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Unit 1
combine (V) mix or join together

disturb (V) interrupt or upset someone

do repairs (V) to fix things

home improvement (N) the act of making your house more beautiful or convenience

in private (PHRASE) without other people present, often because it is a

neutral (ADJ) mild or easily ignored

none of your (PHRASE) a phrase meaning that you have no right to specific
business information
open to the public (PHRASE) a phrase that lets people know that certain buildings or
services are provided for everyone to use
option (N) a choice between two or more things

overwhelming (ADJ) affects you very strongly and you do not know how to deal
with it
privacy (N) your right to do things without being seen or disturbed

private (N) a private discussion involving only a small number of people,

conversation who do not discuss it with other people
private life (N) the part of your life that is concerned with your personal
relationships and activities, rather than with your work or business
privately owned (N) company owned by individuals or stockholders, rather than by
business the government
public (N) the general population

public figure (N) a person many people know because he or she is often
mentioned in the media
public school (N) a school that is supported financially by the government and
usually provides free education
rearrange (V) change the way in which they are organized or ordered

reorganize (V) to change the way in which it is organized, arranged, or done

rights (N) what you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have

the general public (N) all the people in a country or community

work well together (V) to be able to successfully collaborate with someone else
Unit 3
accurate (ADJ) correct to a very detailed level

argue (V) disagree with them about something, often angrily

cable (N) cable is used to refer to television systems in which the signals
are sent along underground wires rather than by radio waves
carry on a
(PHRASE) to speak with someone else for a period of time
chat (V) talk in an informal and friendly way

discuss (V) talk about something, often in order to reach a decision

(N) news stories or articles about the entertainment industry
get your news (V) to seek out news articles through reading a newspaper or an
online version, watching television, or listening to the radio
give a talk (V) speak to a group of people or make a speech

gossip (N) gossip is informal conversation, often about other people's

private business
(V) to talk about other people's personal lives
hear the news (V) to listen for new information

in the media (N) in the realm of television, radio, newspapers, and magazines

in the news (PHRASE) when a something gets publicized in a newspaper,

online, or on news show on the television or radio
juicy piece of
(N) juicy gossip or stories contain exciting or scandalous details
local news (N) news stories that occur in the town or city you live in

morning news (N) a television program that is shown in the morning to inform its
program viewers of recent news
news source (N) the place from which you obtain your news

nightly network (N) a television program that is shown at night to inform its viewers
news of recent news
reliable (ADJ) very likely to be correct

send messages (V) to contact someone through some form of text

share (V) have, use, do, or experience with someone else

strike up a
(PHRASE) to begin speaking to someone
tell someone the
(V) to inform someone of things that have recently occurred
traditional media (N) media sources which include newspapers, magazines, radio,
and television
word of mouth (PHRASE) orally communicated; also generated from or reliant on
oral publicity

Unit 4
ask out (V) to invite someone you have romantic feelings for on a date

break up (V) to end a romantic relationship

brush your
(V) to make your hair look neater by running a comb through it
brush your
(V) to clean your teeth by rubbing a toothbrush against them
cheat on (V) to act on romantic feelings for another while in a relationship with
someone else
chip you nail (V) If break a small piece off of your fingernail

color your
(V) to paint nail polish onto your nails
dye your hair (V) to change the color of your hair with a chemical dye

get a haircut (V) to shorten the length of your hair with scissors

get a
(V) to clean, shape, and color your nails
get a tattoo (V) to get a design on a your skin by using needles to make little holes
and fill them with colored dye
get along (V) to interact with someone you know in a friendly manner

get over (V) to stop caring about someone or something, usually after
unfavorable events have occurred
get your ears (V) have a small hole made through your ears so that you can wear a
pierced piece of jewelry in them
go out (V) to travel to places other than your own home, usually with the
intention of being social
grow up (V) to become more mature physically, mentally, or emotionally

have plastic
(V) have an operation to improve your appearance
pretend (V) believe that something is true, although it is not

run into (V) to come across someone you already know when out in public

shave your
(V) remove hair from your head using a razor or shaver
(V) use a hot flat iron to make your hair flat and not curly
your hair
turn down (V) refuse someone's request or offer

turn on (V) start

wash your
(V) clean your face with soap and water
wear a skirt (V) to dress your body with an article of clothing that fastens at the
waist and hangs down around the legs
wear bright (V) to dress you body with articles of clothing that are strong and
colors noticeable in color
wear makeup (V) to adorn your face with things such as lipstick, eye shadow, and
powder which some women put on their faces to make themselves look
more attractive

Unit 5
appropriate (ADJ) suitable or acceptable for a particular situation

bad behavior (N) behavior or actions that are not acceptable to other people

body (N) the way in which you show your feelings or thoughts by means of
language the movements of your body
considerate (ADJ) pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people

disrespectful (ADJ) does not show respect for others' wishes, rights, or customs

eating habits (N) the manner is which you consume food often or on a regular basis

eye contact (N) communication that occurs between two people with their eyes

facial (N) the way your face looks at particular moments that show what you
expression are thinking or feeling
honest (ADJ) always tell the truth, and do not try to deceive people or break
the law
impolite (ADJ) does not have good manners and is rude to other people

inappropriate (ADJ) not suitable for a particular situation or purpose

jet lag (N) a condition that is characterized by various psychological and

physiological effects following long flight through several time zones
kind (ADJ) behaves in a gentle, caring, and helpful way towards other
language (N) an obstacle in understanding any form of communication in which
barrier two or more individuals encounter due to the fact that they do not share
a common language
personal (N) an area that surrounds a person's body that they consider to be
space uncomfortable for strangers or acquaintances to enter within
pleasant (ADJ) friendly and likeable

polite (ADJ) has good manners and is not rude to other people

respectful (ADV) show respect for others

responsible (ADJ) behave properly and sensibly, without needing to be supervised

small talk (N) polite, general conversations that are often between strangers or
acquaintances that occur out of social custom
Unit 6
advertise (V) tell people about something in newspapers, on television, or on
consume (V) eat, drink, or use it

convincing (ADV) believable

develop (V) to changes over a period of time and becomes more advanced or
down (ADJ) feeling unhappy or depressed

(N) a sudden and is very noticeable rise in something
employ (V) when person or company pays you to work for them

get better (V) become healthier when you were previously ill

grow (V) put seeds or young plants in the ground and take care of them as
they develop
import (V) to buy from another country for use in your own country

in a slump (N) aren't doing well financially, emotionally, or both

increase (V) become greater in number, level, or amount

invest (V) put your money into something in a hope that it will increase in
manage (V) to be responsible for controlling people or a business

(N) things that are not made by man
positive (ADJ) pleasant and helpful

produce (V) to make

promote (V) to help make something happen, increase, or become more

purchase (V) buy something

raise (V) to takes care of someone or something until they are grown up

recover (V) become well again

sharp fall (N) a sudden drop in something

ship (V) send on a ship or by some other means of transportation

simple (ADJ) not complicated, and easy to understand

sincere (N) really means the things they say

slight rise (N) an increase in it that is very small in degree or quantity

speak (V) if you speak a foreign language, you know the language and are
able to have a conversation in it
steady decline (N) a gradual decreases in importance, quality, or power
typical (ADJ) usual qualities or characteristics

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