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Floor plan

Chapter 7 will be assessed with a project. You will draw a floor plan of your familys home. If your familys
home contains more than one story, you will be expected to draw only one story.The floor plan will be drawn to
a scale of - 1 foot = inch. You will be expected to include all appliances, windows, doors, beds, and sinks.
Each room is only required to have to two additional items. The project is worth 100 points and will be
assessed with the rubric that follows. The due date for your project is February 22.

I want to receive the grade of (circle): A B C D

Student signature__________________________________________

Rubric Assessment


Drawn to Project is drawn to Project is drawn to Project is not Project is not No floor
Scale scale of 1 = 1/4. scale of 1 = 1/4. drawn to scale of drawn to scale plan was
Project includes a Project includes 1 = 1/4. Project of 1 = 1/4. turned in.
50 points ledge, and the the students includes a ledge, Project doesnt
students name. name, but no and the students includes a
Points ledge. name. ledge, and the
decrease by students name.
10 points
A = 50 points
B = 40 points
C = 30 points
D = 20 points
F = 0 points

Room All room Minimal room Minimal room Didnt include No floor
requirements requirements are requirements are requirements are room plan was
met : appliances, met : appliances, met : appliances, requirements, turned in.
40 points windows, doors, windows, doors, windows, doors, but rooms were
beds, sinks, and beds, sinks, and beds, and sinks. labeled.
two additional included two Did not include
items. Each room additional items. two additional
is labeled. Rooms are not items. Rooms are
labeled. not labeled.

Turned in by Project was turned Project was one Project was two Project was Project was
due date in on time. day late. days late three days late. four days
specified late.

10 points

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