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AICHE Explosion of Fixed Roof Atmospheric Storage Tanks, Part 1: Background and Review of Case Histories Jéréme Taveau Initt de Raiprotetion de Sieé Nuc, IRSWOSWSERICREN, 31 avenue de Division Lacler, 92 240 Fonenay ax Rows Cex, Pane; ene aeau@isnt Vor compre) Published online 26 gust 211 in Wiley Online Lary (eons). DOL 10.002 10459 Many flammable protcts are stoned in large tans at ctmosprcprecsire Ignition of «loca beomatr misare tn such ta a kad to an ep Sion and cause kal casuals ov daa tbe Ser rounding faces ad butdings. To append Sejey stances for bummans. Sucre tnd. ee iments ned be define Sven simple make {eave on stp estate safety deans {ase ofan armasploc storage tank expt "fn icles ances of cident re quoi of atmosperte stage tanks he ase Seatac Ste een rays, ob the Doshi acitntlsepuencen, unde ie mest fe quent causes inet in eons of armesplorc Storage tant ind big te oneal comegucr cer such accidenh 6 2011 hoecan ise of Ghent Engineers Procos. Saf Prog 30" 381392, ao Keneonds atmosphere sorge tanks; fx rf eplnto acide, equencies Many fammable products, for example, liquid hhydrocarbome at norstal temperatces and pressires such as gasoline, naphtha, heavy oy Kerosene, and diesel ll are usually stored in lage tanks at sins Pheri presure or under a low pressure of 0 bang FSi tm these tanks, 2 more or less important amoust ‘of Mammabie gaseous hydrocsrbon-ae mature May he present above the liquid phase Gontinuosy for Process Safety Progress (WOL30, Noa fixed scot tanks or accidentally for floating roof nk). When .sucent amount of energy Is sp- Plicd to the mature, may ignite and lead to ether 6 both an explosion and 3 fie When 4 tank explosion "occurs, overpresare waves and elected fragments that are gener might nine devastating effects (ee Some Examples of Sor ‘age Tanke Explosions section) The fist aicle pies fan overview of past acidents to show the possile fuses and. conseriences of atmospheric storage tank explosions Tmosphene storage tanks are generally select according 0 the Mash point ofthe Stored uid. The {wo main types OF atmosphere slorage tanks te Fixed roof storage tanks and floating 100! sorage + Fixed roof tanks are used to tre low vot preducs wih high Rash point, such as fuel of nd bitumen. The lower part ofthe tank contains the stored liquid, wherets the pper part com Drises the vapor space (conentation depending fa the vapor pressure ofthe priv + Floating toot tanks are divided ino external and internal floating soot tanks types "They are used to Sore lage quantities of high volathiy. products Such as crude oll or gasoline. The roof Moats on the surace ofthe stored guid and hence can ee oF descend, depending on the liquid level in the tank. This typeof tank eliminates breaching loses and greatly redoces the evaporative loss of the December 2011. 381 stored liquid, For low gud level, the roof even: tually lands on rk les art 2 vapor space can form beoween the quid srface an the roof Table_1 susiarizes the advantages ane disadvan tages of fixed ancl lating roof tanks ‘oot FEBUENCS Of ATUDSPHEN STORAGE TANKS Arconiing to Kets () sumospheric storage tank acctdents represent sgrieant Fraction of the acc ‘ents in the process indie No item of equipment is mvotved in more acl toar storage tans, probably because ey are fragile and easly damaged by sight renpresiine or tacutim. Forniately, the ma Jority of accidents imeoeing tanks do not case Ing, bus ey da case damage, los of mate Fa and interpaion of roduetion I Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of fixed 2nd float Snphe design al requis liked Maintenance (no moving Pans) Fined root ank Floating oof tank i wa 7 Limited vapor space and 80 small ‘of itera explosion, volatile onic compounds Table 2, Number of fies and explosions i Reduction of evaporative loss of liquid (Chang and Lin 161 have lived 242 accidents during the lax 10 years involving atmosphese and pressur laed storage tanks of any type containing petroleum ‘ chenials. 