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Instructor: Krya Perry

Lecture: Online (including exams)
Laboratory: Online (exercises completed at home)
Office Location & Hours: Online, TBA

Textbook: Holes Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Shier, Butler and & Lewis,
9th, 10th , 11th or 12th edition. The newest edition is available at the bookstore and also the one
across the street from the SD campus, but older (and cheaper) editions are fine as well. The new
edition does come with additional online study exercises though. If you want to pick up a used
copy of the textbook online, please order early so that you have your book the first week of class.
Laboratory Manual: Biology 160 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual,
Cheroske, Bluedoor publishing


Course Description: Introduces the functions and structure of the human organism and its
organ systems as well as the underlying physiological principles. Illustrates basic principles and
techniques through labs and demonstrations.
This is a general human anatomy and physiology course, designed for students who need to
satisfy their general education science requirement with lab as well as various health professional
programs such as radiological technicians, mortuary science and social work.

The course consists of both lecture and laboratory. Basic anatomical and physiological
concepts will be covered. Both lecture and laboratory are required for course completion:
Location Section #
Lecture Archived online 26721
Lab Exercises completed at home 26722
Lab Exercises completed at home 26744

The lecture will cover the function and basic structure of the human organism. Basic anatomical
and physiological concepts will be covered. Lectures are recorded video presentations available
online posted on MCC's YouTube website. The PowerPoint lectures will also be posted on
Canvas so that you may follow along with the recorded lectures. You will find links to both of
these within each module.
The online laboratory will illustrate material using photos and exercises involving models,
charts, histological slides as well as human and vertebrate specimens through our Learning
Management System, Canvas as well as completing exercises in the assigned lab manual.

Textbook: Holes Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Shier, Butler and & Lewis, 8th
9th10th, 11th or 12th edition. The newest edition is available at the bookstore and also the one
across the street from the SD campus but older (and cheaper) editions are fine as well. The new
edition does come with additional online study exercises though. If you want to pick up a used
copy of the textbook online, please order early so that you have your book the first week of class.
Laboratory Manual: Biology 160 Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual,
Cheroske, Bluedoor publishing. This lab manual is produced specifically for this course and is
available at the bookstore or The Book Store on Southern Ave across from the SD campus.


After we cover each chapter, there will be an online multiple choice quiz available on Canvas
worth 10 pts. These lecture quizzes are study aids and so you should treat them like closed book
assessments to test your knowledge but if you run into trouble, you can look up an answer with
no issue.

There will be four (4) lecture exams during the semester. Each lecture exam is a closed
book/notes exam and will occur on line on the dates below through our LMS Canvas using a
utility called Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. It will allow you to use a computer of
your choice to take each exam as long as it has a camera. The lecture exams will be worth 100
points each. Each exam may contain various types of questions including multiple guess, fill-in-
the-blank, and short answer.

A 50 point comprehensive final exam also will be given on the last day after Exam IV.
Additionally, there will be fourteen (14) lab quizzes throughout the semester, each worth 20
points. Lab quizzes will be taken online each week and due Sunday night (although you can
complete them any time the prior week). These will cover lab material and will be the only
testing for lab material from the week before. These lab quizzes are closed
book/notes/internet/phone timed assessments. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped but there
are NO make-ups for quizzes.

Lastly, for each of the chapters/topics we visit in lecture, you are to submit one single-spaced
summary of the content in your own words to the appropriate dropbox on Canvas. These should
basically be a typed summary of your notes from the given lecture. (do NOT cut and paste text
from the lecture notes; this is plagiarism).. If you turn your notes in on time, on topic, online,
then you will receive full credit. If you fail to meet any of those requirements, then you will
receive 50% credit as long as you turn it in prior to the exam on the material. You may not turn
in any lecture summary after it has been covered on a test. Your highest 16 out of 20 submissions
will count toward your grade. At 5 points each, a total of 80 points is possible.
Make sure to hold on to all of your graded materials as they are your paper trail for any
questions about grades/points that could come up later in the semester.
14(-1) LAB QUIZZES X 20 PTS EACH = 260
TOTAL = 900

Your letter grade will be determined by the percentage of maximum points that you
earn. The grading scale is as follows:
A 90% or above
B 80%
C 70%
D 60%


- Plan your time. While the flexibility of an online course is a great asset, it can often give
Students slack to hang themselves. Look at all your responsibilities (family, work, school,
etc.) and figure out where and how you will make all your hours work together. Much like a gym
membership, people are more successful when they create a regular schedule so look at your
own and create one that works for you (and then stick to it, not just as a New Years resolution!)
This is an A&P class given in an online format, not a class on how to take an online course.
There is more than enough content in this course to keep you busy and it is easy to get behind
so start organized and keep it up throughout.

