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Shield Integrity


There is a rare but wonderful human story from the horrors of World War I the 1914
Christmas Truce. By that stage the conflict had settled into a war of attrition between
armies heavily dug into muddy trenches and surviving under dreadful conditions. On
Christmas Eve 1914 Christmas carols could be heard coming from the opposing trenches and
little fir trees began to appear. Some soldiers lifted their heads above the parapet and
when they saw those on the other side doing the same they slowly came out into no mans
land and started to mingle. Before long there was an informal truce in place. Soldiers from
both sides spontaneously came together to celebrate Christmas.

They started to exchange greetings, sing songs, share what food they had, discuss families
and view photos. When somebody found a football, games were organised. They even
played football with tin cans. In other words they were doing what normal human beings
would do. As one British soldier recounted - No man's land became everyman's land."
Another British solder described - It was then we discovered that those on the other side
were not the savage barbarians we'd been told. They were like us. Why were we led to
believe otherwise? A French soldier wrote a fervent wish from his trench - "Maybe one
day in this part of Artois region, they will erect a monument to commemorate this surge of
brotherly feeling among men who hated war and who were forced to kill each other against
their will."

In some cases the truce and informal interaction continued for a time after Christmas. One
Scottish regiment apparently spent so much time drinking tea and playing football with the
Germans that they were no longer considered fit for war and were sent home. They were
considered contaminated. In another incident a colonel was visiting on the German side
and a bombardment had to be organised. The local soldiers passed the word across to the
other side to keep their heads down, but that when the colonel was gone it would be over
and they would meet for drinks as usual that evening. Some soldiers exchanged addresses
to meet up after the war.

When noticed this human interaction was swiftly suppressed by the higher commands on
both sides. It did not suit the purposes nor exigencies of war.

This episode tells us a lot about the nature of conflict and of enmity. It isnt natural for
humans to be enemies. The real enemy arent those looking out from the trenches on the
other side. The more substantial enemy are the forces that divide humanity, the influences
that engender conflict. The real enemy is enmity itself.

Divide & Conquer

Humanity has been subject to divide and conquer tactics repeatedly down the ages. This
follows a well-developed formula. It is repeated again and again because it works almost
every time. A divisive cause or grievance is raised. Whether this is real or not doesnt
matter greatly. What matters is the use thats made of it. The issue is used to divide people
generating in groups and out groups. There are a number of stages of division /

Branding. This is a process of defining and reinforcing boundaries between groups.

Branding is a legitimate business activity for identifying and selling products and
services, like clothes, shampoo and airlines. However its generally not good to
brand people. A person as a living being is adaptable and is capable of a wide range
of behaviour. An integrated person holds some degree of connection across
multiple dimensions and cant be put in a box easily. Colour for example plays a
very important part as an identifier in branding. Many people however cannot be
defined by a single colour. They are rainbow wearers. They integrate all colour and
can be whatever colour is needed in a particular situation or for a given time.

Dehumanisation to de-sensitise people and justify certain behaviours towards


Demonization of others. This is often used as much to generate cohesion and

loyalty within an in group as it is to justify attitudes towards and treatment of an
out group.

Scapegoating. This involves a process of projecting issues and problems onto

others and then attempting to get rid of the problems by shunning and ejecting the
targets. It is basically a process of projecting unresolved shadow.

It is good to be aware of the ways of the world to avoid being manipulated as far as
possible. It is particularly useful to beware of dehumanising influences no matter how
exalted. Humanity is generally good and can only be induced to deal harshly with or abuse
others by invoking higher causes such as patriotism, religion, saving the nation, saving souls
or the world. It is the real world outcome, the effect, which matters more than the cause or
claims for it. Our humanity is very precious and is rarely worth sacrificing for a cause. How
we treat people says more about us than it does about others.

When a split arises in any group its generally necessary to look well beyond the immediate
circumstances and participants to understand what is really going on. All splits ultimately go
back to some fundamental splits that have arisen in creation. Its worthwhile looking briefly
at some of these.