60%% are Brenan 25% are explosions ‘rable 2), Explosions comprise unconfined vapor ‘loud explosions, presuriaed veseh burs, and tank ‘explosions Accorling 10 Figure 1, tbe three major causes of accents ste lightning 3390, maintenance operations {138 and operational errors (12%), Other causes are cauipment fale (20), sabotage (8), crack aad fipture CN), leak and fine rupture (0), static elec Ceeay (399, open Ames 0, nature Gisaster (310, and runaway eacion (2. Table 3s the Pes of tanks and contents involved in reviewed aecdents. Floating root and Fined roof tanks (io lesser extend, which are exten: Sively used forthe rage of erode ol, gasoline, and ng ro tanks 6) Braporve los of quid Lange aor space and ence high risk ‘S inyernal explosion i ammabie ape ged porate accumulation of rain water ae soow fn the root leading fo roo! sinking in Years Sc Noaber of Fes * 26 al 39 a us Numer oF explosions 8 3 16 2 w 6 Figure 1. Causes of tank accidents (6) (Color figure can wileyonlinelibrary.com., bre viewed in the online ise, which Is avaiable at Table 3. Type of tanks ae contents involved i accidents (6 Type of Tanke Floating Fred Fixed Roof with Fiber Wooden Refrigerated Content ___Roof™ Roof Sphere Intsrnal Root Glase__ Roof” Tank Teal Gade oi) B50 2 e 2 ° 2 Oil products 3 1 OO 1 oO ° i Gasoline a» 3s oO 5 oo ° 2% we o 4 on 0 oo ° i Propane o 0 6 6 1 ° 1 2 Hydrochloric acd = «0 ° 2 0 ° 2 Met cyanate © 9 6 ° o 0 1 i Sobol 6 wm on 6 32 2 8 Toble 4. Number of Fires involving hydrocarbon storage tak [71 os W9Gos OTIS 9 ——Tms—200TN GGT Nombor of ies 5 2 7 135 161 oy 9 diesel oi, are the most frequent type of unks Involved in accidents Perssoa and Lénnermark [7] have also sue a sue vey concerning. storage tanks acldents. They have listed 479 Tres involving hydcsrbon storage anks Tberween 1951 and 2003 (Fable 4). 50 of these acct: dents Were caved by lightning, eich is In good Agreement wih states fom Chang end Li (On the hasis ofthe work of Penson and Lénner- mark, Hatwood er af.) idee 21 tank explo- ‘Sons followed by are asd on a review of over 500 Fixed roof bycro= ‘carbon tanks over a 20-year period, Kitz and (9) ext ‘td that the fequeney of fire oF an explosions {fixed roof hydrocarbon Storage tank ss aout 12% 10-year unk ‘A repo from the thternatonal Assocation of Oi snd Gas Prosicers (OOP) [10] gives more recent data Coming. from several sources, According 0 this ‘epor + ange atmospheric storage tank fires (LASTEIRE) projet [1] quanied the occurence of tank fire Kcemarios DuL gave no cites of explosions in 133.906 tank yeas for floating oof tanks: so assum ing one cise of explosion in 33906 tank years by ‘etaule the fequeney of an explosion is assumed tobe 2 10" Gear tink + Map izard tnedent data service (MMIDAS) data: tuase was both analyzed by Technica in 1990 and Det Norske Vesias in 1997 foes diferent period of lime. Technica found that 2% of he 122 tank hres Considered were insted by explosions, whereas Toul of about 22% of "these incidents were recorded 2s involving explosions Det Norske Ver tus reponed a much bigger proporion of accidents inisated by explosions for erage oi tanks as 10 ‘out of 92 accklents sere reported a+ explosions Proce Safety Progress (YO, Nos) Pohl on Defal of he AICHE followed by fres (20%), No detail is given about the type of tank Gixed or floating ref an) On this bass, the OGP report suggests +a frequency of 9 X 10™iyear tank? for internal texplesions und fll surface Res nd sa Trequency of 25 >. 10" (fear tak) for itera explesions without fires. ‘The revi of sliferent databases and. repons avalable in the open Werare tdcates that atmos. Pheric storage tunk explosions occur TeRaey 20d, Fence, need to be corey taken into account in rskeascesment ‘The next section focuses on some particule well documented past accident t show the possible acc dent sequences and highlight the potential cone ‘quences of stmosphene soeige tank Explosions SOME EXAMPLES OF SOBAGE TANK PLOSIENS The present section focuses om some particular well dosumented past accidents 0 show the possible ecient sequences and highlight the potential eonce: quences of aumospherie storage tank explosions that ‘ccd both in France and inte rest ofthe Work Romeoville, USA (1977) ‘On September 24, 1977, lightning sinc & $8 a (alameteD by 16 m thigh? fixed ro tank that we lines fully filled with soi, The tank exploded, nd the. projeced” fragments spread the fre 10 nother tank (igure 2)" Oxerpressire ws felt a8 fir 516 km aay 1213 Herne, Germany (1984) Tighining, provoked the bursting of & 10000 m* ‘isopropyl alcohol tank a the Ferme chemical site #9 BOF 101002/precemer 2011. 