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Table of Contents

Location and Properties Of The Seven Major Chakras
I Am Presence Mantra
The Violet Flame
Unconditional Love And Acceptance of the Pink Light of your Heart
The Sword Of Truth
Asking God For Assistance
Calling To The Ascended Masters And Archangels for Assistance
Releasing Negative Entities
Speaking With The Higher Self Of Another
Asking for Support And Guidance From Your Higher Self
Asking Higher Self and I Am Presence to Release Old, Stuck Energies
Asking Higher Self To Release Your Burdens
Release Fear Through Your Higher Self
Ask Metatron For Assistance in Learning New Healing Techniques
Tools For Personal Growth
Clearing Stones And Crystals
Energizing Your Food And Drink
Energizing Food And Drink With Sunlight Or Moonlight
Manifesting Your Goals For Abundance
An Invocation To Assist Your Healing Work
Stay On Your Path By Listening To Your Heart
Vibrational Healing Through Toning
Healing Severed Cords After A Loss
Setting Your Intention
Using Your Body As A Divining Tool
Divining Answers To Questions With A Pendulum
Use White Light To Protect You From Negative Energy
Observing Your Aura
Moving Energy With Your Mind
Breathing Exercises
Calming Breath
Kidney Breath
Breath Of The Fire Dragon
Breathing Into The Chakras
Circular Breathing
Circular Breathing Exercise - A Variation
The Trinity Breath
Trinity Breath - Variation
Grounding Exercises
Introduction To Grounding Exercise
The Cord
Lying on the Ground
Sitting by a Tree
The Childs Pose
Connecting With The Energies Of The Changing Seasons
Seasonal Changes
Spring Meditation
Summer Solstice Meditation
Autumnal Equinox
Winter Meditation
Body Centered Exercises
Creating Relaxation Through Muscular Tension
Relax Your Body For Sleep, By Talking To It
Vibrational Release
Listen To Your Body
Increase Your Creativity Through Drawing
Connecting With Your Higher Self Through Journaling
Perspectives on Personal Growth
Power and Intimacy
Dream Interpretation
The Coming Ascension
The World Trade Center Disaster - A Higher Perspective
Ending The Cycle Of Negative Thoughts
Some Final Thoughts From The Ascended Masters88
Services Offered
The Higher Self
Handbook of Tools
for Transformation

59 Ways to Create a
New You

Gary M. Spolansky

This book is gratefully dedicated

to all those who I have had
the honor to learn from!

Copyright 2011 Gary M. Spolansky

All rights reserved.

As this book was written to assist all who are open to

receiving the information contained within, permission to disseminate the concepts and information up to 100 words may
be freely quoted or reprinted without permission. Permission to quote or reproduce any material in excess of 100 words
must be approved in writing by the publisher.

Cover Photograph
By: Gary M. Spolansky
Original Copyright 2001

Published by
New Light Publishing
17 Rockwood Avenue
Port Washington, NY 11050

If the heart is not open

one cannot perceive the love that is present,
regardless of how advanced an
Individual might be.


I would like to thank the many people who assisted me in the preparation of this
book. In particular Lisa Rosa, Irene DeVito, Marie Campo and Mary Pardoll, for their
support and inspiration in beginning this project. To my sister Susan Spolansky for
her technical support, when I didnt know which end was up, using word processing

Thank you to Matthew Magnozzi who continued to urge me on and provided much
guidance in the technical aspects of producing the cover and in binding this book. To
Katya Salkinder who assisted me in the preparation of the section on Power and
Intimacy. To Catherine Wright whose insight opened me to the concepts presented
in the Breathing Exercises section. To Jennifer DiPiazza for her assistance in
proofreading the Perspectives on Personal Growth section and back cover. I would
like to give special acknowledgment to Wandya Hopkins who channeled the
Meditations for Spring and Fall.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to all my family, friends, students and clients
whose support and encouragement helped me to take this project from inspiration
to completed book and particularly - Judy and Richard Berg, Lynda Bern, Pearl
Dolinsky Francesca McNichol Stephanie Paci, Adrienne Patashny, Marie Penello, Gail
Rudolph, Tammy Sabbagh, Irene Spengler, MarciaGrace Tropin and so many more.
Thank you everyone.


The times we live in are amazing. Technologically, we have become so advanced

that many of the conveniences we take for granted were unknown in our parents
and grandparents generation CD players, DVDs and the Internet are just a few. In
the field of Metaphysics, the advancement has also been fantastic. New tools, that
help us to release the past, which were not available even a few years ago, are now
being introduced on almost a daily basis. It is this trend that has led me to write this

We are all living in the most advanced time energetically that any culture has ever
experienced. The pace of growth has accelerated significantly and steadily since the
time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. It seems only appropriate that we use
the tools that will help us best move through this time of expansion and growth
more easily. My desire is to help as many as I can to become happier and healthier
beings by aiding in the release of fears and anxieties, regardless of the cause. Many
fear that working with the energies of the past will bring up unwanted experiences
of past hurts and pain. The tools given in this book seek to minimize this fear, by
providing the means through which you can release your issues in a gentle and
supportive way at your own pace.

I have been teaching Metaphysics and Reiki for the past seven years. Over that time
I have learned many techniques for shifting energetic patterns formed as a result of
old experiences and issues that have not been fully healed or released. They include
expectations created by society, family and social circumstances as well as the
trauma of lost friendships, relationships, partners, parents, etc., that have occurred
from birth to the present day.

Many individuals who practice the Spiritual path do so by focusing on the higher
chakras. This is beneficial, however, one cannot fully walk this path without also
considering the lower chakras and the need to release the fears, anxieties and
issues they hold as we seek clarity and enlightenment. Being in a physical body, we
need to honor that we are a combination of spirit and matter. By working with the
lower as well as the higher chakras, we can truly clear out those issues that have
held us back from being the powerful, present individuals we are - unfettered by our
past experiences. That is why I have structured this book to offer tools that will
benefit all aspects of being.

The exercises contained within are presented with a description of their purpose, an
explanation of how to perform the exercise, insight and tips to assist the reader in
deriving the greatest benefit and understanding of the technique. The sections of
this book include exercises that are body based, i.e., grounding, breath work and
physical body relaxation, as well as exercises that help the reader to connect with
their Higher Self and the esoteric beings of the higher dimensions.

As you read through the tools given, feel free to pick the exercise(s) that seem most
appropriate for you at this time. What may serve you today however, may not be
what you need tomorrow or next week so allow yourself to experiment. Use your
intuition to help you know the best technique for you at any given time.

Remember, all of us have had our thoughts influenced by experiences in this

lifetime from the womb until the present day. Some of our issues can also be
resultant from events of past lives. As each thought form (issue) is released,
regardless if it is from this life or a previous one, a corresponding amount of energy
is freed and our light body frequency (vibration) rises. With each increase, we are
more able to express who we are in the present moment, rather than reacting as
who we were.

The transition that awaits each of us (potentially at the Winter Solstice of 2012) is
what this is about. It is a movement into greater, more expanded consciousness;
one that is of love and truth rather than fear and misconception. It is a time when
we will experience the joy of knowing without a doubt that we are all one. We are all
part of the same whole. What we see as separation is just illusion. There never has
been, nor will there ever be any true separation between each of us and/or the
creator. We created this illusion in order to help us participate more fully in the
physical plane experience. If we had not done so, if we had full knowledge of our
true being and purpose the lessons we have come to learn would not have been
possible; for the lessons of the physical plane can be learned nowhere else. What
then is the overall purpose of life on the physical plane? Its to learn about love and
unconditional acceptance for each other and ourselves. This doesnt mean we have
to agree with each other. It doesnt even mean that we have to like each other. It
means allowing each of us to honor the path we walk, without judgment or pressure
to conform to anothers viewpoint.

I have used each exercise in this book and they have helped me to accelerate my
path by releasing those thoughts and experiences that had kept me stuck in the
past. Look at this book as a stepping-stone to greater growth. It is my hope and
prayer that this book helps you to realize more of the true you that is within and
assists in whatever ways serve your highest good.

In Light, Love and Truth

Gary M. Spolansky
October 2001

Location and Properties

Of The Seven Major Chakras

Chakra is a Vedic word that means wheel. It can be thought of as a subtle energy
center that connects the physical body with the energetic body. If you were able to
see them, each chakra would appear as conical shaped with the point of the cone
directed into the body. All chakras have a front and back cone with the exception of
the crown. The conical shape of this chakra has its point connected with the crown
and expands outward.

Although there are many more, we will be discussing the seven major chakras that
correspond to specific areas of the physical body. As this is a very large and diverse
subject, it is beyond the scope of this book to be more expansive at this time. The
chart below discusses some basic properties of these chakras and their location.
Use this chart as a guide to help you reference any discussion within the body of
this book on this topic.

First Chakra

Located at the base of the spine. This center is concerned with basic survival
instincts and primal experiences of this and earlier lifetimes. The color associated
with this chakra is red.

Second Chakra

Located 2 inches beneath your navel. This chakra is connected with relationships,
sexuality, finances and creativity. The color associated with this chakra is orange.

Third Chakra

Located at the Solar Plexus. Concerned with issues of self esteem, personal power
and how one expresses themself in the world. The color associated with this chakra
is yellow.

Fourth Chakra

Located at the Heart. This is the emotional center where love and compassion
emanate from. It is also the gateway to the higher chakras. The colors associated
with this chakra are green and pink. Green is the color of healing while pink is the
color of unconditional love and acceptance.

Fifth Chakra

Located at the base of the Throat. Concerned with expressing yourself clearly and
creative expression through the voice. The color associated with this chakra is blue.

Sixth Chakra
Located between the eyebrows just above the nose. This is sometimes referred to
as the third eye and is concerned with inner vision and intuitive understanding. The
color associated with this chakra is purple.

Seventh Chakra

Located at the crown of the head. Through this chakra you are connected to the
universe and guidance of a spiritual nature. This is the chakra connected with divine
awareness. The color associated with this chakra is violet.

Table Of Contents

Location and Properties Of The Seven Major Chakras
I Am Presence Mantra
The Violet Flame
Unconditional Love And Acceptance of the Pink Light of your Heart
The Sword Of Truth
Asking God For Assistance
Calling To The Ascended Masters And Archangels for Assistance
Releasing Negative Entities
Speaking With The Higher Self Of Another
Asking for Support And Guidance From Your Higher Self
Asking Higher Self and I Am Presence to Release Old, Stuck Energies
Asking Higher Self To Release Your Burdens
Release Fear Through Your Higher Self
Ask Metatron For Assistance in Learning New Healing Techniques

Tools For Personal Growth

Clearing Stones And Crystals
Energizing Your Food And Drink
Energizing Food And Drink With Sunlight Or Moonlight
Manifesting Your Goals For Abundance
An Invocation To Assist Your Healing Work
Stay On Your Path By Listening To Your Heart
Vibrational Healing Through Toning
Healing Severed Cords After A Loss
Setting Your Intention
Using Your Body As A Divining Tool
Divining Answers To Questions With A Pendulum
Use White Light To Protect You From Negative Energy
Observing Your Aura
Moving Energy With Your Mind

Breathing Exercises
Calming Breath
Kidney Breath
Breath Of The Fire Dragon
Breathing Into The Chakras
Circular Breathing
Circular Breathing Exercise - A Variation
The Trinity Breath
Trinity Breath - Variation

Grounding Exercises
Introduction To Grounding Exercise
The Cord
Lying on the Ground
Sitting by a Tree
The Childs Pose

Connecting With The Energies Of The Changing Seasons

Seasonal Changes
Spring Meditation
Summer Solstice Meditation
Autumnal Equinox
Winter Meditation

Body Centered Exercises

Creating Relaxation Through Muscular Tension
Relax Your Body For Sleep, By Talking To It
Vibrational Release
Listen To Your Body
Increase Your Creativity Through Drawing
Connecting With Your Higher Self Through Journaling

Perspectives on Personal Growth

Power and Intimacy
Dream Interpretation
The Coming Ascension
The World Trade Center Disaster - A Higher Perspective
Ending The Cycle Of Negative Thoughts
Some Final Thoughts From The Ascended Masters88


Services Offered

Tools for Transformation

I Am Presence Mantra


What is the I Am Presence? It is the spark of the Divine that resides within each
human and is our beings highest aspect of our being. Each of us is far more than
we appear to be on the surface. Connecting with your I Am Presence in this manner
will help you to more easily experience this part of yourself. As you grow, you will
find this more obvious each day.

