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Chapter One

Lady Marias clock tower doled out a tune for the midmorning hour; the melody playing in
tandem with the nine chimes that echoed throughout the cavernous domain of Under. Tala stretched
and hummed out a note, casting eyes to the tower in the distance.

Still the same old boring tune, she said, sighing with a smile. Its annoying hearing it every
single morning.

And in truth, it did appear to be another mundane morning down in Under. As Tala made her
way from the backroom to the storefront of Tischendorfs Baubles, Trinkets, and Things, she could see
the same familiar faces busy with the same daily motions from the entrance window; Patrasche was
lazily sweeping at the same pile of dirt outside of his fathers bookstore, Luna traipsed by with a sack
sagging under the weight of fruit within, Bluebell walked alongside her grandmother traveling in the
opposite direction, and then, right on time, Richard the milkman came by with the morning delivery.

After fixing two bottles near the corner of the step, he caught a glimpse of Tala inside, and
saluted her in greeting. She returned the gesture with a cheeky smile, fetching the bottles and waving
off Richard when he drove away in his truck.

Honestly, I have to remind mom about canceling this, she said, turning a bottle about in her
hand. Were, like, the only family that still orders this daily. Ill bring it up next time shes home.

Tala grabbed onto the open doors knob and was just about to go back inside when she was
halted in her tracks by a gentle inquiry.

Excuse me, the voice said. You wouldnt happen to be a Gate, would you?

Talas hackles stiffened ramrod straight when her maroon eyes immediately locked on to the
figure that slipped passed her defenses. A dapper man of at least his early twenties stood before Tala.
His posture was stiff and proud, but the clasp of his hands showed him to be pleading for something.
Under normal circumstances, Tala wouldnt have been able to turn away such a pitiful display, but this
was a different matter altogetherthe man was entirely translucent. It was a spirit; a sight so common
since her youth she regarded them as regular people. Except this was only in the company of her
mother, the actual Gate the spirit spoke of. Without her around, Tala only knew fear.

Gulping, Tala said, Well, um, the person youre actually looking for is my mother, Kamla
Tischendorf. Shes the Gate, Im just a, um, Gate-in-training? Yea, in training. I cant really help you pass
on right now. But, um, if you wait until my mom comes back, shell happily

As she spoke this, Tala tried to slink back into the shop and close the door. However, before she
could, the man grabbed at her arm and jerked her outside again. She squawked, drawing the attention
of a few passersby. She smiled awkwardly, trying to play it off as a mistake, and this seemed to pacify
them. Yet, internally, she was trying her best to not let her shivers of fear overtake her body.

Oh, no No, no, no! This isnt good! This isnt good at all!

I cant wait! I wont wait! the spirit cried, tightening his grip on Talas arm. Ive waited years!
Years! I tire of waiting! Let me through to the spirit divide, please!
S-sir, as I said, I cant

Do it! Do it now!

Sir, please listen to me, I cant! Only my mother can do so, and shes not here right now, so
youre going to have to Agh!

Suddenly, the spirit jerked Tala forward again and tripped her to the ground. Splayed out with
her body frozen in fear, she could only watch on as the spirits eyes glowed with a rage that burned to
her core. A lump formed in her throat, halting her protests as the spirit continued to loom over her.

Then I will do it myself, the man snarled, his voice deep and menacing. What a fool I was to
trust you Gates!

Im telling you, I cant do anything! Please, please, let me go. Im begging you!

Tala tried to will the man off her with her eyes, but the spirits reluctance was palpable. She
swallowed thickly, expecting the worsesuch as a possession or her eyes being plucked outbut the
next few moments came about in a whirl. Something red flashed by in her gaze, quicker than a gust of
wind, and a loud shriek pierced her ears as the spirit before her began to dissolve into nothingness. In a
matter of seconds, her assailant disappeared, and Tala stared on to the open air, awestruck.


This second familiar voice brought Tala back to her senses. Her head snapped up and within
view came the upside-down image of a quizzical-looking Will, a good friend of her mothers. Now free,
the girl staggered to standing, and held back from running into the mans chest to cry out her fear.

Hey, hey, whats wrong? Why were you on the floor? Are you all right?

