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1 c.s.

: l're-1 998 I of I I

The open-loop tran$fer function of the 5 The lir.;l element or each of the oows of a
controi system shown in the figure is Routh-Hurwitz stability lest showed the
.si n as follows:
c (s Rows f 11 111 VIII
Sings + +
The number of roots of the system lying in

tlte right half of s plane is
a. 2
b 3
10 c, 4
s(s+l)(s+2) d. 5

b. 0.() 6 The performance specifications for unity
6 feed control system having an open-loop
c. transfer function
.v(.-+ l)(s+2)

10 G(s) K are
d s{s +1)(; +2)
s' t 3s' + 2.1 16
lf the single tiow graph sbown in the given J Velocit e1Tor coetliciem
ligure has M number of forward palhs and ra K,, > I Osee- '
P number of individual loops. then 2. Stable closed-loop operation
Tite value of K, satisfying U1e above

lnl'"-'. . , ~-o-,j)-'..':''"" SJ>ecification is

a. K >6
b. 6<K<.JO
c, K> IO
11, M = 6, P= 6 d. None of the above

b. M =6, P=4 7 Tbe effect of phase-lead CQmpen~ator on

c. M = 4,P= 6 gain cross-<>ller frequency w.,and the
d M ~ 4, P = 4 bandwidth IV. is Utat
3. The impulse response of a ~-ystem is given
a, Both increase

by c(t) =~<' ''l Which one of the b 13otb decrease

2 c, H~. increase while W, decrease
following is it's unit step response'>
a. 1- e 17 ' d, fV,, decreases while w. increases

b_ 1-e- 8. A lluer 2"" order single input coo1inuous

ti me system is descnoed by the following
c. 2- e"'
ser of differential equations>

d~ 1- e :.
lf the o,peo-loop transfer function of a X,"' 2x1 + 4x,
feedback ~-ystem is given by X ,: 2X,-X, - u(t)

O(s)H( <) K the 'Whore X1 and X, arc state variables and

.~(.~ .. 2)(.s' f2st-5) u(t) i9s the input. The system is
centroid of the as mores will be a. Controllable and stable
a. 1 ,0 b. Comrollable but unstable
b. 1.0 c. Uncor1trollable and unstable
c 0,-1 d. Uncontrollable but stable
d 0.1 9. For
2 or 1.1
li(sJ=[s<~:~s .? ~6s+5
Select the ~nswcr using the codes
given below:
a. 1,2 ond3
-5 s b. 1 and 2
s' +6s +5 s' 6~~5 c, 2 md 3
Tlte coeO'icicnt motrix At; d. I and .3

~ r~6
5 14. WJt<:tl 3(1V de i.~ npJ)Jied IO the vertic>!
o] deflecting pltttcs of n enthodo ray tube, the
hrlght <pot moves lcm ~wav from tho>
[~ -:] Ccolt.:. ff 30V (nns) ac i npplic:d. th.m the

movement of tho J><)I will b'"'""''IY

e. [ ~5 06.]
a. 1 c.m
h 1,5cm
cj 2cm
" l (~ 6] 15.
d. 3cm
A spcdnim annl;,zcr con be described o.

10. Whicb of lhu 1o llowins yuantitios are- a. selective frequency meier
nna logou in a force-current analogy? b. Coll'ect selective fre<Jueucy meter
1. Oisplcemenl. and inductance c. Fr<:qucncy selective volJ.melcr

2. Velooily oud vollltge d. A filler
3. N!its nnd capocitaoce
Select the correct :mswer U!ling the codes
16. Let ~~ be the role or choge or onutuioJ
given below: ra inducL1nce hem :n the llxed and movinQ
n. 12and 3 coils \Vilh t<:spcet 10 tbc oogulor dttlwivn
b. 1 ond 2 0 in an clct;trodynamics priug contrOlled
c. 2 and~ ~mmeter. Whk h one of tl1e following i'J
tl. 1 and 3 the correct condition fDr obtaining o liner
11. II R and X""' the ""islrulc" and indicntiw scale in lh" llmfil~ttr'l
r""pectively D llfld L the diameter a.nd dM .
len~th m pedively ol' lhe rotor f)f a twCl- 11. (l dO Is cons!Mt

phosc ac strvomotor. then the ratio Drl. . 1 dM .

