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The United States and the Holocaust

Part 1: On the Eve of War
Sometimes seemingly insignificant incidents have enormous implications for the future. The St. Louis incident is
such a case. Read the brief explanation and analyze it using the questions that follow.

1. What is the question at issue?

2. What broad concepts are involved in this issue?

3. What assumptions do you surmise he was making at the time?

Part 2: The United States and the Holocaust

Answer the questions below based on the attached handout.

In considering each of the following questions:
a. Identify and discuss specific relevant points of information from the previous list.
b. Formulate a concise statement summarizing your position.

1. Identify and explain cultural, economic, and political factors in US policy toward the Nazi final

2. To what extent can the United States can held accountable for the Holocaust?

3. To what extent can President Roosevelt be held accountable?

4. What should the United States have done?

SYNTHESIS: How can we connect American actions during the Holocaust to Syrian refugees in 2017?
Part 3: Exit Ticket Dr.Seuss

During World War Two, Dr. Seuss drew political cartoons that were highly critical of Hitler, Mussolini, and US
isolationists. The below cartoon was published in 1941 in response to the US governments America First
policy. Analyze the contextualization of the below cartoon and use synthesis to draw parallels to US
government foreign policy.

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