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Inside Hundreds Flock Marriott Navkovacake Trust Work Illegal Rental Increase to

TOP STORIES Recruitment. Pg. 4

Villagers Thankful.
On Uplifting Vanua.Pg. 6
Digicel Smile Sim
Be Investigated. Pg. 7
Musket Cove Regatta.
Pg. 8 Launched in Nadi. Pg. 10 Pg. 14


TRANSIT WORKS ment and the Council will await
the outcome of that report.
Meanwhile, the current infra-
structure in Nadi Town and sur-
rounding areas according to Mr.
Dinning still had a long way to go
to transitioning to Nadi City.
Theres a lot of work to be
done in terms of calling it Nadi City,
it may not look a lot different than
what Nadi Town looks like in 12
By ANA SOVA months but as we progress it and it
has a badge name called Nadi City
The Nadi Town Council is trying that starts to elevate the commu-
to engage members of the Nadi nity and overall expectations to a
Community as much as possible higher level. But weve got to start
as it continues works to transition somewhere, he said.
Nadi town into Nadi City. Roads
The Council is working closely Mr. Dinning said the Council
with the Ministry of Local Govern- was also in the process of work-
ment, Housing and Environment ing with Fiji Roads Authority to
on the process on behalf of Nadi. identify what the priorities were
Councils Chief Executive Offi- for 2017/18, 2018/19 up to 2020 in
cer, Peter Dinning said the Council terms of road works infrastructure
has had the opportunity to review requirements in the Nadi area.
the public submissions received This includes roads, footpaths
as part of the public consultation and lighting. Probably 35 to 40 ar-
process. eas need urgent attention, and that
Those submissions have been excludes areas that might come
summarised and both council into the city boundary once the
and the consultant working with area expands, Mr. Dinning said.
the council have expressed their Flooding
opinions on those submissions in The Council is also working on
a report through the Local Gov- minimizing the impact of any fu-
ernment Committee, Mr. Dinning ture flooding.
He said the Councils response cont on pg 2
to the report will be put to Govern- Residents of Waimalika in Nadi stranded during the recent flooding in the Western division.Photo: SUPPLIED.

Fiji - the way the world should be

Being the hub of the Pacific, Fiji has everything that a spectacular tropical paradise has to of-
fer - from private island resort accommodations, top class restaurants to white sandy beaches,
FROM THE DESK inbound tours, jet boat rides, hot air balloon rides, mountain trekking, inland tours, eco tourism,

Need for Attitude Change sky diving, helicopter rides, cruise trips, scuba diving, massage and beauty parlours, vibrant
night life and a lot more than any other destination in the world offers
Over the years it has been noted when a flooding occurs,
relevant authorities will need to issue warnings time and ON THE BRIGHT SIDE

Town Councils Chinese

again to alert members of the public in their effort to pre-
vent any casualty.
Although Fiji is not new to flooding, there are people who
are still either ignorant or hesitant to take precaution when
warnings are issued.

New Year Message

Fiji is not new to flooding, people should know from ex-
perience and instinct when to take necessary precaution.
We shouldnt be waiting for the water level to reach our
doorstep to start moving to higher grounds.
The result of underestimating the rate and strength of a
natural disaster can be either fatal or costly or both.
And there are those that keep building homes and prop-
erties in low-lying areas despite knowing that it is hazardous.
We can help reduce national costs by being smarter with
our decisions and also reduce the burden on ourselves
Meanwhile, it was a positive turnaround during the recent
flooding that affected mostly parts of the Western Division.
The Fiji Police Force had noted a change in behavior
from members of the public, acknowledging their coopera-
tion during the adverse weather condition particularly in the
Western Division.
Police stated it made their work easier and that they were
truly grateful.
Following flood warnings is very important; it can help
save lives and also save costs.
THE JET is Fijis first community newspaper published weekly by
YOURSPACE LIMITED from Nadi - the tourism capital of Fiji.


NEWS : ANA SOVA Cell: 7378722
OFFICE PHONES : 6707075 / 6750443 Nadi Town Councils Chief Executive Officer, Peter Dinning pictured at his office. Photo: ANA SOVA.
: On behalf of Nadi Town Council I want to send my best mous contribution to our society and that in this year of
WEBSITE : wishes to everyone in Fiji, China and around the world cel- The Rooster it also represents so many of the characteristics
COMPLAINTS: The Jet Newspaper continues to strive for excellence in ebrating Chinese New Year. we need to employ in our everyday endeavours, openness,
its publications, with this in mind we welcome all complaints and sug- In this the Year of the Rooster it is a time when families confidence, hard work and leadership.
gestions from our readers. All such comments could be sent to
and communities will come together and look to the year Let me wish you and your family, wherever you are, a We thank you our readers for your valued
support towards The Jet Newspaper. ahead. very happy and healthy New Year.
We recognise this is a community that makes an enor- Xin Nian Kuai Le.

cont from pg 1 commercial area,

Thats something for the future to be dis-
There will always be flooding which will af- cussed, Mr. Dinning said.
fect the area and may impact on the works to- He said the re-development plans could also
wards developing Nadi City, we wont be able extend to Prince Charles Park.
stop flooding but we can try and manage it and Therre is also something else to consider
minimize the impact, Mr Dinning said. when Nadi becomes a City and that was whether
The last report that I saw was dated June 2016 there was a need for a city hall, Mr. Dinning said..
and that went back to the Ministry of Agriculture, Strategic Direction
I havent caught up with whats happening since As part of the development process, the Coun-
then but we will wait for the Ministry to tell us the cil is also looking at reviewing its strategic direc-
steps to take from here on, Mr. Dinning said. tion.
Other Developments In doing this we are arranging community
The Council has also called for Expression of meetings with residents in the 3 Council Wards
Interest for the redevelopment of the Bus Stand, asking people to make submissions about what
the Namaka Market and Nadi Town Market. they think of the future of Nadi town as it progress-
Theres more than $4 million worth of works es and how do they think it can be improved, Mr.
to be done on the Namaka Market, Mr. Dinning Dinning said.
said. He said the Council was hoping to change from
He said the Council has also called for an ex- its current vision, mission and goals to something
pression of interest to see about the re-develop- that the community had more ownership and
ment of the site where the building in which the feedback into.
town council office is located at Nadi Main Street. The overall mission is To be Fijis most livable
Where we are currently located is a prime City.
commercial site, more so than a service centre
site so it would be logical to move this to another Ongoing road works at the Martintar Area.Photo: ANA SOVA.
site and then redevelop this as major retail and

Town Council Bldg Warehouse/Office
Stationary & Office Supplies
Main Street Nadi
Phone: 6707504
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Fax: 6707371 Mobile: 8398023
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PHONE: 6700064/6701857/6702756 FAX: 6702285 MOBILE: 7088007



Hundreds Flock Marriot Recruitment


Hundreds of applicants turned out at for a chef position.

The Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Im just trying my luck and I hope to
in Nadi last month to attend the recruit- get selected, Rao said.
ment for the newly completed Fiji Marriot The construction works of the resort
Resort located in Momi Bay, Sigatoka. was undertaken by Fletcher Building Fiji,
The Fiji National Provident Fund who had commenced work on the site on
(FNPF) was pleased to announce earlier 19th December, 2014.
last month the successful completion of Under an adjusted program impacted
construction works at the new 250-room by Tropical Cyclone Winston, works was
five-star resort. completed on 20th January, 2017.
The Resort will be officially opened at Subject to the final review of the cost
the end of next month and is expected consultant, the FNPF estimated savings of
to generate some 400 new employments around $10M on the project.
and attract major opportunities for Fiji. FNPF Chairman, Ajith Kodagoda said
Trying her luck, Seini Qalilawa travelled this was a major milestone for the Momi
right from Valelevu in Suva to attend the redevelopment project.
interview. According to Mr. Kodagoda, the project
The 18 year old was vying for a front of- was a critical part of the Funds invest-
fice position. ment rehabilitation and reform program
Looking at the amount of people that in order to recover members funds.
have turned out today and considering The hotel will be managed by Marriott
that I dont have any hotel experience Im International. Hundreds turned out for the Marriot Recruitment at The Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa.
quiet worried about how my interview The successful completion of the Re- Photo: LUKE NACEI.
result will turn out but Im hoping to get sort has been attributed to a strong part-
selected, Seini said. nership established between FNPF and shortage of tradesmen with boom in con- to produce a new experience for a grow-
The young Tailevu lass from Vanuadina, Fletcher Building Fiji, a fully owned sub- struction and thriving economic activity ing tourism portfolio and to contribute to
Tokatoka said she was excited at the pos- sidiary of Fletcher Pacific, with a shared over the past two years. the economy in the creation of job oppor-
sibility of working in a five star resort. vision to complete the Momi property be- The unwavering commitment of both tunities and hotel inventory.
It would be a great experience, an ex- fitting Marriott Hotels original and iconic parties and their representatives on the Marriott International is excited with
citing opportunity if I get selected, Seini brand within the Marriott International project is highly commendable and the this new property given its picturesque
said. portfolio of hotels. property has received quite a positive tropical beaches and friendly people.
Meanwhile, 21 year old Ronish Rao Mr Kodagoda said they were pleased to feedback from the Marriott leadership FNPF wished to advise members of the
travelled all the way from Veisaru, Ba to have been associated with Fletcher Build- team, he said. public to take advantage of the special
attend the interview. ing Fiji on this project amidst challenges The FNPF Board and Management with opening packages that Marriott will offer.
The 21 year old said he was applying on construction materials and quality and the expertise of Marriott are determined

