or fist weapon attack on
experience with brawling has given your turn, you can make one unarmed
you a mastery of combat styles that strike as a bonus action.
use unarmed strikes and fist weapons.
It must make a Constitution saving
throw or be stunned until the end of
your next turn.
Sucker Punch The saving throw DC is calculated as
At 7th level, you learn how to place follows: 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your unarmed attacks for the your Strength or Dexterity modifier
maximum impact. Once on each of (your choice).
your turns when you hit a creature
with an unarmed or fist weapon Counter-Punch
attack, you can cause the attack to At 15th level, when you take damage
deal an extra 1d8 damage to the from a creature that is within 5 feet of
target. you, you can use your reaction to
make an unarmed or fist weapon
Dirty Fighting attack against that creature.
At 10th level, you can use your
unpredictable fighting style to make Opportunist
viscous attacks against your foe. At 18th level, you can exploit a
Whenever you hit a creature with an creature's momentary distraction
unarmed attack or a fist weapon, you when it is hit by an attack. Whenever
can impose one of the following a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by
effects on the target: an attack made by a creature other
It must make a Dexterity saving than you, you can use your reaction to
throw or be knocked prone. make a melee attack against that
It must make a Strength saving creature.
throw. If it fails, you can push it up to
15 feet away from you.

Please not that balance is not of a concern to us, since we're hyper-casual and want
to do cool things in the few times we get together. So it may need tweaks to be
brought in line.

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a charge of Spellbreak anytime a spell is cast within
15 feet of you. Spellbreak charges are used to cast spells and enhance your natural
abilities. You use Charisma as your spellcasting ability.

You lose half of your Spellbreak charges after a short rest and all of your Spellbreak
charges after a long rest.
Know Thy Enemy: At 7th level you gain proficiency in Arcana if you do not already
have it. If you are already proficient, you gain Expertise in it instead, applying
double your proficiency bonus to Arcana skill checks.

In addition, you gain the Mage Slayer feat if you do not already have it. If you
already have it, you may take your Ability Score Improvement instead.

Starting at 10th level, you add the spellcasting ability mod of enemies you attack to
the attack and damage rolls against them.

Starting at 15th level, when you have 10 or more charges of Spellbreak, all attacks
and spells targeting you have disadvantage.

Templar Resistance
At 17th level, you can become nearly immune to magical attacks, gaining resistance
to all damage from enemy spells and ongoing magical effects as long as you have 5
or more charges of Spellbreak.

While others may devote themselves to strengthening their body to inhuman levels,
leading a thousand men in mass combat, or in the subtle and deliberate arts of magic,
the kensai has chosen to devote himself to perfecting his techniqe, and the will that
guides it. By harnessing the mystical power of Ki, he turns himself into a perfectly
guided sword point of death.

Kenjutsu Martial Discipline

At 3rd level, your study and devotion to When you take this archetype at 3rd
the blade has given you a mastery over level, you learn a number of maneuvers
combat that few could hope to achieve. fueled by your Ki. Your Fighter level
When fighting with any one handed, Determines the number of Ki points you
two-handed or versatile melee weapon have. You gain back all expended Ki
that does not have the heavy property, points following a short or long rest.
you gain a number of different benefits
- You may use Dexterity instead of Fighter level Ki Points
strength for the attack and damage rolls 3rd 2
of your Kensai weapons. 5th 3
- When you use the attack action with a 7th 4
Kensai weapon on your turn, you may 9th 5
make a quick strike with the butt of the
11th 6
weapon as a bonus action. This attack
13th 7
deals 1d4 + strength/dexterity modifier
bludgeoning damage.
15th 8
17th 9
19th 10
You learn three manuevers to weapon, or you may end it as a bonus
start, and two more at 7th, 10th action.
and 15th level. Each time you
learn new maneuvers, you may
elect to replace old ones. Some Maneuvers
maneuvers require a saving
throw; if it does, the DC is equal Moment of Alclarity
to 8 + your Proficiency Modifier + - At the beginning of combat, you may
your Wisdom Modifier. spend 1 ki point to add your Wisdom
modifier to your Initiative roll.

Avalanche of Blades
Battle Sense - Immediately after you take the attack
At 7th level, you begin to eschew heavy action on your turn, you may spend 1 Ki
armor, focusing on your wit and point to make one melee weapon attack
willpower to shield you. When you are as a bonus action.
not wearing Armor or using a shield, you
may Calculate your AC as 10 + Dex Mod Emerald Razor
+ Wisdom Mod. - When making a melee weapon attack,
you may spend 1 ki point to add your
wisdom modifier to the attack roll.