388 Figue 2. Tank 413 five, Romeoville, USA (1977) 11 [Color figure can be ewed inthe online iste Ishich je avlabe af wileyonlinelibrary.£0 Figure 3. Tank fire, Heme, Gemany (1984) (04 [olor figure can be. viewed ia the online isve schich awalable at wleyonliselibrary.com.| Germany (Figure 3). The roof was ejected and the Geerpresure’ broke windows of the surrounding Fouses up to ? ka from the centre ofthe exp cm Channelview, USA (1990) ‘Seventeen workers were killed on July 5, 1990, at the AIO Chemical Company stein Texas afer 2 1fK0 nm nk soring wastewater and hydrocarbons fexplesed (15) Two cooling towers, 2 cogeneration faulty a main pipe rack, and 0 large tanks were Heavily damage “whe exlonion eas Feit a fa as 13 en say Rowsevlle, USA (499) An explosion occured at the Penna Penducts company refinery in Rouseville, PA. at about 1055 ston tober 16, 195, during a welding liger of Hammable lige Sparks igaited lammable ipoes at openings nthe tank, The delagation itsed the tank to fla the bottom seam and shoot law the ar Fyures 7). Fhe workers were killed he tank didnot fave a fangile roo! or other emer. sency venting. The fesulting fre ignited several exer Figure 4, Overview of the explosion area, Rowe, USA" C1999) iol [color figure can he viewed in the nls sue, whieh is aah at wHeyonlineibrary ‘com! Figure §. Atea of the explasion (C355) 1 Rousevile, USA tanks, causing several loud explosions 3 fis chiens and other sealed contin 16. Ashdod, Israel (1997) ‘On November 2, 1997, the explosion of 15.000 cv fixed roof gino tank Yoeted inthe tank farm of 1pOH 10100248 Process Safety Progress ( Figure & Oviginal sk of Tank 488 (ank 487 In back round, Rousevile, USA (1999) 06) [Color figure fin be viewed in the online iste, which fe avaale st wileyonlinelibrary.com, Figure 9, Tank 411 fire (2), Ashdod, Isaet (1997) 18) (Color figure cin be viewed inthe online, se. ‘bic is avilable at wileyonlinelbrary.com., Figure 7. Tank 488 afer the explosion, Rote USA 195) [A [Color figure can be viewed inthe online issue, which is avaiable at sileyonineibrary. = Figure 10. Roof of tank 41 in the dike, Ash, Ire TBD?) (18 (Color igure can be viewed in the online sso, which isavalable at wileyonlinelibrary.com.) Ashdod Oil Refinery caused loss of feof one worke gues 8-10), The investigation concluded tha a oncomplee tit stepping wih hydogen a the xt of miso Mycrotesting uni caused penetration of hyde inside the tank. The soutee of ation Ws mot likely electrostatic spar inated BY syheic rope Ciosead of cotton one) used to get samples Ct ofthe nk 178 Delaware, USA (2001) ‘On july 17, 2001, an explosion occurred at the Monira Enterprises LIC in Delaware City, killing one Figure 8, Tank 411 fire (D, Asidod, Ise! (1997) 181. worker and ‘tyunng eight others, The pressute Wave [Cor figure can be viewed in the online sue, was sufficient to separte the tank's Pasetorel joint ‘hich able at wileyonlinelibrary.com, (Figures 11 and 12). The explosion Ws most Hkely Intel by 2 spark fom the maintenance work 15) igure 13. View ofthe rohiene dsooyanate fairy a Selon, Meso tay (2000) 19) (Colo hi re tea be viewed ip the online owe, which av Fue 11. Turk 383 (shell on the left and base on ie it'wileyonlinelibeary.com. eiiah), Delaware, USA GOOD 115). (Color figure fan be viewed lo the online fe, which Is avalabe 1 wileyonlinelibrary.com. PRES i fe clone issue, which is avaahle at wileyonlinelibrary

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