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Lesson Plan

Duration: 15 minutes

Audience: New York Presbyterian/Queens-Food and Nutrition Department

-Dietary Workers, Food Service Managers and Registered Dietitians.

Overall Goal: The benefits of a high fiber diet for a healthy digestive tract
Title: Keep things moving- Eating for a Healthy Digestive System

Domain: Cognitive
Objective Be able to choose high fiber foods by reading the food label.
Level: Application
Learning Experience:
1. Fiber Overview handout.
2. Fiber Content of Common Foods handouts: total fiber content, insoluble and soluble fiber
3. Food labels

Domain: Affective
Objective Compare and contrast high fiber foods for low fiber foods, within a meal.
Level: Organization
Learning Experience:
1. Low fiber meals and how using alternative high fiber foods can increase the fiber content of a

Domain: Psychomotor
Objective: Taste a high fiber alternative
Level: Perception
Learning Experience: Bring in a high fiber whole wheat wafers

Materials and Resources: Provide wafers for the audience to sample, Fiber Content of Common
Foods handouts, Fiber questionnaire, and Fiber Overview handout.
Evaluation Method and Results (show data and analyze data): Fiber questionnaire quiz with 6
questions to determine if they learned the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The
results were analyzed and 9 out of the 24 participants did not answer 1 or 2 of the 6 questions
correctly. The 2 main question that 9 participants either did not answer correctly or left blank
was, 1) True/False: There is no such thing as too much fiber. The six of them wrote true.
2) Which of these foods contains the least amount of fiber?
a) peanuts
b) white bread
c) kidney beans
d) apple
The second question, five participants out of nine all gave the same incorrect answer-peanuts;
these participants may have copied their responses from each other.
Fiber Questionnaire:

1) What is the adequate fiber intake for men between the ages of 19 and 50 years old?

a) 25 grams
b) 34 grams
c) 38 grams
d) 28 grams

2) What is the adequate fiber intake for women between the ages of 19 and 50 years old?

a) 38 grams
b) 24 grams
c) 21 grams
d) 25 grams

3) True/ False: Eating the skin or peel of fruits and vegetables provides a greater dose of fiber

a) true
b) false

4) True/ False: There is no such thing as too much fiber.

a) True
b) False

5) Which of these foods contains the least amount of fiber?

a) peanuts
b) white bread
c) kidney beans
d) apple
6) What is one high fiber food that you will consider adding to your diet? Specify that food.
a) vegetable
b) legume
c) grain
d) fruit

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