This exercise will help you too more easily bring the I Am Presence into your life. As
you recite these phrases, notice the effect. Do you feel a sense of empowerment, a
sense of expansion?


These phrases may be read silently or spoken aloud as often as you desire:

I Am the I Am Presence
I Am the Light Divine
I Am Love
I Am Truth
I Am Perfect Design

The Violet Flame


The Violet Flame is known as the Flame of Transmutation and is administered by

Ascended Masters St. Germain and Kwan Yin. It is used for those times where an
individual seeks to release old thoughts, feelings and experiences that are stuck
and unyielding.

To use this flame, open to the truth of the situation, asking for it to release those old
stuck patterns and thought forms underlying the issue(s). As the flame surrounds
the issue(s) see it being consumed and eventually dissolving. Depending on the
complexity, it may take several times before an issue is fully released.


Envision the situation, concern, fear, old pattern, etc. which you wish to release.
Then ask for the Violet Flame to be brought forth by Kwan Yin and St.Germain.
Envision the issue or situation being surrounded and consumed by the Violet Flame.
As it releases, you will observe the issue begin to dissolve and eventually disappear
from your inner sight. When it has completely disappeared, you have released the


As noted above, it may take several attempts to release an issue that is quite
involved or has not yet been totally cleared. If needed call upon the flame again at a
later time. Feel it out and give yourself time to appreciate the effect of this exercise.
Whatever you think is appropriate. This flame is a very powerful tool and its effects
are quite noticeable.

Unconditional Love and Acceptance Through

The Pink Light of Your Heart


If you could see the color of the heart chakra, you would see a beautifully clear, soft
pink. This is the color of unconditional love and acceptance. It is a mirror of the
unconditional love and acceptance, which is Gods love.

This tool can be used anytime and anywhere, as an adjunct to the violet flame or on
its own. It is a means of transmuting hurt, fears, pain, etc.


When you are sad, upset, feeling alone and uncertain or if you are trying to release
old issues of abandonment, regret, guilt, etc. Try using this light. To do so, imagine
your heart chakra opening and as it does, feel a beautiful warm energy flowing out
from it.

See this energy as a pink light and allow it to bathe the area in your body that is in
pain or the issue that you are working with. As it does, it will help to transform this
pain or hurt. If you can visualize the circumstances that created the experience or
memory it can help you to more easily let go.


Although gentle, this is a powerful energy and as you practice, your ability to use it
becomes greater. The difference between the Violet Flame and the Pink Light of the
Heart is that each color light is a different frequency and sometimes you will feel
more drawn to one technique than the other. However, since May 2001, the Pink
Light has become more pronounced and can assist you in transforming and healing
yourself on deeper levels than ever before.

The Sword of Truth


The Sword of Truth is the sword of Archangel Michael and its purpose is to clear and
release all that is not of truth, all that is not of light. Call upon Michael when you feel
that you have an issue to resolve, that you have not been able to move past.


When you ask for this sword to be used, call to Archangel Michael directly and ask
that it be brought to bear on those thoughts, feelings, issues, experiences, etc., that
you wish to release and let go of. When an issue(s) are released through this
method, it is necessary to allow yourself time to experience the effect of this
request, so please do not rush through it.

Asking God for Assistance


There is nothing that you cant ask for. It doesnt matter if you ask for all the riches
of the world or the most banal item you could imagine. There is never any harm in
asking. In fact, the biggest issue people seem to have in this area is asking for
something that they dont feel worthy of receiving. Well, as Bob Dylan once sang,
The times they are a-changing.

We are all caught up, by varying degrees, in the belief that we have to earn or be
worthy of asking for what we want. Even more so, we worry that if we ask for those
things that seem to us frivolous or trivial that we are somehow asking for something
that is beneath Gods notice. This is not the case.

In truth, we are being encouraged to ask for whatever we want. Remember, we

cant always know what serves our highest good. It may come quickly or over time
and it and it may not come in the shape, form or package that we imagined it
would, but it will come.

I heard this story from Gary Zukov recently on Oprah and it illustrates this point.

George was on a sailboat when a storm hit. His ship was flooded and began to sink.
He believed in asking for what he wanted and was certain that he would be saved
by God. He prayed and prayed and asked to be rescued. At first a small boat came
by and said they would take him to land, but George wouldnt budge. God will save
me. A second boat came by, a little bit larger and still George would not leave his
ship. God will save me. Just before his ship went under another vessel came by to
help him. No, go away. God will save me.

Unfortunately, George drowned. When he went to heaven, he was angry with God
for not saving him. God said, George, I did come to save you. I sent those three
boats to help you. The moral of this story is, be ready when you ask for something
to recognize the package it comes in.


Ask for whatever you feel you need to help you move forward in life. It is not
important whether it is a physical or non-physical item, a spiritual request, the
releasing of old thoughts, fears, anxieties, etc. You can never go wrong with asking
for what you desire. The worse that can happen is that you wont receive it.

Calling To the Ascended Masters And

Archangels for Assistance


Just as you can ask your Higher Self and I Am Presence to assist in clearing
whatever issues you desire to release, you can also ask the Ascended Masters and
the Archangels (collectively or individually) for their assistance. The Ascended
Masters are highly evolved beings that have pledged to assist us in returning to our
true home in the higher dimensions.

There are many Ascended Masters and this list is just a small listing:

St. Germain, Dwahl Khul, Vywamus, Sananda, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary,
Melchizedek, Archangel(s) Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Metatron, Ariel, Zadikiel and
many more.


Whenever you desire guidance and or assistance in your life, regardless of whether
your request seems reasonable or trivial, call to the Ascended Masters, Archangels
or both. Ask for whatever you need. Dont be concerned if your request seems like
something insignificant, it doesnt matter. The worst that can happen is that the
answer is no. You cant offend an Ascended Master or Archangel. They are too far
evolved for that to occur.


By asking for what you desire you may be quite surprised with the response. Even if
it seems trivial to you, there may be an aspect of what you asked for that was
connected to a significant obstacle impeding your growth. If you dont ask youll
never know.

Releasing Negative Entities


From time to time, you or someone you know may feel as if there is a presence in
your space that feels inappropriate. As physically incarnated beings, we are senior
to all non-physical beings. If the presence is one which does not seem appropriate
or is causing you undue concern, call upon Archangel Michael and the Great White
Brotherhood of Light.*


Call to Archangel Michael and the Great White Brotherhood and ask that they assist
you to clear this space. Be sure to add in light, love and truth for the highest good
of all concerned. By using this phrase you are providing a safety net( so to speak).
There are times when a presence may seem unwelcome yet is actually there to
assist you in some way that is not clear at the time. The use of this phrase assures
you of not chasing away beneficial guidance and assistance.


Speaking With The Higher Self Of Another


There have often been times when I have wished to discuss something with another
person and have been unable to do so. Sometimes they are not physically present
or able to be reached by phone, letter or e-mail for example. Other times they may
not be receptive to a discussion, due perhaps to anger related to the situation or
maybe unable to respond, e.g., in a coma, suffering with Alzheimers, etc. By
speaking with the Higher Self of the person you wish to discuss your concerns with,
you can bypass the personality and still move forward in resolving the issues at


When you are in a situation such as described above or one where you feel it may
be appropriate, call to the Higher Self of the individual you would like to speak to. It
is best to do this in meditation or some other quiet space. Ask that persons Higher
Self to help you understand what you can do to release or heal the concern. You can
ask for or offer forgiveness if you feel it is appropriate or perhaps assistance in
understanding the reasons for what has occurred and how to resolve the conflict.


This exercise is particularly effective with someone who has passed over. Since the
negative personality is no longer present (the part of our personality that feels
anger, fear, greed and the other lower emotions) you are speaking to the Higher
Self of the person you knew. This is very helpful in releasing old hurts and fears by
allowing you to express feelings or even regrets that were never previously stated.
It is a great way to let go of those old energies that can no longer be resolved
through face to face interaction.

Ask For Support and Guidance

From Your Higher Self


What is the Higher Self? It is that part of us that is more evolved, more aware, more
noble than who we generally perceive ourselves to be. Think of those times when
you have done something for another unselfishly. Where you sacrificed something
you desired for the higher good of another or perhaps saw a solution to a problem
that was not clear to you previously. These are some indications that you have
made contact with your Higher Self. The following exercise will help you to invoke
the attributes of your Higher Self more frequently.


In meditation or some other quiet space call upon your Higher Self to assist you in
dealing with the challenges, concerns and fears that you experience in your daily
life. Ask for its assistance to help you be more present and in your body. Ask for its
assistance to help you understand actions or situations that are perplexing,
regardless whether they are small or of great concern. Think of your Higher Self as a
trusted advisor and consultant - someone who has greater wisdom, awareness and
understanding of the situation at hand. You will be surprised how inviting your
Higher Self to take a more active role in your life will help you to open to greater
awareness and overall satisfaction..


When you ask for guidance from your Higher Self, the response may not provide a
clear or specific answer. Your Higher Self wants you to gain the benefit of the
experience without its interference. So if you were to ask for understanding of a
particular situation, your Higher Self might offer a hint or clue that nudges you in
the direction of the answer without giving it away.

As you experiment with different requests, you will become more aware of the
nuances of that your Higher Self uses to interact with you.

Asking Higher Self and I Am Presence To

Release Old, Stuck Energies


As we go through our lives, each of us are seeking ways to release old issues that
have kept us stuck in the past, rather than allowing us the experience of being in
the present moment. This processing can be difficult. Through the use of this
exercise however, the difficulty can be eased and growth can result, often faster
than through conventional methods.


When you become aware of a thought, feeling, fear, etc., that seems to be of the
past and particularly, when it hints at old painful experiences such as (but not
limited to) feeling abandoned, questions regarding self esteem, past hurts,
disappointments, lost relationships etc., you can do the following:
Call to your Higher Self and I Am Presence. Ask that the old hurt, fear,
disappointment whatever you are experiencing be released in any way and every
way that serves your highest good. This will help you to start releasing the issue
while going about your daily life.

This will initiate a process that will help you to let go of the energy surrounding that
issue. Sometimes the release will happen very quickly (within a few moments) and
other times it can take up to a few days before it comes fully to the surface. Your
openness to this method and willingness to use it will have a direct effect on how
successful it will be. As all issues have various layers and some more than others, it
may take several repetitions of this exercise to fully or significantly release
whatever is of concern to you.

If it feels as if this is a significant issue that you have requested assistance to clear,
you may want to soften the release by asking for it to come gently, so that it will not
be overwhelming to you. Additionally, some issues are not ready to be fully released
and may release only partially. Usually, this occurs when there are still lessons to be
learned. As these lessons are learned, the remaining aspects of the issue will be

Asking Higher Self To Release Your Burdens


There are times when you have processed an issue ad nauseam saying to yourself; I
thought I already cleared this, now its back again. What can I do to really get rid of
it? Well the answer is simpler than you might think.