~ntl X1R "ill be respectively " - - - 15- constant
n, Large and large 0 dO
b. Large and gmaH c.
J() os constant"
c., Sm~ll and ln.rgc

d. Smull and ~noll I dM .

d. , dO os const3nl
12 fn the ca~e of on .rrnnmre controlled de 0
motor, if the G-qttivaleot momG'Ilt of inertia 17. A currl;>ll

t>( the tnOIIIr and load is mode smnU and

the t\ntiattlre ro.siN&unce i~ reduet:d~ tlu..1.1 the
[ I+ ~sin ( 3141 ;o) 2~in ( 1S701 ~ 20") l
motor lends to act like armature res isl!lnce umptli'C!S il; mellSurc witlt lhcrmocoupltt

is reduced, then tbe molt>r lontls to act l kc: lYPI' Jmmetot'. The; meter " ill r~nd
~ A dill'erenli..ning circuit a. 2A
b. An integnoting oircun b. &

c. A Pro controller c. (.H .Ji)A

d. A ~ccond order criu"" II)' d.1mpcll
$YLcm d. 41\
13. 'L'o doteot the OTor between " reta...ce 18. ;\ lhennueoupJ~ 11rodu"-es a voltnge cof
; haA position and an output ~hail position 50mV. JI.;J intetn4J resistance i IOQ . llll;
whicll of the following error d.:tectotll can o utput is read by a l>l\IJVIC meter b:Mn.!l
be used? an internnl r.,.L<Iance of 1200 . O rnpul
I. A pairoftachogemn011oro voltage indicated will be
2 1\ pair of potentiometer a. 50no V
3. A ~ynclU'lmy pair b. ~OmV
:: ol 14
c- 33.3 mV B Coulomb
d 2S.OmV C Farad
19 The throe Impedance~ of an nc bode Li.~tII
shown below re I. Amper~-second per voh
z, = 200160-n 2. Volt,.~eoond
1., = 4001- 900 J . Ampere-second
4. Voli ll<.'f s-cond
Z, =300!on A B C
The value 01' Z. tor the balanced bndgc is a. 1 2 3
b 2 3 I

c. 2 .3 4
T d. J I -1
A s pcciaiJiurpose diode whch uses m~mls
tl~e gold, silver or plUlinum 1111 one side or
l the Junction_ n-type doped selicon 0 11
another side and bas almost no chllrg~.

stora,ge In the junction, is a
a tS~1 son a. Scholtl;y diode
b. 15~-Jon b. runnel diOde

c. 600I-3on c. VMu:wr diode3
d. 6001-ISOn d. Zener diode
24 Cons1der the followtng suttements
20 Mmch List 1 (Typc or instrument) with
I ist l1 (Swtnb1h1y for ml!nsurement) rond
ra r. 13.1 r n.xds bws stablltzahon because its
select the correct nnswer osing the codes I .1, mcrease w101 .ocrcase JJI I ~ 11.nd
wven below the list.< t~mpemt ure

litl 2 lhermal ruMway may be avoided by

choositg 1~ 1 < 1/ 21'"
A. Moving run
B Electrodynnnucs 3. FBT and arr both need bias
C Induction ~1Ubil iZIItion because both are
D. ElecrroslntJc ~miconduotor devioC$.

List n 4 By incr~int,~ 8. bias mbili4:111ion

I acldc ollage only lDlpFO\(!S_
2 acldc vohttge/curren~pOwenmly Of these stnietnents
3 ac vuhage/curre.nttpower
a. I and 2 urc oorn.'llt

4. acldc vohagelcurrenl/power b. 3 and ~ nrc <'111'1\!ot

5 de vohageiCIIrrec.t c. 1 and 3 nre correct
A B C I) d 2 and ~ correct
a 2 4 3 t ::s

The owrull volt;~ge g;1i11 in 11 smull sittl!lc

b. 1 4 I 3
trunsi.storCE nmplili<:t is given b)
c 1 3 5
It, R,
d I 2 5 3 a. ;,

21 In a Wheatstone bride3. ~~e known It~ + II,

reststance:> are correal to wnhm 0. 1 ~. .. - h "H,.
the oocurncy 10 ll hlch an unknown v ' : .,..-~;;;..
It,. +n.

reststance can be measured os

a OA-~> /IfoR,
c. 11 = -""""-'--,-
b. 0.3% h~ -ll,l R4
(! 0.2&~
d. O.l"'o d A, = -llfoR,
22 Match L1~t J funtt) with. L1st 1J !Eqwv11tent /1,.,. fl, I R,
oiOit 1 and selcc~ the correct ans1ver ustng 26. A 11:edlaek antphtidr has u ohsed-IQ(!p
the codes glvcn below lhc lbts: guin uf -100. it should not VIII)' mor.: lhan
Lis t I 50%. dcspltt! 25 vnriutftln on nmpll fict
A_ Weber gam A \vfthouL feedback. The'"''"" of A I.
,f "' 14
... 800 32. 1\ I OMHz cnrrier of pe;~k value l OV Is"
b. -800 amplitude modulared by a J()~Hz single of
c. 11)()0 ampl ilude 6V. The amplitlldt ol' each side
tl. -1000 band .frequency;,
27, f\ftch J.i.~l I \'Device) with l.i.<l n a, ~V
!Propenyl and ~elecl lhc corTc:el nw~:r h. 4V
llSiog Ute oud>:ll givott belo" ll1e lisls: 1!. 5V
Li>t r d. 6V
A. 'Planar monoliihl!k BJ'I' 33. Con.~ider the following statements:
B. 'Th ick lilni U.:lta Modllllotion hilS >ome sisnificanl