Police Warns Against Jacks Garment

Trend Employees at work
The Fiji Police Force has requested members
of the public to be aware of a trend whereby Employees of Jacks Garment
vulnerable vehicle owners are robbed after in along Baker Lane in Nadi
being stopped by an unknown person. that was destroyed in a fire last
week have been moved into
Police Spokesperson, Ana Naisoro said four other divisions of Jacks of Fiji
cases have been reported last month in the in Nadi and Lautoka.
Lautoka area whereby an unknown person
would stop a passing vehicle alerting the Jacks of Fiji General Manager,
driver that something was wrong. Avinesh Prasad confirms work
is normal and no employee is
Once the driver gets off the vehicle, two to out of work.
three men would run to the vehicle and take
whatever is inside and these would range note of this crime trend and be vigilant. Workers of Jacks Garment
from personal to electronic items, Ms Nai- Anyone who has information that could as- that are travelling from Lautoka
soro said. sist Police is also requested to call Crime have been circulated to other
Stoppers on 919. Jacks divisions in Lautoka and
She warned as investigations are continuing those in Nadi have been dis-
they request members of the public to take tributed in our retail store in

Police Commend
This is the interim step weve
taken before we find an inter-
im solution, Mr. Prasad said.
Caption: Jacks Garments pictured engulfed in flames.

Seabus Crew
Investigation on the cause of
fire is still ongoing.


The Fiji Police Force has

commended operator
of Tavewa Seabus and
Rise in Suicide
Coralview Resort Owner,
Don Bruce and his crew.
The Fiji Police Force has raised concerns on of dialogue, Ms Naisoro said.
Police Spokesperson, Ana the rise of suicide cases last month. She said they would like to inform the public
Naisoro said the quick
Police Spokeswoman, Ana Naisoro said re- that there were institutions that could offer
action by Mr. Bruce and
ports of suicide and attempted suicide cases assistance or were willing to give counseling
his Seabus crew resulted
trance of the Lautoka Harbour. were once again becoming a concern. in times of difficult situations.
in the successful rescue of
three people whose boat had capsized dur- She adds with assistance sought from Police We are requesting those facing any form People are different and will handle situa-
ing the bad weather spell yesterday. in the Western Division, they reached out to of emotional problems to know that there is tions differently and while some situations
the crew of Tavewa Seabus who were able always a solution to their troubles, Ms Nai- might be difficult to handle, please know
Commending the support through the Dua-
to conduct the successful rescue mission. soro said. that resorting to such drastic measures is
vata Community Policing initiative, Commis-
She said as of the 22nd of January suicide never a solution as there is always someone
sioner of Police Brigadier General, Sitiveni When we are able to work together we can
cases stand at six compared to five for the who is willing to listen and help, Ms Ana
Qiliho said the outcome could have been achieve so much more and we are grateful
worse if it wasnt for Mr Bruces willingness to Mr Bruce and his team who were able to same period last year while attempted sui- Naisoro said.
to assist. help us as most of our officers was deployed cide stand at eight compared to six.
Ms Naisoro said the three from Vuaki on operations during the periods of flooding Another two attempted suicide cases were Send us your complaints or sugges-
Village,Yasawa were rescued yesterday af- yesterday, Brigadier General Qiliho said. reported in the Western Division recently tions to:
ternoon as their boat started taking in water The three have since returned to their vil- and with the reasons linked to relationship
as they encountered rough seas at the en- lage. problems, we are stressing the importance

Nadi In
In Pictures


Nakovacake Work Nakovacake

on Uplifting Vanua Open Day
The Nakovacake Develop- This survey was very crucial continues to support the move
ment Trust is hoping to decrease in highlighting a way forward to forward, to invest in its people By ANA SOVA
the rate of unemployment in improve, rehabilitate and lift up and create better opportunities
The Vanua o Nakovacake held vited as part of exchanging services
the Vanua o Nakovacake which the standard of assistance that for members, he said.
an Open Day last month. towards the social and economic
compromises of the two villages could be given to the Vanua, Mr. Mr. Naivutevute said the The Vanua o Nakovacake com- development for their people.
Navoci and Namotomoto. Naivutevute said. survey team worked tirelessly promises of neighboring villages We wanted to exchange in-
The Trust is taking this bold He said they hope to de- through interviewing the benefi- Navoci and Namotomoto. formation with the Government
move after a team carried out a crease this rate of unemploy- ciaries from house to house for Secretary of the Nakovacake agencies and see how best we can
nationwide survey to ascertain ment through utilization of avail- many days and sacrificed long Development Trust, Anare Nai- streamline our works to the servic-
the welfare and status, progress able resources on creation of hours in order to get an accurate vutevute said the main purpose es they offer, Mr. Naivutevute said.
and needs for the Vola ni Kawa unemployment opportunities ground level assessment to ob- of the Nakovacake open day was He said the open day was also
Bula (VKB) registered members and boosting their education as- tain correct facts and figures and to showcase to the people the de- in line with their special general
of the Vanua o Nakovacake. sistance sector. status of their people. velopment outputs of Nakovacake meeting where we present our
The survey carried out in both The survey also found 944 vil- Meanwhile, the survey find-
Development Trust and its busi- 2017 plans, our budget and way
ness arm Vanua Nakovacake Hold- forward to our beneficiaries.
villages found a 51 per cent of lagers have been registered un- ings has assisted the Nakova-
ings Limited since the establish- It was also a chance for them to
unemployment rate compared der the VKB while 1091 have not. cake Trust compile a 10 pillars ment of the Trust in 2007 and later discuss rising issues in the village
to only 49 per cent that of em- Mr. Naivutevute said educa- of Nakovacake social and eco- the company in 2010. and ways they could curb them,
ployment. tion was always an area lacking nomic development. He said Government depart- Mr. Naivutevute said.
In Navoci there were a total of development in most land own- Mr. Naivutevute said out of ments and ministries were also in-
204 unemployed villagers while ing units in Fiji and they were no the lease money invested for
Namotomoto recordeda total of exception. the last 10 years the Nakovacake
321 unemployment villagers, the The Nakovacake 2017 social Development Trust were able to
survey showed. development plan focuses a lot establish a organisation struc-
Trust Secretary, Anare Nai- on educating our beneficiaries in ture and secure few properties
vutevute said the survey showed all areas of expertise to be able which will help the future gen-
there has been a rapid increase to work towards developing the eration for business investment.
rate, high number of school Nakovacake resources,
drop-outs and a great number of This is also a great area of
people still unemployed. investment for Nakovacake as it

Drivers Want Law to Curb

Upgrade Culture Loss

Minibus Drivers and Owners pictured at the minibus stand opposite Prine Charles Park .
Photo: ANA SOVA.
Minibus owners and drivers based at the month per minibus to operate at the stand
Minibus Stand opposite Prince Charles Park the Council should at least upgrade it.
in Nadi Town urgently want an upgrade to Especially now that the council has re-
the minibus stand. quired us to get a business license which
Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs Saimoni Waibuta pictured left guided through
Driver, Jese Cabealawa said they have $200 per minibus, Mr. Cabealawa said.
a display during the Nakovacake Open Day. Photo: SUPPLIED.
submitted a written proposal to the Nadi Iliaseri Rasaro, a frequent minibus com-
Town Council seeking for an upgrade on the muter said it would be a big help too for the
The people of Nakovacake tive or otherwise. of this year after the iTaukei
stand. passengers if the minibus stand was upgrad-
in Navoci Village, Nadi have The negative influence and Affairs had a meeting in Da-
He said for years they have been unhappy ed.
been reassured that the pro- impact that it has brought vutukia, Nadroga to discuss
about the condition of the current stand and Its difficult for us passengers to come posed Village By-Law is to about has really challenged new plans for their service
have proposed verbally to the council asking here during rainy weather because theres protect the iTaukei people and shaken the foundation provision.
for an upgrade. no shelter and also theres no toilet provided and culture. of the real way of life of the It has been clearly docu-
Even for myself I have been based here here, Mr. Rasaro said. The law, which is in draft iTaukei people and thus this mented that the iTaukei
for four years now going onto my fifth. We Meanwhile, Nadi Town Council Chief Ex- form, is prepared by the by-law will protect us and people do not rely heavily on
have been trying to get an upgrade because ecutive Officer, Peter Dinning has confirmed Ministry of iTaukei Affairs. our future generations, Mr. the knowledge learnt from
the condition of the stand is not good espe- the Council will be constructing a proper It will act, as a policing tool Waibuta said. school but from wisdom
cially during bad weather, parking area and a shelter for passengers in everyday village life in Meanwhile, the Deputy Sec- from traditional practices
When it rains passengers cant come boarding the minivans. respect to village, civil or retary also shared a new vi- of our forefathers passed
criminal laws and ensure sion of the Ministry. down to us, Mr. Waibuta
here because there is no shelter, sometimes The plan is to better accommodate the
communities live harmoni- The vision is A Prosper- said.
they come anyway and are drenched from existing base holders and improved amenity ously with each other. ity Vanua for Better Fiji (Na He reiterated that a better
the rain while waiting, Mr. Cabealawa said. for passengers. This upgrade will provide a Speaking to villagers dur- Sautu ni Vanua, Na Viti Vi- Fiji could only be achieved if
He said when it rained the stand became better hard stand surface for the minivan op- ing the Nakovacake Day on naka) which is also the the land and its people were
muddy and soggy. erators, Mr. Dinning said. Wednesday, Deputy Secre- foundation of the service prosperous but the people
More than 30 drivers and owners have He said an amount of $60,000 has been tary of the Ministry of iTaukei provision that the Itaukei Af- could only be prosperous
signed the proposal, asking for the stand to budgeted to achieve the necessary works. Affairs, Saimoni Waibuta fairs is heading towards for if theres a clear and strong
be paved, to have a shelter, tap and a toilet, Council has planned for the project to be said theres no denying that the next three years, Mr. leadership in the villages.
Mr. Cabealawa said. completed by the second quarter of 2017, a lot of foreign cultures have Waibuta said.
He said since they were paying $70 a Mr. Dinning said. penetrated into villages He said the new vision
along with its influence posi- came about at the beginning


