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Steps in Creating a Hyborian age adventurer

Follow the steps outlined on p 30-31 of the Elric! rulebook are in effect, with the following provisions:
1. As is up to three sets of 2d6+6.
2. As is, but include additional stat rolls. Pick a cultural background from the following pages and apply bonuses.
3. Ignore
4. As is
5. As is
6. As is from the following pages, ignoring spells.
7. As is
8. As is, with use of Younger/Older rules and replacing bronzes with silver pieces.
9. Ignore, add 1D6 points of allegiance and reputation (+1 per extra 5 years of age). Pick a reputation.
10. As is, replacing bronzes with silver pieces.
11. Replace with equipment, beast, etc.

The following weapons are not used - Filkharian Pike, Staff Sling, Lormyrian Axe, Melnibonan Bone Bow, Desert Bow.
Add the following weapons:
name base % damage hands hp length impales? parry? STR/DEX class cost
Knife, Ghanata 15 1d6+db 1H 15 short, medium yes yes 8/8 2 250
Knife, Zhaibar 15 1d6+1+db 1H 20 short, medium yes yes 10/10 2 400
Poniard 25 1d4+2+db 1H 18 short yes yes 8/9 2 150
Tulwar 10 2d6+db 2H 20 medium yes yes 15/13 3 650
Sword Pommel 20 1d4+db* 1H short no no 1
War Club 25 1d10+db 2H 22 medium no yes 12/9 5 300
Bardiche 15 2d4+1+db 2H 15 long yes yes 10/9 10 200
Bill 15 1d8+2+db 2H 15 long yes yes 12/8 10 150
Pike 15 1d10+2+db 2H 15 long yes yes 11/7 10 150
Poleaxe 15 3d6+db 2H 25 long yes yes 13/9 9 250
* Only does damage against helmeted foes.

name base % damage range attacks hp impales? parry? STR/DEX class cost
Arbalest 20 3d6+1 75 1/4 10 yes no 13/11 25 500
Crossbow 20 2d4+2 50 1/2 6 yes no 7/9 25 400
Bow, Bossonian 10 1d12+db 150 1 15 yes no 14/12 25 600
Bow, Hyrkanian 10 1d8+2+db 100 1 10 yes no 13/11 25 250
Bow, Shemite 10 1d10+db 150 1 10 yes no 13/10 25 300
Bow, Stygian 10 2d6+db 75 1 12 yes no 14/10 25 500

The following armors are not used: Sea Leather, Barbarian Leather & Wood, Pan Tangian Plate, and Melnibonean Plate.
Young Kingdoms plate is just full plate. Add the following armors:
name helm on helm off burden SIZ fit? affects skill? rounds to put on cost
(helm / no helm)
Quilted Jerkin 1d3 1d3-1 light 4 / 1 50
Leather Jerkin 1d4 1d4-1 light 2 / 1 75
Mail Shirt 1d8 1d8-1 moderate 2 15% / 10% 1 350
Scale Corselet 1d6+1 1d6-1 light 1 25% / 20% 2 300
Mail Hauberk 2d4 2d4-1 moderate 1 20% / 15% 2 500
Brigantine Coat 1d8+1 1d8 moderate 1 25% / 10% 4 600

Fate Points
Each character begins with three fate points. Heres what they can be used for:
Shifting a dice rolled by one level, up or down. Fumble > Failure > Success > Special Success > Critical.
Maximizing the amount of damage a weapon can roll for one hit, which shatters the weapon.
Maximizing the amount of protection armor ensures.
Maximizing the die roll when a skill result calls for one (for example, Physick).
Adding a twist of fate, perhaps useful, that allows the character some advantage (but may go wrong).
When the character is killed, spending a fate point will allow him or her to be left for dead, restored to 1 hit point
but otherwise unconscious and apparently dead.
Hyborian: Hyborians are the most common race in Hyboria. The people of Aquilonia, Brythunia, Corinthia, Khauran,
Koth, Khoraja, Nemedia, Ophir, and the Border Kingdoms are Hyborians, though they identify with their country of
origin over their shared lineage. Hyborians are generally fair-to-medium complexioned, with hair ranging from fair
blonde to jet black. Eye color ranges from dark to light.
