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Value Proposition for Youth

Global Entrepreneur is a global internship opportunity at a startup for

young people who seek to develop themselves and their career.

Value Proposition for Enablers

A cross-cultural experience where our young talent brings added value
to your venture with their entrepreneurial spirit.

Exchange Program Policies For Marke+ng Purposes

A corporate, non-governmental
Enabler or governmental entity hosting Startup
Global Entrepreneur is an opportunity the EP during the Exchange
for a young person to develop Programmes.
leadership qualities of self awareness,
solution orientation, empowering Dura+on 6 - 78 weeks 6- 12 weeks
others and world citizenship while
l i v i n g a c r o s s - c u l t u ra l s t a r t u p
experience. In Global Entrepreneur, a S+pend Paid or hosting provided Non -paid
young person works abroad in a startup
with entrepreneurs to advance their An opportunity for an EP to
goals and grow. develop entrepreneurial and
Primary responsible leadership by living Professional experience
purpose a cross-cultural professional
developmental experience.

* Please note that in the table you have showed the product demands based on compendium (XPP) which
For more informa+on about the product branding go to cannot be modify and are minimum for the product. The Marke+ng Purposes column is a guide on how to
page 35 of Blue Book - posi+on product externally based on trends which are currently present in the organiza+on.

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