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If R is the relation on N defined by aRb if and only if a/b is a

power 2.Show that R is an equivalence relation.


(1) Let aN,a/a=1=20

Therefore,aRa holds for all aN.

Hence R is reflexive.

(2)Let a,bN,and aRb holds.

Then a/b=2n



Hence R is symmetric.

(3)Let a,b,cN and aRb,bRc both hold.

Then, a/b=2n and b/c=2m

Therefore, (a/b)/(b/c)=a/bb/c=a/c=2n/2m


Thus, aRb and bRc aRc

Hence R is transitive.

Since, R is reflexive,Symmetric and Transitive. So R is an

equivalence relation

on N.

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