Cbse Test Paper-01 CLASS - XII CHEMISTRY (Chemical Kinetics)

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CLASS - XII CHEMISTRY (Chemical Kinetics)

Topic: -Rate of reaction Average and instantaneous rates

1. Define the term chemical kinetics? [1]

2. Define Rate of reaction? [1]

3. What is average rate of a reaction? How is it determined? [2]

4. What are the units of rate of a reaction? [1]

5. What is instantaneous rate of a reaction? How is it determined? [2]

6. For the following reactions, write the rate of reaction expression in terms
of reactants and products? [2]

i) 4NH3 (g) + 5O2 (g) 4NO (g) + 6H2O (g)

ii) 2N2O5 2NO2 + O2

7. For the chemical decomposition of SO2Cl2, its initial concentration is

0.8420 mol/L and final concentration is 0.215 molL-1 in 2 hours.
What is the average rate of this reaction? [2]

8. In the expression of rate of reaction in terms of reactants, what is the

significance of negative sign? [2]

[ O3 ]
3O2 (g), -
For the reaction 2O3 (g)
was found to be 5.0 X 10-4 at m/s.
[ O2 ]
Determine the value of in atm /s during this period of time? [2]

10. A chemical reaction 2A 4B+C in gas phase occurs in a closed vessel.

The concentration of B is found to be increased by 5 X 10-3 mole L-1 in 10 second.
Calculate (i) the rate of appearance of B (ii) the rate of disappearance of A? [2]

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