Illegal Rental Increase to

be Investigated in Nadi
Fiji Commerce Com- cant have pets or families legislation.
mission chief executive of- from outside, we respect For the consultation
ficer (CEO) Joel Abraham both land lord and tenants what we are trying to do is
says they are going to run are having a peace and we have drafted a landlord
an investigation on same- quiet environment. and tenants Act based on
landlords for illegal rental He has called on ten- the complaints that weve
increase and non-issue of ants and landlords to received for the past six
rent receipts in Nadi. come forth and lodge their years and this Act is to
This comes after com- submission, call the of- cover issues that we have
plaints received during fice of the Commission or seen that land lord and
the Landlords and Tenants reach out through social tenants both face.
Acts consultation at the media page. Issues such as illegal
Civic Centre in Nadi. Mr Abraham is request- increase, bond, tenants
Mr Abraham reassured ing that all submission to right to peace and quiet,
to the public that such is- be made at an earlier stage there is various issues we
sues will be taken to con- to help them figure out have received over the
sideration. what more needs to be ad- past few years and what
Issues of not paying the dressed in the Act before it we are trying to do is we
rent on time and not being is sent to parliament. trying to incorporate that
able to recover the money This is the first round into a legislation that ad-
that they have spent in of consultation and our equately address this, an
terms of repair and main- aim is to come out to the act that is balanced both
tenance, in terms of get- people of Fiji and get their for landlords and tenants
ting tenancy and paying for views on this draft that we so we found that both land
bonds for utilities such as have so that when we fi- lord face issues and ten-
electricity, he said. nally present this in parlia- ants face issues, he said.
Some tenants have ment we have got as much Meanwhile, more than
brought in issues that land concerns as we can and 40 people turned out to the
lords impose various con- every day Fijians have put consultation which was
ditions on their stay in the in their comments. Issues a pleasing result as com-
house saying they cannot that they face every day pared to the ones hosted
bring in visitors and you are truly reflected to this in the Central. Landlords and tenants attending the consultation in Nadi Civic Centre. Photo: LUKE NACEI.

New Village Office School Grateful to

Civoniceva Foundation
for Natalau

The Commissioner Western Manasa Tagicakibau with the government officials and some of the
village elders at Natalau. Photo: LUKE NACEI.

The Commissioner West- this done, Mr Tagicakibau ernment for their assistance
ern Manasa Tagicakibau said. to us today, he said. Sabeto District School Students enjoy activities facilitated by the Petero Civoniceva Founda-
opened a new village office This newly built office will This will not just be an of- tion. Photo: Supplied.
for the people of Natalau in also be the village dispen- fice for the village headman
Sabeto, Nadi. sary as well during the times but will be our evacuation Sabeto District School is thankful to the activities were very educational.
This newly built office will of disasters. centre. In the last tropical the Petero Civoniceva Foundation for the The activities theyve been carry-
also be used as an evacua- Village headman, Nikola cyclone we could say we health and wellness program it is current- ing out range from reading materials on
tion centre and a dispensary Vetawa said they are more werent safe because there ly carrying out at the school. health and wellness to taking part in rug-
during natural disasters for than happy to have the new were only a little space for The foundation is a charity trust that by league basics. This is held from 9am-
the village. village office. the villages inside the village aims to harness the power of sport to in- 10am on Wednesdays, Mr. Qio said.
While officiating at the event We had sat as village com- hall but with this new exten- spire communities and transform lives by He said the programme has also been
Mr Tagicakibau said that this mittee last year, it took us for sion I believe will fit us all, developing pathways and providing op- helpful to teachers likewise.
was the first village in the 14 about six to seven months he said. portunities for young people to achieve Not only have the students learnt a
provinces in the country to for this office before the The $5500 worth project their potential through sport and educa- thing or two from the programme, us
have their very own office in government came into hand was built through the as- tion. teachers have also learnt a few skills that
the village. and actually asked us as to sistance of United Nations 274 students from the school have we can continue to teach our students for
This newly built office is what we had wanted from Development Programme, benefitted from various educational and fun and enjoyment, Mr. Qio said.
the first to ever be built in them, AusAid, Learn and Leave sports activities facilitated by members of The Petero Civoniceva Foundation
this 14 province in Fiji and This is a huge assistance and the Ministry of Rural and the foundation for the past three Wednes- which is the official charitable partner of
you should be proud that for us and we are so happy. Maritime Development. days. the Fiji NSW Cup bid is co-founded by
you are the first village to get As a tribe we thank the Gov- School Head teacher, Adriu Qio said Chris Tomlinson and Lauren Jagger.


Villagers Thankful

The Commissioner Western Manasa Tagicakibau (centre-front row) with vhis staff members and the villagers of Korobebe. Photo: LUKE NACEI .
Villagers at Korobebe in Nadi were on cloud nine after main water pipe to the village and if you open the taps in to run to the river to fetch water but instead just wait for
the Commissioner Western Manasa Tagicakibau donat- every house there isnt any water and in that moment of the water cart to be delivered to the tanks and then we
ed four water tanks to their village. need the government have come in to help us. fill our buckets.
This was made possible through the assistance of He said it was essential for every villager to get clean Commissioner Western Manasa Tagicakibau reas-
United Nations Development Programme, AusAid, Learn and safe water to drink or cook with. sured the villagers that the government of the day is try-
and Leave and the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Devel- We are using the water from this water tank for bath- ing its best to meet every need of the villagers especially
opment. ing, cooking, and washing, those located in the rural areas.
Village headman Sailosi Saukuru said this was the first Mr Saukuru also said before they used to fetch water I have heard that the main problem here is water and
assistance they have ever received from the government from the nearby river which was unhealthy and unsafe I have tried my level best to make sure that every village
which they are thankful for. for them. outside town gets access to clean and sage water, he
At this point in time the government has really helped When there is no water then only option is to go said.
us with something that we needed the most and that is down to the river and fetch water for our daily use which Meanwhile, the four water tanks costs $88oo.
of essential to us, he said is not safe, he said.
The recent rain over the past few days has broken the This has solved our water problem we wont have

Sad Loss for Family

Mereani Naravu, 52, of Sabeto Village in in pain so I took him to the hospital again to
Nadi is still trying to come in to terms with inform them that the medicine wasnt work-
the sad loss of her grandson Taitusi Tuivanu- ing and requested that they at least conduct
avou. a scan.
Her grandson Tuivanuavou died last year Ms Naravu then said it took the doctor for
and she claims that his death was the result at least an hour before a scan was possible
of an alleged misdiagnosis by doctors in and approximately another six hours before
Lautoka Hospital. they were told that he was to be admitted as
Ms Tuivanuavou with tears rolling down the appendix had burst around four to five
her face said that she still cant believe that days prior to our second visit and he needed
her grandson is no more. to undergo surgery.
My grandson was in so much pain that Mrs Naravu is conscious that the same
day when I took him to one of the private thing might happen to other and did not
doctors here in Nadi. But then the doctor di- want a repetition as such.
rected us to Lautoka Hospital as he said the We are really said for the loss of my
issue may be with his appendix, she said. grandson if only the doctors knew what they
Our first visit to the hospital was un- were doing they could have saved his life
successful. The doctor who attended to but its too late. They should be well aware
my grandson at the hospital, however, said that this are human beings they are dealing
there wasnt any issue with his appendix. with and not dead objects I only hope this is
She said the doctor prescribed her with not repeated, she said.
medication and told her that and that it Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has
could be just a digestion problem and pre- confirmed theyve received a report and are
scribed medication and injections for sev- still conducting an investigation.
eral days.
For four days my grandson was regularly

Council Question Mereani Naravu of Sabeto Village holds a picture of her deceased grandson Taitusi Tuivanu-
avou. Photo: ANA SOVA.