Archon influence is described in traditional Gnostic literature. There are some excellent
video presentations on this subject on the internet. It is also described in a lot of detail in
books by various authors. Only a brief summary can be attempted here. The term Archon
was traditionally associated with governors or magistrates in ancient Greece.

Gnostic teaching describes great streams of consciousness projecting creation from Source
out into expression or manifestation. One of these creative streams, described as Sophia, so
loved her creation that she projected fully into her streams of creation in the fields of
separation. Sophia and Christos are regarded as twins holding female male polarity for
each other. Sophia being powerfully creative continued creating profusely out in the fields
of creation. However this creation became somewhat unbalanced. The creative activity
was too powerful for the level of separation from Source and the Source connection wasnt
sufficiently secure. Also there was insufficient female male polarity balance. This
imbalance led to a certain degree of chaos in cosmos or creation.

In simple terms Sophia could be regarded as Mother Nature in its pure Source connected
form. Creation allows for exploration, mistakes, re-adjustment and learning. Mistakes
arent a problem when they are dealt with. In this case the imbalance closed back on itself
and progressively compounded both the lack of balance and the isolation. The creation and
consciousness embedded in the situation took on a life of its own increasingly isolated from
Source integrity. The complementary Christos consciousness and influence is needed to
restore balance and to heal this situation.

Chaos propagated profusely in this part of creation. The high level consciousness remaining
within this creation saw themselves as creating everything within the fields below them.
They were largely unaware of their Source connection. They regarded themselves as Lords
of Creation and became the autonomous Creator Gods.

They see themselves as imposing order on the chaos around them. They regard control as
extremely important. Ironically control can grow out of control and defeat its very purpose.
We see this when an over bearing parent smothers a child, who will try to escape the
parents influence as quickly as possible. This desire for control leads to authoritarian
attitudes, structures and to hierarchy. Any challenge to these structures is vigorously and
aggressively dealt with.

There is a failure to recognise Source connection throughout creation and the inherent
intelligence and natural organic order this carries. The regimentation of creation ultimately
leads to artificial structures in an increasingly inorganic creation. This artificial creation has

spawned its own levels of spirit up to very high dimensions in addition to inorganic physical
realities. It is in this context that we need to check how direct our Source connections are.

We can see these themes and issues playing out in our everyday lives in the world around
us. Science as presently structured confines itself to tangible reality. It fails to recognise
larger more subtle realities, connections to these and the influences and intelligence that
flow from them. Order is viewed as arising haphazardly over long periods of time. There
tends to be a view that nature is unintelligent and chaotic and that we need to impose order
on it. This leads to direct and aggressive interventions in medicine for example with drugs,
chemicals and radiation. There is little allowance for more natural organic processes that
work with the intelligence and life force inherent in everything.

Religion has brought a lot of authoritarian structures and dogmatic views to the field of
spirit. Religion and science could be regarded as operating from similar mind sets and being
sides of the same coin.

There has been a profusion of technology in recent times. This has been a boon as we need
some of this to compensate for conditions here. However a lot of the technology is
inorganic in nature and is very much aligned with the archontic mind set and influence. We
need to be careful that it doesnt override our organic nature and spirit connections.
Electronic technology for example is very horizontal or confined to the physical level. It is
beginning to interact with and in some cases override our biology and the more subtle
natural / vertical connections it holds.

Transhumanism for example envisages augmentation of human physical, intellectual and

sensory capabilities with implants, chips, sensors, artificial intelligence and networking.
Artificial intelligence is growing rapidly. Artificial intelligence could become the intelligence
of other influences that gradually over rides our natural intelligence. We need to nurture
our natural Source connections and spiritual maturity to cope with these influences in an
empowered way.

Fall of Lyra

The other fundamental split was the Fall of Lyra. This appears to parallel the Archontic
creation, but is more specific to our local universe. This is described in many traditions. Ash
has provided a wonderfully detailed and cogent description of this. There is immense
gratitude to the Eieyani, Ash and the ground Team for this information.