Bushi Exorcisim of Steel

At 10th level, you have honed your - As an action, you can spend 1 ki point
mastery over your sword. You may to to make an attack against a single
select an additional fighting style from target. If you hit, that target makes a
the list below: strength save: on a failure, it has
- Two-weapon fighting disadvantage on all attack rolls for a
- Hand-and-a-half number of rounds equal to your wisdom
- Great Weapon Fighting modifier; On a success, it has
disadvantage on it's next attack roll.

Iron Shout
Improved Ki - As a bonus action, you may spend 1 ki
At 15th level, you've learned to harness point to cast the spell Compelled
your ki more efficiently, adding your Duel on one target that can hear you
wisdom modifier to your total number of within 30 ft.
available Ki points.
Quicksilver Motion
- By spending 1 ki point, you may take
Blade of Virtue the dash action as a bonus action on
At 18th level, you lean to focus your Ki your turn, and your movement speed is
into your weapon, strengthening it into doubled for that turn.
an unstoppable force. As a bonus action,
you can spend 2 ki points, causing a Steel Wind
kensai weapon you are wielding to flare - By spending 1 ki point, you can
with Ki for 1 minute. This weapon Disengage as a bonus action on your
becomes magical if it is not already, and turn, and your Jump distance for the
deals an additional 2d6 force damage. turn is tripled.
This effect ends if you let go of the
Wall of Blades - When you are missed by a creature's
- By spending 1 Ki point, you may use melee attack, as a reaction you may
your reaction to add your Proficiency spend 1 ki point to make a single melee
bonus to your AC until the start of your weapon attack against that creature.
next turn. You must be wielding a kensai
weapon in order to maintain this bonus Bounding Assualt (level 10
to your AC. required)
- As an action, you may spend 2 ki
Iron Heart Surge (level 7 required) points move up to double your
- As an action, you may spend 3 ki movement speed; you do not provoke
points to immediately end an ongoing opportunity attacks from this
negative status or effect currently movement, and you are not hindered by
affecting yourself. rough terrain. At the end of this
movement, you may make one melee
Iron Heart Focus (level 7 required) weapon attack; this attack deal an
- As a reaction, you may spend 3 ki additional 10 damage.
points to reroll a failed save. You must
take the new roll. Disrupting Blow (level 10 required)
- As an action, you may spend 2 ki
Iron Heart Endurance (level 7 points to make a single melee attack
required) against a creature. If it hits, the creature
- As a bonus action, you may spend 3 ki must make a constitution saving throw;
points to regain HP equal to 1d6 + your Failure means that it is stunned until the
fighter level end of your next turn

Lightning recovery (level 7 Hearing the air (level 10 required)

required) - By spending 2 ki points, you can focus
- As a reaction, you may spend 3 ki on the battelfield around you, gaining
points to reroll a failed attack roll. Blindsight 20' for 1 minute.

Manticore Parry (level 7 required) Mithral Tornado (level 10 required)

- When you are hit by an opponent's - As an action, you may spend 2 ki
melee or ranged weapon attack, you points to make a melee weapon attack
may spend 3 ki points and use your against any number of creatures within
reaction to reflect or re-direct the attack. 5 feet of you, making a separate roll for
The attacker rolls damage as normal; each creature.
instead of dealing damage to you, the
attacker deals damage to either himself Scything Blade (level 10 required)
or a target within 5 feet of him (your - On your turn, immediately after
choice) making the attack action, as a bonus
action you may spend 2 ki points to
Mind over Body (level 7 required) make two melee weapon attacks.
- When you are forced to make a
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Adamantine Hurricane (level 15
Saving throw, before the roll is made, required)
you may spend 3 ki points and use your - As an action, you may spend 10 ki
reaction to instead make a Wisdom points to make 2 Melee weapon attacks
saving throw. You must take the result. against any number of creatures within
5 feet of you, making a separate roll for
Rapid Counter (level 7 required) each creature; each of these attacks
adds your wisdom bonus to the damage - As an action, you may spend 10 ki
roll. points to make a single melee
weapon attack. If it hits, this attack
Diamond Nightmare Blade (level 15 deals an additional 10d10 slashing
required) damage.
- As an action, you may spend 10 ki
points to make a single melee weapon Time Stands Still (level 15
attack. You may add your widsom required)
modifer to the damage roll (In addition - After taking an action on your turn,
to your strength/dex modifier), the by spending 10 ki points, you can
attack is a critical hit, and triggers any take an additional action and an
effects that occur on a natural 20. additional Bonus Action on this turn.