Y-yea, Im fine. Its nothing. Just a rude wake-up call, heh. Tala glanced down to her forearm
and inwardly sighed at the mark left behind by the spirits grip on her.

So it was?

A spirit? Yea, and a really hostile one at that. In another year or two, he may become a
poltergeist. A shiver passed through her body. If only mom was home

Will shook his head, beckoning her into the shop. I think we better talk inside, he said.

Your mother is currently in Sea and wont be coming back to Way this month. There was talk of
a promising sighted child there and Kamla wanted to see to their evaluation personally.

Tala tried to hide her disappointment by turning away from the man and fixing a tea kettle onto
the stove. After turning on the burner, she considered him with a practiced smile.

Thats fantastic, she said. Moms been so busy lately I havent received a letter from her
either. It seems theres been an influx of potential Gates these last few months.

Will didnt seem wholly fooled by her stiff display. He leaned forward in his seat, his lips drawn
to a thin line and his brow furrowed in concern.
Shakuntala, if it bothers you, you can say so, he said. You dont have to pretend to be fine
with this, especially around me. Im here for you.

Talas lips parted at the sincerity of Wills words, welling up feelings she had tried so hard to
hide in front of him. She averted her glance to the left and refused to look at him with the dust of scarlet
across her cheeks.

It doesnt bother me, Will, really, she said. I know mom put you in charge of me, but Im fine.
Honestly. The shops managed and hostile spirits only come around sometimes. I can handle myself.
How she did was still a mystery in and of itself. Whenever she was overtaken by a spirit, it seemed they
disappeared after a small flash of red. Had she mastered a skill reserved for veteran Gates? Was it
something else entirely? It puzzled her, but her mother was never around to provide answers. Besides,
checking on me isnt the only reason why you came down to Under, right? She gave him a cheeky grin.
Whats it this time? Another place with some rumors surrounding it?

The sudden change of topic worried Will, and he was prepared to press the issue again had he
not been cut off by the sound of the tea kettle shrilling out a note.

Instead, he said, Yea, I did find someplace else. But this isnt a gathering spot of spirits, its a
dilapidated mansion in northern Under. Apparently, theres said to be some promising poltergeist
activity there. But after what happened this morning, Shakuntala, Id rather

Tala thumped a steaming mug of barley tea in front of him, mirroring her previous smile. Lets
go! she said.

But Tala!

Goodness gracious, Will, Im not a kid anymore. Im fifteen. Two more years and Ill be a full-
fledged Gate. Besides, you just want to check the place out, right? Confirm the rumors and such? I know
how your brain works, you just cant pass up any reports of paranormal activity.

Will relented to her words, but accepted them with in grace by sipping his tea. Yes, well, youre
right there, he said. If only Id been a sighted, then I wouldnt ask this of you and put you in danger.

Tala chuckled. Well, it isnt too late, she said. Youre twenty now, right? We can still go
through with the ritual, youd just have an eighty percent chance of going blind.

Will shook his head in horror. Id rather not! he protested.

The Rhinestone Manor, huh? It was probably a posh place when it was still standing.

Tala craned her neck up to take in the entire view of the downed abode. Planks of wood and
splintered beams jutted out from beneath the caved-in roof as if barely supporting its weight. It looked
as if the house was squashed together like the two halves of an accordion. Shards of glass and shingles
littered the entirety of its perimeter, crunching underfoot as Tala and Will neared the entrance.
Do you sense anything? he asked her.

Tala shut her eyes for a moment before shaking her head. Not really, she said. Theres
something, but it feels far away. Like residual spirit energy. There might not be anything here after all.

Lets take a short look around before we leave then. Just to be sure.

Tala followed after Will as he began to round the manor counterclockwise. Yet the further they
ventured, the deeper a sinking feeling welled up within the girl, causing her to lag one or two steps
behind. Tala couldnt place it, but soon, she found it hard to swallow. She croaked out to Will, causing
him to stop.

Tala? Hey, whats wrong? Youve got this wild look in your eye. Do you sense something?

Talas mouth was ajar as she willed words to come, but nothing left her mouth. She coughed
hoarsely, even dropping to her knees in desperation, but her voice refused her. When she looked up to
Will in fright, her eyes widened to the whites at the sight passed him. This sudden case of mutism now
made sense as Tala stared on at a spirit hovering over the mans shoulder.

