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Vault of Sarkath Han MOVE 8

Hit Points: 12
Your characters are in the Inn of the Broken Damage Bonus: +1d4
Blade, a popular hangout in the village of Aradoc in Attacks: Broadsword 93% 1d8+1+db,
the Southern Reaches. You have struck up a Small Shield 43% 20HP,
conversation with one Havnor the Strong, a large, Light Crossbow 73% 1d6+2
blocky, good-humored type with a problem. Skills: Brawl 48, Dodge 76, Ride 93, Throw 53,
Havnor has just returned from an adventure Navigate 45, Insight 60, Listen 40, Search 35, Track
in which he was seeking a dead lords horde. He 45.
returned, but the rest of his party did not. He has Armor: Mail, no helmet 1d8
nothing to show for it but a map one of his dying Equipment: Horse.
comrades shoved into his hands as a last bequest. It
seems the dying comrade wanted to use the grave- SANGOR THE SORCERER is a slim, nattily-
looting expedition to fund an expedition to the spot robed magician. He has had some experience and is
on the map. in need to recoup his fortunes. He is particularly
Do you want the map? Havnor will gladly proud of his new wizard's staff which he spent all his
join you on the expedition, or sell you the map for funds on. He is a male, 30 year-old human Sorcerer.
1000 bronzes. If you want to Bargain, he will settle L15/B5/S25
for 600 bronzes on a success. STR 10
The map shows the way from Aradoc to the CON 14
Three Sisters mountains. On the back of the map is SIZ 9
the floor-plan of the vault of Sarkath Han. INT 15
If you need some companions on this POW 17
perilous journey the following NPCs are available. DEX 15
APP 12
HAVNOR THE STRONG you have already MOVE 8
met. In his short adventuring career he already has a Hit Points: 12
reputation as a sturdy follower, always ready in a Damage Bonus: +0
fight and to follow orders. He is a male, 25 year-old Attacks: Quarterstaff 85% 1d8+db
human Mercenary. L15/B5/S25 Skills: Dodge 75, Ride 60, Bargain 51, Oratory 31,
STR 16 Evaluate 43, Nature 63, Other Language (Elven) 38,
CON 10 Potions 48, World Lore 83, Insight 62, Sense 52,
SIZ 13 Search 47
INT 10 Spells: Flames of the Sun (4), Heal (2), Summon
POW 9 Fire Elemental (1), Wrack (1)
DEX 14 Armor: Soft Leather, no helmet 1d4-1
APP 10 Equipment: Grimoire, Wizard's Staff
Damage Bonus: +0
RUGBEL THE THIEF is a sandy-haired, shifty- Attacks: Broadsword 55% 1d8+1+db,
eyed rogue. Sangor vouches for him. He tends to be Long Spear 35%, 1d10+1+db
a whiner, but there are few thieves who can match Skills: Ride 51, Evaluate 54, Nature 84, Other
his sure-footed expertise, or so he says. He is male, Languages (Dwarven) 49, (Elven) 49, World Lore
23 year-old human thief. L5/B25/S15 84, Physik 59, Craft (Scrolls) 31, Scribe 66, Insight
STR 12 43,
CON 11 Armor: Soft Leather, no helmet 1d4-1
SIZ 13 Equipment: Notebooks and pens. Maps and
INT 13 telescope.
POW 14
DEX 17 ENDRAS BEARKILLER is fresh off the farm. He
APP 11 killed a bear and bought some good armor. He is
MOVE 8 male 17 year old human farmer. L15/B25/S5
Hit Points: 12 STR 14
Damage Bonus: +1d4 CON 16
Attacks: Shortsword 61%, 1d6+1+db SIZ 12
Dagger 91%, 1d4+2+db INT 11
Skills: Climb 66, Dodge 60, Disguise 61, Fast Talk POW 8
41, Hide 69, Move Quietly 69, Pick Lock 54, DEX 10
Insight 41, Listen 41, Search 46, APP 10
Armor: Soft Leather, no helmet 1d4-1 MOVE 8
Hit Points: 14
SHERL THE SCRIBE is a young student anxious Damage Bonus: +1d4
to increase her learning in lore and languages, and in Attacks: Brawl 80%, 1d3+db
need of funds to finance her education. She can also Timber Axe 55%, 1d8+2+db
demonstrate a ready hand with sword and spear. She Small Shield 45% 20HP,
is female, 25 year-old human Scribe. L25/B15/S5 Skills: Ride 82, Throw 52, Wrestle 52, Nature 51,
STR 12 World Lore 40, Craft (Carpenter) 30, Listen 63,
CON 15 Sense 43, Search 48
SIZ 10 Armor: Leather and Rings, no helmet 1d6