Religion: Most Hyborians worship Mitra, though some Hyborians pay worship to gods from neighboring
kingdoms such as Shem. Many Hyborian kingdoms are tolerant of lesser faiths, as well. However, Kothians and
Khaurans worship Ishtar and the Shemite gods instead of Mitra, and Ophir follows suit but continues to worship
Mitra. Nemedians worship Ibis, the moon-god, as well as Mitra.
Racial Bonuses: Add +1 to two attributes of your choice. Add +20% to Heraldry and Hyborian Age, one other
language, and add +20% to one other skill as a personal specialty.
Occupations: Bandit, Beggar, Craftsperson, Hunter, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Paid Assassin, Peasant,
Physician, Scribe, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Tax Collector, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Hyborians automatically speak the language of their homeland and at least one other language.
Other languages they speak are from neighboring kingdoms likeAquilonian, but also other tongues such as
Argossean, Brythunian, Corinthian, Hyperborean, Kothic, Nemedian, Ophirian, Pictish, Shemitish, Stygian,
Zamorian, and Zingaran.
Argossean or Barachan: Argosseans are famed for being the worlds best sailors. They were once Hyborian,
but have since bred into the Shemitish lines, and are often stocky and blonde. Many of their numbers have settled the
Barachan Islands, havens for piracy.
Religion: Argosseans worship Mitra, and are tolerant of other faiths, including Shemitish and Kothic gods.
Racial Bonuses: Add +1 to CON and DEX. Add +20% to Climb, Navigate, Sailing, and Swim.
Occupations: Bandit, Craftsperson, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Peasant, Physician, Pirate, Sailor, Scribe,
Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Tax Collector, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Argosseans automatically speak Argossean. Other languages they speak are Aquilonian, Black Coast,
Kothic, Ophirian, Shemitish, Stygian, and Zingaran.
Bossonian: The yeomen of the Bossonian Marches are famed archers and staunch defenders of the Hyborian
kingdoms against the menaces of the Pictish Wilderness and the hillmen of Cimmeria. Bossonia is closely allied with
Aquilonia (it is essentially an Aquilonian province), though Bossonians range the whole of Hyboria as mercenary archers.
Religion: Bossonians worship the new god Mitra, though some still worship their old god Bori.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to CON. Add +20% to the Dodge, Natural World, Track, and Bossonian bow skills.
Occupations: Bandit, Craftsperson, Hunter, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Peasant, Physician, Shaman, Small
Trader, Soldier, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Bossonians automatically speak Aquilonian. Other languages they speak are Cimmerian,
Nordheimer, Pictish, Nemedian, and Zingaran.
Cimmerian: Cimmerians are descended from ancient Atlanteans, and have dark hair and pale eyes. Moody and grim,
fierce and fatalistic, these mountain folk rarely leave their gloomy homeland of Cimmeria. They are famed as climbers.
Religion: Cimmerians worship Crom, though they regard him as little other than a grim overseer to their fates.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to STR and SIZ, subtract 1 from INT and APP. Add +20% to the Brawl and Natural
World skills. Add +40% to the Climb skill.
Occupations: Barbarian, Bandit, Craftsperson, Hunter, Peasant, Shaman, Troubadour.
Languages: Cimmerians automatically speak Cimmerian. Other languages they speak are Aquilonian,
Brythunian, Hyperborean, Nordheimer, and Pictish.
Gunderman: Gundermen are the purest-blooded of the Hyborian line. Theyre tawny-haired and pale-eyed, usually
fair-skinned. They are fiercely independent, despite being an Aquilonian province, and they are regarded as rustic and
pastoral, though excellent warriors.
Religion: Gundermen worship the new god Mitra, though some still worship their old god Bori.
Racial Bonuses: Add +1 to CON and POW. Add +20% to the Craft, Repair, the Pike weapon skill, and another
skill as a personal specialty.
Occupations: Bandit, Craftsperson, Hunter, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Peasant, Physician, Shaman, Small Trader,
Soldier, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Gundermen automatically speak Aquilonian. Other languages they speak are as for Bossonians.
Hyperborean: Hyperboreans are pale of hair and skin, gaunt and big-boned. They are mysterious and reclusive,
thought to have violent tempers and an unwholesome worship. Their language makes them slow of speech in other
tongues, and as a result, fools often mistake them for slow-witted. They are the least civilized of the Hyborian kingdoms.
Religion: Hyperboreans worship old Bori, though they also pray to the witch-queen Louhi and nature spirits.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to CON and SIZ, subtract -2 from APP. Add +20% to the Brawl, Listen, Natural World,
and Track skills.