The spirit was entirely featureless from the neck down; the only aspects discernable from it was
the slightly feminine features and their long locks. Pale hands hovered around Wills shoulders, sending
a tremble down Talas form.

Hey, Tala? Tala, whats wrong? Do you see something? Can you speak? Hey

Wills attempt to discern the situation came to no avail, and also too late. No matter how Tala
tried to warn him by cocking her chin at the spirit, Will couldnt understand. Suddenly, the spirit caught
Will about the shoulders with such force he was pulled backward. He yelped loud enough to almost
deafen Tala. She tried in desperation to catch his hand, but Will vanished, and she only caught open air.

The only upside was the disappearance of the spirit relinquished Talas voice. Immediately, she
began to cry out Wills name, but her only reply was silence. The weight of her situation forced her into
a shivering ball as she hugged her knees to her chest.

Ah, ah, it seems I was too late

Tala jolted upright and looked to up the source of the voice. In awe, she stared on to a girl about
her age sitting on the edge of the rooftop above. The girl considered her curiously before jumping from
the edge and landing beside Tala, the drop at least two stories. Despite this, the girl was completely

I apologize for not making it in time. I tried to keep it away, but it seems it broke through my
defenses. The girl sighed. What a messy situation

Tala suddenly flew into a rage that forced her to her feet. You knew about this? she cried.
Was this your doing? Whats going on? Explain!

The girl splayed her hands to Tala. Im not to blame, she said. I was merely trying to keep you

Who are you?

The girl tightened her hands to the cuff of her red sweater. Nervously looking to her feet, she
said, My names Petunia, Im a Lock.

A Lock?

Petunia nodded her head. Youre a Gate, yes? Its your duty to pass on spirits to the spirit
divide. Well, you can think of me as an advocate to Gatesa Lock. It is my duty to prevent spirits from
leaving the spirit divide. I walk the line between reality and the spirit world. LookPetunia held out her
hand to Talasee for yourself.

Tentatively, Tala tried to grab Petunias hand, but her own phased through her fingers. She tried
it several more times to confirm, before saying, Youre a spirit.

Petunia shook her head. Not exactly, she replied. I am a projection, which is why I am
intangible like a spirit, but appear as a human. My body rests at home in Over.

Tala was brimming with questions to ask Petunia, but at the moment, her mind was overtaken
by Wills well-being. You said you were trying to keep us safe, right? What did you mean by that? And
the spirit Where did it take Will? Is it going to hurt him?

My presence can limit the powers of a spirit. However, I have to be bodily in range of it, which I
was trying to do, but this spiritthis poltergeistits strong and fast. Its probably been haunting this
manor for decades and is so attuned to it can travel its perimeter at will. As for Will, well, I I-I dont
know where he is. The spirit seems to have masked itself from us. Like its hiding. I think hes fine for the
time being, but we must hurry, before something is done to him.

Tala grit her teeth. Well, what do you supposed we do? If we cant find out where the spirit is,
how will we find Will?

Petunia looked to Tala and frowned. There is only one thing we can do, she said. Go into the
manor and look.

The entirety of the manor seemed to groan when Tala pulled one of the double doors open. She
feared it may topple from such a small action, and let out a sigh of relief when the building seemed to
stabilize itself. That didnt stop the look of disgust that came to her face at the pungent, musty smell
that wafted from within.

Tentatively, she entered, and cast eyes about. The entrance to the manor opened up to a grand
staircase carpeted in a dark burgundy spread that, in its prime, was probably as red as a cherry. Cracked
chandeliers rocked down from their wirings and the fleur-de-lis patterned wallpaper hung in curls from
the walls. Whatever beauty Tala attempted to find in the place was tarnished by the toll of time and

What in the world happened for it to get like this? Tala thought.
As if reading her thoughts, Petunia said, This manor used to belong to a prodigious family
during the earlier years of Way. After the turn of the century and Over was recognized as the more
preferred location of the wealthy, they abandoned it. If I recall correctly, they were known as the De

The De Luca family, huh Tala gave some thought to the name before shaking her head. Ive
never heard of them.

Not many people have. They were very private about their business.

Anyway, do you feel anything? I cant make out a thing.