When you feel that you are in this situation, ask your Higher Self to assist you in
releasing your burdens, cares and responsibilities etc. around the issue(s) that have
come up. You will be amazed to see your energy begin to rise and the sense of
drain, fatigue, etc. that youve been carrying, lift. This will help you to feel lighter
and more at ease.

As we continue to clear and release more and more of those old energies that have
kept us in duality consciousness, it becomes easier to connect with our higher
selves and access aspects of our expanded beings consciousness, making it easier
to open to new and more effective ways to release the issues of the past.

Release Fear Through Your Higher Self


This exercise is a very effective way of releasing old fear patterns without a lot of
verbal processing. Its effectiveness is highlighted by the quick results one can


This exercise can be used when you are experiencing fear or desire to release the
root cause of old patterns whose origins are lost in memories that you cant recall.
These old memories can be from early on in this lifetime and even from earlier
lifetimes. Since this technique helps to clear out these old memories very quickly, it
can help you let go of many old fears and patterns which in the past may have
taken many sessions of psychoanalysis to accomplish.

When you desire to release old fears or are experiencing great fear, call to your
Higher Self and/or I Am Presence. Ask that they help you to release the old fear
patterns, experiences, thought forms and beliefs that keep you stuck in this fear.
Ask that it work on all levels of your being in any way and every way that serves
your highest good, in light, love and truth. Further, ask that it work while you are
awake and when you sleep.

As I have mentioned, this is a fast acting and very effective exercise. However, if
you wish, may soften this approach by asking for the effects of this program to
come to you in a gentle manner that is not overwhelming.

I have used this exercise many times and have always been impressed by its
results. When you use it, you may feel buzzing or vibration in your body. This is an
indication of it working. Additionally, you may feel warmth spreading through your
body and a renewed feeling of confidence.

As always, each individual is unique so the effects and results may vary.

Phrase to use:

I call upon God and my Higher Self and ask you to assist me to release the
thoughts, fears, doubts, sadness, disappointment, issues and experiences that keep
me from accepting myself for who I am as it serves the highest good

Ask Metatron For Assistance In Learning

New Healing Techniques


Metatron is considered The Father of the Electron. It is from him that all healing
energies are guided. In that respect, it can be said that Metatron flows through each
who practices the healing arts. This does not however, limit his influence to only
those who work as healers. There are many who do so by caring for another through
a compassionate word, a pleasant smile or an empathetic touch. These are all ways
of healing. As all healing comes through the heart, each of these methods (as well
as others not mentioned) and all their permutations are expressions of Metatron.

It is said that Metatron is the Right hand of God. Perhaps this is true. Regardless of
whether it is or isnt, it is to Metatron that we need to call to if we would like to
increase the healing energies of light that are available to us in this dimension. He is
one who is the force and the focus of these energies that are brought forth from the
source. He is the one who aligns our beings and assists us to focus our energies in
this fashion.


Whether you are working actively or passively with any of the various light
modalities and wish to understand more about how the energies come through you,
to increase the energies or bring in different energies, call to Metatron and ask for
his guidance and assistance. Always ask that whatever aid you receive be in
accordance with your highest good. As appropriate, you will open to greater
energies and higher frequencies of light that will allow you to assist yourself and
others more fully.


If you prefer, you can also call to your Higher Self and I Am Presence and petition
Metatron through these aspects of your being. Whichever way you are comfortable
with is fine.

Tools For
Personal Growth



When one refers to crystals it does not matter whether you call them rocks, crystals,
gems or minerals. They are all members of the Rock Kingdom and one of natures
most special gifts. All rocks, crystals, etc. vibrate at an electro-magnetic frequency
that is unique for each individual stone. These vibrations can help to augment
and/or balance the human electromagnetic field, also referred to as the aura.

Depending on the particular crystal, certain aspects of ones perception can be

augmented to help support those aspects of personality that are needed to deal
with a particular experience or situation. It doesnt matter whether that need is
physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual in nature. As an example, suppose you
would like to augment your ability to lead a workshop with more confidence or
would like a crystal that would help you to connect more easily with your guides and
higher self. Another situation might be that you are feeling down and would like
assistance to help you lift your spirits. How would you find a particular stone(s) that
would assist you in this need?


There have been many books written on this subject from simple hand held guides
to voluminous tomes. My personal preference is Love is in the Earth by Melody.
This is a compendium of approx. 1,500 crystals that have similar and disparate
properties and can assist you in finding a particular stone or stones that will help
you to determine what best serves your needs.

Rather than reading someone elses thoughts on a stones properties, perhaps you
would prefer to allow your intuition to help you make the determination as to which
stone is best for you at this time. If this is the case, visit a store or shop that sells

While browsing, allow yourself to be drawn to the one(s) that are most suited for
you at this time. You will know which is most appropriate because you will feel
drawn to it. When holding the crystal a calmer, more centered feeling comes over
you and makes it difficult to let go of. When this happens, it is your Higher Self
guiding you to be present with this particular specimen(s). In essence, it is saying
that this crystal possesses certain electro-magnetic properties that will most
effectively balance your energetic body at this time, for the issue or need that is
presently being considered.


If you would like to explore this subject more fully, a great place to learn about
stones and crystals are gem and mineral shows. They are often held on weekends
and some vendors are very familiar with the chemical properties of stones while
others are more knowledgeable with the metaphysical properties. Additionally, the
prices are usually cheaper than retail stores.

Clearing Stones and Crystals


Crystals and Stones are wonderful tools for helping to connect with and open to the
more subtle energies within ourselves and those that surround us. As we use these
tools, stones and crystals can and do accrue negative energy. Even those that are
used strictly for esthetics, display or decoration around your home, office, etc., can
absorb negative energy from yourself and others who live with you or visit.

There are many ways to clear and release these accrued energies. I have included
some of those I feel most effective in this section.


My favorite method is to place stones and crystals in the freezer overnight. If they
have been used extensively, you may choose to leave them in the freezer for up to
3 full days. The cold will not hurt the stones and will cause the negative energy that
has accrued to slow in vibration and let go.

Another suggestion is for those of you who are Reiki practitioners. Place the stone or
stones you wish to clear upon a table or other flat surface. Then make a Cho Ku Rei
over the stone(s). Allow your hands to stay above the stones until the energy shifts.
When it does, your stones have been cleansed and energized.

You can also place your stones outside in the sunlight for a few hours to a few days
depending on how much you feel they need to be re-energized. If you prefer, you
can place them out at night and allow them to be cleared by the moonlight.

Another way is to bury them in the ground for 24 hours and allow Mother Earth to
re-charge your stones or wash them in Sea Salt.


There are many other ways to clear a stone and the ones listed here are only a few.
As with all of the exercises presented in this book, allow yourself to be guided by
your intuition and creativity when you decide how to best clear your stones and



There are times when we are upset by our actions towards others and ask their
forgiveness, while other times they request forgiveness for their actions toward us. I
believe this is an important and effective tool in healing rifts between individuals;
but what about those acts and transgressions we commit against ourselves in the
form of negative thoughts and admonishments. These are often much harsher than
we would project upon another. Who do we turn to for forgiveness in these

It seems to me that there is great healing that can be accomplished when we offer
that same forgiveness to ourselves, regardless of the situation.


If we accept the premise that we are all learning lessons and therefore fallible,
doesnt it make sense that each of us is entitled to the same right of forgiveness
that we might extend to or ask of another?
Sometimes its difficult to feel as if you can forgive someone for what they may
have done to you or another but what about the thoughts or feelings that you hold
towards yourself. Instead of trying to forgive them, try forgiving yourself first.

This act immediately creates a greater opening in your heart by letting go of the
energy that was used to hold the situation(s) in place. Releasing this energy allows
you to experience a greater acceptance of yourself and from this expanded space a
greater acceptance of others as well.


When I speak of old issues, blockages, imbalances, etc., what I am referring to is

energy that is non-moving, stagnant. As the normal state of energy is movement, it
takes a great deal of effort to keep this stagnant energy in place. Releasing it
through forgiving yourself, creates space and makes it possible to more easily
accept others. Try it for a week and see the results for yourself.

Phrase To Use:

I call upon God, my Higher Self and the Angel of Forgiveness and ask
for your assistance to forgive myself for the guilt, regret and remorse I
hold over _________________ as it serves the highest good.

Energizing Your Food

And Drink


In my practice of Reiki, I have found that I could raise the vibration of water, food or
other substances that one might consume, by bathing it with Reiki energy. I would
simply ask for the Reiki Energy to fill this substance with its essence and raise its
vibration. If you are a Reiki Practitioner, you may have already tried this. However,
that does not mean that you have to practice Reiki to experience this benefit. Do
you recall that I spoke of the pink light of your heart earlier? If you choose, you can
fill your food and drink with the light of unconditional love and acceptance by
directing the pink light of your heart into whatever it is that you are going to

Visualize your heart chakra opening and as it does, also visualize the pink light
flowing from your heart. Allow it to surround and envelop whatever it is you wish to
consume. It may take a few minutes. Continue sending this light until you feel

It doesnt matter whether the food you are consuming is organic, raw, living or if it
is pure junk food. The effect and benefits are the same. Im sorry to say however,
filling candy and fatty foods with this light will not reduce the calories.


This exercise will raise the vibration of your food and drink considerably. It will also
help to increase your light body frequency. Practice this regularly.

If you would like to try an experiment, taste the substance before and after
directing this energy and see if you notice any difference. I have done this with both
Reiki and the Pink Light. Ive noticed that my food tastes better, that while my water
has a drier taste. It also seems cleaner and lighter than ordinary tap water.

There are many ways to use this energy. Allow your imagination to be your guide as
you think of new ways to use this practice.

Energizing Food and Drink With

Sunlight or Moonlight


Just as you can energize food and drink with Reiki or the pink light of your heart, you
can also raise the vibration of these substances with the light of the sun or the
moon. Due to the perishable nature of foods however, it is more practical to do this
with water and other liquids.

Place a jar, bottle, etc., of distilled water, spring water or juice, etc., in the bright
sunshine and allow it to sit there for at least 1 hour or longer. The liquid will become
energized from the light of the sun. The same is true for Moon Light.


It might be interesting to see the difference in your water or juice in taste and
energetic effect if you were to try it both ways.

In Chinese medicine, the sunlight is thought of as male energy and the moonlight as
female. The sunlight is thought of as male energy because it is focused, directed,
penetrating. The moonlight is thought of as female because it is cool, flowing,
languid. Depending on what your body needs at this time, it may be more beneficial
to use Moonlight over Sunlight or Sunlight over Moonlight. Experiment and see what
works best for you.

Manifesting Your Goals

For Abundance


This is a phrase given to me by my guides to help focus on creating a greater flow

of clients and students for my practice. Feel free to change and amend this phrasing
in any way that supports what you wish to accomplish:



An Invocation To Assist
Your Healing Work


This exercise is for those of you who actively use energy healing such as in Reiki. It
is a way to increase the effectiveness and energy level in a healing session.


By using an invocation such as the one I have written below, it will help you to bring
in higher entities who can help you in your healings. One such invocation is this:



You are welcome to change and re-state these phrases in any way you wish. By
using an invocation such as this, you are asking for the highest beings that can
assist you. This will help to bring in higher and more refined energies through you.

