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Agave rzedowskiana, a new species in subgenus

Littaea (Agavaceae) from western Mexico


Carrillo-R., Pablo (Jardn Botanico y Herbario, Universidad Autonoma de Gua-

dalajara, Apartado postal 1-440, 44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. pcarrilloreyes@, Rito Vega-A., (Facultad de Agronoma, Universidad Autonoma de
Sinaloa, Apartado postal 726, 80000 Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. rito29@prodigy., & Raymundo Ramrez-D. (Departamento de Botanica y Zoologa, CUCBA,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Apartado postal 1-139, 45101 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Agave rzedowskiana, a new species in subgenus
Littaea (Agavaceae) from western Mexico. Brittonia 55: 240244. 2003.Agave
rzedowskiana is described and illustrated from the states of Sinaloa and Jalisco,
Mexico. This species is a member of subgenus Littaea (Tagliabue) Baker group
Striatae of Baker. It is compared with A. petrophila Garca-Mend. & E. Martnez
and A. dasylirioides Jacobi & Bouche.
Key words: Agave rzedowskiana, Agavaceae, Littaea, Mexico, Jalisco, Sinaloa.

Carrillo-R., Pablo (Jardn Botanico y Herbario, Universidad Autonoma de Gua-

dalajara, Apartado postal 1-440, 44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. pcarrilloreyes@, Rito Vega-A., (Facultad de Agronoma, Universidad Autonoma de
Sinaloa, Apartado postal 726, 80000 Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. rito29@prodigy. & Raymundo Ramrez-D. (Departamento de Botanica y Zoologa, CUCBA,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Apartado postal 1-139, 45101 Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Agave rzedowskiana, a new species in subgenus
Littaea (Agavaceae) from western Mexico. Brittonia 55: 240244. 2003.Se de-
scribe e ilustra Agave rzedowskiana de los estados de Sinaloa y Jalisco, Mexico.
La especie pertenece al subgenero Littaea (Tagliabue) Baker Grupo Striatae de
Baker. Se le compara con A. petrophila Garca-Mend. & E. Martnez y A. dasyli-
rioides Jacobi & Bouche.

During recent botanical exploration in di-glauca, lineari-triangularis vel falcata, recta vel ar-
western Mexico, we found a species of cuata, acuminata, striata, marginibus hyalinis subtiliter
denticulatis, (11)2035(50) cm longis, (0.7)0.8
Agave, that had not previously been de- 1.2(1.4) cm latis, spina terminali rigida (8)1019(
scribed; we describe it here: 23) mm longa; inflorescentia (42)70170 cm longa
(pedunculo incluso), in spicam densa; flores geminatio,
Agave rzedowskiana P. Carrillo, R. Vega infundibuliformes, (20)2223(24) mm longo, ovario
& R. Delgad, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) viridi, cylindrico, 79 mm longo, 33.5(4) mm lato,
tubo 77.5(10) mm longo, perianthii segmentis 46(
TYPE: MEXICO. Jalisco: Mun. San Cris- 8) mm longis, 24(6) mm latis, ovato-ellipticis, in-
curvatis; filamenta (22)2838(45) mm longa; cap-
tobal de la Barranca, La Mesa de los Ca- sulae subsphaericae, 713 mm longae, 69 mm latae.
ballos, 1680 m, 27 Feb 2001, P. Carrillo-
Reyes & D. Cabrera 1503 (HOLOTYPE: Plant perennial, cespitose. Stem repent to
IBUG; ISOTYPES: GUADA, MEXU, NY). 50 cm long. Rosette hemispheric, compact,
Planta perennis, caespitosa, rosula densa; folia viri- 2545(65) cm diam., 2040 cm tall, gray-

Brittonia, 55(3), 2003, pp. 240244. ISSUED: 17 July 2003

q 2003, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.

FIG. 1. Agave rzedowskiana. A. Habit. B. Leaf. C. Leaf margin, detail. D. Peduncle bract. E. Flower. F.
Flower, in longitudinal section. G. Fruits. H. Seed (From Carrillo-Reyes & Cabrera 1503, IBUG, Holotype).

