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Law Changes Human Behavior:

Law control the behavior of society law can only prohibit peoples evil behavior by government force
Ensure peace & stability of society Moral judgement by avoid punishment rules are necessary laws
are different in societies Formed by authorities LAW CAN CONTROL BUT CANNOT CHANGE
BEHAVIOR Fear it creates if any illegal done Punished laws should change according to the human
nature Limit the people activities cannot shape minds & hearts And one should think, why high crime
rate? even there are laws.
Marriage Before Studies:
Numerous disadvantages Greater problem when dependent on parents Tension Paying tuition fee
Time constraint on newlyweds Balance time at home, adjust new-life, academics Organize everything
Often left with no time Less time on personal growth College life restrict
parties,functions,relationships Drop in grades,goals Cuts the growth & maturation So Most need
self-Support Living own Making decisions Marriage Prevent all.
Pros/Cons of this Era-Daily Inventions:
More convenient & accessible Technology advancement Education advanced greatly Ex: Computers
Global learning Agriculture has equipped more with machines Less labor Medical achievements
positive level in the economy.
Cons: More depending on computers WHEN MACHINE BREAKS/CRASHES ALMOST
DISABLED UNTIL IT SOLVED Ex: (make your own) Puts people distinct Become less self-
reliant Human workers has less value Unemployment (10 workers = 1 Computer) makes
us slaves.

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