INT 17
POW 14 Background Information
DEX 12 Sarkath Han was a famous wizard and necromancer
APP 9 two hundred years ago. He is reputed to have died
MOVE 8 then, but no body was ever seen.
Hit Poimts: 13 The Troll Bridge is the only way over the
rushing river. It used to be a way station of the The Three Sisters are in the Trollhome Mountains,
Empire, but now is guarded by trolls. so called because the troll race reputedly started
The Three Sisters are a mountain formation there. However, there is no sign of trolls about. The
which, looked at from a certain angle, appears like reason becomes obvious with a successful Search
three women, The three mountains are called the roll.
Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. A pair of Griffin (MW p.179) have taken the area.
They are large, mean and hungry, they will gladly
First Encounter feast on horse or man.
The trip is uneventful until the party reaches If slain and tracked back to their lair, the
Dragonwing Pass high in the Manticore Mountains. seekers will find a couple of corpses. One of them
Roll d100, on 01-50, the party is attacked by four has a bright sword in a ripped scabbard. With Witch
Manticores (MW p.187). The manticores will fly Sight it is revealed that the broadsword has Sorcerer's
out of the sun at the part as they ride along a fairly Razor 4 and Reflection 9 spell in it. There is also
clear area in the pass. The manticores are after meat. about 130bzs worth of coins scattered about the
They will attack the horses first. If they kill one, nest.
they will leave the fight and collect their prey after
the party moves on. Vault of Sarnath Han
If the die roll was 51-00, roll again. If this The situation at the vault is not quite as pictured on
roll is 01-50, four manticores attack the party while the floor-plan. Keen-eyed members of the party
they are camped for the night. Unless a Search roll is (those having Search rolls) will see that troll tracks
made, the manticores will be on the horses before lead up to the entrance of the vault. The double
the party is aware of them. The manticores will bronze doors at the entrance have been broken and
follow the same tactics as stated above. hang crookedly ajar, and that a pit trap in front of
the doors is open.
Troll Bridge Going up to the entrance will show that the
When the party reach the Troll Bridge, they will be pit trap contains the body of a Lesser Orc (MW
in for a big surprise. The bridge is guarded by elves p.193). A Listen roll at the door will hear a strident
(MW p.174). They will be just as greedy about snoring. Someone looking into the doorway will see
collecting a toll, but less likely to want it in blood. a pile of rock where the deadfall trap is supposed to
They are all seasoned warriors, at least 75% with be, and with a Search roll, will see a small orc foot
their bows and swords, and there are about 20 of sticking out of the pile of rocks.
them. They will boast of driving out the trolls, The trolls have found the vault (that's why
though there is no sign of a major battle. If asked, they abandoned the bridge), and a small band of
they will say the trolls went off in the same direction them and their orc slaves are still occupying the
the party is heading. place. They have made a few changes to the floor-
Trollhome After the pit and the deadfall killed two of
their orcs, the trolls had their compatriots dig around If the adventurers make three successful
and into the body of the vault, as shown on the Move Quietly rolls to get by the doors, climb over
floor-plan. When the adventurers arrive, there are the rock pile, and approach the guard, he will not
up to four trolls and up to eight lesser orcs still in wake up, and the party will have complete surprise.
residence. The Chronicler should tailor the number If he does wake up, the other trolls and orcs will be