FIG. 2. Distribution of Agave rzedowskiana, A. dasylirioides and A. petrophila.

ish green. Leaves 100260 in each rosette, anthesis, to 2 mm in fruit. Ovary 79 3 3

linear-triangular, straight or falcate, rigid, 3.5(4) mm, cylindric to fusiform, gla-
acuminate, striate on both surfaces, glaucous brous, slightly protruding from the perianth
or green, (11)2035(50) 3 (0.7)0.8 tube; perianth tube 77.5(10) 3 910 mm.
1.2(1.4) cm (width in the middle; leaf wid- Tepals incurved, the inner tepals slightly
est at base, to 2.1 cm); margins hyaline, mi- narrower than the outer ones, ovate-elliptic,
nutely serrulate with 1730 teeth per cm; 46(8) 3 24(6) mm, with a tuft of mi-
spines (8)1019(23) mm long, rigid, red- croscopic hairs at apex. Anther filaments
dish brown. Inflorescence including the pe- (22)2838(45) mm long, inserted at the
duncle, (42)70170 cm long, inclined to middle of the tube; anthers centric, arched,
decumbent, occasionally sinuous; fertile oblong, rounded at both extremes, 810(
portion to 1032(53) cm long, densely 12.5) mm long, yellow or brownish. Style
spicate, located in the upper 1/81/3 portion filiform, sinuate when young, straight at an-
of the scape; bracts of the peduncle 2.59 thesis 4048(51) mm. Capsules erect or
3 0.50.7 cm, widest near the base, nar- appressed, nearly deltoid in cross section,
rowed upward, acicular, pale yellow, base subspheric, 713 3 69 mm, smooth or
pale pink or pale purple, terminal spine red- verrucose, dehiscence apical; the perianth
dish brown; floral bracts triangular, 4.20.7 occasionally persistent. Seeds 2.43.1 3
cm long, the upper ones shorter, apex cau- 1.22.1 mm, hemispheric, triangular in
date, 1.93.5 3 0.60.7 cm, pale yellow, cross section, black.
base purple, persistent, longer than the flow-
Additional specimens examined: MEXICO. Jalisco:
ers. Flowers 50200 pairs per spike, fun- Mun. San Cristobal de la Barranca, La Mesa de los
nelform, greenish purple, (20)2223(24) Caballos, 1680 m, 3 Sep 2000 (fr), Carrillo-Reyes &
mm long; pedicels less than 1 mm long at Barba 1255 (IBUG); 18 Mar 2001 (fl), Carrillo-Reyes


Characters A. dasylirioides A. petrophila A. rzedowskiana

Rosette diameter (60)100200 cm 5080 cm 2545(65) cm

Growth habit single rosette cespitose cespitose
length (40)60100 cm 4070 cm (11)2035(50) cm
width 23.8 cm 0.40.9 cm (0.7) 0.81.2(1.4) cm
shape straight straight straight or falcate
Flower length (25)3035(39) mm 2025 mm 2223(24) mm
Ovary length 913 mm 710 mm 79 mm
Tube length (8)1015 mm 34 mm 77.5(10) mm
Lobe length 913 mm 911 mm 46(8) mm
Insertion of filaments middle of tube apex of tube middle of tube
Capsules (10)1520 3 69 mm 910 3 89 mm 713 3 69 mm
Habitat pine-oak forest tropical deciduous forest pine-oak forest
Elevation 19002500 m 8501300 m 16001700 m
Soil igneous calcareous igneous
Distribution San Luis Potos and Mo- Oaxaca and Guerrero Sinaloa and Jalisco