No, nothing. Perhaps we should go deeper? Petunia indicated a door to the left of the

Together, Tala and Petunia ventured deeper into the manor. The next room, the kitchen, didnt
have much to offer as far as clues went, nor did the living room through the exit on the right. Returning
to the kitchen, the two made their way to the doorway ahead of them and came upon a long stretch of
hallway. The end, seeped in darkness, looked as if it extended into oblivion. A shiver passed through
Tala, causing Petunia to eye her.

Are you sure about this? the Lock asked. I can go on ahead alone, if youd like.

N-no, no, no, Im all right. This is nothing for a Gate. I-I can handle myself.

Petunia giggled. And for a Gate-in-training? she asked.

Tala blinked at her. How do you

Before she could inquire further, Petunia gave her a knowing smile and trotted off into the
darkness. Talas mouth drew into a thin line before she rushed after the girl, shaking a fist.

Y-youre going to explain yourself after this, okay? she cried. Just so you know, I dont trust
you com

Suddenly, that was a splintering crack, and Tala lost her footing and fell forward. When she
jerked her head down to her leg, she realized she had stepped through a large hole in the floorboards
that caught her up to her knee. And to make matters worse, there was a tugging sensation strong
enough to bend the planks of wood under her weight.

P-Petunia! she cried. Help!

Petunia turned about to see Tala clawing at the floor as pieces of wood snapped off and whirled
into the vacuum beneath. She rushed forward without a second thought, arms extended to catch onto
Talas desperate hand. Yet Talas fingers brushed through Petunias before she overcome by the force
and fell. The Lock could only look on in desperation as Talas screams echoed out to silence.

Flopping back, Petunia sighed into her hands, and said, Things have just went from bad to

Tala was lost to a dream before an incessant ringing in her ears brought her back to reality. She
was posed awkwardly atop a pile of planks; her arms and legs draped over pieces jutting up like
stalagmites in a cave. When she righted herself, Tala saw that the entirety of wherever she was was
covered in them. Ahead, she could see Will posed similarly from another set of upright pieces. Jolted
with energy at the sight of him, Tala ran with a stumble to his aid, but was knocked to the floor again by
an unseen force.

The ringing grew louder in pitch, causing Tala to slap hands over her ears. W-why are you doing
this? she cried.

The spirit that had taken Will materialized behind him; first, their floating half, and then their
arms bound around the unconscious mans shoulders. They sneered possessively at Tala, cutting off the
ringing abruptly.

I have been alone for countless days. I wont be alone again, the spirit said, its haunting tone
rumbling Tala to the core. I wont let you have him. Leave now, and never come back.

Why? Hell just die if you keep him here. What will you do then?

I dont care. If he dies, Ill find another. Ill take anyone that wanders near here. I refuse to be
alone again.

Stop this! Will doesnt deserve this at all, youre being selfish!

A flash of guilt seemed to pass over the spirits face before twisting into anger. Releasing Will,
the spirit rose higher into the air as their locks lengthened and swallowed half the room.

You know nothing! the spirit roared. Absolutely nothing!

The ends of the spirits hair sharpened to spikes and came rushing out to a frozen Tala in all
directions. She shut her eyes to her imminent death, but snapped them open again upon feeling a
weight on her back for the briefest of moments. She found herself face-to-face with Petunia; one of the
girls hands protectively wrapped around her side while the other was outstretched. Her eyes were
squeezed tightly shut as a jolt of energy cut through the spirits hair, withering them to nothingness.

Petunia let out a sigh. J-just in time, she said. For once.

Tala looked bewildered. W-when? H-how? she said.

Petunia pointed a finger upward. A few moments ago. I fell, of course. Its not like Ill get hurt,
no physical form and all.

And that just now?

Remember what I said? I prevent spirits from leaving the spirit divide, which also includes
keeping them back forcefully. But Petunia looked at her hand and frowned as her wrist cut off to the
image of nothing. I shouldnt try that again Unless I want to destroy my entire form.
Once again, Tala had a thousand questions for the girl, but was forced to push them to the
wayside as their lives were still in danger. Whatever Petunia had done seemed to spook the spirit,
forcing them into hiding. Tala rushed to Wills side once again.

First, she tried shaking him awake, but when that came to no avail, even slapping at his face.
However, nothing seemed to make him budge.

