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The Secrets of Jiu-jitsu

by Re-ni (Ernest Rgnier), 1905

Translated & summarised from the French by Philip T. Crawley, 2014

1st attack Come-along!

Pass the left arm underneath the right arm of him whom you wish to attack,
holding his right wrist firmly with the right hand and the left arm quickly
pressed against his ribs at the same time grabbing your right wrist with
your left hand which you pass underneath the adversarys right arm.
Further to having made this lock the adversarys arm is threatened with a
dislocation at the shoulder; the pain caused will quickly have him at your

2nd attack- twisting the adversarys hand

During the course of an attack one can seize the adversarys hand with a
simple torsion which, if well practiced, can throw him to the ground rending
it impossible to harm you.

Every success in this defence consists of applying both thumbs on the

knuckles, near the start of the fingers, so as to make as long a lever as
possible. Bend the adversarys hand back over his forearm to the outside; a
little effort is enough to overturn an adversary seized thus.

If you cannot seize both the adversarys hands at once first seize the right
hand with your right hand the adversarys left hand and vice versa.

When used rapidly its success is certain.

3rd attack- to make the adversary go over your head

Firmly seize the assailant by the collar of his clothing with both hands and
place one foot against his stomach, then with a jump place the other foot
between the adversarys feet as closely as possible. Having done this rapidly
pull him toward you and lean backwards so as to fall, bringing the
adversary with you.

Stretch out the leg, always applied to the adversarys stomach, and make
the fall; he will be obliged to follow the force of the fall and then benefit from
his fall in whatever manner you see as most effective.

The adversary has gone to the ground, maintain the grip on his clothes and
make a hip thrust while pulling on the grip.

You will end up astride your adversary.

Further blows are made thus;

1st- place a knee upon one of his arms and pin the other with your foot
placed over his wrist. Right arm goes to seize the back of the collar of the
adversarys jacket as close as possible to the nape. Equally the left arm
holds onto the collar but with less grip and effects a grip. The right forearm
thus makes a lever which produces a choke or strangle.

2nd- seize the left wrist with the left hand, bend the arm , introduce the right
forearm between the adversarys forearm and bicep, applying the right fist to
his own left wrist and make a lever such that the adversarys wrist is turned
backwards ( a terrifying attack invented by prof. Re-ni).
4th attack- if the adversary wishes to seize you by the throat

If an adversary wants to seize you by the throat one must execute a vigorous
action upon each of his wrists while making a slight withdrawal of the upper
body to the rear. Then carry the adversarys arms above your head.

Having done this, let go of the assailants left hand and keep hold of his
right wrist with both hands. Then pass the left elbow over the adversarys
arm while maintaining the grip. This movement produces a twist of the arm,
the pain obliging the adversary to bend his arm to the front. His chest will
meet against your thigh and he will find himself trapped and defenceless
from the pain that is brought about.

5th attack- defence against a knife blow

If during an attack you receive a knife blow from above first parry with the
forearm against the adversarys forearm.

Having seized the assailants right wrist with your right hand step forward
with the left foot and pass your left hand behind the adversarys left forearm
in order to seize your own right wrist.
At this moment there is no more to do than to force the lock that is formed
so that the attacker is disarmed.

This figure shows an alternative defence against the same attack.

After having seized the adversarys wrist instead of making the lock as
before place the palm of your left hand under the adversarys elbow. Raise
up, at the same time that one puts down the wrist, to make a cantilever to
topple downward which will oblige the attacker to bend forward. Then bring
the adversarys arm upon your forearm and bend his arm , the shoulder
becoming a pressure point, then seize the adversary by the throat with the
right hand. One then has your elbow pressed against his chest. There is
nothing more to do than to raise the forearm which will produce pain the
shoulder. It is one of the more terrifying attacks.

6th attack- defence against a knife attack

(both adversaries in contrary guard)

If in a left guard receiving a knife blow delivered with the right hand, parry
with the left arm and pass the lock to the right arm, as explained before.
7th attack- parry and riposte against a kick to the legs

The adversary has delivered a kick to the legs (low kick, stamp or toe kick)
while in a left guard, throwing his leg from left to right. Then make a block
with the right ankle to strike the adversarys chest with the left shoulder
while at the same time execute a leg-hook with the left ankle. If in the right
guard then do the opposite.

8th attack- dodging a punch

To enter against a punch to the face slip the head, pass under the
adversarys arm and at the same time pinning the arm that remains free so
as to avoid a blow to the flank. Then overthrow him with a leg-hook.

9th attack- arm lock

Upon a punch instead of slipping the head as shown parry with the forearm
as shown for the knife attack from above
10th attack- passing under the adversarys arm and putting them out of
the fight

If one finds oneself having seized the adversarys wrist make the grip more
certain to produce a hold which, while unbalancing the adversary
somewhat, will remove any chance of him riposting with a punch then one
passes under his arm without letting go.

When one has thus passed under the adversarys arm the right arm as
shown- the right hand does nothing but maintains a grip, such that the left
hand creates torsion by squeezing the thumb on the knuckles. This twist
will oblige the adversary to turn himself around and offer up his throat
which can be seized as shown.