C. 'nliin film advantages uvcl PC1V[ .IS
D, Opt coup Ia I. !t provide$ groal.e r cbo.owel capocity far
1)~1 u given bitrnle
I. U>w-cost resistot'S 2 It does nol inber.,IU)' o-equire
2. Rosi:Utlrs $U[Iablc for high ~u.,.,cy syncbron~'tlon.
use 3. ft i,s m ore tolerant to syslam noises

3. hmlaor ()f tltese stotement
4. liigb lietptem:y tr.Utsistors a. 1,2 and 3 ore correcl
A a C D b. 1 md 2 "'"correct

n, 2 3 1 I c, 2 and 3 ore corrool
h 4 I 2 3 d. I nod 3 are llorrect
c. 4 1 3 2 34. Consider the follo"ing st2lertoents:
d. 2 3 ll ra Equipment i avatlnblc lo ~nablt> CJJIT)'ing
28. t.s<nming lhat only !be 7\ ,md Y Iogie more lhan one voice cllnnnel on
iupuls ar:_avilahl~ and their complen1enls l. A pair 9fwores
X and 1' are not aVllilable. what is lhe 2. A COMtal cable
oniltimum numb<~ of two-inpul NAND -' A tadio link
gtc roquiro tb iluplc~udll X <ll f 2 4. All o plio fiber
29. tn 8085 onferoproo~~Of . H,L reg1lller palt Of these s~<~lemo:nts;
is IJ.!!ed lor s toring a. l,2 und 3 are c()rreet

u. Addr""s ol' memln')' b. 2.!3 and 4 arc ~um::cl

b. 041.3 c. I ond 4 tore correct
c . Addn::$3 of nexl"inslrocliom d. l.23 and 4 re co,.,CI
tL Curren! illstrucli<.m 35. .:onsider the following otttterncul$
~0. nte RtvlS Ul\."f11l:tl noise voltgt:S or tlu.,e rosarding noi~e m pule oommunio4tion

l'l>SistotlS indivicluaUy "re E" E~ and E1 If sy$lcm:

these resistors are connected in series. the I. Those l~>rms 11f pulse moduiMion
t(>tal noise vollage is given by which l,.lllSLnil Clll t!JIIIItl aUlJliJiude

single~ cn he made to hnve good

n. E, + E, + E,
$ingle-ln-no~~e rtio,
b. ( .%,+ .[i; + .,fi;)' 2 Foo PWM and PPM. unprov~ll singl.c-

lo-otoise requires higher brutdwidUt.

c, J(~>~ ' t-:; ' Ei) 3. In PCM. IIU;tnlizlng noise so~ up if
tho number of st:mdlltd J.,yels ;,.
tL ( E, S1 e, )"'

31. Fo1 Utrec Jinks in tandot'tt, each of the fom Oflb"'o &U111lm<:nlll
low has SIN rotio of60dB whi le the 1hird ~. I and 2 ore oorreol
h~ the same 40d8.TIIe overall SIN r;oftv b. I and 3 are correal
(~pprox.) is c. 2 and 3arecorrccl
(1. 30dD d. 1.2 ond 3 o.rc corroc"l
b. 40dB 36. Control of dais flow within netwo rks In
~. SOdB ensure max i.t1mm eUiciency and minimum
ol. 60dD i.uterfm-cncc b~tween ustl'5~ is udUcved
a, 11u-ough the iJ<olalion of usere
b. TIII'Ough maglc-1' networks d. Two B chtmncls (64kbps) and one D
s "' 14
c.. ay add res~ coding ch311nel (64khps)
tl By using system pn)h)cQ) 4 I. Wluch of the 1\)IIOIY ing eircu1l< need 10 be
37. C(Joidcr the f/ ~tatcmcntS: <>hcckdd to tcct1f:Y colour TV reccil'<'t
The advanl;tge <Jf KU band for s~1~llite shC)wing no colour. monocltrl)me picture
c~>mmunic.-!tiQo re thst and norm: I ~oundJ
I. lftllvy rolnfll dOC$ rwt utlentlllto Ul" I. Colow killer
singlo 2 3"58 &Ub-C~>rrier o;;eillillOI
2. 'Frequencies are not hared with ;;, Chronic ~mplitier
lcrrt-strinl mkrowave mdio s)'~t<rn. 4. l:lnghtn<:ss ccmtrol