& Ramrez-Delgadillo 1540, (IBUG, IEB); [anomalous taphylis glaucescens (H.B.K.) Zucc. et
inflorescence], Carrillo-Reyes & Ramrez-Delgadillo
1541 (GUADA, IBUG, MEXU). Sinaloa: Mun. Con-
Klotz., Agarista mexicana (Hemsl.) Judd
cordia, La Petaca, 16001700 m, 19 Mar 1999 (fr), var. pinetorum (Standl. et Wms.) Judd, Aca-
Vega-Avina & Gutierrez-Garca 10000 (MEXU, cia pennatula (Schltdl. et Cham.) Benth.,
UAS); 12 Feb 2000 (fl), Vega-Avina & Gutierrez- Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., Clethra rosei Brit-
Garca 10567 (MEXU, UAS). ton, Opuntia sp., Vernonia steetzii Sch.Bip.
Distribution and ecology. Agave rze- var. aristifera (Blake) McVaugh, Ximenia
dowskiana occurs in the southern Sierra parviflora Benth., Agave guadalajarana
Madre Occidental, with disjunct popula- Trel, Agave schidigera Lem., Muhlenbergia
tions in the states of Sinaloa and Jalisco, sp., Tripsacum sp., and often Epidendrum
Mexico. It might also occur in the state of sp., Mammillaria scrippsiana (Britton et
Nayarit, between these two states (Fig. 2). Rose) Orcutt, Hechtia sp., and Selaginella
Agave rzedowskiana grows on igneous sp.
rocky slopes and cliffs at 16001700 m, in Phenology. Flowering in February
oak or oak-pine forests. In Sinaloa it occurs March; fruiting in MaySeptember.
in oak-pine forest of Quercus subspathulata Agave rzedowskiana belongs to group
Trel. and Pinus oocarpa Scheid., associated Striatae of Baker (1888), of subgen. Lit-
with Trachypogon stenophyllus Hitch., taea (Tagliabue) Baker, characterized by
Tristachya avenacea (J. Presl.) Scribn. & narrow, striate, hard and thick but firmly
Merr., Muhlenbergia scoparia Vasey, Muh- fleshed leaves, with scabrous serrulate
lenbergia alamosae Vasey, Muhlenbergia borders, and flowers without necks and the
distichophylla Kunth, Cuphea hookeriana ovary slightly protruding from the tube
Walp., Agave pedunculifera Trel., Cheilan- (Gentry, 1982).
thes angustifolia Kunth, Dalea versicolor Although the leaves of the new species
Zucc., Oxypappus scaber Benth., Asclepias resemble those of A. striata Zucc. ssp. fal-
linaria Cav., Befaria mexicana Benth., cata (Engelm.) Gentry, the floral morphol-
Gaultheria cordata M. Martens & Galeotti, ogy of the new species seems to be more
Oncidium sp., and Encyclia sp. In the state similar to A. petrophila A. Garca-Mend. &
of Jalisco, it occurs in a forest of Quercus E. Martnez and A. dasylirioides Jacobi &
resinosa Liebm., Quercus praineana Trel., Bouche, with which it shares a short floral
and Pinus oocarpa Scheid., with Comaros- tube about as long as the tepals. However

it differs from those species by its shorter Acknowledgments

and often falcate leaves and other floral We are grateful to Abisai Garca-Men-
characteristics: Agave rzedowskiana can be doza for reviewing this manuscript and
distinguished from A. dasylirioides by its valuable advice; Mollie Harker and Eduar-
habit (caespitose vs. single rosette), narrow- do Sahagun-Godnez for reviewing the En-
er leaves ((0.7)0.81.2(1.4) cm vs. 23.8 glish translation; Roberto Gonzalez-Tama-
cm), and shorter flowers (2223(24) mm yo for the Latin description; Eugenia Mara
Barba-Robert, Danae Cabrera-Toledo, E rika
vs. (25)3035(39) mm). On the other
hand the new species, shares the caespitose R. M. Guevara, J. Antonio Gutie rrez-
habit with A. petrophila, but differs in its Garca, and Luis Ortiz-Catedral for their
valuable assistance and companionship dur-
wider leaves ((0.7)0.81.2(1.4) vs. 0.4
ing fieldwork. Thanks are given to Mara
0.9 cm), longer floral tube (77.5(10) mm del Refugio Vazquez-Velasco for the illus-
vs. 34 mm) and shorter tepals (46(8) tration. We are indebted to the curators of
mm vs. 911 mm). In addition Agave rze- GUADA, IBUG, IEB, MEXU, NY, and
dowskiana has a western distribution (Si- UAS for permission to examine their her-
erra Madre Occidental) and it is known at barium collections.
16001700 m elevation (vs. 19002500 m
in A. dasylirioides and 8501300 m in A. Literature Cited
petrophila) (Table I). Baker, John G. 1888. Handbook of the Amaryllida-
ceae. George Bell & Sons, London.
Etymology. This species is named to Garca-Mendoza, A & E. Martnez S. 1998a. Una
honor Dr. Jerzy Rzedowski Rotter (b. nueva especie de Agave, subgenero Littaea (Aga-
1926), of Instituto de Ecologa, A. C., an vaceae) de Guerrero y Oaxaca, Mexico. Sida 18:
untiring collector of herbarium specimens & . 1998b. Agave petrophila Garca-
and student of the Mexican flora, who has Mend. & E. Martnez, nom. nov. (Agavaceae). Sida
made substantial contributions to the 18: 627.
Gentry, H. S. 1982. Agaves of continental North
knowledge of the flora and vegetation of America. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Ar-
Mexico. izona.

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