Dialysis Costs Councils Chief Executive Officer, Premi-

Vanua Levu pays only $450.
For any kidney patient or their family, it
is financially crippling to fork out such large
sum of money just to be in good health ev-
ed by donors and good Samaritans, it is high
time they informed the public why their cost
of treatment is more. Consumers must un-
derstand why the treatment remains costly,
la Kumar said however we cannot help but
ery week, Ms Kumar said. she said.
By ANA SOVA note the difference in prices charged by the
She said the Council understands fund- Ms Kumar said however, they do com-
two organizations providing the same treat-
raising for Kidney Foundation started in 2008 mend the work of the two organizations
The Con- ment.
and they received funding from the Indian who were providing this important service
sumer Council of Fiji is questioning the dif- If Northern Dialysis Center of Labasa
High Commission, Australian High Commis- but Kidney Foundation needs to ensure that
ference in costs of kidney dialysis treatment can charge $150 per treatment, then how
sion, the New Zealand High Commission the treatment charges were affordable by
provided by Northern Dialysis Center in La- come the Kidney Foundation of Fiji, charges
plus other good Samaritan from the private reducing their overhead costs.
basa and the Kidney Foundation of Fiji. $250?
sector. She said the Council welcomed the Min-
This comes to light following numerous Such costs simply mean a saving of $300
Ms Kumar adds Kidney Foundation also istry of Healths thoughts towards reducing
complaints received by the Council from per week if one is getting 3 treatments per
receives international patients who pay 2.6 the cost of dialysis treatment.
kidney dialysis patients on the high cost of week in Labasa when compared to same
times more as compared to local patients
treatment provided to them. treatment being provided by the Kidney Send us your feedbacks
and yet they were not able to reduce the
The Council has noted that the Ministry Foundation - a non-profit organization, Ms
cost of dialysis. or suggestions to:
of Health was not subsidizing the cost of the Kumar said.
Since Kidney Foundation of Fiji is a non-
treatment or financially assisting either of She said a patient has to fork out $750
profit organization, and over the years fund-
the kidney dialysis centers. per week in Viti Levu whereas a patient in


INOKE LIGAIRI, MR FIJI 2014, 2015 & 2016

The quality of Mana Whey Protein is very good. It has very good shakeability. My recovery has been great with no
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) that would prevent me from achieving peak performance in my next session.
I have had no issue with digestion at all.


Hospital Grateful Digicel Smile Sim

for Light Assistance Launched in the Nadi

(l-R) Receiving the donations at the Lautoka Hospital are Mr Jerold Prasad, Mr Paul Lal, Mr Gopal
Jadhav, Dr Arun Murari, Dr Jimi Taria, Senior Matron Milika Narogo, Mr Kumaran and Dr Mara Vuki-
vukisevu. Photo: SUPPLIED Digicel Fiji CEODarrell McLean (centre) with his Nadi staff. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.

After successfully launching the Smile credit for any network any single day of
Staffs of the Lautoka Hospital were grate- it served as a good head lamp to work in Sim in the Northern division last year, Digi- the week. Every single day from just three
ful to Punjas and Narhari Electrical Co. Ltd tighter areas for example during surgery, do- cel Fiji has yet again done the same for dollars you just top up to call not just any
for donating 40 pieces of Panasonic Hands ing gynecological examinations, or examin- the people in the Nadi. network but internationally as well,
Free LED Neck Light to the Hospital last ing children. This new service will enable its loyal So when you top up by three dollars
month. So we are very thankful to Punjas for this customers both in the Western and North- you get six dollars credit, that six dollars
Hospitals Consultant Gynecologist, Dr. kind assistance, Dr. Taria said ern division to make calls to friends and can be used for any network. You can use
Jimi Taria said the donated lights had a num- Meanwhile, Punjas Group Markerting relatives on other networks, landlines and your free credit to call any landline, and
internationally for 21cents per unit. 10 destinations around the world includ-
ber of useful applications. Manager, Gopal Jadhav said its perfect for
Speaking at the official launching at the ing Australia and New Zealand from just
Its advantage is mainly in, apart from the the clinical practitioners to make use while Digicel store in Nadi town, the CEO Dar- three dollars he said.
light quality, is that its hands free, adjustable, working at the hospital during night shifts rell McLean said this initiative is not avail- Mr McLean said this initiative was one
light weight & portable, due to its portability. able all over Fiji. of their long term goals.
Hanging around the neck, it can assist a Punjas are distributors for Panasonic bat- This is not available everywhere in He also said that the Smile plan was
nurse or a doctor to do some procedures, teries, torches and automotive batteries in Fiji it is only available in the West and the also invented to help people recover from
administer drugs, etc in a ward at night, Fiji whereas Narhari Electrical Co Ltd is sole North and it is a very special price plan. the Tropical Cyclone Winston last year.
without turning on the room lights, disturb- importers for the entire Panasonic range. Our research and feedback from our cus- We are really proud with the step that
ing others. Unlike the traditional torch, this tomers are showing that this is going to be we are taking and it is something that we
one is hands free, which makes the work extremely important, Mr McLean said. have been working on for a long time. The
easier, Dr. Taria said.
He said the mobile network (Digicel demand has been very strong and the in-
Fiji) doesnt penalise its customers from terest has been great and progressively
He said when attached around the head,
having other networks to call. Therefore we will roll this out to new parts, he said.
through the Smile plan can be used for
any network.
Smile plan is all about getting free

Commissioner Awards
Brave Officer

Crime officer Inspector Isoa Natui (left) with Commissioner of Police Brigadier General Sitiveni
Qiliho and DC Krishan Keshwan. Photo: POLICE.
The Commissioner of Your actions showed the tracing and following leads
Police Brigadier General instincts police officers have after a crime is committed.
Sitiveni Qiliho presented a and you are going to carry However on that day the
certificate of commenda- that scar for the rest of your suspect was standing right
tion to Detective Constable life, a memory of your act of in front me at the scene so
KrishanKeshwanof Valelevu bravery and your commit- I had to stop him there and
Police for his brave actions ment to your calling as a po- then.
which led to the successful lice officer. The twenty nine year old
arrest of a robbery suspect The institutions token of sustained serious injuries
last year. appreciation for your sacri- after he was struck on the
DC Keshwan was struck fice will never compare to head with a knife.
on the head during an at- what you did, but do know I joined the force four
tempted robbery at a shop that we are truly apprecia- years ago with a passion to
in Valelevulast November tive of your hard work. be a criminal investigator
and sustained serious inju- DC Keshwansaid in- and if I face another similar
ries. stincts immediately took situation I cant say that I will
Brigadier General Qiliho over when he was confront- put myself in harms way or
said DC Keshwans actions ed with the situation on that not but when you catch a
was indicative of the dan- fateful day in November. criminal at the scene you
gers thousands of police of- Working in crime sec- dont want to lose the op-
ficers face on a daily basis. tion we spend a lot of time portunity.

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Musket Cove Brace for

another Successful Regatta China Charter Flight 3rd
Sailors from around the
Pacific and beyond are
already signaling their in-
in a Row for Rosie
tention to be part of the
Lgendary Musket Cove
Fiji Regatta, which will be
staged from September 15-
20 this year.
Such is the interest in
this spectacularly colourful
event, that organizers are
confident the fleet size will
exceed last years record
of 101.
This will be the 34th
running of the regatta,
which is sailed out of Mus-
ket Cove Island Resort and
Marina, an idyllic desti- Musket Cove. Photo: SUPPLIED
nation located on Malolo Tourists from Hangzhou in the Zhejiang Province of China pictured being welcomed and checked
Lailai Island and amid the Day set on nearby. land to experience the in at Hamgzhou Airportby Rosie Holidays China Team and Fiji Airways: ROSIE HOLIDAY/FACEBOOK.
beautiful Mamanuca Is- Beachcomber Island, exciting atmosphere that China Charter Flight tural capital of China and Rosie Holidays in con-
lands west of Nadi. The re- the Musket Olympics, off- accompanies Musket Cove Third In a Row for Rosie the great explorer Marco junction with ezTravel
gion is widely recognized the-beach HobieCat rac- Fiji Regatta. Musket Cove For the third year in Polo even named it heav- from Taiwan welcomed
as being the sunniest in the ing, plus post-race parties Island Resort offers special a row, Rosie Holidays is en on earth for its breath- over 300 Taiwanese tour-
entire South Pacific. and beach barbecues at accommodation packages again undertaking its char- taking natural beauty. ists to Fiji on its charter
Musket Cove Fiji Regatta the Musket Cove Yacht for the week. ter flight operations from And for the 1st time flights from Taipei that ar-
is famous for its traditional, Clubs Island Bar. The majority of com- China to Fiji under very in history, the people of rived to a typical stunning
warm hospitality, excellent For the sailors, the sig- peting yachts lie at anchor challenging conditions. Hangzhou and from Zhe- Sunday morning sunrise.
racing and a Fun Factor nature event on the wa- just off the resort, however We are very excited this jiang will get to experi- This is part of the Rosie
that remains on high ter is the 20 nautical mile some berths at the island year to be operating our ence another unique place Holidays Chinese New
from start to finish. The Round Malolo Lailai Race marina and set moorings, charters for the first from where happiness lives. Year Charter Flights pro-
program is simple: sail by which starts and finishes are available. It is suggest- the city of Hangzhou in Meanwhile, for the sec- gram that is bringing much
day and party by night. adjacent to Musket Cove ed that owners wanting the Zhejiang Province of ond year in a row Fiji Air- needed tourism revenue
Among the many high- Resort. to secure a marina berth China. ways Flight FJ2332 from to Fiji at a time when our
lights during the week are Each year, many land- or mooring should book Hangzhou is highly re- Taipei to Nadi is back on tourism industry needs it
the fancy dress Pirates lubbers also visit the is- early. garded as the art and cul- our flight arrival screens. most.