of inhabitants to be about two more than the ready to fight in 1d6+2 melee rounds, roll for each
number of people in the party. inhabitant. They will fight the adventurers, doing
The trolls are average for their race. their best to force the party out of the vault.
However their leader is Keentusk the Sorcerer Troll.
Skeletal Guardians
Keentusk the Sorcerer Troll L5/B15/S25 Because the orcs burrowed around to the main
STR 16 storehouse, they never fell into the second pit trap,
CON 12 nor opened the doors to the storehouse. Thus, they
SIZ 11 are entirely unaware of the 4-8 (decide based on size
INT 12 of party) skeletal guardians (MW p.197) in the secret
POW 16 Guard Room. These will come out only if the pit or
DEX 14 door opens.
APP 15 The skeletal guardians use broadswords,
Move: 8 medium shields and wear Mail 1d8. They will attack
Hit Points: 12 the nearest standing person, whether troll or human,
Damage Bonus: +1d4 and first sweep to the pit edge, then move out to the
Attacks: Staff 65 %, 2d8+db vault entrance, and go to the doors of the
Spells: Agony (2), Muddle (1), Sorcerer's Hammer storehouse, jumping the pit, and entering the
(3) storehouse if the doors are open. Only if the entire
Skills: Bargain 43, Evaluate 41, Nature 101, Other corridor and storehouse are cleared will the skeletal
Language (Common) 42, (Draconic) 46, (Elven) 46, guardians enter the troll tunnel, and they will not do
Potions 66, World Lore 81, Move Quietly 37, that unless there is a standing foe in the tunnel.
Scribe 67, Insight 51, Darksense/Search 56,
Darksense/Sense 56, Track 26 Secret Vault
Armor: Skin 1d3-1, Hard Leather, no helmet 1d6- The trolls also never found the secret vault. The
1 party, having the map, can open the secret door.
This will give them a view into the room and the
Items: Grimoire, Wizard's Staff
sight of the pentacle drawn on the floor of the
alcove leading to the room.
When the adventurers arrive, one orc is supposed to
Anyone crossing this pentacle (whether on
be on guard duty in the mouth of the tunnel they
the ground or in the air) will trigger the demons.
dug in the vault. He is asleep. Being nocturnal, so
There are one or two demons, Chronicler's choice.
are Keentusk and the other trolls and orcs.
They will attack anyone who has crossed the
pentacle, no matter where they are now. They will
also attack anyone who attacks them, including
spells or archery.
At the same moment the demons appear, the
person with the highest current POW will find a
small voice in his mind asking Who are you? This
is the Ghost of Sarkath Han (MW p. 175). He wants
the party to burn his magic books, which are in the
secret vault. If they promise to do so, he will dismiss
the demons. If they refuse, he will attack in spirit
combat with a POW of 25. Burning his books will
free his ghost to go to his eternal reward.

The trolls have about 5000 bronzes in assorted
treasures. It will take fully-loaded horses to get it all
The secret vault has 2d100 silver coins,
50d100 bronzes, and ten jewels of various types.
They are worth 20x1d100 bronzes each.
There are also six items besides the books
and the censer Sarkath Han has been inhabiting for
the last two hundred years: a Melnibone Bone Bow
10% 2d6+1+1/2 db 200 yards 12hp str11/dex12,
Pendant of Fire (MW p.231), a crystal ball used for
scrying, a suit of Mithral chain 1d8 with no skill
penalty, a pair of demon-hide boots +30% Jump,
Demon-bound Staff.

End of the Scenario

Or is it? Are the elves going to want a cut of the loot? There
are still manticores in Dragonwing Pass, and maybe griffins
in the immediate vicinity if they haven't been killed already.
Does the Empire of Irwan tax the profits of its adventurers?
This can only be the beginning of the adventures of
this hardy band. Carry on, into the wilds and wonders of
Magic World!

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