Hes all right, right, Petunia? Right?

I cant say. Its hard to tell from looking alone. This must be the spirits doing, though.

Which means?

Which means if you can confront the spirit, you can wake him up.

Tala balled a fist. Then we have to do this, Petunia, she said. I may not be a full-fledged Gate,
but with your help I can

Petunia shied away from Tala then, hiding the stump where her hand should be beneath her
oversized sleeve. Tala frowned at this and marched passed her.

Then Ill do it myself, she said.

Petunia trembled. T-Tala, please wait and hear me out! Youre not dealing with a regular spirit
here. This is a poltergeist. Which means that it could kill you. I cant let any harm come to you, so

Unfortunately, the Locks words fell on deaf ears. Tala was already ambling her way up one of
the hills of splintered planks and ignoring her. She was determined to save Will, no matter what.

She slid the remainder down the rest of the hill and prepared to climb over another. At the crest
of this one, she cupped hands over her mouth and yelled, Hey, spirit! Come out here, we have
unsettled business!

For a lengthy moment, nothing seemed to happen, but Tala caught the flicker of something
white in her periphery and immediately turned about and ran in its direction, nearly losing her footing
all the while. When she came upon the spirit, they were huddled in a corner of the room; bursts of static
rippling over their entire wan form.

You, she said firmly, causing the spirit to stiffen. When they looked up to her, Tala couldnt
discern anything but fear in its eyes. I dont know how, but release Will this instant!

The spirits lips trembled and they looked away, meeting Talas demand with acquiesce. In
response, Tala stomped a foot.

Whats your problem?! she screamed at the spirit. You can go back to doing whatever in this
mansion alone for all I care, just let him go! He did nothing wrong!

Now, now, Tala. Dont yell at them.

Tala shifted her chin over her shoulder and saw Petunia clambering down the hill she was once
standing on. At the sight of the Lock, the spirit stiffened again.
They cant do anything to you, not with the magic I used, Petunia said. She looked to the spirit.
You look like you have something to say.

The spirit opened and closed their mouth twice as both of the girls eyes leveled on it. Taking a
moment to finally collect their thoughts, they said, I dont want to be alone anymore.

Tala huffed and rolled her eyes as Petunia urged them along with a nod. Go on, she said.

I dont know why, but I dont want to be alone anymore.

Tala blinked. You dont know why?

The spirit nodded their head. I dont remember anything. Nothing. All of it is bits and pieces.
Being me, then forgetting for a long time, and then remembering me again. Just that I am someone.
Thats all I remember.

Petunia pursed her lips. I see, she said.

Unfortunately, while her companion seemed to understand the situation, Tala was at a loss.
What the spirit said seemed to go in one ear and out the other.

Care to explain, Petunia?

You know of poltergeists, yes? Spirits become poltergeists when they lose the memories of
their humanity. It is one of the symptoms of remaining on this plane for too long. It is why Gates like you
are necessary for returning them to the spirit divide. However, it seems here that this spirit has

So tell me if I am understanding this right Youre saying that they were a ghost, then
became a poltergeist, and then became a ghost again?

Well, more like a combination of a ghost and a poltergeist. Somehow, their memory returned.
At least, thats what I think happened.

The concept bewildered Tala. She clutched a hand to her temple and took a step back in shock.
I didnt think something like that was possible, she said.

She couldnt shake the thoughts of all of those poltergeists in the past Gates had exorcised and
destroyed from existence simply because they were considered dangers. The guilt ate at her, but Tala
tried to push the thoughts away by concentrating on the matter at handWill was still in danger.

S-so, what do you remember? she asked the spirit. You said you dont remember anything,
but theres got to be something, right?

The spirit shook their head. Nothing. All I know is I dont want to be alone anymore.

Then let me pass you on, Tala said, splaying a hand on her chest. Im a Gate. Well, Im not
supposed to as I am not a full-fledged one yet, but I can if you promise to let Will go. Youll find peace if I
return you to the spirit divide, so please

Slowly, the spirit began to shake their head. I I-I cant

Tala sneered. Cant? Or wont?

I I The spirits hands clutched at their temples as they swayed back and forth in confusion.
I I cant. I I wont. I-I dont want to Alone, all alone I wont

Make up your mind!