As discussed in the section on intent, making this kind of request can only help you
to raise the level of your healings and provide greater clearing for your clients.

You may also name yourself in this invocation if you are the subject of the healing.
This is most appropriate when you are working on yourself.

Stay On Your Path By

Listening To Your Heart


We have all spoken at one time or another of following our guidance. Trying to keep
in mind what is for our higher good, of trusting our intuition, etc. What does all this
mean? In my mind it all boils down to this:

The heart is the center of our beings. It is the gateway between the higher and
lower chakras. It is through the heart that all healing flows and it is through the
heart that love is perceived. If you wish to follow your intuition, to follow your
guidance and know the truth of your actions, thoughts, etc. listen to your heart. The
heart is incapable of lying. It does not know how. Consequently it is an excellent
barometer of what serves your highest good.


The method I am sharing with you is a means of knowing your truth by using your
heart as a divining tool. This exercise is very similar those given where I spoke of
using your body as a divining tool.

Decide what question you would like an answer to. When you ask your question,
observe the energy around your heart. In general, you will find that a yes answer
will feel expansive and open, while a no answer may feel closed down, compressed,
contracted. Each reader will most likely receive an answer in a way that is unique
for you.

Practice this a few times beginning with questions that carry no emotional aspects.
Questions dealing with factual information such as, is my name Gary? Or is it sunny
outside, etc.? These are very simple, yet good questions to start with. Once you are
comfortable with how you receive your answer, you can expand the range of the
questions asked.

Try not to ask a question that is emotional in nature until you are comfortable with
this method. Questions that are more factually based make it easier to become
proficient with this tool. I have found that the more emotional a question, the easier
it is to get in the way of the answer. Therefore, please consider your emotional state
at the time you ask a question. If the heart is not open, it cannot perceive the love
that is present regardless of how advanced an individual might be and that can
impact the validity of this method. Whenever you use this tool, try to do so when
you are in a positive space.

In this exercise, Im talking about using the Heart Chakra and not the physical heart.
Occasionally, someone questions me and I thought it might be helpful to state this
so that there was no confusion.

Vibrational Healing Through Toning


Toning is using your vocal cords to create a vibration to assist you or another in
releasing energetic blockages from the chakras and other areas of your body. A tone
can be any sound such as humming or a sustained OM for example. Singers and
actors often practice toning by using scales to warm up their voice and clear their
throat. The vocal cords are muscles and when exercised they can be used to
produce a wide range of sounds. By directing that sound to a specific area of the
body you can create a vibrational healing. When you use this method, create the
sound that seem to vibrate most comfortably for you.

Lets say you have a blockage in the Throat chakra. What often happens is that
energetic debris, resulting from unresolved communication issues, has lodged there.
This makes it difficult to express yourself as clearly or easily as you might like. By
using a sustained tone, the blockage can be moved and subsequently released.

In Ultrasound Technology high, low or mixtures of varying frequency sound waves

are used to dissolve kidney stones, relieve muscular knots or for seeing an unborn
fetus. These are some examples of how sound waves can be utilized. The concept
underlying this technology is the same as with Toning. When we consider that
everything is energy and all energy is composed of frequencies, it becomes more
apparent why this method works so well.


Toning is good for balancing and clearing the chakras.

Get a sense of where you are blocked in your body (chakra) and modulate your
voice (tone) so that you feel the vibration in that area. Continue the sound, even if
you need to take several breaths, until you feel that the area is moving again. You
might wish to start with a low-pitched sound. Hold this tone at a sustained pitch
until you feel that you have cleared the blockage. You may find that while holding
this sustained tone you feel a desire to raise or lower its frequency. If so, go ahead
and see what happens. Regardless the pitch you start out with, feel free to
experiment with higher or lower sounds. This will help you to better understand how
this technique works and how it can best help. A guideline to follow is the lower
numbered the chakra, the lower pitched frequency should be used. Conversely, the
higher numbered chakra, the higher pitched frequency should be used

As you advance and become more proficient with this method, you may find that
the tone created, begins to move higher or lower on its own. If this happens, allow it
to continue. This is your bodys own intelligence guiding your tones to where it will
do the most good. It may be quite surprising as you try this. At first you are toning a
deep vibration and then youre climbing through the total range of sound until you
reach a very high-pitched sound. The converse can also be true. Let yourself be
guided through this exercise and observe the results. It will take some time to get
comfortable with this tool so dont be hard on yourself.

You will most likely be pleasantly surprised when you see that the croaking that you
began with becomes a beautiful clear tone that fills you will energy, freedom and a
connection to the truth of your being.


Sometimes its difficult to use toning effectively because it can disturb others. If this
is the case, odd as it might seem, you can actually practice toning silently. The
effect is similar to doing it verbally because you are creating the sound in your
mind, even though you are not expressing through your voice. Try it and see for

Healing Severed Cords After A Loss


When we end a relationship or suffer the loss of a loved one there are many things
going on energetically. The trauma, the grief, the mourning of the loss impacts us
on many levels. One way I have found to ease that loss and separation is by healing
the severed cords of the heart.

Whether we are in a romantic relationship, a deep friendship or a love relationship

with a parent, child or spouse; we form attachments called cords. These cords can
be thought of like electric cords that we plug into another and they into us. When
the cord is severed, particularly in an unexpected or sudden way, it creates a
feeling of emptiness and energetic trauma. Although these are energetic
connections, the tearing of the cord is often a painful experience leaving the ends
jagged and raw. They need to be calmed and healed in order to let go.


Picture yourself and envision your former friend, partner or loved one in your mind.

Now see if you can become aware of the cords between you and them. Do they look
smooth and round or do they look jagged and raw? Perhaps some are smooth and
others jagged. Envision each cord surrounded by the pink light of your heart. Bathe
each cord in this light and allow it to heal. As it does, see it begin to dissolve. When
the cord has fully dissolved, it has healed.

Depending on where you are in your healing process, it may take several repetitions
at different times and/or days for you to feel significant change. Others may feel
more immediate effects depending on the severity of the loss. As always, results
vary for each individual.


This exercise is not meant to be a substitute for counseling and /or the releasing of
grief but rather an adjunct. Use it to help move you through these stages more
easily, in conjunction with whatever professional assistance you feel most

Setting Your Intention


I am often asked, when one does energy work, meditation or channeling, how do
you keep from bringing in unwanted energies or spirits? In particular, those spirits or
energies who are not of a high level. I learned long ago that if you want fireworks,
you will get fireworks. If you dont, the best way is to clearly state your intention
before beginning whatever it is you are preparing to do. It doesnt matter if it is a
ceremony, healing, channeling or washing the dishes. I always add, to any situation
like these, the following phrase for the highest good/in light, love and truth. The
use of a phrase like this puts out a specific message to the universe and makes it
clear that only the highest and purest of beings may come forward in this situation.
For the best results in whatever you do. Always seek to reach out to the highest and
purest of beings you can connect with.

The use of this phrase and others like it, invokes cosmic law. In essence, the law
states that unless a being is here to serve the highest good of those present, in
light, love and truth, they are not welcome in these proceedings. All must heed this
proclamation. By establishing this as your intention, it does not allow any who are
not in this space to enter.

In all the time I have worked with energy, I cant think of any instance where I have
pulled in a being that was not of the light when I have made this statement.

Using Your Body As A Divining Tool


There are many methods of communicating with your higher self, e.g., meditation,
muscle testing, using the pendulum, etc., and I have discussed some of them
previously. This is another method that accomplishes this goal is to use your body
as a Divining tool. This can be a very effective means for self-transformation
regardless whether you can channel, act as a medium or think of yourself as
incapable of hearing your inner wisdom.

It can be used to determine if the food or liquid you will consume is healthy for you;
or perhaps checking to see if a particular supplement or medication is appropriate
at this time. It can also be used to determine if a specific book contains information
that is supportive to you. As there are many uses for this tool, allow your
imagination to lead you to the ways that benefit you most.


Choose a quiet space to sit where you won't be disturbed. Take whatever time you
need to calm and relax yourself. When you feel ready, ask your higher self to show
you what would be a yes answer. Allow a few moments for this to occur. Now repeat
this process for a no answer. Note what has happened.

As a general rule, a yes answer is going to feel as something positive, uplifting,

expansive. A no answer is going to feel as if there is something negative, a pulling
down of energy or some sense of feeling restricted and held back. The responses
are as unique as the individual. As an example, some of the responses my students
have given me from this exercise: a positive response includes warmth, feeling a joy
within, expansion, a response on the left side of the head, tingling in the toes or
another part of the body, etc.

A negative response on the other hand elicited these types of responses; an

uncomfortable feeling, pulling away of their energy, a response on the right side of
the head. As you can see, it varies greatly among individuals.

For myself, I receive the answer in two ways; the first is a physical experience of
pulling my stomach in for a no and pushing out for a yes. I have also received
responses for yes as a warm uplifting feeling, while a pulling down of energy
indicated a no. What this all boils down to is that there are many ways to receive a

I would suggest that you repeat this exercise a few times for a yes answer and then
for a no answer. This allows a pattern to emerge and will help you to feel more
secure in understanding the response.


Additionally, when determining yes and no responses, it is necessary to keep in

mind how strongly positive or negative the answer is. The greater the degree of
emphasis indicates how on target you are in your question and helps to provide
greater clarity to the answer. It is up to you to discern how supportive the answer is
to the question asked.

As its quite easy to get in the way of the answer when highly emotional issues are
involved, wait until you are quite comfortable with how your body responds. Even
then, I would be skeptical in those areas. You don't want to incorporate your desires
into the answer and misinterpret the information. In these situations, it is often
better to ask another for validation of one who is not part of the situation or is more
adept in receiving this type of information.

Divining Answers To Questions with a Pendulum


The pendulum is a very sensitive tool that can help you to determine an answer to a
question in a yes, no or neutral manner. The purpose is the same as when we spoke
before regarding using your heart or the body as a divining tool. It has applications
that are similar to and different from these other methods. It can be used to confirm
what you have received in answers from one of the other techniques, as well as
standing on its own.

Some of the things you can use a pendulum for: measuring how open or closed a
chakra is, whether a foodstuff is appropriate for you to consume, is a particular book
something that contains information that will benefit your growth and many other
uses. Try it in whatever way seems appropriate to you. As always, let imagination be
your guide.


Draw a circle on a piece of paper that uses most of the paper. In the center of that
circle, draw a vertical line down its center. On one side write the word yes. On the
other side write the word no. It doesnt matter which side is which. Place the
pendulum on the center of the line in the middle of the circle and hold it at the top
of the string or chain it is attached to. Keep your hand steady. Now ask your

Watch the movement of the pendulum. Which side does it go to and how far? The
more dramatic the movement, the more emphatic the response. If it stays on the
middle line, the answer is either neutral or your thoughts are interfering with the
pendulums movement. Try it again. If it stays on the line or barely moves do
something to take your mind off the question youve asked while keeping your hand
steady. If it stays on the line you might wish to try your question at a later time.


Ideally, the pendulum should be made of natural substances. Metals, crystals and
wood are the best types.

Due to its sensitive nature, care must be taken to not allow your thoughts or desires
to influence its answers. Try not to stare intently at the pendulum as this can
interfere with its response. If you are watching its movement, do so with a
distracted, non-focused observation.

It is best to begin with simple, intellectually based questions that have no emotional
components. As you get used to this method and become more able to keep your
thoughts from influencing the answer, you can begin to bring in questions that have
a more emotional basis.