3. l t .hns widdootpriot Stlect the COtfCI!l AIIS\Vt..1 Usiug the code.'
11. lt h"" &aulhr ;wl<:nnus, ;given below:
C)f these ~latements <'odes;
a. 3 and -1 are com:d a. I and 2
b. 1 ond -1 nrv eorrtd b. 1, 2nnd3
c. 2 ond J nre con-eel c. 1.3 and 4

d. 1.) and 4 are COIWCI" d. 2.~ and 4
38. !\latch Li$1 I (Dat:o <'<lntru. schemes) wiUo -12 A di<dvantage of CW Dopplet rdar is
List D (Appticotions) :md s~lcct the corro:ut Lbal

answer usil\8. the code!: given below the- a. It does not given the t.rgot position
lLIIl:: l II does ttotgive the l~rget velocity
List L c. Lt r<:(jUN n tor~ru;pond"" at the target
A ParnUd synchronous ra d . It d os not give tho targut ran go
l:l. 'Parallel OS)1lchmnous tn 3 decc~ chnin of l)ecca naYigtion
C. Serial syncho'Onons S)'SienL for a sub harmonic lrequencv 'r
D. Serio! :osyncluouous wiiJlt ill Ute frequcu.:y uf rhc tliDStd'!'
Llst U swtiou?
1. Commuter to com-puter a" 8J"
2. Computer to printer b. s.r
3. Buses wilhin oo.mputcr c. 6f
~mlhal d. 7f

4. Telephone l>l'tico
inten..'t)mmnnication 44, In tnicrownve communi~llo11, 1he
5. Short dis~ce \!ala com munic:uion antennll.'l ol' <)I!C rd)>e~ler must b
A B C D accurately dligJicd wiUt tho nt.~t repe.-lcr m
L I 2 J 5 the link. beeau8e

b. ~ 3 2 4 a. There nrc at four c.1rrie with 601).

c. 5 3 4 2 27(10 channels per cam<'l'
~ L 2 5 3 b. A 1'catee must ~111pll!Y the iuglc

39. Tite :mloCorrct,tiun functittn of a receiv01l

rt:elllll!lulr pu.l;c nf durlilic)n I' i~ c. The nntenn~ be:tm widtlt rc ]eo;$ ill"''
~~ Anvthcr rectangulur puiHc ol' duration 2')

T d. Tlte anli.-nniiS ~re smU in Size

b. AMtheJ" rectangulAr pniJ;e of durnllon ..5. A d~ shunt generator Is running at rated
21. :!Jleed ,lew:loping its rntcd '-nltAgl:. M.ltch

c.. A oiangular pul!le c;f duration 1' List I (Coudiliou of operation) willt List ll
d, A triangular pulse of durlic;n 2'f (EIToct) und select the GOtTCC.:l answer
4U The ISDN hosi., rate intetface spfi'Cified ~ tl1e code$J!It'llJI below tlut lists;
per C't'J'L"l' st~nd.1rds is List !
a. Un0 B ohnttndl ~64kbpsl find on~ D A. The dlr<ltion of J'OI:Uion. residual
chnnn<>l ( t6kbp) magnetism and field connections aro
b. 'l'wo a channel (64kbps) reve~Seo:l
c. 'I wo 13 chnunels (64kbps) ond one D B. l'he direction nf o-esid'ua l m~tgnel:isrn
chunel (J6kbps) o.nd fidd conntlCI:ions arc tcwrscd
o ol hi
<.: I ht! direction of muon and cc.mncclion LI.U J
l'frlle field winding Me rever;;cd I. Shlmt
D, TI\C: direciJun 01' mtatlon and r'e:!iilou. 2. Cumulative compound
ll~rgn.:liStn rrru rcvcrsc<l 3 Sorics
Li~l II 4-. Diflerenrral compo1rod
I 1 h~ generator will buntl up with same t\ B C D
pol:rrity a. d 2 I 3
1 n-.e gerlerntor 1vOI build ll{l with h. 4 2 3
o:vcr'SCrl polanty c. 3 I 2 4
3 The J!!!nemlor will ll()l build up d. J 2 I .I

A B C D ~9. W'hen ~tarung a dtJTerenoally connected
a I 2 3 5 compound motor it is dcscribablu 10 ~hor1
b. 5 J ., 4 circuit the series lie.ld winding ro
c. 5 3 4 2 !l Avoid ''ery high starting lnoo
d I l 5 3 b. Avoid excessive stnnrngspccd
46. In a de maclune, lhe armature mmfis c. Prevent tbe molor torm slartifi!! hi the

:t. Re<>llmgulur wd dir~ch!d ulurrg II~ rcvecse direction
inter-polar a,~rs d. Avoid ll<'llvy m-rush ofcurrent
b. TrimrguJar und directed ator~g lhe nrter- SO. for u wulomdy disrnbutetl wmdmg ol' a 11

polnr axis nflrrnntor wrlh n phtL~c ~prct~d or
c. Triangular and dirc.cred alon~ the brush Pdegrees, tl1e distribution lilctor rs
fL\IS siup
0 Rccumgul:1r (IJJO lllrcclcO nl en~g the
ra a. p
t>nrsb a.xis
47 II shunl motor I' rurUUIIl!,llt rt' mred speed b. hiuP 2
on rated load If rh~ field circuli fer.s fJ
;,ucldenly opened. sfn/J / 2
a Torqu" de~d<>t~cil b) the rnotor will oo c.
alm()SI zero and the motor "~U srop
wi~rout cllt!!liug nuy damage ro o... d. sm nn.