Finishing Move (level 15 required) Lightning Throw (level 15

- As a bonus action, you may spend 10 required)
ki points. For the rest of this turn, each - As an action, you may spend 10 ki
of your melee weapon attacks deals points to throw your weapon. Your
bonus damage to a target based on it's weapon spins through the air, hitting
current HP total: every creature in a 5' wide, 120' long
Full health: 2d6 damage line. Each creature must make a
Damaged, greater than Half dexterity saving throw: on a failure,
Health: 4d6 damage they take 5d10 Bludgeoning,
Damaged, less than half health: Piercing, or Slashing damage (based
8d6 damage on the weapon you threw), or half
that on a save. Your weapon returns
Strike of Perfect Clarity (level 15 to your hand at the end of the throw.

Fighting Style: Hand-and-a-half

- When using a versatile Weapon in two hands, you gain a +1 to hit and +1 to damage.

Feat: Bastard Sword Mastery

- When using a weapon with the versatile trait in two hands, You gain a +1 to your AC.
- You may use your dexterity bonus instead of your strength bonus when wielding a
versatile weapon.
- You may use the Disengage action as a bonus action on your turn.

These men have felt the desire to move beyond a normal longbow. They wield a
gargantuan bow used by ancient dragon slayers. The bow stands over six feet end to
end, and requires immense strength to fire. Few are able to master this powerful
weapon, but those who do clearly see the product of their hard work.

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the


At 7th level, you're practice with your bow has At 15th level, your draw arm has gained the strength
increased your accuracy. Your weapon now scores a of 10 men. Your Strength increases by 1. This
critical hit on a 19 or 20. strength allows you to shoot flying creatures out of
the air. When you hit a flying creature, it's flying
MASTER GREATBOWMAN speed is reduced to 0 for a number of turns equal to
At 10th level, you are a master with the greatbow. your Strength modifier. A target hit on the ground is
You no longer need to plant the bow into the ground. knocked back 10 feet and is prone.
At 18th level, you have become the pinnacle that all
archers wish to become. You gain a +2 to attack rolls
and a +1 to damage rolls.

Martial Ranged
1d12 piercing
Ammunition (60/240), Heavy, Two-handed
This weapon uses Strength for damage rolls
and Dexterity for attack rolls. It uses javelins
rather than arrows for ammunition. A strength
score of 15 or higher is necessary to wield this
weapon. It must be planted in the ground for it
to fire without disadvantage.

Representing the ultimate in mounted warfare, the cavalier is the quintessential knight
in shining armor. The charge of the cavalier is amongst the most devastating offensive
weapons any culture can hope to field. Most cavaliers belong to the upper social class or
nobility of a society, though others work their way through a painfully long squireship to
attain their position. The cavalier dedicates their life to the service of a higher authority
such as a noble or sovereign, a deity, a military or religious order, or even a special
cause. There is a hereditary honor that comes from the price of lifelong service to their
monarch, country or other object or entity. The cavalier is expected to participate in any
wars or other armed conflict in which their lord or cause is engaged. Cavaliers in service
to other nobles often serve their masters beyond the battlefield as well, performing
such duties as their skills and their noble lord see fit. The cavalier often pursues such
selfless goals as the eradication of evil and chaos from the world, and justice for all the
subjects of their lands. Others are pure mercenaries and sell their grand martial talents
to the highest bidder. Others can be bullies and braggarts who use their station, status
and privilege to pursue only their own selfish self-aggrandizement.
Mount unit. This advanced training allows you
At 3rd level, you gain a faithful mount several benefits:
companion that accompanies you on your
adventures and is trained to fight
alongside you. Choose an appropriate * When mounting your companion,
mount (horse, camel, elf, mastiff, bear, it costs only 5 feet of movement
etc.) that is of one size category larger and you can perform a dismount as
than yourself and that has a Challenge a bonus action.
Rating of 1 or lower. Add your proficiency * Your stability in the saddle grants
bonus to the mount's AC, you advantage on the saving
attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as throws made to avoid being
to any saving throws and skills it is dismounted. Additionally, you may
proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals use either Dexterity or Strength to
its normal maximum or four times your make this saving throw.
fighter level, whichever is greater. * Your advanced bond with your
mount also allows you to verbally
The mount obeys your commands as best command your mount to take the
it can. It takes its turn on your initiative, Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or
though it doesn't take an action unless Help action as a bonus action.
you command it to. On your turn, you can
signal the mount where to move (no
Starting at 10th level, your bond and
action required by you). You can use your
training with your mount has improved
action to verbally command it to take the
your ability to be a devastating presence
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help
on the field of battle. When you use your
action. Once you have the Extra Attack
bonus action to command your mount to
feature, you can make one weapon attack
Dash while you are mounted and wielding
yourself when you command the mount to
a melee weapon, you can use your action
take the Attack action.
to make one melee weapon attack. If you
move at least 20 feet in a straight line
If the mount dies, you can obtain a new
immediately before taking this attack
one by spending 8 hours bonding with a
action, you gain a +10 bonus to the
new mount you acquire that isn't hostile to
attack's damage roll if the weapon is a
lance or a +5 bonus for all other melee
weapons. Additionally, you push the target
At 15th level, your expertise with animals
up to 10 feet away from you.
has allowed you to mount animals with a
Challenge Rating of 3. FEROCIOUS CHARGE
Beginning at 15th level, when making a
Lance Master
mounted charge, your charge is so fierce
At 4th level, your training with a lance has
and forceful that you no longer provoke
exceeded that of a normal soldier. Every
Opportunity Attacks when leaving your
time you deal damage with a lance, add
Foe's reach. Additionally, your training in
an extra d8. Every 4 levels after level 4,
charged lance combat has improved
add another d8.
greatly and you now score a critical hit
TWO AS ONE with a lance on a roll of 19 or 20.
At 7th level, you have achieved a
symbiotic relationship with your mount in
At 18th level, you have mastered your
combat creating an instinctive bond with it
instinctual fighting bond with your mount,
that allows you to fight as a seamlessly
each being able to sense the other's
needs and danger sense. You gain the are subjected to an effect that allows you
following features when mounted on your to make a Dexterity saving throw to take
faithful companion. The benefits extend to only half damage, you instead take no
both you and your mount. damage if you succeed on the saving
throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Evasion. Your expert riding skills allows
you to control your mounts natural agility Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that
to nimbly dodge out of the way of certain you can see hits you with an attack, you
area effects, such as a red dragons fiery can use your reaction to halve the attacks
breath or a lightning bolt spell. When you damage against you.
Archetype Type

