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Lesson 1 Mathematic Number and Algebra Students will identify points on the Cartesian Plane from
s Given coordinates, plot points on the the data on heights of native plants
Cartesian Plane, and find coordinates for
a Students will plot points from the acquired tabular data
given point (ACMNA178) on the Cartesian Plane.
Investigate, interpret and analyse graphs Students will draw graphs on the plotted points to help
from authentic data (ACMNA180) them to interpret the data.
Describe and interpret data displays using (Learning Maps: students learn by mapping out
median, mean and range (ACMSP172) processes using visuals and graphic maps and learn to
Creates and displays number patterns; interpret these visuals)
graphs and analyses linear relationships; Visualize in graphs the difference in height between
and performs transformations on the centimetres and metres.
Students will measure the dimensions of their body to
Cartesian plane (MA4-11NA)
create a data table and plot the values on the Cartesian
Communicates and connects
mathematical ideas using appropriate
(Non-Verbal: students engage in hand-on activities of
terminology, diagrams and symbols (MA4-
measuring the dimensions of their body to graph them
on the Cartesian Plane)
Recognises and explains mathematical
relationships using reasoning (MA4-3WM)

Lesson 2 Number and Algebra Students will create a plan of action on their project
Mathematic Money and Financial Mathematics based learning of creating a school medicinal garden.
s Connect fractions, decimals and Aboriginal culture emphasized on the preparing and
percentages and carry out simple planning criteria before a ceremony.
conversions (ACMNA157) Students will immerse in preparing and planning the
Investigate and calculate best buys with resources needed to create the school medicinal garden.
and without digital technologies (Land-Links: Students will be inspired by the medicinal
(ACMNA174) herb garden at the Grantham Heritage Park to recreate a
solves financial problems involving medicinal herb garden at their school)
purchasing goods (MA4-6NA) Students will use the statistical data from the previous
lesson to inform them better towards planning their
project on planting the native garden and growing the
herbal medicinal plants. Practical implementations of the
task will engage the students towards their project
based learning.
Students will create a project proposal to be presented
to the school principal on the cost, resources and time
involved to help create the school medicinal garden
where the statistical data will be used to justify their
claims to create the medicinal garden in the school
(Non-Linear: Students will explore strategies through
use of land, symbols and images, and non-verbal
actions, students will learn through this project to
understand what works for them and what they will put
into practice)
Site Details Site Description
Grantham Heritage Park Grantham Heritage Park was originally occupied by Aboriginal
71 Seven Hills Road South peoples of the Western Cumberland Plain who referred to
Seven Hills NSW 2147 themselves as the Darug nation. The three Mobs of the
Blacktown area included, Gomerigal (South Creek),
Wawarawarry (Eastern Creek) and Warmuli (Prospect). From
1917 to 1988, Grantham was a poultry farm and in 2004 was
purchased by Blacktown City Council and is now recognised as
a unique community resource. Over the years, Grantham
developed a Sustainability Education Centre, a community
garden which includes bush tucker and medicinal herbs and
an outdoor classroom with access to the garden as well as
providing sustainable living workshops and environmental
education. Grantham has also formed partnerships with TAFE
NSW and now offer horticulture and eco-living courses.

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