Bod Data and Computation

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Table 5.1 Titration volumes of diluting water for Dissolved Oxygen

Volume of Na2S2O3 Initial, mL Final, mL
Blank 1 24.5 17.6
Blank 2 28.7 16.7

Table 5.1 shows the volume of Na2S2O3 in mL used in the titration of each blank solution
to determine initial dissolved oxygen and final dissolved oxygen content of the diluting water.
The initial volume is the total quantity of Na 2S2O3 used in the titration of the blank solution to
pale yellow before the addition of starch mixture together with the volume used in the titration of
the blank solution to a colorless appearance after the addition of the starch mixture. The final
volume corresponds to the total amount of Na2S2O3 used in the titration of the blank solution after
the 5 day incubation at 20 C to pale yellow before the addition of starch mixture plus the
volume used in the titration of the blank solution to a colorless appearance after the addition of
the starch mixture.

Table 5.2 DO concentration of Diluting water

Initial, mg/L Final, mg/L
Blank 1 29.1667 20.9524
Blank 2 34.1667 19.8810

Table 5.2 shows the converted values of the total volume of Na 2S2O3 for both initial DO
and final DO determination procedure used by each blank solution during the titration process in
mg/L or ppm. The volume used by each blank solution was divided with the conversion factor
0.84 mL Na2S2O3 for every mg/L of dissolved oxygen.

Table 5.3 Titration volume of wastewater for Dissolved Oxygen

Volume of Na2S2O3 Initial, mL Final, mL
Trial 1 16.3 6.9
Trial 2 15.6 6.3

Table 5.3 shows the volume of Na2S2O3 in mL used in the titration of each trial of the
wastewater solution to determine initial dissolved oxygen and final dissolved oxygen content of
the wastewater. The initial volume is the quantity of Na 2S2O3 used in the titration of the sample to
pale yellow before the addition of starch mixture procedure plus the volume used in the titration
of the wastewater after the addition of starch mixture for initial DO determination. The final
volume corresponds to the amount of Na2S2O3 used in the titration of the sample to pale yellow
before the addition of starch mixture plus the volume used in the titration of the wastewater to a
colorless appearance after the addition of starch for final DO determination procedure. The final
DO was determined after the 5 day incubation at 20C.

Table 5.4 DO concentration of wastewater

Initial, mg/L Final, mg/L
Trial 1 19.4048 8.2143
Trial 2 18.5714 7.5000

Table 5.4 shows the initial DO and final DO converted values of the volume of Na 2S2O3
used by each trial of wastewater during titration process in mg/L or ppm. The volume used by
each blank solution was divided with the conversion factor 0.84 mL Na 2S2O3 for every mg/L of
dissolved oxygen.

Table 5.5 DO concentration of mixture

Initial, mg/L Final, mg/L
Trial 1 25.9127 16.7064
Trial 2 28.9683 15.7540

Table 5.5 shows the initial and final dissolved oxygen concentration of the mixture
calculated using the dilution formula, eqn 4._____. The initial and final dissolved oxygen
concentration of the mixture for trial 1 made use of the corresponding data for blank 1 and trial 1
wastewater. The initial and final DO concentration for the 2 nd trial made use of the data for blank
2 and trial 2 wastewater, respectively.

Table 5.6 5 day BOD of the mixture

5 day BOD, mg/L
Trial 1
Trial 2

Table 5.6 shows the calculated value of the 5 day BOD of the mixture determined by
equation 4._____ and the average BOD concentration of the wastewater in mg/L. The substituted
values were from Table5.5.

1 mL x
0.1 M 0.084 M
x= 0.84 mL

0.84 mL= 1 mg/L

Diluting water: Total volume, mL

Blank 1

Initial volume of = 18.5mL + 6.0mL = 24.5 mL

Final volume of = 14.6mL + 3 mL = 17.6 mL

Blank 2

Initial volume of = 19.3 mL + 9.4 mL = 28.7 mL

Final volume of = 12.2 mL + 4.5 mL = 16.7 mL

Diluting water: DO concentration, mg/L

Blank 1

1 mg
Initial concentration of DO= 24.5 mL x L = 29.1667 mg/L
0.84 mL

1 mg
Final concentration of DO= 17.6 mL x L = 20.9524 mg/L
0.84 mL

Blank 2

1 mg
Initial concentration of DO= 28.7 mL x L = 34.1667 mg/L
0.84 mL

1 mg
Final concentration of DO= 16.7 mL x L = 19.8810mg/L
0.84 mL
Wastewater sample: Total volume, mL

Trial 1

Initial volume of = 10.2mL + 6.1 mL = 16.3 mL

Final volume of = 4.0 mL + 2.9 mL = 6.9 mL

Trial 2

Initial volume of = 9.9 mL + 5.7 mL = 15.6 mL

Final volume of = 3.8 mL + 2.5 mL = 6.3 mL

Wastewater sample: DO concentration, mg/L

Trial 1

1 mg
Initial concentration of DO= 16.3 mL x L = 19.4048 mg/L
0.84 mL

1 mg
Final concentration of DO= 6.9 mL x L = 8.2143 mg/L
0.84 mL

Trial 2

1 mg
Initial concentration of DO= 15.6 mL x L = 18.5714 mg/L
0.84 mL

1 mg
Final concentration of DO= 6.3 mL x L = 7.5000 mg/L
0.84 mL
DO concentration of mixture

DOi , diluting water ( Vol, diluting water )+ DOi , wastewater ( Vol , wastewater )
DOinirial , mixture=

DOf , diluting water (Vol , diluting water ) + DOf , wastewater ( Vol , wastewater )
DOfinal , mixture=

Trial 1: Initial

mg mg
29.1667 ( 200 mL )+ 19.4048 ( 100 mL )
DO , mixture=
300 mL

DO , mixture=25.9127 mg/ L

Trial 1: Final

mg mg
20.9524 (200 mL ) +8.2143 (100 mL )
DO , mixture=
300 mL

DO , mixture=16.7064 mg/ L

Trial 2: Initial

mg mg
34.1667 ( 200 mL )+ 18.5714 (100 mL )
DO , mixture=
300 mL

DO , mixture=28.9683 mg/ L
Trial 2: Final

mg mg
19.8810 ( 200 mL )+7.5000 ( 100 mL )
DO , mixture=
300 mL

DO , mixture=15.7540 mg/L

5-day BOD of mixture


Vol , wastewater
Vol ,total

Trial 1



27.6189 mg/L

Trial 2



39.6429 mg/L

Trial 1 BOD+ Trial 2 BOD

Average 5day BOD=

Average 5day BOD=

Average 5day BOD=33.6309mg/ L

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