Martial Archetype (Fighter)

The veteran is the heroic everyman. He uses skill, guts, and determination to excel in a
world of mages and monsters. He is a different take on a simple fighter, with no
additional resource tracking but more tactical choice and options during play. This is the
dnd version of malcolm reynolds from firefly, not the toughest, fastest, smartest, or
most charismatic, but well rounded with a solid grounding in pragmatic experience and
sheer stubbornness. The archetype lends itself to multiple different builds, sword and
board, sentinel, or skillmonkey warrior, to name a few.

Archetype Feature

Warrior Poet
From 3rd level onward, you may add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down)
to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check that doesn't already use your
proficiency bonus.

Archetype Feature

Combat Expertise
Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency in athletics, and may add twice your
proficiency bonus to athletics checks. If you are already proficient in athletics,
you gain proficiency in a single skill of your choice, but still add twice your
proficiency bonus to athletics checks.
Furthermore, you may attempt to escape a grapple or stand up from prone as a
bonus action.

Archetype Feature

Beginning at 10th level, you may take one additional reaction each round. This
additional reaction must be used to make an opportunity attack.
Additionally, opportunity attacks made against allies within 5 feet of you have
Archetype Feature

Push Through
At 15th level, whenever you use your Action Surge to take the Dash action, you
may make a Shove attempt against any number of creatures with 5 feet of you,
and against any creature you move to within 5 feet of before the end of your
turn. You may only Shove any given creature once per turn this way. You may
choose not to Shove some creatures, such as your allies. (Recommend allowing
fighters with this ability to use the Shove Aside option on page 272 of the DMG,
though this is not required).

Archetype Feature

Iron Will
Upon reaching 18th level, you may add half your proficiency bonus to any saving
throw that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. Furthermore, whenever
you use Indomitable you now automatically pass your saving throw, instead of
Archetype Type

Martial Archetype (Fighter)

Due to huge amounts of training and some natural talent, your chosen weapon has
become a metaphorical extension of your body. While you can use any weapon to some
degree, your skill with a certain class of arms is outmatched.

NOTE: This is my first real homebrew archetype. I'm sure some things might be
overpowered/underpowered for their level, and feel free to comment.