Use White Light to Protect You from Negative Energy


White light is a basic tool of protection when you work energetically. It is intended
as a filter to ward off energy from others that is not as high or clear as your own.
This tool is well employed in many situations, e.g., a heavily populated area as a
city or on mass transit. The white light can be used to shield you from the many
chaotic energies present in these locations. It can also be used when you interact
with individuals, i.e., a boss, a relative, family member, friend, etc. whos energy
you find it difficult to be around. The white light will help you too more easily to
remain in your center.


Visualize the white light surrounding you as a 360 degree-sphere. It does not matter
whether you can see the light or not. If you are having difficulty visualizing, just
imagine it surrounding you. It may help you to use a phrase such as this: White light
surround me, protect me. Keep me safe from negativity.

If you are standing when asking for the white light, you will begin to rock a bit from
your heels to your toes. This rocking is a sure sign that youre protected by the light.
If sitting, the experience may be more one of warmth. Even if you are not
experiencing a sense of rocking, trust that White Light is present since it is your
intention that creates it. There is no specific amount of time that this exercise works
for, so you can repeat it as often as necessary.

Observing Your Aura


To help you become more aware of the energy field (Aura) that surrounds your body.


This exercise can be done in several ways. The first is taking your hands and briskly
rubbing them together for about 10 seconds. Then gently bring your hands together
until you can feel some sort of resistance. At that point, slowly begin to move your
hands apart observing the energy between them. It is sort of like slow taffy pull.
What happens is that you will feel the auric field between your hands grow to a
point and then no longer feel it. It feels as if there is a diaphanous material attached
to your hands and helps you to become familiar with your own energy.

Another way to conduct this exercise is just after meditation and works best in a
dimly lit room. As you come out of the meditation, but before returning to full
consciousness, observe your hands in front of you. Look for a cloud of mist like
energy. It may appear as very fine filaments or perhaps more substantial as a wispy,
transparent cloud of energy. Watch as it undulates around your fingers and hands
and just observe its movement.

This is a great way to observe how your aura moves. As you watch, you may
become captivated by what youre seeing. This exercise will help you know beyond
a doubt that you do have an aura and give you an idea of what it looks like.

Some people will be able to see colors while others may not. Dont let that
discourage you. If you want to see the various colors of the aura, Kirillian
photography is most effective. Look for those who do this form of photography in
new age magazines, newspapers, etc., or perhaps at a local psychic fair.

Moving Energy with Your Mind


Sometimes, as we process and release old energies which keep us mired in the
past, they get stuck in our bodies. As an example, many people who complain of
lower back pain are often experiencing the result of energetic debris that has
become stuck. Why does this happen? As we let go of old energies, other blockages
that have not yet let go impede the clearing of what has been released.


You can try to move the energy that has become stuck through visualizing the
blockage. Once you have the image comfortably in your mind, visualize it slowly
rising up, along your spine and out your crown chakra. If the energies are not too
impacted, this may well help you to release what has become stuck. If this does not
help, look through this book for other exercises that can be helpful in releasing the
discomfort. If necessary seek out a Reiki practitioner or other bodywork professional
that can help you let go of what is being held on to.


Pain in the lower back is only one area where this might occur. Discomfort as
described in this exercise can be anywhere in the body.


Calming Breath


This is another exercise that is drawn from Yoga. It is used to release the tension
and anxiety that comes from everyday life or unexpected events.


Breathing is the single best tool to reduce stress resultant from anxiety and tension.

Take a deep breath filling, first your abdomen, next mid-section and then your chest
to a slow count of one, two, three, four. Hold your breath for the same count of one,
two, three, four. Now release as much breath as you can to the same count. Be sure
to release first from the chest, then the mid-section and finally from the abdomen.

After you have released the breath fully, do not inhale again. Count one, two, three,
four and then inhale, beginning the cycle again. When you feel ready and able,
increase the count to 6. Eventually you want to reach a count of 8, always in the
same pattern.

Take your time, as this is a very powerful exercise. If you feel uncomfortable with a
count of four, try a count of two until your lung capacity expands to allow the
greater count.


The use of breath can also be helpful in breaking through all sorts of aches and
pains. Have you ever attempted to stretch your body or perhaps your neck and
shoulders finding that they were stiff? Often stiffness and discomfort can be
released if you visualize that your breath is flowing in and out of this area. Naturally,
you are breathing in through your nose but the act of visualization helps to create a
greater flow and movement of energy in the particular area you are stretching. If
you do this for a little bit, the area will become looser and you can stretch it a little
further. Be careful and take your time since you dont want to push your body past
the point it is comfortable.

Kidney Breath


The Kidney Breath cleans and purifies the kidneys of energetic debris. As the
kidneys are the filtering system for the physical body, they also filter energetic
debris of the energetic body.

This breath is an exercise that I teach in my Reiki II course and it is an excellent way
to release stress and strain after a long day, during the day or prior to meditation.

While sitting with your back straight, visualize that you are breathing in white light
through your crown chakra. As you breathe it in, imagine this light traveling down
your spine into your kidneys. In your kidneys see the white light turn to varying
shades of blue. Then visualize the blue light returning up along your spine and
breathing it out through your nose as a blue mist. Repeat this three times.


Not everyone who does this exercise may be able to see the colors I have
mentioned. If you dont, thats fine. Just imagine the colors and you will still receive
the benefit of this practice.

For those who can see the colors, what you see may be different from what I have
described above. Dont be concerned. Often, my students see different colors than I
do and I recognize that it is what they need in their own clearing.

Every color is a frequency of light and each vibrates at a different frequency. As a

result, we all have a need for different frequencies of light to balance and harmonize
our beings. That is why some will see colors different from those I have discussed in
the exercise.

Breath of The Fire Dragon


As with the Kidney Breath above, this exercise is beneficial to releasing tension and
entering into a meditative state. This is also taught in my Reiki II workshops. Both
the Kidney Breath and Breath of the Fire Dragon are effective when performed
separately. When done in conjunction the benefits are even more pronounced.


Just as in the Kidney Breath, breathe in white light through your crown chakra. This
time however, see it go all the way down your spine to the base of the spine. When
it reaches the base, see it come back up through the center of the spine, up through
the neck and into the head. At this point, see the light spin clockwise around your
head from sapphire blue, royal purple and then to gold. Breathe out gold light
through your nose.


Just as with the Kidney Breath, the colors you see may differ from what Im
describing here. Do not be concerned. Allow yourself to experience the effect of this
exercise and know that whatever colors you see are appropriate for you.

Here too, if you cannot see any colors, just imagine them. You will get the benefit of
this exercise regardless.

Breathing into The Chakras


When we become tense, scared, unsure, anxious, etc., our chakras tend to close
down correspondingly to the degree of uncertainty that is confronting us. A gentle
way of releasing these fears and the associated tensions is through breathing
directly into the chakra concerned.

My friend Catherine once told me that breathing into the heart chakra would help
move an individual into a greater space of awareness. In this space it is easier to
connect with and receive information from your guides and higher self. I tried it and
the experience was very interesting. I was surprised at how easily I moved into the
meditative state. Within a few short minutes, I felt very grounded and peaceful.


Seat yourself in a comfortable position with your back straight. Breath into your
heart, hold it for a moment and then exhale through the heart. Do this slowly and
with mindfulness. Observe what is going on. Notice how you feel and what is
happening in your body.

If you are a beginner, please do not overdo this. A minute or two is sufficient to
experience the value of this exercise. As you become more accustomed to the
effect, you may increase the time you spend with this breath. This can be done at
any point during the day or as a means to help you to sleep.


Try this method for the other chakras. Before doing so, however, feel within your
body for which area(s) are stuck or non-moving. It doesnt matter whether the
restriction is significant or minor. Allow yourself to breath into the chakra and then
out through it. Observe what is happening. Start at the root chakra and work
upwards to the crown.

You might also want to try this breathing on those chakras that are already open
and energy is moving well through them. This will help expand them further. Again,
it is best to start slowly and then expand your practice after you have become
comfortable with the exercise.

Circular Breathing


This is another breathing exercise that has its roots in Yoga. Its purpose is to help
connect the sexual energy of the second chakra with the heart so that it mixes the
energy of fire with love. The second chakra (sacral chakra) is located two inches
beneath the navel. It is connected with creativity, sexual energy and relationships
among other qualities, while the heart is the emotional aspect and the gateway to
the higher centers.

Sometimes we get disconnected with the flow of energy in our bodies between
these two chakras due to various hurts and traumas we have experienced in our
lives. This exercise helps to restore the flow.


Breathe in deeply through your second chakra (sacral chakra) and bring the energy
up through the solar plexus (third chakra) into the heart (fourth chakra) breathing
out through the heart. After breathing out, wait a moment to experience the effect.
Repeat this process several times.
A variation on this would be to breathe into the second chakra bring it up to the
heart and back down again and out through the second chakra. Either way these
exercises are powerful (as is all breath work) and help to create a movement of the
Kundalini as well as an opening of the heart chakra. As the energy brought up is
likely to be stronger than what you are perhaps familiar with, please do
not overdo this exercise.

Circular Breathing Exercise - A Variation

Breathe in through your eyes and allow it to run down the spine into your first
chakra. Allow the energy to stay here for a moment and then bring it back up to
your heart. Allow it to stay here for a moment or two. This will help you to open your
heart to a greater experience of light and love. When youre ready, breathe out
through your eyes.

This breath, as does the one above, helps you to move the Kundalini (sexual life
force energy) from the lower chakras and bring it to the heart. The purpose of
bringing the energy in through the eyes and then out again is to activate the Pineal
gland. It is a very stimulating exercise that creates a feeling of joy, up-liftment and
well being.

The Trinity Breath


When people speak of the Trinity, they usually are referring to the Father, Son and
Holy Ghost. However, the trinity concept is also one of balance.

In our physical reality there are many extremes such as, hot and cold, empty and
full, up and down, for example. However, each of these extremes has a point of
balance that is the mid-ground. Between hot and cold is warm, between up and
down is middle, between heaven and earth is man. We are the synthesis of both
extremes. We are a mixture of spirit (Heaven) and matter (Earth). That is why I call
this breath the Trinity Breath.


Take your time as you practice this breath.

Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. As you draw a breath in do so
through your heart and then direct the breath up your spine and out through your
crown chakra up into the heavens, then bring it back down from the heavens
through your spine and out through the root chakra into the Earth. Envision the
Earth energy mixing with the energy of the heavens and rising back up into your
heart. Now, breathe out through your heart. You are now connected to the Heavens
and the Earth through your heart. The trinity is complete.

This is a very grounding and enlivening breath.


It may take a little practice to be able to do this all on one breath. If you cant, you
may use normal breathing while following the visualization from heart to the
heavens, to the Earth and back to the heart. With a little practice, your lung
capacity will increase and you will find this exercise much easier to do.

Trinity Breath - Variation


This is a variation on the Trinity Breath and its purpose is to connect the second
chakra with the Heart and crown chakras. Where in the Trinity Breath we connected
the Heavens and Earth through our physical body, this breath helps us to connect
our sexual energy with the heart and sky, opening creativity to a greater degree.


As before, sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe in through
your heart and direct the breath through your crown chakra up into the heavens.
Now bring it down through your crown chakra into your second chakra. Then direct
the breath back along your spine to the heart and breathe out through the heart.

Grounding Exercises

Introduction to Grounding Exercises


We live in a time where we are seeking to join with our spiritual selves, to connect
with the truth within us of our higher being and purpose. This is all well and good,
not to mention necessary, however, it also creates a concern. How can we walk the
spiritual path and still keep ourselves balanced and focused, while experiencing
these higher energies? The answer is through grounding.