Occupations: Barbarian, Craftsperson, Hunter, Lost, Mercenary, Peasant, Shaman, Slave.
Languages: Hyperboreans automatically speak Hyperborean. Other languages they speak are Brythunian,
Cimmerian, Nemedian, Zamorian, and sometimes Hyrkanian.
Hyrkanian or Turanian: The desert nomads of Turan and Hyrkania are famed riders and archers, and serve as
mercenary cavalrymen across the whole of the continent. They are descended from ancient Lemurians, and live in
nomadic villages and mobile tribes. Many outlaw tribes inhabit the tall mountains surrounding their lands.
Religion: Hyrkanians and Turanians worship either Tarim or Erlik, and some regional gods such as Hanuman.
Some also worship animistic nature spirits.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to DEX and +2 to CON. Subtract 2 from SIZ. Add +20% to the Hyrkanian Bow, Natural
World, Ride, and Search skills.
Occupations: Barbarian, Bandit, Craftsperson, Hunter, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Nomad, Peasant, Shaman, Slave,
Small Trader, Troubadour.
Languages: Both races automatically speak Hyrkanian. Other languages they speak are Afghuli, Brythunian,
Hyperborean, Iranistani, Khitan, Kothic, Puntian, Shemitish, Stygian, Vendhyan, Yuetshi, and Zamorian.
KUSHITE or BLACK KINGDOM TRIBESMAN: Kushites and Black Kingdoms tribesmen are split into two
distinct branches, the Gallah and the Chaga. The Gallah are the common folk, while the Chaga are Stygian half-breeds
who rule over them. Their countries are almost entirely tribal and barbaric, consisting of small wooden villages. There are
dozens of minor tribes within these areas with different dialects and customs.
Religion: There are a myriad of gods, monsters, and demon spirits worshipped in the Black Kingdoms, including
Ollam-onga, Thog, Dagon, Gwahlur, Jullah, the Ivory Goddess, and some Shemitish gods like Derketo. The
Chaga worship Set for the most part.
Racial Bonuses: Add +1 to STR and +2 to SIZ, and subtract 1 from POW. Add +20% to the Hide, Jump, Natural
World, and any spear weapon skill.
Occupations: Barbarian, Beggar, Craftsperson, Hunter, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Nomad, Peasant,
Physician, Pirate, Sailor, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Troubadour.
Languages: The folk of the Black Kingdoms automatically speak their native tongue based on their country of
origin, such as Black Coast, Darfarian, Ghanatan, Keshani, Kushite, Puntian, South Island, Talking Drum, Tibu,
and Zembabwean. Other languages they speak are from neighboring countries, or Stygian or Shemitish.
NORDHEIMER (aesir or vanir): The Nordheimer are comprised of two ethnic groups, Aesir and Vanir. The
Aesir are light-haired, while the Vanir tend to be red-heads. Otherwise, their cultures are extremely similar, and there has
been much intermingling of the two groups over the centuries, often in the form of raids and stolen women. The Aesir are
friendly with the Cimmerians and hate Vanir and Hyperboreans. The Vanir hate Aesir and Cimmerians, but are friendly
with the folk of Hyperborea.
Religion: Both groups worship the same gods, primarily Ymir the Frost Giant and his daughter Atali. They
believe in a Valhalla where the glorious dead will fight in battle once more.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to STR, SIZ, and APP, and subtract 2 from INT and DEX. Add +20% to the Brawl, Craft,
Listen, and Orate skills.
Occupations: Barbarian, Craftsperson, Hunter, Minor Noble, Peasant, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Troubadour.
Languages: The Nordheimer automatically speak Nordheimer. Other languages they speak are Cimmerian,
Hyperborean, Pictish, Brythunian, and sometimes Aquilonian.
Shemite: The sons of Shem are shrewd and avaricious traders, specializing in slaves. There are three cultural groups:
Meadow Shemites nomadic Shemites, and Pelishtim. Meadow Shemites inhabit the green lands of west and coastal
Shem, while the nomads dwell in the deserts of eastern Shem. Pelishtim are a mysterious race known for being doughty
mercenaries and sorcerers, wandering the world in search of battle and secret knowledge. All Shemites are famed as liars.
Shemites are fair to dark-skinned, and usually have glossy blue-black hair. Shemite men are fond of thick, curled beards.
Their eyes are always dark.
