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Supply Chain Management System


Christopher Yahchouchi

Kamel Labban

Majed Assafiri

Instructor: Dr. Manal Yunis

January 2015

Lebanese American University

Supply Chain Management System Description: ........................................................................ 3
Supply chain Management system Relational Schema: ........................................................... 4
Supply Chain Management System ER-Diagram: ....................................................................... 5

Supply Chain Management System Description

Our project consists of a supply chain management database. It depicts the

relationship between a supplier, a manufacturer and retail stores. The first actor supplies

to the manufacturer raw materials (cotton, leather). The manufacturer gathers all the

raw material and develops products (jackets, pants) that are then sold to retail stores.

Our database was developed for the manufacturer. Here the manufacturer can keep track

of the raw materials he buys from different suppliers and the order placed and the

products manufactured using the raw materials and the products each retailer buys

including the retailers order. Manufacturers will update the table dynamically depending

on the products, raw materials, suppliers and retailers. This table can help a manufacturer

increase productivity and time management. The database will facilitate the identification

of necessities when placing an order or when receiving one for the products developed.

The manufacturer can know on which dates what raw materials where bought and on

what day a specific product that is made from specific raw materials that come from

specific suppliers. This database is useful and can be used even as an archive where we

can see all the retailers the manufacturer sold to and all the suppliers they work with. A

database is a logical relation between information, so the supply chain database will also

help the manufacturer keeping up with the jobs at hand and increase the efficiency and

effectiveness of the company. It ameliorates the day-to-day duties and jobs and provides

the user with better organization because the database can answer all the questions and

queries needed to facilitate the task at hand such as placing an order or sending out

products and so on. It is a necessary component in a manufacturing company. A company

cant keep doing business and improve their products and services without the use of a

database. The database should be centralized, and every change or addition or deletion

that happens should be seen on it. A supply chain management database is a guide in the

workspace and a guide for future trends and future products. You need the past and

present transactions and information in order to keep going strong in the future and the

database is the right way to go. Efficiency, effectiveness, time management and

organization are the functions that make a database crucial.

Supply chain Management system Relational Schema

Supply Chain Management System ER-Diagram

Supply Chain System January 11, 2015

Supplier ID


Supplier Name

Item name

Supplier own


Raw Material


Product ID

Retailer ID Retailer Manufacturer
Product Name

Retailer's Invoice
Retailer name Cost Quantity

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