Archetype Feature

WEAPON SPECIALIZATION- When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain
one of the following benefits. You cannot change you weapon specialization at
higher levels
Axe- When you hit with a battleaxe, halberd or greataxe, the attack deals extra
damage equal to half your proficiency bonus, ROUNDED UP.
Bow- When you make an attack with a longbow or shortbow, you gain +1 to the
attack roll. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level.
Bludgeon-When you make an attack with a mace, warhammer, morningstar, flail
or maul against any enemy wearing medium or heavy armor, or against a
monster who relies more on natural armor than on dodging (DM's decision), you
gain +2 to the attack roll. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level.
Crossbow- When you hit with a heavy crossbow, hand crossbow or light
crossbow, the attack deals extra damage equal to half your proficiency bonus,
Polearm- When you hit a Large or smaller enemy with a spear, glaive, lance, pike,
or trident, the enemy has disadvantage on its next attack roll.
Shield- When you wear a shield, you gain +1 to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at
11th level.
Sword- When you make an attack with a longsword, shortsword, scimitar or
rapier, you gain +1 to the attack roll. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level.
Thrown Weapon- When you take the Attack action to attack with a thrown
weapon, you can make a second attack as a bonus action. The second atack has

Archetype Feature

IN THE HANDS OF A MASTER- At 7th level, any nonmagical weapon (or shield, if
you chose shields) of your weapon specialization is treated as a +1 weapon for
you, although it does not count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistances to nonmagical attacks.
Archetype Feature

IMPROVED CRITICAL- At 10th level, your attacks with your chosen weapon score a
critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Archetype Feature

PRECISION ATTACK- At 15th level, when you miss with an attack roll, you can
reroll the attack and use either result. Once you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you finish a short or long rest.

Archetype Feature

ULTIMATE MASTERY: At 18th level, your proficiency bonus increases to +7.

Dragon Adherent
Archetype Type

Martial Archetype (Fighter)

This is my adaptation of a Dragon Shaman (which in its original form is more warrior
class than anything). For use in a campaign where dragons are a central theme.

Empires crumble, eons pass, and even gods wither and die, but dragons remain. Mortal
but eternal, the races of true dragons weather the roll of the ages because of their
unsurpassed might. Dragon adherents recognize this fact and see dragons as more than
powerful beings. To dragon adherents, the passing shadow of a dragon flying overhead
isnt a sign that invokes fear, but a blessing that reveals them to be in the presence of
greatness. Dragon adherents respect dragons as power incarnate. Some worship
dragons while others simply aspire to gain draconic power for themselves. In training in
their unique abilities from draconic tutelage or other adherents, they seek to emulate
draconic might and embody that power themselves. (D&D 3.5 PHB2)

Archetype Feature

Starting at 3rd level, you are gifted with the breath weapon of a dragonborn and
can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Choose a breath weapon type
from those listed below. If you are dragonborn, you must choose the same breath
weapon as your species breath weapon.

When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation
must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your choice of
breath weapon. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier +
your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half
as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level,
4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.

After you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until you complete a
short or long rest. If you are dragonborn, you may use your breath weapon twice
before completing a short or long rest.
Damage Type.....Breath Weapon
Acid.................5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Cold................15 ft. cone (Con. save)
Fire.................15 ft. cone (Dex. save)
Lightning...........5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)
Poison..............15 ft. cone (Con. save)

Archetype Feature

Beginning at 7th level, you can channel the mighty powers of dragonkind to
project an aura that grants you and nearby allies a special benefit. Choose one
aura known from those detailed below. You gain a new aura known at 10th, 13th,
16th and 19th levels.

You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain the benefits of your chosen
draconic aura. The aura remains in effect until you use a bonus action to dismiss
it or you activate another aura in its place, until you become unconscious or until
someone exits the aura's area of effect.

Note that while auras cannot be disrupted like a spell, you cannot hold the focus
necessary to maintain a concentration spell while you have an aura active. You
can simultaneously project a second aura at 13th level and a 3rd aura at 19th

At 18th level, the range of your draconic auras increases to 30 feet.

* Draconic Grace. This aura boosts the physical agility of affected creatures. All
affected creatures gain advantage on Dexterity checks. In addition, they don't
take damage from falling 20 feet or less if they aren't incapacitated.
* Draconic Intellect. This aura boosts the mental acuity of affected creatures.
All affected creatures gain advantage on Intelligence checks.
* Draconic Power. This aura boosts the physical power of affected creatures. All
affected creatures gain advantage on Strength checks and their carrying capacity
is doubled. In addition, each affected creature's melee attacks deal an additional
1d4 damage.
* Draconic Presence. This aura boosts the splendor and charismatic presence
of affected creatures. All affected creatures gain advantage on Charisma checks.
* Draconic Resistance. This aura grants all affected creatures resistance
against the energy type of your breath weapon.
* Draconic Senses. This aura boosts the physical and metaphysical senses of
affected creatures. All affected creatures gain advantage on Wisdom checks.
* Draconic Shield. This aura creates a shimmering shield of energy around
affected creatures. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of someone affected by
this aura hits an affected creature with a melee attack, the shield erupts with
energy . The attacker takes 2d8 damage of the same type as your breath
* Draconic Toughness. This aura creates a shimmering field that boosts the
physical defenses of affected creatures, granting a +2 bonus to AC.
* Draconic Vigor. This aura boosts the sheer physical presence of affected
creatures. All affected creatures within the aura at the beginning of an encounter,
or when entering the aura for the first time during an encounter, gain 2d6
temporary hit points. These temporary hit points are lost immediately if the
affected creature is no longer within the aura. Additionally, all affected creatures
in the aura gain advantage on Constitution checks.

