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Nama : Bima Indra

Kelas : Beta 2014

NIM : 04011181419208

I. Analisis Masalah
1. A male baby was born at type C public hospital from a 41 years old woman. Her
mother, Mrs. Anita was hospitalized at the hospital due to uterine contraction. It was
her third pregnancy. She forgot when her first day of last period, but she told that her
pregnancy was about 7 months. Her other children were born preterm too, about 8
months. Now they are 4 years old and 2 years old.
c. Mengapa terjadi kontraksi uterus pada usia kehamilan 7 bulan dan bagaimana
g. Bagaimana cara menentukan usia gestasi tanpa mengetahui HPHT?

3. The baby was not cried spontaneously after birth, but grunting and his whole body
was cyanosis. Pediatrics resident who resuscitate the baby did first step of
resuscitation to the baby. Apgar score at first minute was 3 and fifth minutes was 7.
a. Apa penyebab dan bagaimana mekanisme anak tidak menangis spontan?
e. Bagaimana penilaian dan apa interpretasi dari apgar score pada kasus?

4. On physical examination:
Body weight was 1350 grams, body length was 41 cm, and head circumference was
31 cm. the muscle tone was decreased, he was poorly flexed at the limb, he has thin
skin, more lanugo over the body and plantar creases 1/3 anterior. At 10 minutes of
age, he still had grunting and cyanosis of the whole body, respiratory rate was 86
breathes per minutes, there were epigastric retraction, breathing sound decreased.
Heart rate 156 beats per minute. Saturation 85% with nasal oxygen
d. Bagaimana cara menentukan usia gestasi berdasarkan kurva lubchenco?

5. Aspek Klinis
d. Epidemiologi
h. Patogenesis
l. Pencegahan dan edukasi

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