Many people have learned to tap into higher energies, some more consistently than
others. Still we live here on Earth in physical bodies and need to retain a balance
between connecting with spirit and acknowledging that we are still in the body.

It is our purpose in the physical form to find the balance between extremes. This is
the concept behind the trilogy. For every aspect of polarity consciousness (thats
what we are living in) there are extremes between which lies balance. Water, for
example can be hot or cold. The middle point is warm. It is the balance between hot
and cold. The same can be said for the Heavens and Earth. The middle ground is
where we find ourselves as a mixture of physical and spirit, not just one or the

That is why grounding is so important. If we are to retain a balance between the

Physical and the Spiritual, we need to be able to experience the Spiritual while we
are in the body. If we are too ungrounded, we cannot function effectively in our daily
lives. On the contrary, if we are too grounded (dense), we may not be able to
experience the higher energies of the ethereal realms either.

There are many ways to ground oneself and I will present a few ideas to you here.
Im sure you may know of a few I havent thought of and I encourage you to use
them regularly. It is amazing how one can deal with their problems and fears so
much more effectively when grounded. Why? When you are grounded you are more
in touch with the true you and able to access and bring that knowledge to bear in
any given situation.

The Cord


Imagine a cord running from your tai-bone into the center of the Earth. Allow a
moment or two for the visualization to take hold. Once it does, feel that cord grow
With this simple imagery, you have grounded yourself very effectively. I have used
this exercise quite often when Im working with clients during a Reiki session and
other times when Im not. It is a very effective method that helps me to re-ground
quickly every time.

Additional Grounding Exercises

Lying on the Ground:

This exercise is pretty self - explanatory. If you feel ungrounded and the weather or
at least your clothing is supportive of the action, lie down on the ground (it does not
matter whether it is on your back or front) for 10 to 20 minutes and simply let the
earth help you to ground.

Sitting by a Tree:

This too is self-explanatory. A tree is rooted into the Earth and the larger the tree the
deeper its roots. As you sit by a tree, allow its own groundedness to calm and
reassure you.

The Childs Pose

This exercise is drawn from Hatha Yoga and is very effective to ease anxiety, fear
and that uneasy feeling which is also an aspect of ungroundedness.
Squat down on your knees with your legs beneath you. Allow your backside to sit on
the heels of your feet. Support yourself with your arms in front of you, palms on the
floor, in a way that does not put undue stress on your arms or shoulders.

You are in the correct position if you can maintain this position without feeling any
strain. This exercise helps to ground you by balancing your first and second chakras.
When we are anxious or fearful, it is usually the first and second chakras that close
down creating that ungrounded feeling.


Sometimes, whether its you or someone else, it might take a little more to help an
individual ground. In these cases, I ask that person to begin breathing deeply and
steadily. This, in conjunction with the visualization of being grounded, helps those
who are way out there to come back.

Often, when someone spends a lot of time in an ungrounded state it is because they
are uncertain or afraid of something. Most commonly, it is a desire to escape the
physical body and retreat to a space removed from the rigors of physical existence.
The ungroundedness comes from their subconscious desire to escape their fear(s).

In addition to what has been described, it is helpful to smooth down the energy of
individual by running your hands downward from their waist to the floor and placing
your hands on their feet. If needed, repeat this several times. This will further assist
in bringing the individual back into their body.

With The Energies of the Changing Seasons



The Wesak Festival (named for the Wesak Valley in the Tibetan Himalayas where
this holiday originated) is the full moon festival of Taurus and usually occurs during
the first week of May. It is considered by the Ascended Masters as the most holy day
of the year. It is also a time when the boundaries between Heaven and Earth are at
their thinnest. As a result, there are many dispensations (spiritual gifts) given out to
those who are open to receiving at this time. It is not a holiday that requires any
kind of worship or religious ceremony, however. Simply connecting with the
energies of the day through conscious thought and/or mediation is sufficient:

The following is a message I received from the Ascended Masters for the Wesak
Meditation I held in May 2001. It gives you an idea of what is involved and the
purpose behind the granting of these gifts:

As we are all Beings of Light, we all walk upon the path of spiritual growth and
enlightenment. Let this time of great openings and awakenings lift up and transform
your spirit by lightening your heart and allowing forth, the light, love and joy of your
We wish you to know that we are present with each of you at this time. Know that
we bring to you that which is the love and light of our beings and we share with you
the light and love of he who is the creator of us all.

The changes that are occurring are those which will assist you to better evolve with
the times and energies. Today is a day in which much shall be lifted from those who
are in attendance with this ceremony. There shall be an imparting to each of the
light and love of being that is there to receive.

As you continue on this path, you shall find that there will be a corresponding light
and energy that will bring you closer to that which you strive to attain. Do not feel
as if you are not progressing.


There will be times when there is much going on inside that is not readily apparent
to you in the physical world in which you live.

As you begin to accept even more energy into your four body system, you shall find
that there will come a point in time where the lessons that are causing you such
distress become less important, as you progress into a state of greater awareness
and clarity.

Seasonal Changes


As we all know there are four seasons. Did you also know that each season brings a
change of energy? If we open to the incoming season, we can align ourselves with
the changing energies and connect more fully with who we are becoming. This can
be expanded to include both Lunar and Solar eclipses.


In preparation of the seasonal change, determine the actual time of its arrival
according to universal time. The US Naval Observatory website gives a listing of the astronomical times for celestial events in
universal time context. An adjustment is made for Eastern Standard Time and from
this you can calculate the time of the event for your particular location.

Once you have determined the time of the event, do a meditation asking your
Higher Self and I Am Presence to help you connect with the energies of change that
the new season brings. I have included some meditations that I wrote to assist you.
If you prefer, feel free to use these as a basis for creating your own.


It is best to connect with these new energies prior to the onset of the equinox or
solstice rather than afterwards. In particular, the closer to the actual beginning of a
season without passing the time of its occurrence, the stronger the energy you will
connect to.

Spring Meditation





Summer Solstice Meditation








Autumnal Equinox





Winter Meditation







Body Centered Exercises

Creating Relaxation through Muscular Tension


Have you ever been so wound up that even when you try to relax, its difficult to
do? In fact, it seems the harder you try to relax, the more difficult it becomes. This
exercise approaches the problem from another point of view. As we stress out and
become more tense, we continue to tighten up so that letting go seems almost
impossible. Sure, given enough time you will eventually calm down, perhaps
sometime after the stimulus has passed. But what if that stimulus extends for a
period of days or weeks? I think you will agree with me that it can be very draining.
Oddly enough, creating more tension is the way to break through this situation. By
using a principle of Martial Arts training that suggests when you go with the flow
rather than oppose it, you can more easily attain the desired results.


When you feel overwhelmed, over stimulated and need to relax but cant, sit in a
chair, lie on a bed or on the floor, wherever you are comfortable. Now tense the
muscles all over your body. Tense them for as long and as completely as you can
without pushing beyond your limit. If you prefer, you can build up the tension step
by step, rather than all at once. This is to ensure that you will not pull any muscles
in the process. In doing this exercise, you will actually work the muscles into a state
of exhaustion. This causes them to relax and release the tension they are carrying.
You can practice this exercise any time of the day or before you go to sleep.

Another way is to tense the muscles starting at the feet and working upwards
section by section. The choice is yours. By releasing the accumulated tension you
will sleep better and have more energy throughout the following day.

Relax Your Body for Sleep

By Talking To It


There are times when our bodies become tense and overwhelmed by the activities
of the day. When this happens, it is sometimes difficult to get to sleep at night. On
those occasions when Im too wound up to sleep, I have found it very helpful to
relax my body by talking to it.


As you lie in bed, address each part of your body. For each part of the body you
address say to it something like relax and release. Funny as it may sound; I have
found saying goodnight to each body part is very effective. Pick one of these
phrases or make up your own.

Start with your feet and work up to your head or begin with your head and work
down to your feet. I prefer working upwards from my feet, as it seems to make it a
little easier to release mental stress. Try it both ways to see which you prefer.


This exercise is one that can be performed at any time, not just at bedtime.

Vibrational Release


This is a generally stimulating exercise that helps to re-establish a greater flow of

blood throughout the system


Using your fingertips and a loose wrist, gently tap or massage your scalp, face,
neck, shoulders, arms, chest, back, kidneys and legs. The motion is one where the
wrist does the work. This exercise is a great way to jumpstart yourself when you are
low on energy.

Listen To Your Body


Our bodies speak in a language of their own and it is one that you can learn to
understand if you take the time to do so. The language of the body expresses itself
by way of sensation, feeling, tension, pain, ease, flow, movement, etc. If you take
the time to listen, your body will tell you what it is feeling and what it needs. Lets
take a few examples:

If you are experiencing an ache or pain and it doesnt seem to have a physical
cause, it is often a sign that there is something going on beneath the surface: a
thought, an emotion, an old memory for example. When this occurs, take the time
to listen to what your body is saying. If possible, get into a light meditative state
and ask the area that is affected, what is wrong? What is the message its trying to
tell you? The response may come as an intuitive feeling, a memory, thought or
perhaps a sense of fear may be felt, etc. When you get these flashes, ask the area
what it wants from you in order to release the hurt, pain, discomfort, etc., that is
present. You may be quite surprised as to what comes up. It will take some time to
become proficient in this effort so do not become discouraged.
We are so used to thinking with our minds and trying to analyze what is wrong that
often we miss those subtle clues that come from the intuitive side of our nature. The
body never lies. It is incapable of doing so which is what makes this technique so

As you get comfortable with this method, you will find it easier to really understand
what your body needs and more than likely help yourself heal and release whatever
needs to be let go of.

Conversely, just as you can learn what is stuck and the underlying cause, you can
also determine what gives your body pleasure; what your body wants at a particular
point in time rather than what you think it wants or what you would like it to want.


Stuck and blocked energies can be released, not only through energy work, but also
through movement of the physical body. In fact, movement is most beneficial to the
body. It helps an individual to stay healthy, balanced and grounded. Incorporating
exercise and movement with energy work such as Reiki, Polarity, Acupuncture,
Cranial Sacral, etc., is an excellent way to balance and align the energetic fields that
surround and inter-penetrate the body.

As in all things however, there must be a balance. Just as too much energy can be
un-grounding, too much exercise can be wearying to the body.


Give your body an opportunity to move. Go to a gym, ride a bike, do yoga, take a
brisk walk, run, hike, swim, etc. These are all things that will help you to keep
yourself balanced and grounded, not to mention reducing stress. Energy likes to
keep moving, it is a contradiction in terms speaking of energy that is not moving. As
your body gets used to this activity, you will feel it ask for more. Respond in
whatever way feels grounded and balanced.

If you prefer, you can put on a CD or tape and dance. Allow the music and its
rhythms to help you let go and flow. When I tried this, my body became more
comfortable being in motion and began to move more freely than I thought it could.
I found myself moving into positions and with a flow that was quite beyond anything
that I thought myself capable of. This was especially interesting because I had
become somewhat sedentary for a time before this experience.

Take your time and allow yourself to naturally build up to this practice. As your body
becomes more accustomed to moving you will see changes occurring. More
importantly, enjoy the experience and have fun with it.

Increase Your Creativity through Drawing


Just as with Journaling, drawing can help you to connect with your higher guidance.
Although the purpose is the same, the methods differ a bit.

Dont let the idea of drawing fluster you. The method I discuss here is so simple
anyone can do it. Even me! I cant draw a lick but I can sure scribble and essentially
that is what I am asking you to do.