Sofitel Resort Thankful
Sofitel Resort and Spas General Manager However, he says the Waitui Beach Club
Alan Burrows has thanked all its partners for which was opened in 2015 as a unique
ending 2016 on high. adults only feature still amazes tourists.
Mr Burrows made this comments during a Our Waitui Beach Club, the adults only
party for partner organisations to thank them area has been very good for us and it contin-
for their support and welcome the New Year. ues to get a lot of talks and so we continue
We just have the opportunity to invite our to promote that,
partners along tonight to thank them for We will just continue to do what we do
2016 and welcome 2017 and continue our here at Waitui Beach Club and outside the
relationship for the years to come, Mr Bur- area has been very good to us, he said.
rows said. Mr Burrows said that there were 450 staffs
He said despite the devastating Tropical Cy- of the resort and were very much content
clone Winston which hit Fiji earlier last year about being nominated for the upcoming
the Resorts ended the year on a high note. ANZ Fiji Excellence in Tourism awards.
2016 was pretty good actually everyone I hope we win there is a lot of good busi-
was concerned after Winston where tour- ness in Fiji and it is not easy to win but if we
ism was going to be affected a lot more but do win we will be very happy, if we dont we
then everybody did alright, a good list in the congratulate those who helped the overall
business towards the end of the year, he tourism experience, he said.
said. We certainly enjoy being nominated. Its a
Mr Burrows said at the moment the begin- good reward for the tam so their efforts are Sofitel Resort and Spas General Manager Alan Burrows with his staffs. Photo LUKE
ning of the year is a little slower. being recognised. NACEI

Shangri-Las Fijian Resort He said the location of the

Resort was stunning and
was overwhelmed with how

& Spa Appoints New GM

the Fijian people welcomed
The location of our prop-
was part of the pre-opening Asia, the United States and erty is so unique being a pri-
By LUKE NACEI vate island but located close
team. Europe.
to the mainland and my
Shangri-Las Fijian Resort & Mr Lee has an extensive Mr Lee with his appoint-
first impression of Fiji is the
Spa new General Manager is international career work- ment said that he was look-
friendliness of the people,
Mr Francis Lee. ing for Club Med properties ing forward to his new role
Mr Lee said.
He replaces Mr Craig Powell spanning nine countries in- at Shangri-Las Fijian Resort
who has taken on a full time cluding Australia, the Baha- & Spa.
role as Director of Public Af- mas, China, France, Japan, This is my first time in Fiji
fairs for Fiji Resorts Ltd. Maldives, Malaysia, Mauri- and I am looking forward to
tius and Singapore. working with the team here
Prior to coming to Fiji Mr Lee
was the General Manager of He has held a number of se- on further promoting this
the Hylandia by Shangri-La nior executive roles through- beautiful property, Mr Lee
Hotel in Yunnan, China and out his career in Southeast said.

Wild Tiger in Fiji



Satendra Prakash of Batanikama, Labasa was all excited to learn about the newly arrived Wild Ti-
ger Rum of India from Ashwin Sumer at the Prouds Duty Free store in the international departures
lounge.Photo: SUPPLIED.
For the first time Indias premium rum, the Wild Tigers packaging is the different
Wild Tiger Rum will be sold in Fiji.
It is available exclusively through the
stripe designs of each bottle which en-
sures that no two bottle designs are alike, * Rates include light continental breakfast
Prouds Duty Free Stores (DFS) featured making each bottle unique to its owner or *68 air- contditioned rooms
at the arrivals and departures section of gift recipient, Mr. Chand said. *Extra bed $20.00, baby cot free
Nadi International Airport. By this virtue it makes this a default *No additional charges for 2 children under 12
Prouds DFS manager, Ashwin Chand special edition of sorts and ideally suited sharing the same room with parents OUR ROOM RATES
said the Wild Tiger Rum was gaining huge for Travel Retail. * Check in time: 1.30pm, check out time: 10.30am
popularity amongst international travel- The brand has been conceptualized Superior $130.00
*Courtesy airport transfers 24 hours
ers. and is owned by Indian drinks entrepre- Poolside $140.00
*1DD telephone
Available in 700ml striped bottles since neur Gautom Menon who is very passion- Deluxe $150.00
December 2016, the Wild Tiger Rum is re- ate about the welfare and survival of wild
*Sky TV & mini fridge & radio
*Tea/ Coffee making facilities Family Suite
tailing at FJ$47.85 per bottle and $89 for tigers in India.
two bottles, Mr. Chand added. As a part of its core corporate social re- *Private balcony (deluxe rooms) 2 b/rooms $200.00
Produced in Kerala state of Southern sponsibility policy, the brand donates 10 *24 hours reception *rates include TAX
India, he said Wild Tiger Rum was not percent profits towards Tiger Conserva-
only unique in terms of its avant-garde
packaging but also for the liquid inside.
Wild Tiger is Indias first rum to be
tion in South India where they have set up
their own non-profit initiative called Wild
Tiger Foundation (WTF).
Martintar, Nadi
produced from a blend of molasses and The Foundation works with other es-
cane juice, giving it enticing aromatic tablished wildlife establishments and Ph: +679 6720088, Fax: +679 672 6522
notes and depth in flavour, prominent tiger experts to save tigers and Email:
One of the most distinctive aspects of its habitat in Southern India.

Together As One

Being Fijian is not about where our ancestors called

home, our ethnicity or the religion we choose to follow
says the Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama.
Mr Bainimarama made this comments in Suva while
opening the newly built Fiji-China Friendship Pavilion.
He said it is not about where we were born or our
standing in society to make one a Fijian.
No. To be Fijian is to be patriotic. It is to adhere to the
rule of law and to our Constitution. It is to work hard, to
be resilient in the face of adversity and to do our part in
building a better world for the next generation, Mr Baini-
marama said.
That is what defines us as a people, and that is what
you have been a part of for the past 162 years. So Im very
glad to open this new pavilion so that our appreciation of
your history in Fiji can stand for all time and for all to see.

Im delighted to be here today among so many lead-

ers in our Chinese-Fijian community to join in your cel-
ebration of the Chinese New Year.
He said this years celebration bears special signifi-
This beautiful new space open to all stands as a mon-
ument to the enormous contribution our Chinese com-
munity has made to our development as a nation and as
the name suggests, to the strong bonds of friendship that
Fiji and China have always shared.
The pavilion itself is constructed in the traditional
Chinese style that can be found in temples, parks and Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama feeds the dragon for good luck at the official opening of the Fiji-China Friendship Pavillion at
gardens all throughout China today. Terry Walk, Cumming Street, Suva. Photo: DEPTFO
In the Chinese lunar calendar, 2017 is the Year of the
Red Fire Rooster. ing fireworks, exchanging gifts and enjoying the dramatic give our nation every day. Because our greatest asset as a
All over the world, people are coming together with parades, costumes and performances that are the hall- nation has and will continue to be the ability of the Fijian
their families and their friends to say goodbye to the Year mark of these celebrations each year, he said. people, he added.
of the Monkey and welcome the new ideas and new op- We owe our unprecedented success as a country to
portunities represented by the Year of the Rooster light- every Fijian. We owe it to the effort that ordinary Fijians

Celebrate 2017 Year of the

Rooster with Pandora

In celebration of the Chinese Year or the Spring Festi-

val, Prouds Fiji has added special designs to its PANDORA
Continuing PANDORAs annual tradition of creating a
special design to celebrate Chinese New Year, Prouds
added a gorgeous Chinese Lion Dance charm which
brings luck to the wearer, an adorable Rooster charm
to celebrate the Year of the Rooster and a Chinese Junk
Ship known for its durability and versatility on sea voy-
These designs are available at Prouds Fiji outlets na-
The Chinese New Year is the most celebrated tradi-
tional festival for the Chinese community around the
According to the Chinese lunar calendar, 2017 is the
Year of the Rooster and will begin on 28th January 2017.
The rooster symbolizes the dawn and awakening and
people born under this sign are said to be brave, loyal
and hardworking.

Year of the Rooster(left), Chinese Lion Dance Charm (middle).and Chinese Junk Ship(right). Photos: PROUDS

Sweet Tweets: How would you celebrate Valentines Day?

Amrita Singh
Kolora Kalisito Fugawai Bulivou Laisa Baleikadavu
Lautoka Adrian Koroi Tito Elo
Lautoka Nadi Lautoka Nadi Lautoka
Since its Tuesday and i have I would use the day to thank
We really havent decided yet Valentines Day will be extra Spend it with my loved ones
a distance relationship ill a special someone for shar- Ill spend it with the most
I think we are just going for a special for me as I will be get- at home since my love bird is
be home baking a choco- ing and making wonderful important woman in my life,
dinner with my husband but ting married. in Suva.
late cake for my mum and memories with me in a nice my mom.
this time I will want to take
celebrating valentines with home cooked meal by me and
my son with me.
red wine. a nice Valentine movie.