Religion: The Shemite gods such as Adonis, Anu, Ashtoreth, Derketo, and Ishtar are worshipped throughout
Shem, though many city-states and regions devote themselves to a particular god over others. The Pelishtim are
the most devoted to Pteor. The thief-god Bel is a patron to all thieves. Shemites are highly superstitious.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to INT and POW, and subtract 1 from CON and STR. Add +20% to the Bargain,
Evaluate, Fast Talk, and Shemite bow weapon skills.
Occupations: Bandit, Beggar, Craftsperson, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Nomad, Paid Assassin, Peasant,
Physician, Pirate, Sailor, Scribe, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Tax Collector, Thief.
Languages: Shemites automatically speak Shemitish. Other languages they speak are Aquilonian, Argossean,
Black Coast, Kothic, Kushite, Ophirian, Stygian, Turanian, and even Old Stygian. Some Pelishtim sorcerers speak
Acheronian and Demonic.
stygian: The most evil empire of the Hyborian world, Stygians are dusky-skinned and dark haired, black-eyed,
though sometimes their ancient Acheronian bloodline gives them pale skin and almost lambent eyes. They are cruel and
hateful towards non-Stygians, and their desert empire is built upon slavery and the worship of Set, the Serpent God. Old
sorceries linger in this land, and their culture is a xenophobic theocracy. Stygians have a strong belief in the afterlife.
Religion: Stygians worship Set as a matter of course, though also are known to worship bestial or demonic gods
such as Hanuman and Derketo. The Stygians once worshipped Sets enemy Ibis, but that god was driven out.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to INT and POW. Subtract 1 from DEX and CON. Add +20% to the Insight, Potions,
Scribe, and Stygian bow skills.
Occupations: Beggar, Craftsperson, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Nomad, Paid Assassin, Physician, Pirate,
Sailor, Scribe, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Thief.
Languages: Stygians automatically speak Stygian. Other languages they speak are primarily Old Stygian and
Shemitish, though Acheronian is common among scholars. Demonic is known to priests and sorcerers. Other
common languages are Black Coast, Darfarian, Hyrkanian, Keshani, Kothic, Kushite, and Puntian.
Zamorian: Zamorians are known throughout the Hyborian world for the decadence and their lack of morals.
Descended from the Zhemri, they are a mysterious and ancient race, steeped in casual evil. Their thieves are considered
the best in the world. The infamous Shadizar the Wicked, their capitol city, is a cesspool of corruption and vice. They are
wiry and dark of complexion, with black hair. No one trusts Zamorians but their employerstheir code of thievish honor
is a guarantee for future business.
Religion: Zamorians worship a confusing array of monster and demonic gods, with cults such as Zath the spider
god and Ong, the lion-headed god of pain. They also worship Bel, an import from Shem.
Racial Bonuses: Zamorians add +2 to DEX and POW, and subtract 2 from STR. Add +20% to the Conceal,
Gamble, Move Quietly, and Potions skills.
Occupations: Bandit, Beggar, Craftsperson, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Paid Assassin, Peasant, Physician,
Scribe, Shaman, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Tax Collector, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Zamorians automatically speak Zamorian. Other languages they speak are Aquilonian, Brythunian,
Corinthian, Hyperborean, Hyrkanian, Kothic, Ophirian, Shemite, and Stygian.
ZINGARAN: Zingarans are known throughout the Hyborian kingdoms for their chivalry and their fiery tempers. They
are a mix of Hyborian, Pictish, and even Shemitish bloodlines, and they have an old culture that has become decrepit and
hide-bound, with fiery revolutionaries trying to cast off the old order. They are lean, dark-haired, and swarthy.
Religion: Zingarans for the most part worship saints and deified ancestors, though the worship of Mitra has
become commonplace. Ishtar and some Shemitish gods are also worshipped, though in different roles.
Racial Bonuses: Add +2 to DEX and APP, and subtract 2 to CON. Add +20% to the Dodge, Heraldry, Sailing,
and Rapier skills.
Occupations: Bandit, Beggar, Craftsperson, Lost, Mercenary, Minor Noble, Paid Assassin, Peasant, Physician,
Pirate, Sailor, Scribe, Slave, Small Trader, Soldier, Tax Collector, Thief, Troubadour.
Languages: Zingarans automatically speak Zingaran. Other languages they speak are Aquilonian, Argossean,
Kothic, Ophirian, Pictish, and Shemitish. Some sailors speak Black Coast or Kushite.
