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Instrumental Music Report Card

*= Benchmark (where we want students to be)

1 2 3* 4
Not Meeting Approaching Meeting Standard Exceeding Standard
Standard Standard (Benchmark Level)
Student rarely meets Sometimes meets Identifies and demonstrates understanding of note names, rhythms and Meets and often
expectations listed at expectations listed at expressive markings using their voice and instruments exceeds expectations
benchmark level benchmark level listed at benchmark
Student rarely meets Sometimes Proficiently notates music using Traditional Western symbols and terms Demonstrates above-
expectations listed at demonstrates an level understanding of
benchmark level adequate level of music notation.
understanding of
music notation
Student rarely meets Sometimes Demonstrates proficiency in most of the following: Demonstrates above-
expectations listed at demonstrates Embouchure level proficiency in
benchmark level proficiency in the Tone Production the skills listed at
skills listed at Drum/mallet grip/control benchmark level
benchmark level Posture
Hand position
Musical expression
Techniques specific to their instrument
Practices less than 30 Practices between 30 Demonstrates evidence of an established practice routine Consistently exceeds
minutes per week and 80 minutes per Practices 80 to 120 minutes per week. 120 minutes per week

Student rarely meets Sometimes meets Consistently comes prepared with instrument, book and/or pencil Demonstrates perfect
expectations listed at expectations listed at class preparation
benchmark level benchmark level
Student rarely meets Sometimes meets Demonstrates consistent effort, behavior and self-control in the Demonstrates above-
expectations listed at expectations listed at following: level social skills
benchmark level benchmark level Shows consideration and respect for others listed at benchmark
Stays focused in group and independent work level
Follows classroom rules and procedures
Listens to instructions and participates in classroom activities

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