Beware of Counterfeit Products

The Consumer Council of brands that are being target- matical errors are common or have had a particular
Fiji is reminding consumers ed and produced as coun- on the packaging of coun- history or particular previ-
to be aware of counterfeit terfeits include Adidas, Rip terfeit goods, ous use which they do not
products. Curl, Quiksilver, Nike, Billa- Look carefully at the have.
This is especially dur- bong, etc. logo and its quality. Counter- The sale of counterfeit
ing such times when con- Consumers, who wish feits will usually have differ- products constitutes an in-
sumers are engrossed in to purchase branded items ent fonts or sizes and slightly fringement of the trademark
shopping for their children such as school bags, must different colours, Ms Devi for the respective intellec-
attending schools and uni- know the authorised distrib- said. tual property rights holders.
versities. utors of these brands and The Council is warning Ms Devi warned traders
Consumer Council of Fiji purchase items from their traders selling counterfeit of such goods can be said to
Officer In Charge, Bindula shopping outlets only, goods to refrain from mis- infringe on either the trade
Devi issued the reminder They should make in- leading consumers about mark, patent or copyright of
as many parents would be formed decisions and not the standard and quality of the brand owner by passing
shopping for their children be lured by the traders. products sold by them. off its goods as made by the
attending universities from Consumers can spot coun- Ms Devi said this conduct brand owner.
later this month and next terfeit by looking out for the of the traders constitutes a The Council is urging
month. following: Inspect the pack- breach of Section 77(1) (a) consumers to be vigilant
Counterfeiting is preva- aging carefully: Reputable of the Commerce Commis- whilst shopping.
lent in Fiji in the form of businesses typically take sion Act 2010. Consumers can call the
electronic goods, spare great care in packaging their The provision states, A National Consumer Helpline
parts, cosmetics, clothes, products, Ms Devi said. person shall not, in trade or toll-free number 155 to seek
shoes, bags, movies, music, She warns consumers commerce, in connection advice or to lodge any com-
etc, need to be aware of flimsy with the supply or possible plaints against traders who
Counterfeit products are packaging, packaging with supply of goods or services are found selling counterfeit
goods that are often of infe- substandard printing or run- or in connection with the products.
rior quality, made or sold un- ning colours, or packages promotion by any means of Consumers can also
der anothers brand name that appear to have been the supply or use of goods seek assistance from Fiji
without the brand owners opened. or services falsely represent Commerce Commission in
authorization, Ms Devi said. In addition, take a mo- that goods are of a particu- relation to their grievances.
Counterfeit products being sold at local stores.
She said in terms of ment to actually read the lar standard, quality, grade,
school bags and backpacks, package. Spelling or gram- composition, style or model Photo: CONSUMER COUNCIL OF FIJI.

Once Upon BK Upskill Staff

a Time

now is because I somebodys yard.

heard that 4am is A patron wanted me to
the best time to find a book to teach her
come cause there dog German.
are not that many A patron on his way to
people. the casino asked to rub my
Had a woman red hair for luck.
call 911 because she had A patron once asked me
The Dumbest Police
dj vu in the shower and for my home phone num-
Calls in America
got nervous. ber so she could call me
From the police blot-
Got a frantic call from a with reference questions
ter, or, what a beat cop
woman who claimed she when I wasnt at work.
deals with every day:
had overdosed and need- And The Lord Sepa-
A deputy responded
ed help immediately. We rated His Paper From His
to a report of a vehicle
arrive on scene, and she Plastics
stopping at mailboxes. It
hands us an empty mint My sister-in-law was Burger King Fiji Staff attending an upskilling session.Photo SUPPLIED.
was the mail carrier.
container, saying she took teaching Sunday school
A woman said her son
them all. That night she class. The topic for the Burger King Fiji is committed to deliv- He said staff members were really im-
was attacked by a cat, and
learned that you cannot day: Easter Sunday and ering better customer service. pressed with the outcome as positive re-
the cat would not allow
overdose on mints. the resurrection of Christ. Burger King Fiji General Manager, sults were already being seen in their two
her to take her son to the
Guilty of Annoyance What did Jesus do on Akash Narsey said being part of an inter- outlets in Nadi.
A defendant isnt happy this day? she asked. There national franchise requires a lot of hard Meanwhile, Ms. Kumar said the train-
A resident said some-
with how things are going was no response, so work and staff training is an essential part ing had geared up Burger King Staff with
one had entered his home
in court, so he gives the she gave her students a of the entire business experience. exceptional customer service skills dur-
at night and taken five
judge a hard time. hint: It starts with the let- A well trained workforce will ensure ing the peak festive season to ensure their
pounds of bacon. Upon
Judge: Where do you ter R. the best customer service and this will customers have a complete buyer experi-
further investigation, po-
work? One boy blurted, Re- result in repeat business and everlasting ence in both outlets.
lice discovered his wife
Defendant: Here and cycle! positive impression on our customers as Key learning outcomes were to see
had gotten up for a late-
there. New Year, Old Prob- well, Mr. Narsey said. that the staff deliver that superior service
night snack.
Judge: What do you do lems He said it was universally accepted that with a smile and make customers enjoy
A man reported that
for a living? Its New Years Eve, one cannot please every customer but as the BK factor,
a squirrel was running in
Defendant: This and and the restaurant is hop- an international franchise, Burger King Listening skills, overall communica-
circles on Davis Drive, and
that. pingrevelers, band, over- continuously invested in training its staff tion skills, maintaining BK standards, first
he wasnt sure if it was sick
Judge: Take him worked waiters. Wending members to stay on top of the game. impressions, and professional etiquette
or had been hit by a car.
away. his way through the crowd Recently the fast food chain facilitated were some of the objectives of this train-
An officer responded, and
Defendant: Wait; when is a drunk, staggering back a training and up skilling session for 48 ing session, Ms. Kumar said.
as he drove on the street,
will I get out? to his seat. Spotting an at- staff members that was conducted in She commended Mr. Narsey for being
he ran over the squirrel.
Judge: Sooner or later. tractive woman sitting Nadi by Ranju Kumar, Proprietor and con- so passionate about customer service
Three Dumb ER Sto-
Weird Things Librar- alone, he says, Pardon sultant of Smart Train. standards.
ries Youre Allowed To
ians Hear me, miss, did I step on your BK employees are enthusiastic, com- Narsey initiated these two sessions of
Laugh At
Librarians may be shy, feet a few minutes ago? mitted and have a positive mind-set to customer service training and engaged
Patient in to ER at
but their patrons arent. Yes, she says testily, new knowledge and training them is al- Smart Train for this project. He is keen to
0400 with no complaints:
Look at their oddball re- you did. ways a rewarding experience, Mr. Narsey invest more in his teams learning and de-
I have been having chest
quests: Good! I knew my table said. velopment in future as well, Ms Kumar
pain for 4 months but I
A patron offered me was around here some-
am not having chest pain
$100 to steal a cactus from where.
now. The reason Im here

Send us your feedbacks or

suggestions to:


Cheapest in Namaka


10 Interesting Facts about

Chinese New Year
1. The date varies! People focus on priorities: Malaysia: 30 million verged for Chinese New Year in works lighted as in China around
The date for Chinese New making amends, reconciling people get two day of public hol- Londons Chinatown, Trafalgar the midnight beginning Chinese
Year changes each year. It always with people, avoiding offence, iday. Square, and central London New Year. China produces about
falls between January 21 and and re-establishing old ties. They North Korea: 24 million streets in 2015. 90% of the worlds fireworks!
February 20, determined by the buy and wear new clothes, give people get three days of public In Hong Kong, a big holiday Fireworks are used to scare
Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese gifts, and clean house. holiday. custom is horse racing: The most evil spirits: Most mainland Chi-
New Year 2017 is on Saturday 4. It is a festival for 1/5 of the Taiwan: 24 million peo- popular races of all in the city nese believe that the flash and
January 28. See why on our page worlds population. ple get four days of public holi- happens on the third day of the bang of firecrackers and fire-
for Chinese New Year Dates. Its Chinas winter vacation day generally. Spring Festival holidays when works scare away demons and
2. The holiday is oddly week, like between Christmas Brunei: One day of pub- 100,000 excited fans crowd into evil ghosts.
called Spring Festival. and New Years Day other coun- lic holiday. Sha Tin Racecourse. The spec- 9. The Lantern Festival once
Though in winter, Chinese call tries. Schools in China get about Singapore: Two days of tators watch a grand opening ended 16 days of festivities.
their New Year holidays Spring a month off, and universities public holiday. show, a featured lion dance, and Traditionally, the 16 days from
Festival (chnji /chwnn-jye- even more. China, Hong Kong Hong Kong: Three days a variety of cultural performanc- New Years Eve until the Lantern
ah/), because Start of Spring and Macau, and nine other Asian of public holidays, extending to es and entertainment. Festival each had a special cel-
(418 February) is the first of countries have public holidays. four days if the holidays fall on a 7. 4% of the worlds popula- ebration activity.
the terms in the traditional solar China: 1.3 billion in Chi- Sunday. tion is on the move. The Lantern Festival: In the
calendar. While wintry weather na get three days of public holi- Macau: Three days of 200 million Mainland Chinese evening of 15th day of the first
prevails, Start of Spring marks day. public holiday, extending to four travel long distances for these lunar month, on the night of the
the end of the coldest part of Indonesia: 250 million days if the holidays fall on a Sun- holidays, and it is estimated that full moon, families gather for din-
winter, when the Chinese tradi- people in Indonesia get one day day. there are 3.5 billion journeys in ner and go out and see fireworks
tionally could look forward to the of public holiday. 5. Billions of red envelopes China. For comparison, less than and light lanterns. Lanterns are
beginning of spring. Philippines: 100 million are exchanged. 100 million people travel more put up for decoration, let loose
3. Every Chinese New Year get one day of public holiday. These red envelopes with than 50 miles during the Christ- to fly, and floated in rivers.
starts a new animals zodiac Vietnam: 90 million cash are given out from older to mas holidays in the US according 10. Xinnian Kuaile means
year. people get at least three days of younger, from bosses to employ- to the American Automobile As- Happy New Year.
Chinese zodiac years: A very public holidays, but the holidays ees, and from leaders to under- sociation. Xinnin kuil! . Thats pro-
old custom is to name the years sometimes extends for an en- lings. It is a special New Years Tens of millions of people nounced sshin-nyen kwhy-luh,
by one of 12 animals in their zo- tire week by taking away week- bonus. Read more on How to travel in other countries too. by the way.
diac cycle. For example, 2017 is ends, as in China. Give Chinese New Year Lucky 8. There is the worlds big-
a year of the Rooster. Many Chi- South Korea: 50 million Money (Red Envelopes). gest annual fireworks usage.
nese still believe in astrology and people get three days of public 6. its big in London and HK. No single hour in any other
other New Year superstitions. holiday. 500 thousand people con- country sees as many tons of fire- CHINA HIGHLIGHTS