b The motor will drs\\ very high SI A sin~tle-plum :lltematur has u
nrmnrure conocr but fl will contrnrre 111 S)nchronor.< r~acruocc of 1 ohms Rl\d
drive the load ar a red need speecl negli.ll'ble resistance. If suppl ies lOA 10 a
c. The molor " ouJd tend to race lu a pun:ly cap3Cilrve lood lll 200V, tllerr thcl

high sp.led while driving Ihe loud gcnerrued emf w!ll ~

d The motor would dmll' very high a. 240 volts
armnture. vurretu and will swll willt b 220 1'01~
c. 200 volts

conseqrrent damngc to the armature

48. Tbe torque \"5 armature correct d. [gO volts
ebamclnstrc;; (A.B.( und D) o( tlrffurent S2 Suprose A syncliro1ous generator
con~ected to an infinl!e bus 1> suppJving

I)' pes of de motor are shown in the given

elem1CIII power 111 lllllty l'f' to Ihe bUs. tr
its field co ~Wet Is now increno;ed.
a. Both lilt active nnd reactive power

output of the gencmror will n:rmin

T unchanged
t b. Tite actwe power supplied Mil renmio
uncllnrJSlod but the machine will al5o
supply lagg:mg reactive power
c. 111e uetlw pow~r supplioo wtll
im:rease nnd he machine will dmw
Mlrtch Uto curves A.B,C una I) wnh !he ric. leading reactive power
motors given in Li!a I a nd select rhc codes
given below !he lrst
7 of 14
,L The nctive power ~upplh:d will d. 'Il1e current division between the mnin
decrease and the m~chlne wi ll ~upply and auxiliar)' windings to be
l<::~ding oeaetlve pllll'<r condu"tiVc lilt the dc-vc1Qpll1""t of
53. fu the ~"~otdi~uo or ovunci"'O ll>t large ~turlulg t>ftjue
~y11cbronous gCI1errttQr the vnltage 51, Tf Hoe lv:ul qf ~ ynchronous motor i.'l
eq~atiun iK li; ~ T; I C, ( r, I j \', ). wher~ inc-rcsccl while keeping the (idd
C','tC(Lation COll$LliiL Ut011
fi, = e,x<:itadon voltage. lj = tenni.nal u. Power f~otor will increase ond 1101' er
voltage: 1,= annature current ~t lagging angle will de<.'fetose
power filclor r,=armarure resistance: .X, = b. P011er !actor will decrease i>nd p011 er

)'licbrou. reactanc"' \Vhil" romalrtin& ogle will '"""'"s"
s~'llchmn rted lo the busbanr (infinite bns ). c. Botl1 power Iactoo :md pow<.-r m gl<>
if the power input fi'om lhe prime mover is w111 inC~We
gr~dunlly deer=c:d a11d fin~ ' tot>t,.;d, it d. Both power factor and !lOWer angle
will = uII in will docreas~
n. Rever.. I ofT., ~nd E, IAIU;ins v, $8. n synchronouS- motor opcnttcs

:IIi 3
b. R~ersalol' 1. but 1'.1 leadinl! v, synchronous condenser when it i.'\
e. 'llte sign Ql' lp rcmain1n~ unchanged. a. Operated at 111o ity p<1wer r,,"lot
but E1 leading V1 b. Undor-c:<dtcd

tl. The s ign of 1, in ing;hnnged, c. Over-e,xaited
but E, lB!!JilS V, cl Connected in pamllel with condensers
S4. A3t>hse irtductloo molor has fullload 5\1. A n .;quipment h:lll 0.8 per unit Imp;;cbnce
slip of 3 percent at nonnal vohage. Which ra on ba<> on 66KV. IOOMVA. Its pur unit
one of d1e following will be the v.-tue or impedance on o base of 33KV. tOOMVA
the ;;Jip ol' the m OIC>r of il de3vel0ps Ute will be
~amc torque ll\c<>rc!ically while opcrntin ~ a. 0.4-
nt 11 0 pc.r cent of its nnrmal voltage? b. 0.8
n. 2.48% c.. 1.6
b. 0.24 ~. d. 3.2
ll. OA 83% 60. ln 3-phasc vowct IJiloslo nnet. 5-li"l,lcd
d. 4. 83~.

construction i :od<">f.led t11

a. Suppres~ the 5 ' #nd f ' hnm,onic.~
A-6-pole. ~"'Jlh:llle, W Hr induction motor
runs at 1000 ''Pm developing on:oximuon b. Suppr<:S Ooe ~a and il~ multil)le
torque. !Wtoo 110sistance per phase is 1..2 b~rmoniC$
ohpu. Neglooting s btor imped;mce. then c. Suppte'!~ ull the ordorti ofllnrmoniCl!