Archetype Feature

Starting at 10th level, you take on some environmental aspects of a dragon.
Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You
can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and
without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or similar hazards.

Additionally, You can breathe underwater indefinitely (but also retain your normal
mode of respiration) and can freely use spells and other abilities underwater.

Archetype Feature

Beginning at 15th level, you gain immunity to sleep effects as well as to the
frightful presence of dragons. In addition, you gain advantage on all saving
throws against spells and have resistance against the damage of spells.

Archetype Feature

Beginning at 18th level, you can channel the dread presence of a dragon,
generating an aura of visceral fear in your foes. As an action, you generate this
aura of fear for 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were
concentrating on a spell). Each enemy creature within 30 feet of you must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is they are holding and
become frightened for 1 minute. While frightened, a creature must take the Dash
action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns,
unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where
it doesn't have line of sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving
throw. On a successful save, the frightened condition ends for that creature.

Once you have used this feature, you can't do so again until you have completed
a short or long rest.
Weapon Specialist

Archetype Type Martial Archetype (Fighter)

A weapon specialist is a fighter that trains more exclusively with one specific
weapon type over any other. Such examples are Master Archers, Kensei (aka
Sword Saints), Hoplites, and Polearm Masters. These fighters spend their life
focusing their training and skill into a perfection of the use of a single weapon,
channeling their inner might through this chosen weapon in a dizzying and
deadly dance beyond the abilities of even the greatest of mundane warriors.

Note that this can also apply to the "Light Fighter" class from the downloads

Archetype Feature

Weapon Specialization

At 3rd level, choose one specific weapon with which you are proficient. This
weapon becomes your Specialized weapon. When using your specialized weapon
you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Archetype Feature


At 7th level, your specialized weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or

Archetype Feature


At 10th level, when you roll a 1 or 2 on any weapon damage die for an attack you
make with your specialized weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new
roll, even if it is a 1 or a 2.

If you have fighting style "Great Weapon Fighting" and you have chosen a two-
handed or versatile weapon as your Specialized Weapon, when you roll a 1, 2 or
3 on any weapon damage die for an attack you make with your specialized
weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if it is a 1, 2 or a
Archetype Feature


At 15th level, your specialized weapon attacks now score a critical hit on a roll of

Archetype Feature


At 18th level, your mastery with your specialized weapon allows you to be faster
and more precise with the weapon than most can imagine. Once per turn, you
can deal an extra 2d8 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have
advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use your specialized weapon. You
don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5
feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the
attack roll.
Archetype Type

Martial Archetype (Fighter)

Huntsmen (or Huntswomen) are warriors who elect to live on the outskirts of civilization,
protecting it against the monsters of the wild. Hunters of big game, huntsmen are
cunning warriors who learn how to live by themselves, fend for themselves and brave
the deadly creatures that roam the borderlands.

Archetype Feature

Mark of the Predator

When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability to focus your
keen senses on one opponent you can see within range. On your turn, you can
use a bonus action to mark it as your quarry. Whenever you hit it with a weapon
attack, you deal an extra 1d6 damage on your target. You also have advantage
on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. The
mark lasts for one hour or until the target drops to 0 hit points, or until you use
this ability on a different target.
When you reach 11th level, the extra damage increases to 1d8.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use
it again.

Archetype Feature

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills: Medicine,
Nature, Stealth or Survival.

Archetype Feature

Terrain Advantage
Beginning at 7th level, you become so used to travelling and surviving in the wild
that you gain the following benefits:
Difficult terrain doesnt slow your group travel.
Your group cant become lost except by magical means.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while travelling (such as
foraging, navigating or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
If you are travelling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
When you gain a bonus to AC due to cover, you treat it as if it were a superior
degree of cover: half cover becomes three-quarters cover, three-quarter cover
becomes total cover.

Archetype Feature

At One with Nature

At 11th level, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when you try to
hide in natural terrain (areas covered with plants, rocks and other natural
obstacles such as tall grass, foliage, logs, dense shrubs, rock and brush piles,
etc.) You also gain advantage when trying to hide from creatures of the Beast
type. Additionally, if you are proficient in Stealth, you may add double your
proficiency bonus check to use this feature.

