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Republic of the Philippines SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL TWO


A. Content Standard Holiday No Grammar Awareness and Comprehending Literary Text Oral Languages in Weekly Test
Classes Structure English

Demonstrate grammatical Respond to literary text Have sufficient facility in

awareness by being able to through the appreciation of English to understand
read, speak and write correctly literary devices and an spoken discourse and to
Communicate effectively, in understanding of story talk and interact with
oral and written forms, using grammar others about personal
the correct grammatical experiences and text
structure of English listened to or read
C. Learning Competencies/ Verbs Retell and/or reenact events Create and participate in
Objectives from a story oral dramatic activities
Identify some words that Objectives:
comprise contractions (e.g. Participate in the retelling of Objectives:
cant = cannot, its = it is, poems and stories Dramatize familiar
arent = are not) Arrange pictures as they stories, rhymes and
happened in the story poems using English

Write the LC Code for each EN2G-IIIg-h-3 EN2LC-IIIi-j-2.6 EN2OL-IIIg-1.16

II.CONTENT Lesson 25: I Can Shorten Lesson 26: I Can Retell Lesson 27: I Can
Words Stories Respond to Situations
A. References CG pages 15,28-29 CG pages 15,28-29 CG pages 15,28-29
1.Teachers Guides/Pages Unit 3 pp.39-40 Unit 3 pp.41-42 Unit 3 pp.42-44
2.Learners Materials Pages LM pages 313-314 LM page 315-318 LM page 319
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from charts, pictures charts, bundle of barbecue charts, pictures
Learning Resources (LR) portal sticks, cord, picture of
quarrelling, pictures of sons
quarrelling, picture of sons
trying to
break the sticks, picture of
sons breaking a stick
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Drill Drill Drill /l/
presenting the new lesson DIPTHONGS Review

B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: Motivation: Motivation:

lesson Lets recite the short poem I How many have Today, you will have
am Proud of My Country with brothers/sisters? another group
action. Is it fun to have presentation.
brothers/sisters? Why or But before that, lets
why not? have a game.
Game: Truth or Lie

C. Presenting examples/ I Am Proud of My Country Unlocking of Difficulties Reading of Verse (Refer

instances of the new lesson a. quarreled (Show picture to LM page 319.)
of quarrelling.) Read the verse.
What are the people doing
in the picture?
D. Discussing new concepts and Are they the same? What is the title of our Discussion of Verse:
practicing new skills #1 Where do they differ? story? To Be Honest, To Be True
What does Im stand for? Who is the author? I promise to be honest; I
Im is a contraction of the word Who retold the story? promise to be true
I am. What is meant by retold? What is the promise?
Here are other examples of What kind of a story is it? Is it a good promise?
contractions from the story What is a folktale? Why or Why not?
(Refer to LM page _____.)
E. Discussing new concepts and (Refer to LM page 313) Lets Try Let us study this
practicing new skills #2 A. Write under or over to situation. (Refer to LM
complete the sentence. page 319.)

F. Developing mastery Lets Answer page 313 Have pupils do We Can

( Leads to formative assessment Let us practice writing Do It on p.319 of the L.M
) contractions.
1. will not wont
G. Finding practical/ applications Have pupils do I Can Do It on Number the pictures 1 to 3. Group Activity (Each
of concepts and skills in daily page of the LM page 314 Write a sentence about group will act out the
living each picture. situation given.)(Refer to
LM page 319.)

H. Making generalizations and Remember This: How do you arrange pictures What do you use in
abstractions about the lesson Contractions are the short as they happened in the dramatizing familiar
form of two words. story? stories, rhymes and
We use an apostrophe () in poems ?
place of the
letters we removed.
I. Evaluating Learning Each group will retell the Each group will present
Write the contraction. story in front of the class (5 to the class their own
1. is not ____________________ minutes only per group). presentation/interpretati
2. was not ____________________ The pupils will use the rubric on of the verse.
3. cannot ____________________ to evaluate the group The pupils will use the
4. are not ____________________ presentation. rubrics to evaluate their
5. did not ____________________ presentation/interpretati
Check Yes or No.

J. Additional activities for Write the contraction of the

application or remediation following:
1. have not
2. she has ____________________
3. is not ____________________
4. we are ____________________
5. you are ____________________
A. No. of learners who earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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