Classroom Managment Plan

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Natalie Haller

Dr. TeKippe

October 18th, 2015

Classroom Management Plan

Physical Environment

I believe that the environment that my students are in is key for good management in the

classroom. The environment is what will make students feel safe, welcomed, and ready to learn.

In the environment, I want comfy spots for reading that will nurture and encourage reading.

tables and chairs that can be easily arrange so the focus is toward me or in collaborate working

groups. I also feel it necessary for there to be a carpet, where we can gather as a class because it

will help bring our community together. On the walls, I only want a few things such as rules,

expectations, fun posters, etc. The rest of my wall space I want to devote to my students work

that they do throughout the year. Its the students classroom and environment therefore it should

be theres to decorate and foster knowledge in.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

I feel that it is important that the students create the rules of the classroom. I want to do

this through a covenant, a promise. The covenant is student-centered because the students are

deciding what to put on our covenant. I will rephrase it in a positive way and help guide the

conversation. If the students partake in creating the rules than I feel that they are more likely to

follow them. Also, I will have them sign their name on our covenant, which means that they

agree with the rules. I will also sign it saying that if Im not following the covenant than they

need to tell me nicely that Im not following it. For procedures in the classroom will take
practice. Some procedures I will adapt from the school Im teaching in and others I want to take

from what I have seen in my field experience. Procedures will vary from grade to grade, but I

defiantly feel that they are important when managing a classroom. Transitions are key and

knowing the schedule will help students be more efficient through procedures.

Teaching those Rules and Procedures (Behaviors)

When teaching rules and procedures I find that modeling and practicing them is the best

way for students to get the hang of them. Students need to see what they are expected to do and

what they are not expected to do. Than they should get the opportunity to demonstrate the

procedure or rule. By demonstrating correct rules and procedures that they helped create

hopefully they will learn to follow them. I also believe that as a class we need to hold each other

accountable using polite language. Having students practice by saying Thats not following our

covenant could you please try to be respectful. By practicing being polite and holding each

other accountable the classroom with be a better community and t students will learn how to

express their feelings better.

Preventing Discipline Problems

To prevent discipline problems, it is important that teachers create rules at the beginning

of the school year. By creating rules and demonstrating proper behavior and how to deal with

undesired behavior students will strive to do better. Students will hold each other accountable by

using desirable language, stated above, that allows for students to confront problems. By having

students hold each other accountable my hope is that there internally motivated to have desired


Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior

When dealing with inappropriate behavior it is important to observe what happened

before and after the situation. By observing what happened before and after the situation its

easier to determine the course of action on how to deal with the situation. Its good to know why

the student did what they did because it would be pointless to give a student attention if thats

what theyre asking for. Proximity can be an easy fix to talking students when there not

supposed to be. Verbal communication telling a student what they are doing to misbehave shows

them what they are doing wrong. When giving verbal communication its also important to tell

the child what they are supposed to be doing because they might not know. There is a lot of

different ways with dealing with inappropriate behavior, but different ways work with different

students. Its important that I find what works for each student. If one way of dealing with

inappropriate behavior, I know to try a different one.

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