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The 12 Standards

1. Safe and Supportive Environment

2. Active and Engaged Learning
3. Skill Building
4. Youth Voice and Leadership
5. Healthy Choices and Behaviors
6. Diversity, Access, and Equity
7. Quality Staff
8. Clear Vision, Mission, and Purpose
9. Collaborative Partnerships
10. Continuous Quality Improvement
11. Program Management
12. Sustainability

The Importance of Defining Quality for Program Stakeholders

Quality is important to program stakeholders, but can be slightly difficult to define, as the
definition of quality varies depending on the circumstances and evaluations of a program, and
the utilization of quality data collection used during and after the evaluation.

Identify and define two of the 12 quality standards

Active and Engaged Learning
The program provides a variety of activities that are hands-on, project based, and result in
a culminating product
Staff give participants the experience of learning through multiple senses.
I chose active and engaged learning because every time I attend my fieldwork site at Extended
Day Center, I always see children engaged in a variety of different hands-on and project based
activities. Some of the activities include- building models, decorating shoe boxes, working on
mini science experiments, painting, sewing, and/or baking. I believe that these kinesthetic hands
on and project based activities are very important because they help expand and enrich a childs
mind in new and engaging ways and also helps them experiment with trial and error.

Healthy Choices and Behaviors

The program incorporates nutrition and physical activity into all facets of program design
and operating procedures
Staff model good nutrition and participating in physical activity during the program.
I also think that the standard on healthy choices and behaviors is really important to the quality
care seen at my fieldwork site. Teachers in the center foster healthy eating behaviors to children
in a variety of ways. For example, they sit with children at meals and talk about the different
taste and texture of foods to help them make healthy food choices. Teachers also encourage
children to be physically active by engaging in many outdoor play activities and sports with them.

List and Provide Links to at Least 2 Program Quality Assessment Tools from the Crosswalk

Program A Program Assessment Youth Program Quality Self-

System (APAS) Assessment Tool (YPQ)
Advantages Designed for afterschool Designed for afterschool
programs and 21st Century programs, community
Community Learning Centers. organizations, schools, and
(CCLCs); as well as summer summer programs.
programs and recreation
setting programs. Excellent quality
programming for children

Inexpensive and easy-to-use

Disadvantages It may not be appropriate for Not designed for 21st Century
start-up programs, those Community Learning Centers
facing high staff turnover, (CCLCs)
and/or major shifts in program

It may not be appropriate for

specialized programs (like
karate class) or those focused
solely on tutoring.
Summary A Program Assessment The Youth Program Quality
System (APAS) is an inclusive Self-Assessment Tool (YPQ)
assessment designed to is a research based tool
ameliorate the quality of designed to help after school
afterschool programs. It is programs that care for children
directed towards programs in grades Kindergarten
that care for children in grades through sixth grade evaluate
Kindergarten through eighth the degree to which their
grade. APAS comes with two provides a safe and supportive
assessments- the Survey of environment for the children.
Academic and Youth This tool is used to observe
Outcomes (SAYO) and the the interactions between the
Assessing Program Tool children and the staff and
(APT). The SAYO assessment allows the observers to
evaluates the programs interview the staff on how
outcomes in eight sections that their afterschool program
research shows are associated works. The data they gather
to lasting positive from their observations and
development. Whereas, APT interviews are used to pinpoint
looks at the whole afterschool the areas where the staff might
program- which includes need progression development
homework time and all the to meet the high quality
activities that students afterschool programs goals.
participate in throughout the

Finally, which tool would you recommend for use at your fieldwork site and why?
I would recommend the Youth Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (YPQ) at my fieldwork
site because it is a great assessment to use to observe childrens daily engagement and interaction
with the staff in the center. I feel like this tool would be a great asset for my site at Extended Day
Center because it focuses on the same criteria that the assessment looks for in their observations,
such as the childrens active engagement with activities around the center, skill building,
nourishment, etc.
Reference Page
A Program Assessment System (APAS). National Institute on Out-of-School Time, Wellesley
Centers for Women, Wellesley College (February 2014). Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF File.

Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California: Creating and Implementing a Shared
Vision of Quality. Developed by the California Department of Education after School Division
(September 2014). Retrieved February 2017 from

Weikart, David P. PQA: Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA): Administration Manual.
Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope, 2005. Center for Youth Program Quality (2012). Adobe Acrobat
Reader PDF File.

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