BARBARIAN: You left your homeland, a place that seemed too small for you. Perhaps you were pursued, or wanderlust
guided you. Now that youve seen the world, home looks so primitive, though your people had honor and strength.
These weaklings are no match for your cunning and physical attributes. Despite this, you feel like everyone lies to you or
is out to steal from you, so you have no qualms about taking from them. Skills: Brawl, Listen, Move Quietly, Natural
World, Scent/Taste, Search, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: None.
BANDIT, Thug: Youve made a living from stealing from the rich, those not so rich, and even those who are worse off
than you. Whether lurking in back alleyways or along the Road of Kings, youve taken much, but something went wrong.
Perhaps you were betrayed, or youre just tired of living one step ahead of the law. Skills: Brawl, Conceal, Hide, Move
Quietly, Throw, Trap, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 200 silver pieces.
BEGGAR: Even the best adventurer needs a handout now and then, but as a beggar you devote your life to niggling
money from passers by. Think up the ways (fake wounds or false disabilities) by which you separate people from their
cash. Maybe all your distinctive features are genuinely disgusting. Skills: Bargain, Conceal Object, Disguise, Dodge, Fast
Talk, Move Quietly, Pick Lock, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 100 silver pieces.
CRAFTSPERSON, SHOPKEEPER: You might have been a potter, weaver, carpenter, or innkeeper, etc. Choose the
craft. You kept to one village or one part of town, and your neighbors acknowledged your skill. Then something
happened that changed your life into that of an adventurer. What was it? Skills: Craft, Bargain, Evaluate, Fast Talk,
Insight, Natural World, Scent/Taste, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 250 silver pieces.
HUNTER: You prowl forests in search of boar, deer, and other prey. You are careful and quiet, and praise natural
beauty. You see townsmen as foolish loud-mouths. Youre also a wanderer, and curious about the great world. Skills:
Climb, Move Quietly Throw, Track, Trap, one missile weapon skill, one other weapon skill, and one other skill as a
personal specialty. Extra Money: None.
LOST, FORGOTTEN: Youre a drifter, or a person plagued by dreams and visions, or a young person newly
orphaned, or you just woke up an amnesiac. You dont quite know who you are, and you cant remember a time when
you knew. You grasp at strange clues and bewildering notions that never quite work, and scheme for riches that never
quite appear. Skills: Conceal Object, Fast Talk, Hide, Insight, Listen, Move Quietly, Search, and one other skill as a
personal specialty. Extra Money: 15 silver pieces.
MERCENARY, BODYGUARD: You contract to fight for a set period in return for pay. Youve finished your latest job
and youre looking for employment. You tolerate people, but you respect only skilled fighters. Skills: Brawl, Dodge, Ride,
Throw, any three weapon skills, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 200 silver pieces.
MERCHANT: Your world was one of accounts and agents; currency flowed through your strongbox, and you didnt
need to travel. Recently disaster cost you nearly everythingwhat happened? Skills: Bargain, Evaluate, Hyborian Age,
Insight, Listen, Natural World, two free languages, and one other skill as a specialty. Extra Money: 2000 silver pieces.
MINOR NOBLE: You are far removed from the title, or your family has fallen on hard times. In either case, no income
comes with your title; perhaps youve been disinherited, or the wrong faction now controls the throne. Adventuring is as
noble a profession as you can afford. Appropriate titles might include baronet, burgrave, knight, margrave, marquis,
marchioness, or thane. Skills: Art, Hyborian Age, Ride, Scent/Taste, one free language, any two weapon skills, and one
other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 500 silver pieces.
NOMAD: You are a warrior of the desert, honorable, dignified, and quick to anger. City people enjoy trading honor for
moneyyou despise their ways. Someday you will return to where the people are noble and honest, but for now you are
in this foreign place, and must survive. Skills: Bargain, Listen, Natural World, Ride, Track, two weapon skills, and one
other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 50 silver pieces.
PAID ASSASSIN, SLAYER: You are ruthless and dangerous. Rumors and whispers precede you. You have less
sympathy with your employers than with your victims, yet you faithfully attend to your murderous chores. You have
many enemies. Recently something awful happened, and it changed you permanently. What was it? Skills: Disguise,
Hide, Climb, Move Quietly, Potions, Throw, two weapon skills, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money:
1000 silver pieces.
