Weekly Newsletter Feb 13-17 17

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13-17, 2017
3/4 KB Class Newsletter
Hello Everyone,

We learned more about We will be learning about

different types of prayer the Body of Christ in
in Religion. In Language Arts Religion. In Language Arts
we practised our Daily 5 we will be working on Daily 5
strategies and finished choices and will complete
writing our terrible and our terrible and terrific
terrific stories. In Math we stories. In Math we will
learned about time and continue with Numbers of
multiplication. In Social the Week and Ninja Math,
Studies we started our we will start learning about
geography research multiplication. In Social we
project. We continued will be finishing our
playing basketball in gym geography research
and worked in Music, French projects. We will keep
and Health! We also had a working in Phys. Ed, Music,
virtual field trip! French, Art, and Health!

Monday February 13thPyjama and Book Day. WOW Party: tech n treat-
bring in your fav. tech device and I will bring in the treat :)
Tuesday February 14th- Valentines/99 Day: wear red/pink or dress like
youre 99, lunch provided by class party sign up- thank you to everyone!!
Wednesday February 15th- Spaghetti Hot Lunch and Library
Friday February 17th- Last day before reading week break!

Thank you for joining the weekly email list. We have quite an eventful week coming up!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I will see you Monday and
Tuesday, and will keep in touch will I am off recovering. Thank you
for being so supportive. :) - Love Miss Besplug

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