I I wont! the spirit yelled. I wont go on! I dont want to! I-I want to remember who I am!

Tala balled her fists, gritting her teeth at the perceived stubbornness, but it was Petunia who
broke her composure by lowering herself to the height of the huddling spirit. Gently, the brunette
smiled at them even as they shirked back.

Thats fine, she said.


I said thats fine. Even if it takes a hundred years, two hundred years, even longer, you can take
as long as you want to remember.

I can?

Yes, of course. No one is forcing you to do anything. Youre fine just the way you are.

The spirits eyes widened as they looked on to Petunia, but it was as if they were beholding
something far away. Suddenly, the image of a bedraggled young man with a crooked smile flashed
through their mind.

Youre fine just the way you are, Runo.

R-Runo, the spirit repeated, covering their face with their hands. Thats Thats my name.
Runo. Im Runo. Then, unable to hold themselves together anymore, the spirit began to gently cry.

Petunias smile brightened. Its nice to meet you, Runo, she said.

The small reassurance from the Lock seemed to appease the spirit. Will was broken from his
unconscious state, dazed and confused, but safe. Tala hugged him in tears when he awakened, and
seemed to cling to him until they returned to Unders lift.

Are you sure youre okay, Will? she asked him just before the two parted ways.

Yes, Im fine. Im sorry to have worried you, Shakuntala.

Please dont apologize. Youre not to blame. Just She scratched the back of her neck. Can
we wait a few months or, uh, years until we visit another one of your haunted locations?

Will laughed sheepishly. I can agree to that, but next time Tell me what happened, okay?

Tala nodded her head. Next time, when you visit. I will. I definitely will.
Pleased with this reply, Will ruffled Talas hair before turning on his heeling and joining the last
group to load onto the elevator. Tala waved him off until the hatch slide shut and the elevator began its
rise upward. Afterward, her smile fell, and she jerked around to see Petunia, and her new charge, Runo,
watching from afar.

Its not like it matters anyway, she thought. He cant see you like I can.

Still, she marched over to them, and seemed to frown a little deeper when they didnt readily
say something. Tala broke the tension with, Petunia, you have a lot of explaining to do. First, how do
you know me? And secondTala looked to Runo, who hid fully behind Petuniawhy are they here as

Um, well. Petunia cleared her throat. For your first question, Kamla asked me to look after

Mom? Why did mom ask you to do something like that?

Kamla, I mean, your mother is worried about you, but because she cant be with you all of the
time, she asked me to keep an eye on you instead. Do you remember this morning? With the gentleman
who tried to have you pass him on? It was me who dissipated him; I used the same banishment spell
from when Runo tried to attack you.

That red... It was your sweater? Tala received a nod in reply. So all of those other times when
I was in danger, it was you saving me? But why? Doesnt mom trust me?

You said it yourself, remember? Kamla is the Gate, youre just the Gate-in-training. Without
your mother here, there are zero Gates in the entirety of Way. That makes you a prime target for violent
spirits. It would be a shame to lose you, so I was asked to protect you from afar and not disturb your
daily living.

Such a reasoning didnt sit well with Tala. She harrumphed and crossed her arms. So I wasnt
supposed to know about you? Why?

Petunia smiled. Because Kamla knew youd get upset, she said. Like you are now.

Well, she isnt wrong there

Preferring to redirect the topic away from her, Talas eyes settled on Runo. The spirit jolted at
her stare and tucked themselves lower behind Petunia.

So care to explain them? Tala asked.

Runo? Petunia said. They didnt want to remain in the manor anymore, so I asked them to
come with me. She smiled and coaxed them out from behind her. I figured they could stay with us
until they got their memory back.


Yes. Now that you know of me, I can take a direct role in your protection. Ill be living with you
in Tischendorfs Baubles, Trinkets, and Things. Petunia smiled. We wont overstay our welcome,
thanks for having us! Now, we should get home. There is much to be done.
Petunia began to walk off with Runo in tow, leaving Tala behind. The Gate could only stand
there, dumbfounded by the prospect of having unwanted guests in her home. Yet the idea struck a
chord within her, and it launched her into a run after the two.

Hey, I never said you could stay! she cried, drawing stares as it looked as if she was yelling at
the open air. Get back here!

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