for d"'e loplng maximum torque. th;o d. rneTCllse tJJe ap~dly Ill' fhe
.::<t<>mru resisbnoe to be conn.:<od In lmnf>rmer
li<Ti.,s with. o>acll rotor phase wiU be A tmusfornocr ltas rcsiKIJ>JlCC t>f 2t. llt\d

a. 7.2 ohm~ o-ellclilnc;e of ~o. tl, regutr.tiuns I O,R

h 6ohms power r.,t;tor
logging " lcoiling r<:$ptd ively
c. 1.44 oluus artr

d. 1.2 ohms ll. -1 por1:cntand 0.8 perce~~t

56. Che capoc itorSL1rl <1ngl... pha$e induction b. -4 percent ttnd 0.8 per cent
motQr dcvelcljJ mU<>h lnrger >tarting l<mJU" ~. ..(l.ll pen:enl aml 4 p cment

1u C<)mporison with tit~ "pilt-phase d. 0.8 tlel\:enl aud -.1 perc:eot

motor. bec.:aus..c lho U50 Of ~pncitors in the 62 Collllider the foUo\\ ing sl>lemeols:
anxili~ry Winding enables The ose of Dehaci)Jlnooted teniruy
a, p,,,vision of lorger o1umber <"of rum In windings in star-;;tar connected power
Uoe ~uxiliury wi.ndlus lr3nsfonners
b A JQrger sUtrlins cumml to be dmvn 1. Mak"" Jv ailllblo upply for singlo-
from the s upply phase loatb .
c. '111< turquc-;;Jip eh~ractctistlc in 2. Suppresses barrnonie voiL1g<'S.
general to get a ~bnpc to g ive 11 l~ge 3. Alluws 'flow of earth fault eurrcuL for
Klarti ng lo r<1uc operation of protective dcvic:e8~
llol 1~
~ l'rov1des IQ\\reactance p;!UlS lbr zero- 67 In d1c cllOpper circutt gtven below, 1!=220
sequences corrects V, L= lmH, R = 0.25n. 1.\ t= 22V.T =
Of these statements l500psca t'.,, l000psec. The valut> of
a. I ,2 and 3 arecorrect T,. for which Lbe current bee<;~milS
o. I,3 and 4 ore \lOrret di&eOilliiJUQUS IS
c, 2 ancl 4 are correct L R
d 1.2.3 and 4 are correct ~r '"' . .""~
63 II' dv <l<!cumng ucn-,;;s 11 thyristor e~ceed~
Its permissible value then the lhynsror wdl

a. Rcmam in the forward blocking statec
wn.hout and drunage D. 332.5 p SOC
b, Tum nfonly to get damag<"<< h 33.25/1 5CO
c. Tum on but whether tl gels damaged ..,.. c, M5psec
nor will depend on the linal follow up
d (,(, 5 Jl sec

d. or tum ot but get daml!ged 68 A smglc-phuse vl:llta~e controller is
Whtch one (lf the rollowtng Is necessary cmpluyed for conlrolhng the pcli"Cf flo'v
lor a triggering system for tto'rlstors m 11 form 260 V. 50Hz Sllurre into u load

lin~ commentator convcncrJ consislrng<)f R : 5Q und mL: J1 Q lllc
a. It must usc scpanuc power supply value of maxilllum mts load current and
h h. hot lid prllvtde a tr'Jin tll' pulses thefiriug w1gle are respccuvcl)
c, h should be syncl\r<lnizt!d "hh the 260
a. 10 9 A andO
tnaitiS supply pnavtdmg ~ stnge pulse
of surtabie vulue
ra b 20 A undO
d It houhJ tte 5yn~hro111zed wtth tnains c. 20A and ~()
i>I'OVidfng u ll"illn of pulses 2
d. (\() A and <JIJ
llle avern&e load currc.nt or a de t~hoflll<'!' 10.\)
feeding a pure reistlve load ls l amps. If a liQ ln sinosmdnl J>WM, there nrea m cycles of
vari~ble induclw\Ce oonnecred 10 the load
o~ tnang,ular carrier \\'3"" in tho half

dtc-u1t IS prl'!l'''S-'<vely 1ncreascd form zen, Ycl~ of rcf-crcnce smusordal single. If the
vulue, llccpmg. thl' duly rutio unc~gltL zero of the refurence stmlSQJd coincides
then the avcmgc load curr~nl "In wnh dte wo of the mnngular carrier
a. ln~r~ ;,wrung from l wave. then !he number or puiS~ of
b. Deemase 11~lfi ll>lat'ling Value of! r

generoted In cacll hal cycle i~

c. l{cmaln the Slime all a, m/(m- 1)
d. lncreas~ to some highest vnlu~ of b (m+l)/(m-1)
cllrrcol w1d then dectcasc ugrun lo 1 ~~ I

66. Cor1S1dt!t the folio" ing sUttem~11LS, d ( m-l )/m

'll\c wuroe mducUlncc of un 11<: to de Iln0 71) nte number ,,r lltyri;1or~ req111red lor
commututcd phiiSe controlled convener single rl1ase to smgle pha~e cycl(JC!Jnverrer

