Tutorial 13 Multiple Boreholes PDF

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Multiple Borehole 13-1

Multiple Borehole Tutorial

This tutorial illustrates how non-horizontal soil strata can be modeled in

The finished model can be found in the Tutorial 13 Multiple

Borehole.s3z file in the Examples > Tutorials folder in your Settle3D
installation folder.

Topics covered

Multiple boreholes

Multiple water level input

Display options

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-2

Defining the Model

Start Settle3D.

Project Settings
Open the Project Settings dialog from the Analysis menu. Keep the
default Stress unit = Metric, stress as kPa and Settlement = Millimeters
as shown.

Click on the Boreholes tab. Notice that you can model either Horizontal
Soil Layers, like in Settle3D Version 2, or non-horizontal soil strata. In
this tutorial we will model non-horizontal soil strata with multiple

Select Multiple Boreholes.

With the Multiple Boreholes option, you can specify a number of

boreholes and the soil profile at a particular depth is interpolated
between them. There are five interpolation options available, and we will
use the default Inverse Distance method for this tutorial.

Click on the Groundwater tab, and click on the Groundwater Analysis

checkbox, and change the Method to Grid.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-3

Click OK to close the dialog.

Soil Properties
Select Soil Properties from the Soils menu, and the Soil Properties
dialog will appear.

Enter the data in the table for the four soil layers.

Note that for the sand layers we will use Material Type = Linear for
Primary Consolidation.

For the first material, enter the properties shown in the Table below.

Unit Es Esur mv mvur
Name Weight
Weight (kPa) (kPa) (m2/kN) (m2/kN)
18 18 25000 25000 0.0002 0.0002
18 18 20000 20000 0.0002 0.0002
Silty 19 19 25000 25000 0.0002 0.0002
Cc Cr e0 OCR
18 18 - - 0.38 0.01 1.1 0.7

Click OK to close the dialog.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-4

We will specify four boreholes in this tutorial.

Select Add Borehole from the Boreholes submenu of the Soils menu.
The Soil Layers dialog will pop up.

Click on Insert Layer Below three times. The layers will fill in with the
correct names automatically.

Specify the following layers:

Click OK to close the dialog. Enter the borehole location x,y = 0, 0.

The three other boreholes are defined in much the same way. You will
select Add Borehole from the Boreholes submenu of the Soils menu.
The four soil layers will already be defined. You will only change the

The remaining borehole locations are shown in the table below.

Borehole Name
BH2 25 5
BH3 15 20
BH4 35 25

The soil layer thicknesses are shown in the dialog below.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-5

Once youve specified all the boreholes, your window should look like this.

Double-click on the 3D view, zoom in and rotate the model to get a closer
look at the soil strata.

You can use the icon at the top right of the 3D view to rotate the
geometry to the desired view.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-6

Double-click again to see both views. Right-click in the 3D view and select
Reset View.

Loads and Field Grid

Select Add Circular Load from the Loads menu.

Keep the default settings and click OK. Specify the load location as x,y =

Select Add Fieldpoint Grid from the Grid menu.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-7

Keep the default settings and click OK.

Specify the first point as x,y = -5,-5 m, and the second point as x,y = 40,30

Groundwater Data
Select Edit Groundwater Grids from the Groundwater menu. In the
dialog box that appears, select the Use borehole locations as XY-
coordinates checkbox. We are going to specify the water depth at each
borehole location.

Enter depth data so that your dialog looks like the one below, then click
OK to close the dialog.

Select Soil Groundwater Properties from the Groundwater menu.

Check the Show only used properties checkbox.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-8

Click on Sand Fill, then select Default Grid from the Grid to use
dropdown. Then click on Apply To All. Click OK to close the dialog.

You should now be able to see the water surface.

Click on the Field Point Grid option in View Controls to turn the grid
off and view the water surface more clearly.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

Multiple Borehole 13-9

You can turn the water surface on and off by clicking on the Water
Surface checkbox in the View Controls. You can turn the Groundwater
Grid display off by clicking on the Groundwater Grid checkbox in the
View Controls.

Display Options

Well now take a look at the different viewing options associated with
using multiple boreholes.

Click on the Groundwater Grid and Water Surface checkboxes to turn

them off.

In the Depth/Soil Layers section of the right-side controls enter Location

X: 5 Y: 5. Notice the change in the soil column below. The soil column
changes will the input x-y location, and is determined by interpolating
between the boreholes.

Click on Field Point Grid in View Controls to turn the grid back on, and
click on the Draw Materials on all Queries checkbox.

Click and drag the field point grid, or use the up and down arrow in the
Depth/Soil Layers section of the right-side controls to move the grid up
and down. Notice how the materials on the Field Point Grid are
constantly changing.

Select XZ Plane from the Query Planes submenu of the Query menu.

Place the plane approximately under the load. In the View Controls
panel, click on the Draw Materials on all Queries checkbox. When the
Draw Materials on all Queries option is deselected, the analysis results
are displayed. Query planes can be placed in the XY, XZ, and YZ
directions. 3-point planes can also be specified.

This concludes the Multiple Boreholes tutorial.

Settle3D v.3.0 Tutorial Manual

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