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The Moxie Mountie

February 2016 Editorial 3

Drug tests invade
Moxie Minds
Staff Editorial
personal privacy
Sydney Rhines
Senior Editor-in-Chief
During the process of
obtaining a job, a person must
either pass or fail a drug test.
However, during school,
students do not have to and
should not ever have to pass
one to stay in school.
Coming to school is a
mandatory state requirement.
Testing to see if a student is on
any drugs, then taking action
if they are, is the exact opposite of what the testing
would be for.
Requiring a student to pass a test to make sure they
are clean of drugs will do nothing but hurt them and

Illustration by Genna Barner

the school. Depending on the repercussions of the
situation, a person may lose education that is vital
to their future. If students lose the chance to learn, it
would cause overall test scores to plummet.
Forcing a student to prove they are not on any type

Raising awareness for mental illness

of drug is an invasion of privacy and shows a lack of
respect between administration and student.
Bringing drug tests into a place where students are
As students go through the nat- ness. Mental instabilities are learning important life skills is only a situation that
ural changes of life, some often not something that should be will bring negatives into the lives of all affected by
feel mixed emotions that can be idealized or romanticized. It Story Highlights the situation.
difficult to describe. Develop- is problematic and disturb- Mental illness should not be taken as

ing unhealthy methods of cop- ing when people attempt to a joke. It can happen to any person.
ing with these emotional hard- seek beauty in these disor-
ships has the possibility to lead ders instead of urging those Self-diagnosing is unsafe and can lead
to more serious issues including suffering to seek help. to the wrong treatment.
depression, countless forms of In order to combat this
anxiety, eating disorders, and growing issue, students Students need to be taught more

obsessive-compulsive disorder. must be educated accurate- about mental illnesses so that they can
The stress students face each ly on mental illnesses in or- help themselves and the people around
day between school and their der to raise awareness.
personal lives has caused mental According to National
illnesses to become more promi- Alliance on Mental Illness, ten that, if a person needs guid-
nent in young adults today. one in five children ages 13- ance, there are professionals
Emotional instability is too 18 have, or will have a serious they can turn to for comfort.

often the subject of jokes when mental illness. With there being Different organizations and
it should not be. The severity a 20 percent chance of a student mental health care providers
of these illnesses and emotional having mental instabilities, they such as Lifeways Commu-
turmoils is largely misunder- need to be aware of what early nity Mental Health, A Healing
stood by people who do not ex- warning signs are. If students Place, and Allegiance Behav- Mandatory testing holds
perience them first hand. are concerned about their or ioral Health Services must be
Mental illness does not have someone elses well-being, they made aware to students. Teen- all students accountable
requirements. It can attach itself should be taught to ask a profes- agers should know where and Myranda Dillay
to someone of any race, gender, sional and not self-diagnose. who they can turn to within Senior Photographer

religion or age. Only the indi- Self-diagnosing is not reliable their community. With over 1,000 different
kinds of drugs some students
vidual experiencing the hardship because it can lead to an over Those who suffer should seek
are coming to school high.
of the affliction knows exactly or under diagnosis. Self-diag- treatment from a therapist or
One major drug high school
how they feel, therefore, others nosing can lead to a misunder- psychiatrist, and should not students have easy access to
should not attempt to discredit standing of what is truly going feel weak or ashamed for doing is marijuana.
someone elses feelings. wrong and can possibly lead to so. If in need, anyone can call Coming to school high is
These types of illnesses are the wrong treatment. 1-800-950-6264 for support. used to the advantage of
just as serious as physical sick- It should be stressed more of- keeping the normally rowdy
students calm.
However this also causes
The The Moxie Mountie is the official remain unbiased and will avoid attacking

Moxie Mountie
student produced newspaper of Northwest individual persons, instead focusing on problems with the way they think and their reaction
High School. Our paper is produced to issues.
serve students, staff and the surrounding The Moxie Mountie follows the times to certain things.
2015-2016 Staff & Policy community. While our writings aim to
appeal to students, we also cover issues that
Associated Press (AP) Stylebook. All
stories written by an individual and all
A mandatory drug test within schools would de-
Advisor: Ron Woodruff concern our entire audience. photos published in the newspaper will crease the amount of students coming to school
Editor-in-Chief: Sydney Rhines Letters to the Editor are encouraged. receive a by-line or photo-by, which are high.
If published, they will appear with the designed to give recognition to a member Student athletes are held to the expectation to not
Asst. Editors-in-Chief: Katie Arntz and authors name and grade or position. The of the newspaper staff.
Genna Barner Moxie Mountie reserves the right to edit In order to obtain a position on The Moxie do drugs or face repercussions within athletics.
Entertainment Editor: Gabe Riley
the letters for grammar, length, or content Mountie, the student interested in joining It could be as simple as taking a small hit on a joint
if necessary. The writer will be notified if the staff must provide sufficient writing
Opinion Editor: Lauren Hale drastic changes occur. experience, be recommended by the class
and they face athletic probation.
Feature Editor: Morgan Huver The opinions displayed in The Moxie advisor and an English teacher, fill out an There are students who are held to a high expec-
Mountie are not necessarily the opinions of application, and attend a closed interview tation, and the only difference between them and
Sports Editor: Lexie Khon the entire journalism staff, advisor, student with the returning staff in the spring.
News Editor: Kelsey Thomas body or administration. The class advisor In the case in which a new student from other students is that they get involved. Just as they
Photographer: Myranda Dillay
and editorial board will determine all another school wishes to be a part of the are held to this expectation all other students should
final content to be published in The Moxie newspaper staff, they must have written
Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Lee Belding Mountie, though the entire journalism staff on their previous schools newspaper and
be held to the same.
Web Editor-in-Chief: Ryleigh Wright will have a discussion on the content within their advisor will be contacted. There are so many recreational drugs, people are
the paper. The Moxie Mountie will distribute using them to keep calm.
Asst. Web Editor-in-Chief: Mike Layher As with any newsworthy topic, newspapers during selling months. During
Video Editor: Maddie Perrin controversial issues will be covered. If the these selling months, newspapers will be If athletics are held to the high standards all stu-
Journalists: Sydney Boulter, Hadley Callebs, Kaitlyn topic is questionable, the editors and the for sale during all lunches. Subscriptions dents should be.
advisor will make a decision as to whether are also available upon request through
Graves, Lindsey Huff, Rachael Kaiser, Maddie Swope, and to the topic should be covered by The the business manager.
A mandatory drug test is necessary to ensure stu-
Brooklynne Wright Moxie Mountie. The staff and writer will dents are holding to the expectations.

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