Prouds Celebrate
The Prouds Downtown Nadi Store was hyped in celebration of the
Chinese New Year this year with specials, draws, door prizes, and

Year of the Rooster

Chinese entertainment.
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival in China, is the
most important traditional holiday in China.
Each year and animal is assigned using the classification scheme,
the Chinese zodiac, in a repeating twelve-year cycle and this is
year is the Year of the Rooster.
Motibhai Group Manager Public Relations and Corporate Market-
ing, Shalendra Prasad said although in Fiji the Chinese New Year
may be celebrated at a smaller scale they were happy to have
been one of the first outlets to initiate such a celebration for their
Chinese customers over the years.
All our customers are very important to us and the Chinese cus-
tomers are definitely not an exception, Mr. Prasad said.
He said while they had many Chinese customers who have lived
in Fiji for many years, many even being born here, they were also
seeing a huge influx of Chinese tourists in the country.
We want to give them a home away from home feeling and
make them feel comfortable in a foreign land which is thousands
of miles away from their homeland, Mr. Prasad said.
He said in celebration theyve invited basically every Chinese cus-
tomer they have in Nadi and also had the pleasure of serving new
Chinese customers including tourists.
China is the largest emerging market for Fiji tourism and we are
happy to be able to provide a world-class shopping experience
for them at our various outlets situated at towns and cities, resorts
and duty-free stores at the arrivals and departures of the new-look
Nadi International Airport, Mr. Prasad said.
He said Prouds thanked all the inbound tour operators who
worked tirelessly to market Fiji as a destination in such key emerg-
ing markets as with China definitely leading in numbers.
All these events are our small contribution towards enhancing
the visitor experience and complementing the hard work of our
inbound tour stakeholders as well, Mr. Prasad said.
The Prouds chain of stores is run by a Motibhai Group Company,
Stinson Pearce Limited.

Customers taking advantage of the Chinese New Year sale at Prouds Downtown Nadi. Photos: LUKE NACEI.



Taveuni Complete Fairytale

at Lawaqa
The Garden Island of Taveuni is celebrating their sta-
tus as the Mana Whey Fiji Coral Coast Sevens Champion.
The debutants scored two tries to win 12-10 in a close-
ly-fought Cup final against Wardens and walk away with
Captain Lemeci Tulele was awarded the Campese-
Serevi Medal for Player of the Tournament.
Taveuni, who qualified for the Coral Coast Sevens via
the Final Four in November, made it to the Cup final with
an impressive 17-10 win over Crows Nest Yasawa in the
semi final, while Wardens defeated Army 19-5 with a
solid performance.
Tulele said this win means everything to the team,
their families and their island community.
We always call them (families) after every game as
they watch it on TV back at home and they go around in
the green colours all over Taveuni, he said.
We play locally, sometimes we go to Vanua Levu but
this is our first time here we are really happy. Taveuni with fans after their win at the Mana Whey Coral Coast 7s at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka. Photo: LUKE NACEI.
Defending champions Police claimed the Outrigger ment has to rank up with the highest standard across end they got the rewards.
Beach Resort Plate after being beaten by Taveuni in the board of all tournaments Ive ever been to in 14 years. Te Nana called the Coral Coast Sevens the premier
quarter final while Saunaka won the Tourism Fiji Bowl The top eight teams here could easily go and com- tournament in Fiji given the eight womens and 24 youth
over Germany. pete on the world series and its just been a phenomenal teams that also made up the event.
Germany, one of two international teams which had experience. The MANA Whey Fiji Coral Coast Sevens is proudly
faltered on the first day, hit back on the second securing As a senior manager with the union at Hong Kong Ill supported by Goodman Fielder Fiji, Sigatoka River Safari,
wins over BLK Iron Courage 17-14 and Shangri-La Da- certainly be bringing the players back and I have an Tourism Fiji, Outrigger Beach Resort, Uprising Beach Re-
veta 22-19 before coming unstuck against the Pio Tuwai- ambition to bring down a junior team and even a wom- sort, Shangri-Las Fijian Resort & Spa, The Naviti Resort,
inspired Saunaka. ens team. Crows Nest Resort, Geckos Resort, Bedarra Beach Inn,
Their win the semi was one of the all-time great come- Former New Zealand Sevens captain Karl te Nana Fiji Times, Viti FM and Fiji TV.
backs. Scoreless in the first half, the visitors overcame a echoed Rees comments. CC7S
19-point deficit to defeat Daveta 22-19 at the final siren. It really has become a top-class event and the way RESULTS OF THE MANA WHEY FIJI CORAL COAST
Hong Kong went no further than the Bowl semis going its run, the way the people have come in and supported SEVENS
down to Saunaka also by two points and missing a con- it from Sigatoka and all over Fiji, I think is a real credit to I-wau (Cup)
version on the last play of the day. all the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes, First Light Taveuni 12 Wardens 10
Hong Kong RFU High Performance manager Dai Rees he said. Plate
was not at all fazed by the teams performance over the There are lessons in the performance of Taveuni that Police 19 Uluinakau 17
competition and sang the praises of the tournament of youre willing to work hard, believe in each other and Bowl
overall. do the team work then things will come. It was a tough McDonalds Saunaka 21 Germany 19
Its my first visit to Fiji and Ive got to say this tourna- Cup final and they showed a lot of resilience and in the Shield

Japanese Womens Te Nana Grateful

Team here to Learn to be Back

Karl Te Nana with his family (far right) Jay White, Special Adminstrator for Sigatoka.
Former New Zealand rug- when I first came here, he tional 7s back in New Zea-
by sevens captain and World said. land how they performed
Rugby 7s commentator, Karl Fiji played their own and to come and see how
Te Nana is happy to be back style and sees how other the next bunch of how the
Japanese womens team. Photo: LUKE NACEI. in Fiji. teams such as Germany Fijians players are going to
A regular face on our come across this year to perform is going to be excit-
The Japanese women`s team did their foreign countries some skills in rugby and shores, Te Nana was accom- play against the Fijians is go- ing.
best in the four days Mana Whey Fiji Coral that`s why we are here to compete in this panied by his family for the ing to be quiet unique and I love Fiji and I love com-
Coast Sevens team tournament in La- local tournament. 2017 Mana Whey Fiji Coral interesting to see, he said. ing back here. For I love the
waqa Park. And this is a very good chance for us Coast Sevens. We are looking forward history of sevens, I respect
And coach Hitoshi Inada was proud to get to another country. We always get He forestalls a good show to it has grown and grown the game and respect the
with her girls preformance. tough competition from the Fijian team of sevens skills at the tour- the young fellas playing first people that play. I always
The team has been preparing very and we are looking forward to that in this nament and wont let him and the Mana Whey Coral love to come back here and
well. We were just doing training and we competition. But we vow to do our best. down as the Uprising Youth Coast 7s after. enjoy the tournament.
have never played a tournament in Japan The team was made up of young wom- Sevens kicks off today. Te Nana said he still loved The Mana Whey Fiji Sev-
before coming here, he said. en athletes. To be honest it is quiet the way the tournament is ens Coral Coast 7s ended on
Hitoshi said her girls needed all the brutal, it is a level that some played every year. a high note with under dogs
exposure they can get from the four days of the other tournaments To see how good the First Flight Taveuni winning
tournament. have never touched and boys are and especially the tournament.
The side needs to learn from other that is one thing I took away coming back from our na-

Tabakaucoro Guns
for Experience
Pacific Sprint King, Banuve Ta- Its really tough and these are the sport.
bakaucoro is trying to gain as much top 14 or 16 teams in Fiji and Id say Its good, For me if I want to
experience as he can in trying to be- top teams in the world and playing make it out far in this sport, I have to
come a better rugby player. in a country like Fiji where 7s is the have to try and play more in the west
Playing for the BLK Iron Courage national sport, its going to be tough where its more hot and go overseas
7s team, the Bauan bullet scored two to make it into the national team. So and compete there. It will be an eas-
tries in the tournament so far. Im just out here to do my best and ier transition for me.
Tabakaucoro says the competi- focus on what I have to do. Meanwhile, Germany scored their
tion was a learning experience and The former Marist Brothers High first win in the tournament after beat-
he hopes to pick the brains of former School student believes such com- ing BLK Iron Courage team 17-14 in
national and overseas based reps. petition will help him grow in the the first Bowl Quarterfinal. Banuve Tabakaucoro at the Mana Whey Coral Coast 7s at
Lawaqa Park, Sigatoka. Photo:LUKE NACEI.

