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Preparing measures for hurricane

What is a tropical depression, storm, corealis force?

Put on hurricane shutters onto windows, clean up the environment by getting rid of
all debris, cut trees and hanging branches (hurricane season in the eastern
Caribbean 1 june-30 November. Ensure that there is and hurricane kit should
contain can foods; like biscuits and sardines as well as distilled water, sweets, board
games, medical supplies, batteries, flash light, portable radio, dry clothing
Buy protective clothing; long rubber boots, place all drinking water on counters or
shelves, remove all animals that are caged outdoors, avoid using tap water, buy
enough bottle water, unplug all electrical appliances, charge all devices and use if
necessary, buy lamps or lantern with oil, empty the fridge of all perishables.
What to do during the storm

Stay indoors always, unless it is necessary to go outside, if you have to

venture outside, you have to wear protective clothing and boots
Try to keep children calm by explaining to them what is happening
Try to sleep out the storm
To ease boredom, you can engage in board games or read a book
Keep you self-hydrated

What to after the storm

Go outside to assess the damages done to the environment or you, always

protective clothing when doing this
Clean up the environment with detergents remember to use gloves
Ensure that all family members are accounted for
Get rid of all food, clothing or household that have been damaged by the
Listen to the radio always in an event if a storm surge may occur
Try away any uncooked food after three days
Only plug in your appliances when you are told to do so

Social and economic impact of hurricanes


Displacement of the population (they will go to hurricane shelters)

Shelters may be over crowded this can have several effects
A) Unsanitary conditions
B) Food shortages
C) Family members may fight for space and other needs
D) Family members may be separated due to injuries or death
E) Government services may be pressured (overflow)
F) May have an increase in water borne diseases or other illnesses and

Damage of infrastructure
Loss of life
may have a flash flood(which leads to more damages
government will have to spend more money on medical supplies and services
death and destruction of livestock and animals

what is flooding
the accumulation of water on land over a long period of time
causes off flooding

continuous heavy rain fall associated with hurricanes or tropical storms

during high tides; water will over flow the river banks
poor irrigation
broken mains, sea dams etc.

effects of flooding

rise in water borne diseases like leptospirosis dysentery

rise in certain illnesses
loss of agriculture
destruction of homes
persons may be left stranded because their communities are unaccusable

St. Lucia, Montserrat, Guyana, T&T, Dominica and Jamaica

Impacts of flooding

houses will be washed away

soil erosion, mud slides and land slides

how can the Caribbean government control or mitigate the impacts of a

natural disasters

disaster mitigation- measures taken by the community to reduce the impact

of natural disasters in individual, community or governmental basis

ensure surroundings is maintain

ensure your house is properly secured; buy insurance to protect yourself,
homes and vehicles
make plans of evacuation if the hazard becomes a disaster
stock up on supplies
discuss emergency measures to be taken if the hazard becomes
uncontrollable with family members
construct homes using the right specifications so that there is no major
plan emergency escape routes with family members


conduct training for emergency personnel to assist the elderly, the sick or
disabled and any other person that may be at risk
inform citizens of possible disasters by promoting a sense of awareness
through education
assist in cleaning the environment before and after the disaster
organize shelter in clearly identified areas
ensure that shelters are fully equipped with essential supplies


every government should have a natural disaster preparedness plan and

have qualified persons working in the area
ensure that relive assistance as communities come t
provide mechanisms that will ensure the safety and security of the
community by providing arm patrols in areas that are affected

*disaster is much more a human issue than an environmental one


Shortage of food crops

Dehydration of human and animals
Animals, humans and plants may die
An increase in price of vegetables and fruits
Rise in air pollution
Destruction of forests and woodlands

Soil erosion, conversion, what are some ways we can conserve, effects of soil

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