PEASANT, FARMER: All your family and all you knew were bound as farmers to the land by law or by necessity. All
of you were treated like slaves. Somehow you escaped. Now you are your own master. You will never go back. Skills:
Craft, Natural World, Listen, Scent/Taste, two impromptu weapon skills, and two other skills as personal specialties.
Extra Money: 25 silver pieces.
PHYSICIAN, APOTHECARY: Your family was able to apprentice you or buy you an education, but your real learning
may have come later, when you try to alleviate human pain and suffering. On the other hand, perhaps your potion killed
the Duke instead of curing him, and you had to leave town in a hurry. Skills: Fast Talk, Hyborian Age, Insight, Physick,
Potions, Scribe, one free language, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 1000 silver pieces.
PIRATE,raider: A vulture of the sea, you and your allies preyed upon the trade routes. Youre not used to the hard
work of a sailorinstead, you spent time between plunders in the Barachan Isles or similar ports of scum and villainy.
Youve recently given up the seas and are seeking fortune on landwhat happened? Skills: Climb, Dodge, Gamble,
Navigate, Sailing, Swim, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 300 silver pieces.
SAILOR: Youre skilled with sails, boats, and ships, and know tides, the wind, and the stars. Youve already been to half
the ports in the West, and you want to visit the rest. Life is glorious, except for storms, pirates, and the terrors of the deep,
so why dont you ever have any money? Skills: a weapon skill, Sailing, Swim, Navigate, Climb, Craft, Natural World,
and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 100 silver pieces.
SCRIBE, ENGINEER: You are an idealist who helped administer laws or manage construction projects. You may have
been independent of governments and rulers, but nonetheless became cynical because of the corruption with which you
had to cooperate. You resigned in disgust. Now you respect only the sharpness of steel, and maintain the bright honor of
an adventurer. Skills: Craft, Evaluate, Hyborian Age (or Pick Lock or Search if engineer), Insight, Natural World, Other
Language, Scribe, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 300 silver pieces.
SHAMAN, PRIEST, CULTIST: You were a seer who was granted visions of the supernatural. Perhaps what you
learned clashed with the ways of your tribe, village, or church, or you learned something so horrifying about the future
that you wander the world, enlisting aid in the great struggle to come. Perhaps you quietly plot against things as they are.
Perhaps you question your allegiance. As a spiritual leader, you have already shown dedication to your path: add 1D8
points to your Allegiance. Skills: Fast Talk, Insight, Natural World, Oratory, Physick, Potions, Track, and one other skill
as personal specialty. Extra Money: 300 silver pieces.
SLAVE (FREED OR ESCAPED): If from Stygia or a wealthy Shemite family, you might be able to do almost
anything. If from any other background, you usually did only menial and disgusting chores. Since a slave is helpless, you
spent much of each day trying to keep out of trouble and shifting blame. But now you are free. Did you earn it, or take it
by force? Are your old masters after you? Skills: Art, Craft, Dodge, Fast Talk, Hide, Move Quietly, Scent/Taste, and one
other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: None.
SMALL TRADER, slaver: You owned a string of pack animals, a caravan of wagons, or a small ship. You circuited
inland and back from some port city, or up-river, or along a coast. You know a lot about that route. You were honorable
with repeat customers, and dealt sharply with strangers. Then your business was wiped out by bandits, pirates, invaders,
or rapacious competitors. Someday youll take revenge. Skills: Bargain, Conceal Object, Evaluate, Fast Talk, Hyborian
Age, Insight, Ride, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 500 silver pieces.
SOLDIER, GUARD, WATCHMAN: You might also be a marine. You used to work for some nobleman, a kingdom or
a city, or a wealthy merchant. Week by week, you had little to do but practice with weapons and keep yourself in shape.
You achieved nothing. Your boss gave you plenty to die for, but nothing to live for. Now that you work for yourself, great
things could happen. Skills: Brawl, Dodge, Move Quietly Shield, Throw, any two weapon skills, and one other skill as a
personal specialty. Extra Money: 50 silver pieces.
TAX OR RENT COLLECTOR: You are or were employed by some large property-owner, or by some nobleman. You
understood that the money has to come in or youll be out of a job. To be a real success, you might have used Bargains
and Fast Talks to squeeze out even more money. Perhaps you grew sick of the suffering you caused, or perhaps you
became as slimy as your boss, and stole from him. Now youre out for yourself. Skills: Bargain, Evaluate, Fast Talk, Pick
Lock, Search, Track, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 500 silver pieces.