L LuntlS . d11
dt compauu"ii tty
' o f tbyrt~tors.
. of the mid-point type and for throe pha.~e
phase 1e1 three-pha.o:c 3- pulse type
l Causes 3 voltage drop in the tic C) clvC<Htvene' are respecuvel)

lcnmnol voltage. a. ~ ruld 6

J. lrnprove,; the lute side p{\w~r filc101 b 4,and -1
~- L11nit,; the mnj,\c vf firong llllgley, c, 4 attd Ul
5 Reduced lit,., hnc Stlk [)l)wer factvr d. !'lone oflbc above
Oflficsc5latemcnts 71. Murcll List l (Drive.\ with List ll (Splled
a. l,J !Uid 4 W'C COIT~I control runge) und sd ett rht> cO!Tcc\
b. 1.1 and 4 llfC COITL'CI answer using the Clldt>~ gtvcn below !he
e. Z nnd 5 rue correct Hsls:
d. 2A nnd 5 nrc cnrrccl Us l l
<) Of 14
,,, Squ;~re wave invert..-r-ted induction resistivo:. the maxirnU1ll volue of the
motor ~ending end power P111111, nnd the
h. P\\'M inl'erler-ted induction rnOIOf m~KiJnum rcecivlng - oncl power P, ""' " ill
c. Slip energy t'et:Ov~ry !l!llcrnc \\'itlt occur at power angle ( 6 ) in A"UCh a matLOer
cychoc<>Qvertt;r in lh~ rotot oircoil III
d. ('y~fqconV<Orlerfed inducli,On mot<)r 11. Uolh P1max and P,,_ occur at II <.90"
Li.~l TI b. Hollo 1 '""" and 1'1 '"" coecur I 6 >
J. 501'1> of ~yncbronou.. spdCd to 6110
~ynchronou.~ xpeed c. P1 llltlt occur :st 0 >iX.P and P2 llltl( ('j <
2. 10% of ba.;~ ~p<:ed to btl'Ond base !)()"

~~Iced ( I:10) d. P, ,,.. occur at r5 91)" und P1 .,.., al r5
S. 0 lo 113 bose >pd ::_ 9()Q
4. 67'" of synchronon> speed II! I nu qf 77. Cbnsldcr tiJc following uxprcssioo:
synchronou~ S11eed 7..:rll w 1~ll~ of J" = (,(.1' n)1 f2(x ort)
b!u s~l (!!infinity)
Cod<" Whcte f1 ntld fz n:presc~l two tr:Jvolin.g

w~s on a tr.ansnussion line.. Jn th is case
A ll C 0
-a. Both wave travel> in the positive
" 2 5 ~ .3 direction ofx
b. 2 5 3 4

~ 3 2 l b. Both wov"" IJv<>l in the n<lgative
d. 3 2 I 4 direction oL'
72. 1n wbieh one of Ut,t ; f<1llowing models of c. Wnve r,
travels m the posllive
transmission lines. is the full cbar1!in2 dircet.ion of x but wave li 11'3\lel, in the
current rum ed to llow over hal( lh~ t>egativt dirc~liQn of)(
leng1h oflhe line only'l
" Equivalent-11
ra 78. F'l>r reducing tower fool in resituce. it is
be~'er I<) employ
~. Chomic~l und CQuotell'oJ:;e
b. Sltort line
C. Nominal - 1<
b. Cbemi~~l attU ground roclls
c, Ground rots nnd eoun1erpoise
d Nominal -'1
73. u the receiving-end voltage :md current d. Chemical. gnullnd r<)d'i nnd

nre numoricaUy oqwtlto Ute corresponding

7!). A ~U!)pctbion type insulator bas tim.'<> uniL
\ ending-end vatu~!!. thai is fVJ=IVIll nnd
with scu~apocjlance
Uti=IIR>. then ~uoh a line i< called
ll. ,<l.n infinite Jino
(: OJtll !LI'QU!ld capacitance Ol ().;l (' h~vi"g
h. i\ nnlumllinc'8 eOlciency of

c, A l!med line . 78'l.

d. A loss-le5~ line b. 80'lo
14. Tho cou"crgence cll~[uct.enstiCII <Jf Ute c. M2'l
d. 84Q

Newto~Rophson method for solvi~s a

lond tlow problem k 80. A bulled conductor line comparod to a
single conductor line (\Vith 6me
11. Quadmlk
conduetor C(()Ss-sectionru area ~nd same

b. Lin<:~'
mcmnt distance bctwoc:n ooaduclors) hos
c. Grometric
d. C'ub1c Sctr GMD Mutual G'MO Por phas<
induct ante