For this exercise purchase a good size, inexpensive drawing pad. Take a pen, pencil
or colored marker and place your implement of creation in the center of the page.
Now just allow your hand to move wherever it feels like going. It doesnt matter
whether the image you create makes sense or not. In fact, it is better initially, if it
doesnt make sense.

Those of you who have artistic ability may approach this differently but generally
free form is the best. What will happen is that little by little you will begin to relax
and flow with whatever it is that you are creating. While your mind disengages, your
second chakra, the one connected with creativity, will begin to open and help you to
connect with the joy within you.

When you feel you have done enough, look at your image. You may be surprised
what your (assumed) meaningless scribbles create.


Play with your creation. If you like, try coloring in the spaces between lines in a way
that compliments your artistic eye. There is much satisfaction you can experience
from this activity.

Drawing in this fashion also helps to release the constant chatter in the mind, gently
bringing you into a state of quiet and calm. In this space you can connect with your
higher self and your guides more easily, opening up to inner guidance.

Connecting With Your Higher Self

Through Journaling

We all have guidance to help us negotiate the currents of our lives. Sometimes it
comes in the form of a still, small voice. Other times it is that feeling of certainty, of
knowing beyond a doubt, that a choice or decision is correct regardless of what
others might say. There are many ways to assist this process and this exercise is
one of several I have discussed in this book.


Dedicate a notebook or journal where you will write down your thoughts, feelings
and experience of those things that occur to you that are significant. You can write
about anything you want. The topics are not important except that they matter to

As you do, you may find that your writing style begins to change. It becomes a little
more specific, a little more focused or insightful. Sometimes the writing style
changes significantly and you begin to wonder where are these thoughts coming
from. If this happens, let it flow. Most often you are connecting with your higher self,
guides, angels, etc.


It may take some time before this inner guidance comes through. Look for little
hints, indications of creating this connection. It may be that you write a flowery
express a point of view that is not your normal way of speaking or perhaps the
words hold a greater meaning than you imagined.

Allow yourself the time to open to this method. In most cases it is not immediate
but rather subtle. In time, it will unfold. It is also helpful, to be in a reasonably
relaxed and/or peaceful state of mind when Journaling, as this provides a clearer
space for messages to come through.

Perspectives on Personal Growth

Power and Intimacy


In our society, Power is often feared. It is seen as something that enables one
person to control another. This is not true power however. It is because of this
connotation that many people fail to experience themselves as powerful beings, in
control of their own experience.

True power comes from within. It comes from a sense of authentic presence. It is the
essence of who we are unfettered by the negative ego or a need for control. It is not
reactive but proactive. Being present in the moment and dealing with that moment
from a place of certainty and serenity is empowering.

How do you know if you are coming from true power? True power comes from
trusting yourself. A feeling that comes from the confidence that you are able to
handle any situation that arises that you are bigger than the situation. Now one
might ask, how can I gain this level of confidence while I am still releasing my fears?
The answer is by confronting your fear in whatever way you can. Sometimes it will
not be possible to overcome your fear at that moment while other times it will. The
most important aspect though is that as you work through these fears, regardless of
size you will create a greater sense of confidence and security within yourself. This
greater sense of confidence and security also creates a greater connection with
your Higher Self. It doesnt matter how you face your fears. Sometimes it is more
heroic to speak out, even if only in a whisper, than to perform an action hero type
act of bravery. It can be as simple as turning down a street you have never explored
before or allowing yourself to receive assistance from another who has greater
wisdom. What I am saying is, it doesnt matter how you get through your fears or
how big they are? Fear is what has kept you from being all that you desire to be and
each bit of fear released, helps you to become more of whom you are.

So the question arises, how do you create intimacy from personal power? Personal
power, as I have stated, is moving through your fears allowing you to let go of the
negative ego and accept yourself and others for who they are - no longer in
judgment, unconcerned if another will see your hurts, wounds or failings. It is in this
space, that true connection can be created. It is here that intimacy can grow and be
nurtured. Think of a friend, family member or loved one, anyone with whom you can
feel a level of safety and trust. You can tell this person things you might not be able
to tell another because you feel assured that they would not judge you. As you
continue to grow and release your fears, you will find that you can do the same
thing with others and create intimacy with more than a select few, if you desire.

This is essentially, what this book is about. It is a collection of tools to help you
release your fears and in doing reclaim your personal power so that you can live
your life with a sense of expansion and freedom.

Dream Interpretation


There are many books on the market, written from differing points of view,
regarding dreams and their symbolic interpretation. This is a vast topic and one
whose many aspects are beyond the scope of this book. Therefore, this section is
intended to provide the reader with a simplified approach of how to generally
classify certain dreams.
Why do we dream? Does everybody do it? Why cant I remember my dreams? What
do my dreams mean? Weve all asked ourselves these questions at one time or
another. We often do not remember our dreams but yes, everybody dreams. What is
dreaming then and why do we do it?

When we dream, we actually leave our bodies and are off exploring the higher
dimensions. Some refer to this as Astral Travel. What do we do when we are astral
traveling? It serves many purposes, for example, its an opportunity for us to
explore and learn new things that are of interest to and nurture the growth of our
souls. During this time we meet with friends and others, who may or may not be in
physically incarnate, to set up new lessons or create interactions in the coming days
and weeks. Sometimes we resolve our issues in the Astral realm, paving the way for
reconciliation with friends, lovers and even those whom we do not feel kindly
towards. We also dream to help us release those fears and anxieties that have been
with us throughout the day.

There are times when we have a dream that seems very clear and we understand
fully what was going on. Upon awakening however, awareness slips away and we
are often left with a vague recollection of what has occurred. So what has

When we sleep, our conscious mind is not as fully engaged as it is during the day.
When we awaken, we start to filter our experience by what our conscious mind
understands. Unfortunately, the experiences we have while dreaming arent always
those that we can hold on to; as our frame of reference in our third dimensional
world is significantlyless than expansive enoughto explain what we have seen on
higher levels of dimensional awareness.
What do I mean by higher levels of dimensional awareness? We are consciously
aware of the third dimensional shapes and forms that create our existence. In the
third dimension, there is width, height and depth. However, were you to experience
fourth and fifth dimensional awareness as an example, the familiar shapes and
forms of the third dimension are not likely to be found, as these levels are not
bound by the physics of third dimensional space. Therefore, events perceived there
can be very difficult to put into a third dimensional focus. This is one reason that we
cant hold on to our dreams. Another is our ego tends to filter the experience so that
what was perceived fits our conscious reality. It is a protective mechanism that
keeps us from being overwhelmed by the experience. This is particularly true in
what we refer to as nightmares. If we were able to recall all that occurred in a
dream, there may well be aspects that are too scary or fear inducing for our
consciousness to handle. In order to maintain a sense of balance these experiences
are often filtered out to avoid unnecessary stress.
Three of the most common dream types are the Anxiety Dream, the Spiritual Dream
and the Foreshadowing Dream. Lets look at each of these:

Anxiety Dreams

In this type of dream, there are often a great many things happening. Scenes shift
quickly and actions seem haphazard. One minute youre skiing in the Andes but
there is no snow around with natives from an African tribe threatening to chase you
home, the next youre under your car doing a repair on a fall day, the car starts
melting and you find yourself in a pool of molten lava, the next moment your riding
down the rapids of a river in the middle of a city street and on and on. Very archaic
and nothing seems to make much sense. This kind of dream occurs most often.
These types of dreams are an outlet for the anxieties and fears we experience in our
daily lives.

Spiritual Dream

In this type of dream there is not much scene changing. There is usually a good
deal of focus and the events that occur seem very real and life like. These are
dreams in which you are receiving actual guidance. It may be a message from your
higher self, guides, spiritual teachers (physical or non-physical) or perhaps a friend
or loved one who has passed on. These dreams do not occur frequently. Usually the
messages they bring are simple but with profound meaning to the events and/or
concerns you have. These types of dreams happen far less frequently than Anxiety
dreams and are presented in such a way that they stand out, helping you to
remember them.

Foreshadowing Dreams

How do you know you have experienced a Foreshadowing dream? When these
dreams occur, it seems we are connecting with others. Sometimes we know the
individuals encountered and other times we dont. These dreams tend to be a
foreshadowing of events or meetings with others that are likely to occur in the near
future. In these dreams we set up meetings to work out karma, create new
relationships, build businesses, get together to arrange a time where we can meet
each other and help to support each other in whatever way is necessary at that
time. This is only a partial listing but I hope you get the idea.

When we have an experience where we feel that weve met someone before or that
the conversation were having has already happened, we think of it as de ja vous. It
is not an error however, to think it may well have happened in a Foreshadowing

As noted in the beginning of this section, dream interpretation is a very large study
and encompasses more than can be presented in the context of this book. My
suggestion to the reader, however, is to keep a journal of your dreams. Upon
awakening, but before coming fully awake, record what you can remember of your
dreams. Doing this on a consistent basis will help you begin to see patterns emerge
that will help you to understand and assist the releasing of anxieties and fears more
easily. This practice will also help you to recognize your own dream symbols and
what they mean for you. Recording dreams can be a fascinating way to explore and
learn more about yourself, who you are and what your true purpose is.

The Coming Ascension

I have often spoken of the rising energies that have been coming to this planet for
the last 15 years approximately, since the time of the Harmonic convergence in
1987. At that time an acceleration of the energies coming to this planet began
moving us towards a greatly increased lightbody vibration. The focus of this
increased energy seeks to help us release the old energies, experiences, fears and
thought forms that we have carried with us in this lifetime and from earlier lifetimes.
At a point in time, potentially the winter Solstice of 2012, we will have reached a
level of expansion and awareness that will move the entire population of the Earth
into a higher dimensional frequency. It is here that we will experience the start of a
new eraone where the heart will become the center from which we will live our

How will this happen, you might ask? Consider this premise - everything is
composed of light and all light is composed of frequencies. This is true for all
animate and inanimate matter; illness and afflictions, whether physical, emotional,
mental or spiritual result from misaligned frequencies. This is the reason why
energy healing such as Reiki, Magnified Healing, Ultrasound Technology, etc.,
because they provide a significant level of benefit. When one works with the
exercises in this book or in other ways, seeks to release the old thoughts, feelings
and experiences that have kept them from being all of who they are, the misaligned
frequencies are released and brought into balance. Eventually, the changes brought
about by all this clearing will provide the space in which ascension may occur.

What is Ascension? This is a process where the lightbody of an individual is raised to

a degree far above that at which we are currently operating at. As we progress
towards this time of ascension, our light body vibrations will become smoother,
calmer, more balanced and harmonious. As we continue to clear our energetic
bodies, becoming more harmonious within ourselves, it has a corresponding effect
on others. Since we are all connected, all one, each issue we balance and
harmonize within us, will correspondingly help others who are connected to us by
this issue(s). It helps them to become more harmonious within themselves. If you
imagine this concept as a domino effect, perhaps what I am saying will become

The heart is the gateway between the higher and lower chakras. It is through the
heart that all things are possible. As issues release, the Heart Chakra is better able
to open. Little by little the energies of love and unconditional acceptance that come
from the heart begin to expand. There are only 2 forces at work in the entire
universe and they are love and fear-all else is an aspect of these energies operating
at different frequencies, e.g., anger, hate, fear, joy, compassion and gentleness. As
the heart continues opening, the energies of the lower emotions are soothed and
calmed by the greater level of heart energy available to offset them. In time, this
energy will have such a rippling effect that it will spread across the entire planet
and create the ascension. Another analogy of this process is the lighting of a
wooden match.

