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Ranger Alpha
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Type
3 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 4+ Infantry

Refractor Field: A refractor field confers a 5+ invulnerable save.

Skitarii Ranger
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Type
3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ Infantry

Weapon Range S AP Type
Galvanic Rifle 30" 4 4 Rapid Fire, Precision
Arc Rifle 24" 6 5 Rapid Fire, Haywire
Transuranic Arquebus 60" X 3 Heavy 1, Armourbane,


Doctrina Imperatives
Feel No Pain 6+
Move Through Cover
Pinning (Sniper)
Rending (Sniper)

Vanguard Alpha
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Type
3 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 4+ Infantry

Skitarii Vanguard
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Type
3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+ Infantry

Weapon Range S AP Type
Radium carbine 18" 3 5 Assault 3, Rad Poisoning

Rad Poisoning: When firing a weapon that has this special rule, a To Wound
roll of 6
causes 2 Wounds on the target unit, regardless of the targets Toughness.
Each Wound is
allocated and saved against separately.


Doctrina Imperatives
Feel No Pain 6+

Rad-saturation: While a unit is locked in combat with one or more models

with this special rule all models in that unit subtract 1 from their Toughness
(to a minimum of 1).

At the start of your Movement phase, you can choose up to one Doctrina
Imperative from the list below. Protector Imperatives will increase the armys
abilities in the Shooting phase, while Conqueror Imperatives will make the
army more proficient in the Assault phase. Unless otherwise stated, each
Doctrina Imperative can only be used once during the game.

Hazard Optimisation (Gamma)
Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 1 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic.

Gundrill Symbiosis (Beta)

Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 2 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic, but
subtract 1 from
their Weapon Skill characteristic.

Binharic Omniscience (Alpha)

Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 3 to their Ballistic Skill characteristic, but
subtract 2 from
their Weapon Skill characteristic.

Mindstate Secutor (Gamma)
Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 1 their Weapon Skill characteristic.

Technomartyr Concords (Beta)

Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 2 to their Weapon Skill characteristic, but
subtract 1 from
their Ballistic Skill characteristic.

Hyperaction Protocols (Alpha)

Until the start of your next turn, all models in friendly units with the Doctrina
Imperatives special rule add 3 to their Weapon Skill characteristic, but
subtract 2 from
their Ballistic Skill characteristic.

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