THIEF: You were a criminala robber, a mugger, a pickpocket, etc. At first, this seemed clever and profitable. Then
some theft went wrong, or you robbed the wrong person and made a powerful enemy. Now perhaps youve reformed.
Success as an adventurer will put your past behind you, or will it? Skills: Climb, Disguise, Hide, Listen, Pick Lock,
Search, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty. Extra Money: 500 silver pieces.
TROUBADOUR, ENTERTAINER: Youre witty and interesting-looking, and love to get attention. You might be
adept with song, musical instruments, satirical poems, storytelling, prestidigitation, tumbling, juggling, sleight-of-hand,
or another entertaining craft. You have little money, and are tired of living hand-to-mouth. Maybe adventuring is a better
life. Skills: Art, Bargain, Craft, Fast Talk, Insight, Oratory, one weapon skill, and one other skill as a personal specialty.
Extra Money: 150 silver pieces.
System Notes Wounds, Life, and Death
Critical Success Any roll of 1/5 or less (rounded Injuries should be tracked individually as Physick
up) of the amount required for success is a critical roles are made against each injury.
success. For skill use, this usually yields an A character can be mobile and active until they
extraordinary result. have only two HP remaining, at which time they
o Critical weapon strikes allow the attacker to collapse from loss of blood, pain, or shock.
roll double the damage, doubling all modifiers Minor Wounds These are any wounds lower than
(i.e., a dagger doing 1d4+2 damage does the adventurers Major Wound level. If in a single
2d4+4). Strength bonuses are not doubled. day an adventurer takes a number of HP in damage
Armor still protects from this attack. equal to their Major Wound level, they must make
o Special Successes result when a 01 is rolled, a POW x 4 roll or fall unconscious for an hour from
and ignores armor and does double damage, as loss of blood, pain, or shock.
above. The strength modifier is not doubled. Major Wounds These are wounds of equal or
Fumble A roll of 99 or 00 where a skill level is less greater than half of the adventurers total HP
than 100% results in a fumble. If the skill is 101% or (rounded up).
higher, a fumble only occurs on a roll of 00. If a o If a character takes this many HP in a single
regular skill, the result is the worst possible, and if injury, they must first roll on the Major Wound
in combat, the Fumble Chart is consulted. table.
o Then they must make a Luck roll to avoid the
Skill Notes characteristic point loss. Injuries to
characteristics result in a recalculation of
Brawl This skills level is halved if fighting an relevant totals such as HP, attribute rolls, etc.
armored foe. A critical might stun or knock out an o A character who has taken a major wound can
unarmored opponent, and a fumble might result in only act or fight for as many rounds as they
the attacker taking 1d3 HP in damage. have remaining HP. After this, they fall
Dodge The Dodge skill is compared on the Dodge unconscious for one hour, as above.
chart to determine its effectiveness against Fatal Wounds If an adventurer takes enough
attacks. damage to reduce them into negative HP, they are
o Every successive Dodge after the first lowers not immediately dead. If in the round of injury or
the percentiles by 30%. the one following (which can be either a combat
o A character can use Dodge to get to their feet round or a longer, non-combat round), they can be
if prone. restored to 1 HP or more, they will not die, but are
Physick This is basic first aid. It takes one round still unconscious and in need of further medical
to apply, and can be used once per ailment or attention and/or recovery time.
injury. Natural Healing Characters heal 1d3 HP per week
o A failed roll takes an hour of waiting before it naturally.
can be attempted again. Another character
may attempt the roll immediately, however. Combat Round Summary
o Each success heals 1d3 HP per injury. A failure
restores no HP. A critical success heals 2d3 HP Declaration - The first part of a combat round is
immediately, and a fumble causes another 1d3 declaring actions. This is done in order of initiative,
and no further attempts can be made on that from lowest to highest. Initiative is based on DEX.
particular injury (the fumble is not counted as Action - The second part of the combat round is
an additional injury). Obviously, a wound performing actions, which are performed in order
cannot be healed more HP than it caused. of DEX. Characters wishing to delay actions until
Ride Anyone wishing to partake in mounted later in the round may do so. If a tie exists with
combat cannot use any weapon skills above the DEX ranks, use the weapon lengths, and if still tied,
level of their Ride skill. then skill rankings (higher goes first).