Archetype Feature

Hunter's Survival Instinct

At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice:
Big Game Hunter. You are so used to fighting against wild animals that you gain
a +4 bonus to AC against all attacks made by creatures of the Beast type.
Additionally, you have advantage on all saving throws caused by beast attacks or
abilities and you can't be surprised by beasts.
Evasion. You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a
red dragon's fiery breath or a lightning bolt spell. When you are subjected to an
effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half
damage if you fail.
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack,
you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.

Archetype Feature

Leader of the Pack

When you reach 18th level, your mastery of the hunt allows you to teach others
to become pack hunters under your lead. You and friendly creatures within 30
feet of you share the benefits of your Mark of the Predator feature.
Huntsmen (or Huntswomen) are warriors who elect to live on the outskirts of civilization,
protecting it against the monsters of the wild. Hunters of big game, huntsmen are
cunning warriors who learn how to live by themselves, fend for themselves and brave
the deadly creatures that roam the borderlands.

Archetype Feature

Mark of the Predator

When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability to focus your
keen senses on one opponent you can see within range. On your turn, you can
use a bonus action to mark it as your quarry. Whenever you hit it with a weapon
attack, you deal an extra 1d6 damage on your target. You also have advantage
on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. The
mark lasts for one hour or until the target drops to 0 hit points, or until you use
this ability on a different target.
When you reach 11th level, the extra damage increases to 1d8.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use
it again.

Archetype Feature

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills: Medicine,
Nature, Stealth or Survival.

Archetype Feature

Terrain Advantage
Beginning at 7th level, you become so used to travelling and surviving in the wild
that you gain the following benefits:
Difficult terrain doesnt slow your group travel.
Your group cant become lost except by magical means.
Even when you are engaged in another activity while travelling (such as
foraging, navigating or tracking), you remain alert to danger.
If you are travelling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
When you gain a bonus to AC due to cover, you treat it as if it were a superior
degree of cover: half cover becomes three-quarters cover, three-quarter cover
becomes total cover.

Archetype Feature
At One with Nature
At 11th level, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when you try to
hide in natural terrain (areas covered with plants, rocks and other natural
obstacles such as tall grass, foliage, logs, dense shrubs, rock and brush piles,
etc.) You also gain advantage when trying to hide from creatures of the Beast
type. Additionally, if you are proficient in Stealth, you may add double your
proficiency bonus check to use this feature.

Archetype Feature

Hunter's Survival Instinct

At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice:
Big Game Hunter. You are so used to fighting against wild animals that you gain
a +4 bonus to AC against all attacks made by creatures of the Beast type.
Additionally, you have advantage on all saving throws caused by beast attacks or
abilities and you can't be surprised by beasts.
Evasion. You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a
red dragon's fiery breath or a lightning bolt spell. When you are subjected to an
effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half
damage if you fail.
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack,
you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.

Archetype Feature

Leader of the Pack

When you reach 18th level, your mastery of the hunt allows you to teach others
to become pack hunters under your lead. You and friendly creatures within 30
feet of you share the benefits of your Mark of the Predator feature.
Mythic Hero
Archetype Type

Martial Archetype (Fighter)

The Mythic Hero is an attempt to capture the superpowered, epic feel of a warrior of
myth and legend like Hercules, Cu Chulainn, or Beowulf, without requiring you to play a
character with magical spells. At the same time, the intent is to keep its mechanical
power level in line with other fighter subclasses. It gains abilities that use Hero Points,
which work a lot like a battlemaster's expertise dice except they only recharge on a long
rest. Their effects scale with fighter level so that at level 3, you are gaining minor
bonuses approximately parallel to a first-level spell, while by level 18, the effects of
these powers are closer to a 4th-level spell. I tried to use the Eldritch Knight as a
general guideline here: for example, a mythic hero using the Inhuman Strength ability to
toss a wagon across the room can deal 10d6 damage to a 15x15 area with it, while the
Eldritch Knight can fireball a (much larger) 20ft radius for 8d6. Each power that you
choose also comes with a passive benefit, which helps ensure that the character feels
uniquely powerful even when not making use of his hero points.

Tell me your thoughts, balance concerns, and most of all suggestions for new Virtues!

Mythic Hero
The Mythic Hero is a fighter whose prowess goes beyond the mundane. He may lack the
honed skill of the champion and the battlefield training of the battlemaster, but he
makes up for it with surges of raw power and speed that go beyond what any mere
mortal can achieve. Some mythic heroes gain their power from divine or other powerful
ancestry, like Hercules; others are normal mortals with a destiny that raises them above
their peers.