Ratuvuki PavesWay Naholo Inspired Me:


3D Nararo Fiji Water Team after their tournament in Australia. Photo: SUPPLIED.

When people come together around vi- to come and participate in October 2016 and
sion they can complete things. played and Bendigo Gold 7s which they
And this is exactly what Ratu Peni Ratu- won the plate final by defeating a Melbourne Mesulame Kunavula with his cousin at the Nadi International Airport. Photo: ANA SOVA.
vuki of Savusavu in Vanua Levu did to help Rebel Selection side in semis and defeat the At form five he dropped out of school, before he became what he is today,
assist youths of Savusavu. Melbourne Fijian 7s in the plate final. staying at home in the village with no em- I come from an average family too, Ive
Ratuvuki had a vision for these talented God has called me to work with these ployment the future seemed bleak for Me- struggled a lot too and Naholo inspires me
local rugby boys who have much to deliver players in order for them to play and at the sulame Kunavula. that if I have the talent than I can achieve
in the field of rugby. same time be a good ambassador for the But there was one thing he could hold that too so I worked hard, Kunavula said.
He is the coach of a rugby team called gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they go and onto, his golden ticket out of unemploy- The former Lomaiwai Secondary School
the 3D Nararo Fiji Water Rugby Club a team participate. ment, the one thing that most young men student said after leaving form five he
which is now playing in Melbourne, Austra- Ratuvuki said their group is mainly con- from the Vanua o Nakuruvarua did best, play started playing for the village rugby team,
lia. sisted of young boys as young as 18- 20 years. rugby. Tovolea then joined the Nadroga Under 20
Speaking to this newspaper from Mel- The boys are here until all their papers The Nadroumai native from Nadroga was team before playing for the Fiji Warriors.
bourne, Australia via email Mr Ratuvuki ex- are done than they will return and for the one of the two latest inclusions into the Fiji I then was selected into the Fiji Babas
pressed how happy he was for team. time being they have the legal rights to work Sevens National Mens side, alongside Ma- this year and upon returning I never dreamt
He said the boys were to prove their and live here indefinitely. lolo speedster, Nacanieli Labalaba. I would be selected into the National 7s side
worth locally before they could go overseas. We have also secured a local club (En- Kunavula said if there was someone that and Im very thankful to God for giving me
I have got a vision for the talented play- deavor Hills) to play for this season. The club inspired him, it was Fijian born New Zea- this opportunity, Kunavula said.
ers in Fiji especially for them to play locally is also providing for their accommodation land Union Rugby Player and Highlanders The 21 year old looks forward to playing
and if they prove themselves locally and if and employment, he said. Wing, Waisake Naholo. for his family and country.
they are good than I will take them overseas Meanwhile, a player in the club Jone Vuli He is a close cousin of Naholos father, I will be playing alongside very experi-
and try and secure some contract for them of Navuniasi Naitasiri said he was grateful to Aporosa Naholo. enced and talented players and I have so
since I have been in contact with couple of God for the opportunity. I know Naholos background, were much respect for them but I look forward
club representative and officials, Ratuvuki I cant say how happy I am to be part of relatives and I know the struggle hes been to proving myself and the potential I have. I
said. this team. I have always dreamt of playing through with his family before he went to want to make my parents proud, Kunavula
Ratuvuki in August 2007 received his Per- overseas and God has opened doors for me complete his studies in New Zealand and said.
manent Residence (PR) in Australia and and my fellow colleagues in places I can
later became an Australian citizen in 2010. expand my knowledge in something I love
He said at first when the news of playing doing the most which is playing rugby, he
overseas circulated his village the youths said.
were not interested at all until he bought jer- All in all it is God that we give the glory
seys for the boys. to, we wouldnt have made it without him
So whenever I came to the village I told our job, the club and the accommodations
the boys in my village that opportunity to go we are in now is through God alone and for
and play overseas is there. The players in that we give him the glory.
my village were not motivated or moved by The side so far has won the 2016 Bendigo
what I told them, Plate and also the Darwin Hottest 7S Bowl
I got the boys to come to Australia by finals 2017.
putting together an invitation letter for them

Naca Makes Dad Proud bers saw his son off at the Nadi International
Naca with his family. Photo: ANA SOVA.
go out to watch in any tournament Labalaba
played in regardless if it was in Viti Levu or
Vanua Levu.
to school and came back to the Village.
I played for Malolo in the B Division then I
played for the Fiji Babas but I never dreamt
By ANA SOVA My son is going to wear the white jer- I would one day get here, Labalaba said.
Airport as he flew out to Wellington with the
Sevens team on Tuesday. sey this weekend. Im really proud of his But then Gods plan for our lives is al-
The inclusion of Nacanieli Labalaba into The 60 year old said he was very happy achievement, the whole family is, Mr. Viti- ways better than the plans we make and I
the Fiji National Sevens Mens side to play and thanked God for what he has done for lau said. believe it is him that brought me to this level
in the Wellington and Sydney Sevens has his son. Meanwhile, Labalaba who is from Solevu of my career.
made his father very proud. When he started out in the Malolo team in Malolo, Nadroga said he never dreamt The former Maharishi Sanatan College
The Malolo speedster is the latest inclu- I was always urging him to work hard so that that he would one day play for the national student said he was ready to play for his
sion alongside Fiji Babarians teammate, Me- one day he could wear the white jumper, team. country.
sulame Kunavula. Mr. Vitilau said. I was schooling in the Fiji National Uni- Labalaba is related to former Fiji Rugby
Malakai Vitilau along with family mem- The former hotel worker said he would versity then I just stopped wanting to go Union Player, Sunia Banuve.


Page 23 Page 23
Taveuni Complete Ratuvuki Paves Way
Fairy Tale in Lawaqa


Outgoing Nadi Football Association President Navneenda Goundar with a Nadi fan Reddy Mahendra in Nadi. Photo: MARGARET NAQIRI.
was delighted to be part of This he says was the brought the glory days to eyes to end their 14 year as well.
a dynamic team. major highlights for him. the Nadi Soccer. drought by winning next Nadi are the current
Nadi is a very good During my president Under his leadership years (2017) Inter District holder of the Fiji Fact, Pa-
football team and my years with the Nadi team, they from 1995, Nadi managed Championship (IDC). cific Cup and Champion
with Nadi has been really have won three Pacific to win the Fiji Fact, Battle It is now the teams aim versus Champion title.
enjoying, he said. Cup titles, two Fiji Facts, of the Giants and Girmit to try and get hold of the Goundar has thanked
Goundar said him hand- one National League Tourney. In addition to IDC trophy, we had senior all those who have been
ing in his resignation is due and the Champion of the that, Nadi team also were players playing for the sea- behind the success of Nadi
to personal reasons. Champion title for the first triumphant in the National son, our senior boys have Football team throughout
By LUKE NACEI It nothing big, its just time ever, he said. League and Inter-District worked very hard and I his leadership.
that I need to spend more Goundar was well Tournament. applaud them for their ef- He also thanked the co-
time with my family now I known for his lethal right The 59 year old has fore- forts. sponsors like Jacks Handi-
The Nadi Football presi- have grandchildren which boot and is well docu- seen a good feature for the He said 2016 was chal- craft and other sponsors.
dent Navneenda Goundar I need to spend more time mented in an incident Green Machines. lenging yet tremendous Meanwhile, Goundar
has officially resigned from with. where his powerful volley Nadi will become bet- year for them in terms of has also confirmed that a
his position as president. I will always show my led to a fractured hand of a ter and better with many football development for new coach will be named
The association will be support for the team, he Rewa goalie. young talented soccer reps the youngsters fielded in after their AGM.
having its Annual General said. He was part of the representing the team. the team.
Meeting this month where The outgoing president champion Nadi team He said the side has We had many young Send us your feed-
he will officially hand in his has been serving the team which ruled the soccer much to offer this season. players who were playing backs or suggestions
resignation and step down for the last four years. His fraternity in the late 70s After successfully re- in the league like Afraz Ali to:
from his position. service with the team has and early 90s. Incidentally, taining the Pacific Cup on who is the student of Nadi
Speaking to this news- made them achieve and it was in his reign as the their home soil last year, Muslim College, but we feedbacks@media.
paper Goundar said he win big tournaments. President of Nadi F.C. that the Jet Setters have set plan to improve from that

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