How To Effectively Control Nematodes in The Field With Silver Hydrogen Peroxide?

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How to effectively control Nematodes in the field with Silver

Hydrogen Peroxide?

Managing nematodes has never been easy. Already existing infestation can be taken care of by methods
like crop rotation, fallowing and soil solarization.
But the most reliable practices are preventive,
involving sanitation and choice of plant varieties.

Among the disinfecting methods, farmers apply

organic chemicals like neem cake, neem oil and
others but these have been found to be harmful
and leave behind toxic residues.

Looking for a non-toxic and long lasting solution for combating nematodes? We have the perfect
answer to your queries!

Soil treatment with Silver Hydrogen Peroxide has been found to be more effective and leaves a long
lasting effect against nematodes. Chemtex Speciality Limited has formulated Nano Silver Hydrogen
Peroxide that has an upper hand to conventional Hydrogen Peroxide with Silver Nitrate.

Silver Nano Particles:

Attaches itself to the surface of the cell membrane, interrupting permeability and metabolic
pathways of the cell
Not only interact with the membrane surface, but can also penetrate the bacterial cell
In addition, they can bind to the DNA inside the microbial cells, preventing its replication.
It has been discovered that nano Ag particles can damage the bacterial cell membrane structure
and reduce the activity of some membranous enzymes.

Chemtex Speciality Limited globally markets Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide made from a combination
of Hydrogen Peroxide IP and Nano Silver particles, under the registered trade name of Alstasan Silvox.

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