- Have integrity. I know we all get panicked during tests when there is a question that we
dont know but overcome your fear. Dont cheat. Dont even look around so that I dont mistake
your actions for cheating. (see MCC Student handbook, beginning p. 388). And remember that
through Respondus a video of you will make any cheating (looking at books, cell phones, etc.)
very obvious. Any form of dishonesty, cheating, fabrication, or plagiarism may make you
subject to disciplinary action including receiving a 0, or F in the course. This includes during all
the online quizzes and includes using anything besides your own gray matter (=brain, but youll
learn this soon!). Unexcused absences of more than 3 times or 3 unsubmitted assignments also
can be cause for you to be dropped from the course.

- Do the reading. I know that its almost impossible to expect people to read before lecture,
but try. And if not, be sure to do it after. Youll notice that there is a fair bit of reading each
week, and it will be up to you to pick up the points that I dont cover in lecture.

- Canvas. This program on the Internet gives you access to your personal grades, lecture
outlines, reading and homework assignments, practice exams, announcements and other useful
information. You will access Canvas through the MCC webpage update the course material on
Canvas throughout the semester so check frequently.
- Missed Exams. You must make every effort to take the exams in class at the scheduled
time. You will be allowed to take a make-up exam for the following excused absences only:
Participation in College-sanctioned events
A documented illness or hospitalization of you or your child
Documented death of an immediate family member
Other approved absences for which you have notified me at least 1 week
in advance.
The make-up exam may not be the same as the scheduled exam given in class, although it
will cover the same material. I strongly urge you to make up any exams for which you have an
excused absence . Notify me within 2 days (excluding weekends) after the missed exam if you
need the make-up.

- Have fun. This class is fairly difficult and requires a significant time allocation, but it
doesnt have to be boring! All right. Sometimes it does, but Ill be trying to keep things
interesting, so work with me.


ONLINE CHAT: We can schedule online chat time to allow for a chance to interact and
discuss course material (of course, you can always contact me via email to schedule this!).
Outside of that, email is the best way to get a hold of me and please do try as Im always
willing to help. I do not have a set online office hours time as you all have a wide range of
schedules to accommodate. However, I will check my email daily and will always respond
to your emails by that evening.
MCC ONLINE WEBSITE: This site has many good resources for taking online classes
including a readiness survey (take it!), checklists, orientation materials, contact info
for technology support services etc.
LEARNING ENHANCEMENT CENTER: Located downstairs in the Desert Willow
building and has many free tutors for your other classes available.
DISABILITY SERVICES: If you have a hidden or visible disability that may require
classroom or test accommodations, please let me know early in the semester so that
your learning needs may be met appropriately. You will need to provide
documentation of your disability to Disability Resources and Services in the
Enrollment Services (RM).
LIFE SCIENCES STUDY LAB: Located on the north side of the Saguaro Building (S154)
on the RM campus or the south side of the Nursing building (N146) at the SD campus.
These labs are a great resource where you can find models, charts, slides, and anatomical
conversations with your peers!
MCC EARLY ALERT PROGRAM (EARS) Mesa Community College is committed to the
success of all our students. Numerous campus support services are available throughout your
academic journey to assist you in achieving your educational goals. MCC has adopted an Early
Alert Referral System (EARS) as part of a student success initiative to aid students in their
educational pursuits. Faculty and Staff participate by alerting and referring students to campus
services for added support. Students may receive a follow up call from various campus services
as a result of being referred to EARS. Students are encouraged to participate, but these services
are optional. ( )
Information for Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented
disability, including a learning disability, and would like to discuss possible
accommodations, please contact the MCC Disabilities Resources and Services
Office at 480-461-7447 or email

To ensure equal access, all required course materials provided in web links are
expected to meet AA Standard of Compliance with the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. All internal and external course links should be
evaluated by the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool. Course materials are
expected to be in compliance, or an alternative option provided upon the
students request.
Students with disabilities must have an equally effective and equivalent
educational opportunity as those students without disabilities. Students
experiencing difficulty accessing course materials because of a disability are
expected to contact the course instructor so that a solution can be found that
provides all students equal access to course materials and technology.

Information for Pregnant or Parenting Students: If you are a pregnant or

parenting student you are protected under Title IX regarding classroom
accommodations. Please request your accommodations through the MCC
Disabilities Resources and Services Office at 480-461-7447 or

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