After striking the match on the flint, watch the head. Often it will ignite in one part
and appear to take a moment to ignite the rest of the match head. In my view, the
portion that lights first (Harmonic Convergence) is the catalyst for igniting the rest
of the match. Look at the many events that have occurred and reflect this process.
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union for example, the massive outcry
against the Tobacco companies and greater protection for the environment. Recent
events reflect the greater sense of connection and unity around the world in
response to the World Trade Center disaster. When considered from this
perspective, I hope it makes this concept a little easier to grasp.

Many people, when they hear this theory say, thats all well and good, but what
about war and famine; people hurting each other, etc? As we move closer and
closer to the projected time of ascension, we will continue to release more and more
of the old, so that the fears and uncertainties we perceive today will not be our
reality at that time in the future. Those who are still caught amidst the fears and
anger of the past will awaken as if from a dream. It will be such a movement
upwards in vibration; we will all look at ourselves, somewhat dumbfounded and ask,
what were we arguing about? I cant remember what made me so angry. It sounds
like fantasy, doesnt it? Obviously, time will tell, but whats wrong with a fantasy.

After all, even fantasies sometimes come true!

The World Trade Center Disaster -

A Higher Perspective

I wrote the article below the day after the World Trade Center Disaster and felt it
was something I wished to share with each of you who read these words.
Dear Friends:

As everyone, I have been struck by the horrific nature of the events which occurred
yesterday in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Somerset County, Pennsylvania. I
know in this time of pain and fear that we are all looking for something that can
come out of this experience that is positive and uplifting, although it seems difficult
at this time. It is why I asked the Hierarchy for a higher perspective on these events
and sought to relay this information as best I can. I hope that it helps you to find a
greater peace and resolve to help change this world for the better. I know it has
helped me to do so.

In light and Love,


Changing Times Newsletter - Special Edition

The World Trade Center Attack
September 12, 2001
Channeled by
Gary M. Spolansky

Greetings Dear Ones,

We who are of the Hierarchy are with you.

We are they are who have come to you at this time to speak of the tragedy that has
occurred in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
We wish you to understand what has occurred this day and to know that we are
always with you.

We wish to express our thoughts on this subject. We have observed what has
occurred and we want you to understand that it is of a greater message that is
being sent to you of humanity.

The time is drawing near and becoming more critical as each day passes that you
express to yourselves and one another, the acknowledgment that each of you are
one. That there is no separation. Those who are of hurt, pain and fear are as
completely you as are those who are balanced whole and complete. It is simply the
other side of the same coin. The experience that has occurred, is one that has
created great devastation and trauma for those closest to it and is a reminder that
there is still much work to be done. As you move closer and closer to becoming fully
awake, fears that are present within your being literally scream to be let out. When
these are not released they can create events such as this. It is one of the many
reasons that we ask you to let go of the old hurts and pains you have experienced
that no longer serve your highest good. When you become aware of an old fear,
anger or hurt, regardless of what it is, ask your Higher Self and your I Am Presence
to help you let go of that which no longer serves your highest good in light, love and
truth. Ask that all who are connected to the experience be released from this energy
so that healing can occur on all levels. It is this thought and those like it which will
help you to open, expand and express the beauty of the light and love that is within
you, in greater and greater expanding ways.

We want you to understand and to know that there is much that can come from this
experience that is positive and can be uplifting in the consciousness of humanity.
Within each disaster lie the seeds of rebirth, creation, truth and awakening to
greater awareness. It is this that we seek to remind you of. It is this, which we ask
you to consider and express to yourself and to those who are close to you. That
which was is gone, but what has not yet been created can now be given form.

Humanity is indeed moving towards a time where there shall be no more of this kind
of activity, although difficult to conceive at times such as these. In the process
however, the tensions that are present become magnified and enhanced as the
energies draw higher and higher, creating a movement forward into a space that
will eventually be free of negativity.

You may ask how? How can this help? What good can come from this?

We ask you to look at those around you. Those who have experienced this trauma,
those who have witnessed it through your television, radio and other media; it is
this communication that has connected so many divergent peoples into one
common unit. Each of you have felt, experienced and shared this same experience.
Each of you are awakening to the pain, hurt and fear. Each of you are offering
support, love, encouragement and assistance. It is this that is so important. It is this
which will help bridge differences and help bring humanity closer together.

Bring forth the energies of brotherhood - the energies of communal sharing,

planning and giving. Bring forth the energies of positive thoughts, the light of love
and being-the unity of consciousness, of oneness. This is what we are asking you to
consider. This is what we are asking you to do.

It shall help to feed a growing awareness and understanding that is being brought
forth to the peoples of this world. It will amplify awareness and support greater
clarity than has previously been the case. Let this calamity spur you forward in your
efforts to release what is not of balance and harmony. Where there is love there can
be no fear, for love conquers all.

We who are the Hierarchy ask each of you to awaken to your inner truth, which is
divine love and unconditional acceptance. Awaken into the beauty of the spirit that
lies within each of you.

Express this beauty, this light, this love to yourselves and each other. Let it radiate
as a beacon to all those who you fear, dislike or feel angry towards. Let all who
meet you and all whom you meet, experience the light and love of your being, that
the differences between you dissolve into harmony and peace.

May light and love guide your way as you walk upon your path.

The Ascended Masters of The Spiritual Hierarchy

Ending the Cycle of

Negative Thoughts


In the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster, I asked myself what could I do
to change the world? There is so much acrimony between people, cultures and
nations; jealousies over what one has and doesnt have. Feelings of hurt, pain, fear
and neglect run rampant. Truthfully, I was somewhat overwhelmed with this
question; after all Im just one person I said to myself. Then I remembered an old
expression. If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, it can create a
hurricane on the other side. This is not the exact wording but it illustrates my
thought. I may be one person but I can affect others by my actions and so can you.

Each day, we have many thoughts some positive, some not. However, our thoughts
have power even if we dont realize it. As an example, think about those times that
youve said something in anger to another or them to you. That anger or hurt
(depending on which side of the encounter you were on) often remains, even
though the event has passed. A familiar situation where this occurs is while driving.
How many times have you gotten annoyed with another driver due to a reckless act
on their part? Then ask yourself, how many times have they gotten angry at you?
More importantly, think about how you reacted and how they reacted. How did that
feel? If youre like me, I would guess not very good. Now think of that energy
multiplied thousands or even millions of times a day. I think you can see how this
can become a never ending cycle, continually building until it reaches a point where
it explodes, just like a tea kettle that reaches its boiling point.

I determined that each day before bed, regardless whether I was right or wrong; I
would ask for the energy I put out that day to be released and nullified. This was my
way of slowing the growth of that cycle.


Before bed, consider all the experiences of the day that stand out in your mind. For
each event that has a negative charge on it, ask your Higher Self and I Am Presence
to neutralize and release the negative thoughts, actions, statements, etc. you put
out that day. Ask that these thoughts be released so that they become harmless
and have no further lasting effect. Always add in any way and every way that serves
the highest good of all concerned in light, love and truth.


In the days that followed the World Trade Center collapse, I noticed a quietness, a
calm in the New York metropolitan area. I live on Long Island and the energy here,
while not as frenetic as Manhattan, is still quite hectic. I asked myself, is it the shock
of the situation and yes it definitely played a role. But more, was the tremendous
outpouring of love and compassion to all those who were affected. I understood at
that time, if we can reduce the negativity of our thoughts, then we could slow down
that frenetic energy which effects not only New York but the world as a whole. I
thought to myself, if everyone became aware of the power of their thoughts and
took responsibility for them, in the manner I have described above, it would help to
make this world a happier, more loving and accepting place.

It is up to you whether you will practice this exercise and how often. For me it is an
answer but not the only answer. Whatever you decide to do is of course your choice
and I encourage you to follow your truth and inner guidance to the choices and
actions that serve your highest good.

Some Final Thoughts From

The Ascended Masters

Welcome Dear Friends,

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy are present with you.

We are here to assist you to open to and understand what you are experiencing and
what is to come. As you read these words, we wish you to know that we are working
to assist you in opening to greater aspects of yourself and who you are becoming.

The times in which you live are changing drastically now. It becomes more apparent
as you read in your newspapers, books and magazines. You see indications of this
daily but what does it mean? Where is it leading to? What is it about? It's about
remembering who you are and where you came from. Who you are in reality, not
just of the physical plane, but the reality of the truth of your being. This is what we
speak of.

Each of you are brilliant beings of light. Multi-Hued, Multi-Dimensional. Ascended

Masters All. Aware infinitely of all that surrounds you and yet, in your physical form,
aware of only a small part of your being. This is by design. Who's design? Why it
was your own Dear Friends. It was you who chose to temporarily forget your
knowledge and understanding of the higher dimensions in order to experience this
physical reality in a way that would make it real to you. We would like to speak to
you of that which is to come. That which is occurring for you at this time.

As you are aware there are new energies being brought forth upon this planet that
have not been present before. They have created a quickening, a movement
forward that has expanded and accelerated far beyond that with which you are
familiar. Far beyond what has been known and experienced, lo these past 13,000
years, since the time of Atlantis. The energies that rain down upon your planet are
increasing daily with the purpose of accelerating your growth and awakening into
more cosmically aware beings.

These energies originate from the great central sun and are guided to you by those
who are of the Spiritual Hierarchy. It's a great divine dispensation that has been
granted to your planet for the time is now. The game of separation which you have
participated in for so long is over.

As you continue your acceleration, all that is of the past, all that is of fear and
baselessness is being released and dissolved. It is no longer of consequence.
Indeed, there is no longer a need for punishing yourself for that which has
happened in the past. It's a time of letting go, of forgiving and forgetting.
As you read these words, we are assisting you to let go of those thoughts and fears
that you hold on many levels. We are assisting you to open to the greater light and
love that is of your being, the greater light and love that is of the divine creator.





When you do so, shine it upon each other. There are none who will not feel it,
regardless of how you perceive them and they perceive you. On deeper levels they
get it. They understand it.

This is what it has always been about, learning to love unconditionally by accepting
yourself and each other. Be who you are and allow them to be who they are. Each of
you are divine, unique, shining examples of the love and light of the creator.

We want you to know that we are with you and are always here to assist you,
whatever you desire or wish. Ask for it. Do not be afraid if what you ask for seems
small or insignificant. It is not important. There is nothing that is too trivial for us to
assist you with and we want you to know that it is our greatest pleasure and desire
to serve you.

We embrace each of you in the light and love of our hearts.


Services Offered
Workshops for greater understanding and application of the tools in this book are
offered on a regular basis. Private consultations are available to assist you in
applying the tools most effectively, for your particular concerns. Workshops are also
offered for all levels of Reiki as well as private healing sessions. All private sessions
are scheduled by appointment only.

Gift certificates for this book and all other products and services may be purchased
directly from the authors website at

About The Author

Gary M. Spolansky is a nationally known Reiki Master trained in the Traditional Usui
System. He is also a Spiritual Counselor and certified as a Stress Management
Consultant by The International Association of Counselors and Therapists.

Gary received an M.B.A. from Adelphi University in Garden City, New York prior to
becoming a full time Reiki Master and Author; where he had spent 20 years working
in the financial and legal industries. The decision to let go of the corporate
experience came from his deeply held desire to assist others through teaching and
his experience in the healing arts.

Gary maintains a private practice in Port Washington, New York and has been
featured on News 12 Long Island and was the host of the TV program Spirituality
and You and co-host of the Spiritual Growth Talk Radio show The Yay Team He is
available to speak to groups and organizations. Contact information is provided on
the Services Offered page.

He is also the author of several other books including The Power is

You! a Guide to Self Empowerment and Surgeon of the Soul Stories of
Hope and Healing.

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