Throw This skill is used for all thrown attacks. Reaction - A character may Parry or Dodge out of
Extensive guidelines on range and damage for sequence in the round they are attacked.
improvised attacks are provided on p47-8. Delaying - Characters performing more than one
Wrestle This skill is used for unarmed hand-to- action in a round have their subsequent actions
hand combat. Wrestling is parried with Wrestle or occuring at 5 DEX ranks below their initial action,
Brawl. Moves include immobilizing a foe, knocking cumulative. If they go below their DEX in ranks,
down a foe, knocking out a target, disarming a they cannot act further.
target, injuring a foe, or strangling a foe. Extensive Bookkeeping Any bookkeeping such as HP loss,
guidelines on wrestling are provided on p48. wound effects, etc. is done at this point.
NAME ........................................................ Player ............................ LANGUAGES SKILLS
Title(s) ........................................ Nickname(s) ...................................  Acheronian Kushite   Art (05)
Homeland .................................. Profession .........................................  Afghuli Nemedian   ........................... ..........
Age ........ Gender ........ Height ......... Weight .......... Handedness .........  Aquilonian Nordheimr   ........................... ..........
Distinctive Features ..............................................................................  Argossean Old Stygian   Bargain (15) ..........

..............................................................................................................  Black Coast Ophirian   Climb (40) ..........

Description ...........................................................................................  Brythunian Puntian   Conceal (25) ..........

..............................................................................................................  Cimmerian Pictish   Craft (05)

..............................................................................................................  Corinthian Shemitish   ........................... ..........
..............................................................................................................  Darfarian South Island   ........................... ..........
Gods/Religion ................................................. Allegiance ...................  Demonic Stygian   Disguise (15) ..........
 Ghanatan Talking Drum   Dodge (DEX x 2) ..........
STR ......... Effort Roll ...........% HIT POINTS ..........  Hyperborean Tibu   Evaluate (15) ..........
CON ......... Stamina Roll ...........% Major Wound .........  Hyrkanian Vendhyan   Fast Talk (15) ..........
SIZE ......... Damage Bonus ............. 0 1 2 3 4 5  Iranistani Yuetshi   Gamble (05) ..........
INT ......... Idea Roll ...........% 6 7 8 9 10 11  Keshani Zamorian   Heraldry (05) ..........
POW ......... Luck Roll ...........% 12 13 14 15 16 17  Khitan Zembabwean   Hide (20) ..........
DEX ......... Dexterity Roll ...........% 18 19 20 21 22 23  Khosalan Zingaran   Insight (15) ..........
APP ......... Charisma Roll ...........% 24 25 26 27 28 29  Kothic ........................   Jump (25) ..........
 Listen (25) ..........
Armour  Move Quietly (20) ..........
PROTECTION  Natural World (25) ..........
 Navigate (10) ..........
.......................................... ................................. .................... .......................  Orate (05) ..........
.......................................... ................................. .................... .......................  Physick (30) ..........
.......................................... ......... .......... ......... .................. ........... .........  Potions (00) ..........
 Repair (DEX x 4) ..........
Weapons  Ride (35) ..........
 Sailing (15) ..........
 Scent/Taste (15) ..........

.............................. ........ ...................... ....... ........ ........ ......... .............  Scribe (00) ..........
.............................. ........ ...................... ....... ........ ........ ......... .............  Search (20) ..........

.............................. ........ ...................... ....... ........ ........ ......... .............  Swim (25) ..........
 Throw (25) ..........
.............................. ........ ...................... ....... ........ ........ ......... .............
 Track (10) ..........
.............................. ........ ...................... ....... ........ ........ ......... .............  Trap (05) ..........
Brawl (50) ........ 1d3
...................... ....... ........  ........................... ..........
Wrestle (25) ........ 1d6
...................... ....... ........  ........................... ..........
Possessions Beast TREASURES
.................................................................... NAME ..................................... Type ........................... Copper Pennies ..........
.................................................................... STR ..... CON ..... SIZ ..... INT ..... POW ..... DEX ..... APP ..... Bronze Pieces ..........
.................................................................... Movement ............... Hit Points .......... Armour ................ Silver Pieces ..........
.................................................................... Attack ................................% Damage ........................... Golden Lunas ..........
.................................................................... Attack ................................% Damage ........................... Gems & Jewelry .....................
.................................................................... Skills ............................................................................... ................................................
.................................................................... ........................................................................................ ................................................
.................................................................... ........................................................................................ ................................................

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