In this case conflict began to propagate among sections of the Elohim and Seraphim races in
dimensions 11 & 10 of our universe. This neednt have been a problem as such. However
the influence began to recycle through the gene pool in a process described as code

convolution. This led to an unnatural concentration of aggression in sections of these race
lines known as the Anu-Elohim and Anu-Seraphim. Extensive warring ensued. The Anu-
Elohim blamed the Anu-Seraphim for the problems and sought permission from the
Founder Races in the Primal Light fields to exterminate them. When this permission was
denied they decided to take the law into their own hands.

They attacked and destroyed the dimension 12 (D12) doorway into our universe to prevent
the Founder Races from intervening and went after the Anu-Seraphim. This had disastrous
consequences. Not only were the Founder Races cut off, but our universe was isolated from
everything above that level. In particular it lost a direct and important Source connection.
So we had an isolated pocket of creation leading to unnatural and inorganic propagation.

The warring continued down through the levels in our universe. New race lines were also
propagated down the dimensions. The Anu-Elohim generated the Anunnaki and the Anu-
Seraphim the Draconian race lines. These however lacked an organic connection to
dimension 12 and beyond. In particular they lacked direct Source connection.

Meanwhile the Founder Races succeeded in repairing the dimension 12 doorway. The
human race lines carrying full D12 and higher connection came in to help repair the damage
and assist with healing where possible. Our collective history has been one of a three way
engagement and often conflict between the three primary race lines present in our universe
since then. There has been a succession of wars and falls down through the dimensional
levels the Orion wars and fall in dimensions 8, the fall of Tara in dimension 5 and many
wars and falls on Earth.

There have been some victories and achievements. But many of the fundamental issues are
still present. The all-important D12 connection has been lost and restored many times.
Again there are significant issues with inorganic creation, with beings and influences lacking
direct Source connection. In a universe and particularly on a planet somewhat cut off from
the natural flows of creation resources are finite. These become a major cause for
contention and conflict. There are tendencies towards conquest, domination, control and
authoritarian structures. There are also immense opportunities for healing, growth,
learning and spiritual maturity. Its one heck of a class room!


The human race has endured quite a lot during its history in this universe. It has been
decimated again and again through divide and conquer tactics. It has been resented as
something of an intruder by the races already here. In particular the D12 connection is
resented by many, who dont wish to avail of the healing opportunities provided.

Part of the mission here was for humans to mingle with existing races particularly those
engaged in healing programs. Many Anu in particular resented D12 frequencies. Ash
described in early workshops that when engaging in intimate relations they explained to
humans that D12 frequency made them uncomfortable. Would humans ever mind setting it
aside for the sake of intimacy and in any case they didnt need it! Many humans being
obligingly agreed to do this. In the absence of D12 connection the Anu were on an equal
footing with humans and were able to aggressively override the human gene code and its
frequencies. Before they realised what had happened many humans had lost their D12
connection and instead of being a solution were now becoming part of the problem.

One of the great human weaknesses has been a tendency to be naive. There has often been
an abundance of idealism and good will that fails to recognise or deal effectively with the
realities of life in a troubled world. There has been a very steep and hard learning curve.
The Anu in particular are probably the best teachers one could ask for. They will find our
innermost weaknesses and hand them to us on a plate.

Integrity implies wholeness. This in turn implies connection. Our most important
connection is our Source connection, held as directly as possible. When we hold our Source
connection as securely as possible through the levels of creation we are in a strong position
to deal with life. Secure Source connection also facilitates and manifests good connections
with life around us. Shunning activity and cutting off connections is a sign of inner
fragmentation. This contributes to group fragmentation and weakening of collective
endeavour and the Shield.

Balance is also important. Imbalance has been a cause of many fundamental problems.
Balance is key to resolving polarity issues.

Despite the challenges and age old weariness there is still immense opportunity for growth,
learning and bringing our best capabilities into the game.


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