Archetype Feature

Heroic Virtues
When you choose (or are chosen for) this archetype at 3rd level, you learn heroic
Virtues that passively improve your character and also enable you to perform
specific actions that are fueled by special points known as Hero Points. The power
of these addition actions is improved as your fighter level increases.
Virtues.You learn Act of Valor and two other virtues of your choice, which are
detailed under "Virtues" below. You learn an additional virtue at levels 7, 10, and
Hero Points.You start with three hero points, which are expended when you use
them. You regain all your expended hero points when you finish a long rest. You
gain another hero point at levels 7, 10, 15 and 18.
Saving Throws.Some of your virtues allow you to perform actions that require
your target to make a saving throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is
calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or
Dexterity modifier (your choice)
Archetype Feature

Once and Future Hero

Starting at level 15, your legend makes you immortal. Once per month, when you
die, you return to life three days later at the site of your death.

Archetype Feature

Heroic Virtues
The heroic virtues are presented in alphabetical order.

Act of Valor. Before or after you roll a Strength (Athletics), Constitution, or

Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you may spend a Hero Point to add your fighter
level to that check.

Bounding Strides. Your maximum jump distance and height is doubled. In

addition, you may spend a Hero Point to leap 30 feet high and long as your
movement. This distance increases to 60ft at level 7, 90ft at level 10, 120ft at
level 15, and 200ft at level 18. You take no falling damage and draw no
opportunity attacks when performing this jump.

Destructive Wrath. You ignore the damage resistance of inanimate objects

when intentionally dealing damage to them. In addition, you may spend a Hero
Point to double that damage for one minute. At level 7 the damage is tripled, at
level 10 it is quadrupled, at level 15 it is quintupled, and at level 18 you deal 10
times normal damage to inanimate objects when using this ability.

Fleet-footed. Your base speed increases by 5ft. In addition, you may spend a
Hero Point to increase your speed by another 10ft for one minute (or until you are
incapacitated). The speed bonus increases to 20ft at level 7, 30ft at level 10, 40ft
at level 15, and 60ft at level 18. Starting at level 10 you can walk over water and
other liquids, and starting at level 15 you can walk on clouds or other mist
(assuming there is a continuous area of vapor to walk across); however, you fall if
you end your movement not on solid ground.

Frightful Countenance. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) and

Charisma (Persuade) checks made against anyone who has seen you in battle. In
addition, you can use a bonus action and spend a Hero Point to terrify all enemies
within 5 feet of you, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw or be
frightened until the end of their next turn. This range is extended to 10 feet at
level 7, 20 feet at level 10, 30 feet at level 15, and 60 feet at level 18. Starting at
level 15, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of its next
turn to end the fear effect. Starting at level 18, any creature that fails its saving
throw by 5 or more faints, instantly falling unconscious as per the Sleep spell.
Inhuman Strength. Your lifting and carrying capacity is doubled. In addition,
you may spend a Hero Point to lift and carry any creature of object of Medium
size or smaller, regardless of weight; you must successfully grapple an unwilling
creature to pick it up. As a bonus action that turn you may throw it up to 30 feet,
dealing 2d6 damage to the object itself and anything it lands on (Dexterity save
for half damage). This damage increases to 4d6 at level 7, 6d6 at level 10, 8d6 at
level 15, 10d6 at level 15, and 12d6 at level 18. Starting at level 7 the creature
or object may be of Large size, and starting at level 15 it may be of Huge size.

Jagged Soul. You have advantage on saving throws against fear effects. In
addition, when you succeed on a Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma saving throw
incurred by a creature, you may use your reaction to spend a Hero Point to force
that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw or else be frightened of you until
the end of your next turn. At level 7, the creature must make a Wisdom saving
throw at the end of each of your turns, and the fear effect does not end until it
succeeds. At level 10, the creature that fails its save by 5 or more is stunned
instead of afraid. At level 15, it dies if it fails three saving throws. At level 18, you
may also spend a Hero Point to add your proficiency bonus to any intelligence,
wisdom, or charisma saving throw you are not proficient in.

Steely Gaze. You gain advantage on Perception checks to see objects in the
distance. In addition, you may spend a Hero Point to spot hidden or obscured
creatures and objects around you. At level 7 you can use this ability to see
through mundane disguises, at level 10 you can see through illusion, at level 15
you can see the true form of transmuted and other shape-shifted objects and
creatures, and at level 18 you can discern the origin, history, and general abilities
of a creature or object with a single glance.

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