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Process of Consideration for a

More Restrictive Setting

The Law Requires the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE):
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that students with
disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive
environment (LRE). Specifically, the law states: "to the maximum extent appropriate, children
with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are
educated with children who are not disabled, and special classes, separate schooling, or other
removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only
when the nature or severity of the disability of a child is such that education in regular classes
with the uses of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily."

Basically, what this means is that students with disabilities must not be needlessly separated
from their non-disabled peers during the school day. It also means they must be allowed to
receive educational and related services in settings with their non-disabled peers to the
maximum extent possible while still having their unique individual needs met. Disabled
students should only be educated separately from their non-disabled peers when doing so
would allow them to receive an appropriate education. The term least restrictive environment is
used to describe the degree of inclusion students with disabilities experience during the school
day (i.e., the extent to which they are included in activities with non-disabled peers).

Rationale for the Least Restrictive Environment:

When making placement decisions, Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams must consider the
child's needs first before deciding which of a continuum of special education placements would
be appropriate for the child. The continuum of special education placements includes general
education with weekly monitoring from a special education teacher, general education with
daily consultation from a special education teacher, general education with special education
services and supports which are aligned with the general education curriculum, general
education with special education services provided for part of the day in a resource room or a
special education classroom, self-contained special education classroom, therapeutic day
school, residential school or treatment facility, hospital, detention facility or home instruction.

Process and Directions

I. Prior to scheduling a meeting with the building corresponding special education program coordinator, the
Case Manager (CM) will ensure that the following steps have been taken:

The student is currently receiving special education services in the special

education setting for half or more of his/her school day INFORMATION
The school has considered the whole range of supplemental supports.
A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)/Social Learning Profile (SLP) has been
A Positive Behavioral Support Plan (PBSP) has been completed/implemented.
There is documentation with supporting DATA of successful/unsuccessful special
education programming for at least the last 6 weeks. DATA FORMS & aides and
services, including resource room or program support and in-district consultants (e.g.,
program coordinators, behavior interventionist, behavior analyst, and equity specialist).
The student is demonstrating a significant lack of progress on current IEP goals
and objectives.
There are curricular needs and/or instructional services that are highly specialized
and they cannot be provided in the current setting.

II. The CM will schedule a problem solving meeting with the Special Education Coordinator and *only* the
school building team to discuss following:

A. Review of Current Status

1. IEP goals/objectives: Are they realistic and meaningful to the student? Is the student
making progress? Review data that demonstrates lack of progress and needs that cannot
be met in their current setting. Is the student struggling in an area not identified in the
2. Current FBA/SLP and PBSP: Is the Behavior Plan Current? Is the Behavior Plan working?
3. Outside community agencies? Medications? Diagnoses?
4. Attendance concerns?
5. Cultural/First Language considerations?
6. Environmental or family stressors (e.g., homelessness, grief and loss, chemical

B. Discussion of Needs/Services:

1. Where is the student experiencing success during his/her school day? Can the team
build more of whats working into his/her schedule?
2. What are the times of day the student is having the most difficulty? Frequency,
duration, and intensity of the behaviors? What are the suspected reasons the behavior
escalates at these times?
3. What function is met by these behaviors? What supports can be put in place?
4. What is being done to teach new replacement behaviors?
5. What positive supports does the student need to be successful in his/her current
6. What does staff need in order to support the student?
7. What changes will be made to the behavior plan?
8. Other ideas:

C. Action Plan:

1. Are revisions needed for the IEP? Yes No

Name of Person Responsible:____________________________

Summary of Revisions:
2. Date/s of parent contact to explain current concerns about change in student behavior
(do not mention a change of placement, only current concerns), e.g. Hello Mrs. X. Im
calling to share a concern I have about Johnny. Ive observed that hes xxx. Some things
that Im trying include xxx. I will be consulting with our problem solving team for more
ideas. I wanted to let you know what Im seeing. I will follow up with you when I have
more information and data collected. Document parent conversations in IC Contact

Date/s of contact:____________________________________________________

3. Set a reasonable timeline to implement new supports and follow-up date for the team
discussion of progress?

Length of time for supports: ____________________________

Follow up meeting date: _______________________________

III. If after adjusting supports and interventions the data reflects the need for a
more restrictive setting, the CM will contact the DPF and send the collected DATA.
The DPF will then send the CM the Process for Consideration of Moving a Student to
a More Restrictive Setting Checklist and the CM will complete. The Special Education
Leadership Team (SELT) will review the completed checklist to determine if a change
of placement is warranted.

The CM will request the Process for Consideration of Moving a Student to a More
Restrictive Setting Checklist from the DPF.
The CM will complete Checklist (include electronic copies of data that shows
interventions and results) and share this completed information with Coordinator.
SELT will review to determine whether a change of placement is appropriate based
on student data and case information.
*SELT typically meets one time per week. Please note that response time could take up to 6 school days
based on when your information is received. Please set expectations accordingly.

IV. If there are no other recommendations or questions, SELT will support new
placement request.

A. The case manager will contact parent to schedule a meeting to explain new

1. The current case manager invites the new case manager of the receiving team to
attend a meeting.

B. At the intake meeting, the team will discuss any significant changes and
suggested revisions to the IEP.

1. A Prior Written Notice (PWN) will be drafted to include discussed changes, updates,
and revisions to the IEP.
2. If parent is in agreement, the team will determine a start date of the new placement.
3. If applicable, the team will discuss a transition plan for the student, which may include
having the student see the program or building prior to his/her first day of school.

C. The current CM will:

1. Make all agreed-upon changes and updates to the IEP, finalize the PWN, and obtain
parent signature.
2. Complete and submit the transportation form.
3. Request building/counseling secretary to update enrollment and send student records
to receiving school/Student Information.
4. The CM will request the DPF to provide technology rights to new CM in Infinite

D. The Special Education Supervisor will notify the building administrator and
special education
team of start date for incoming student.

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