In the figure it is the man in front who has passed under the others arm, as

The defence for this attack is as follows; when the adversary passes under
the arm the attacker rolls to the ground in the same direction as his arm is
being twisted, he then puts his own pressure on the grip in order to pivot
with a hip thrust to then make his own attack in turn to the legs.

In the figure the attack to the leg is made on the right side. His right foot
takes hold of the adversarys heel, while his left foot creates pressure under
the knee, which will produce a dislocation. Seize the right wrist at the
moment where the attacked is obliged to let go his grip.
11th attack- turning back the hand

At the moment where the adversary advances, for example, his right arm
toward you seize his hand with your left hand then place the thumb on the
extremity of the knuckles, raise up the arm and immediately place the
thumb of the right hand beside the other thumb. Flex the adversarys wrist
towards and outside of his forearm.

A man who is seized thus cannot resist. If he attempts to he courts the risk
of dislocating his wrist and falling badly.

12th attack- another arm lock

If an adversary attacks you head-on free yourself by passing your left arm
under the aggressors right triceps in such a way that you pin his wrist
under your armpit; place the right hand on the adversarys right deltoid,
seizing at the same time ones own wrist with your left hand which you pass
under the aggressors right arm; push the adversarys deltoid with the right
hand from inside to outside and turn him around slightly to his rear if you
are smaller than the adversary.

This will produce such a pain that he will lift up onto his feet and be
impossible for him to try to strike with his left hand In all arm locks to the
elbow the pressure point must be taken some centimetres above the joint.
13th attack- strangling the adversary

After having set aside a punch or stab with your arm push aside the
adversary using the other arm in such a way that he makes a half-turn.
Finding yourself behind him, vigorously pass the left forearm, for example,
over his throat and use your right arm to turn his arm on the same side

Apply your foot to the back of the knee to unbalance him at the same time.

14th attack- extending the adversarys spinal column (a deadly blow)

When you try to strangle an adversary who has fallen to the ground with
your forearm he will let go his grip and grab both your wrists, benefit from
this position by pushing his head forward with your chest such that it
assists the forearms in their force to lie upon his back.

This is a very dangerous attack requiring a great deal of practice.

15th attack- arm lock on the ground

Having unbalanced the adversary if you fall after him seeking a blow which
will put him out of the fight more often than not, not to say always, the
latter will seek to grab you by the throat.

This is the most favourable moment to give him the following blow;

With both hands seize the wrist which is on the same as side you find
yourself on or, if you are astride the adversary, the side onto which you
want to turn. Then pass your leg over the adversarys neck to apply your
foot on his other wrist. The other leg wedges against the adversarys kidneys.

Pull the adversarys arm toward you, holding the back of the knee on his
other arm and arching yourself back. This is one of the most used attacks.

16th attack- strangulation and extension of the lumbar vertebrae (a

deadly blow)

If in-fighting or in a scramble on the ground the adversary turns you on

your back, seize his throat with your forearm, pass your feet around his
hips on both sides and aim to place a heel on each thigh.

Make fast the grips and arch yourself at the hips.

This is a very dangerous blow able to provoke death by strangulation or by

extending the lumbar vertebrae.
17th attack- twisting the adversarys foot

The attacker has made a lock with his legs which immobilises the
adversarys left leg. He seizes the tip of the foot with his right hand and
applies the palm of his left hand against the adversarys heel. This
movement allows him to stretch the foot as much as possible.

After this, with both hands, he turns the foot to the inside.

It is absolutely necessary to immobilise the adversary before making this

twist, otherwise he will roll himself toward you and slip the assured torsion
of this attack.

18th attack- breaking the adversarys neck

Using the knee

If one applies a knee upon the adversarys dorsal muscles very close to the
armpit then seize his arm to place his triceps on your knee and make a lever
of his forearm.
Using the instep

Gain the same result as previously if, after having thrown the adversary to
the ground with a turning of the wrist, one places a foot in the armpit on the
same side as the grabbed wrist and applies his triceps over the instep,
which is pushing into his armpit.

19th attack- paralysing the adversarys Achilles tendon

Having unbalanced the adversary seize his leg while immobilising the other
with the use of your foot. Place his seized leg under the armpit on the same
side, forearm pressing on his Achilles tendon.

The pain is such that the adversary is obliged to demand immediate mercy.

If, after having seized the adversarys leg, you cannot immobilise the other
stand up straight and with this movement the adversarys weight will be
enough to achieve the same aim.
20th attack- torsion of the cervical vertebrae

The attacker is lying on the adversarys right side, his right leg immobilising
his left arm, places his left hand over the top of his skull and his right hand
under the adversarys chin, then he makes a torsion in the opposite direct to
that in which he is lying.

Once the torsion is made the hand applied to the nape pushes the
adversarys head onto his chest.

This is an attack which brings about death.

It is obvious that the attack is made without differences from both guards: if
the attacker is lying on the left arm of the adversary he immobilises his left
leg and right arm , places his right hand on top of the adversarys skull and
his left hand over his chin, then he makes a twist of the head to the left.

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