75. If j VJ=j \'~l M kV for three -~hase

a. Lower Nearly some Higher
trnnsmissi<lo And Naclllnil<! is I I
b. Higher Lower Nearly s:unc
ohmslphaso. then tba maximum pow<..,.
transmission per phae woulrl he c. Higher Nearly same Lower
d l..<lwer J-ltgber Higher'
a- 132MW
b. 3%MW
81. .lu n 14-bus Jl<lWCr system netwotk. lhree
c. 66MW are 5 voltn&o conll'Olled bue. Tho sizt of
the jocobinm mtrix udltl f'Or power flow
d Nllne ofabove
analysis will he
76. For u two-machine >ystem witlo Jossos.
wilb lho trnnfor impodonco being . 16 16
b. 23 23
IIJ o( I I
c. 21 .21
82 .
d. 8 ~ 8
A chyrite llghtlng arrester has
PQI.,,,~~~~~--------_,~.P, r~
a, Inverse resistance characterislics p
b. A!!BP.
c Eflicienl earthliug
d 1\ combination of inverse resistance
p, p,
cbaracterisiics and gap a JOOMW SOMW
83 D1 fferenti11J proceccion of a gent>rncor li. 240MW 20MW
makeS use of the principal thac under c.. 130MW I30MW

normal conditions, the currentlcurrencs d. .220MW 60MW
a. AI tbe neutral end of a pbase winding 88. Assertion (A): The sys1em wldt IIansfer
iszero furtction
b. In each of che pl\ase winding is l7(x) = lO(s-12)
identical .v(.r-+1)(s +3)
c. AI b01h ends of che phase winding arc

Reuson (R ): lt has ~. zero ill' the right halF
eq1cal ofches-plane.
d At che two ends of the phase winding
a. Both A and It 11l'C t.rue and It is the
are uclequal the re<tCillllCe relay is

correcc e.~planat1on of A
".:;sen liall y b. Both A and R me but R is not a
84 The reactance realy is essentially corrwt e>.-planation
a. An over-voltage reilly with currenc
c A is uue burR is false
restrafnL ra d. A is fl!lse but R is true
b An over-currenl realy wi 1h Assertion (A): The c;losed-loop system
directionally rescraint
represented in che given figure fs a type -1
c, A directional realy with voltage
svstem .
re5\rainc - R(;) +O E(o)
d 1\ directional realy wilh currenl .-..... . 5

Severe ovar-vohagcs arc produced during
L:'-1- -. .J

arcins faults in a power system with che

a lsolated R
n -;(R~):
Number of poles at the origin
b. Solidly EatthO!tl possessed by the feedbacll path decides tl1e
c. Eanhed through a low resistanc<l type of tho clo$<!d-loop systt\m

d Earthed through an inductive coil a. Both 1\ and R are true and R is che
86 In HVCD transmission sys1em, reGiifier correct e.xplanatJon of A
!iring angle Q' is ~-ept near b. Both A and R are 1nce but R is not a

a, oorrec explanation
b 15 c. A is tnae burR is false
c. ~o d. A is false. but R is crue

d. 909 90, i\ssertion (A): Data CilUisition systems

S7 II two-bus syscem is sh11wn in the l,.fven are widely usO!tl in a variety industrial and
fil!'fTe. When I00 MW is rranST11itted frOTJl sciemifie areas.

piMI l to the load, tbe trausmissiotl loss is Rt ason (R): Data acquTsition syscems
JO.MW. l11e incremental: fueJ costs of~~~ often use magnelic tape: recorders,
a. Both A and R are 'true and R is the
two planes are de, =0.02/l IG 1111d
tiP, cocrcct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true but R i~ no~ a
de:! =0.041~ 20 . correct e>~planac1on
rhe optimum distribution of rotal load of
c. A is cruc burR is false
d. A isfalso btct R is tn1e
260 MW between the two plants when 01 Assertion (A): In livre optic
losses are included but no! coordinated is romruuuiCati01~ clce I.3/lm. wiudow is
l l utll
preterred o\er the O.SS Jii71Windo\\ for ~rlion (t\)1 \ BJT ompli.tier ncecb
hmg di~>ncc communiahnn , C<) QOOd bia lllbtliulion cm:uit as
l(rn~n ( R): i\t 1.'
pmn~ only tho
attenuation of ilica tiber is lower than th.1t
C(lmpared to U\&1 uf n reT Amplifier
at 0.85 pm. the puke bro;~denug at the Reason (R): fhe input pn junctirtn nf
fE1 amplif ier;, fe\inC hied ""d that <>f
101111 w.welonsth window is ~lso minimum
the 131T amplif tm forward !litllletl
" llotb A and R or~ tme and R 15 Ute
u. Both A and R arc tnc ond R I> the
COO'IlCt o::tpl.,u tioo of A
correct explanation of A
h Bath .,.\ and R are lrue but R is not a
b. BoUt A and R an: tru<: but R ts not

oon'ect explnna lion
CVl cccl c,~pluu utiOn
c. 1\ is true bur R;,. C.lsc
c. A is true bur R is r~ llle
d. t\ w fahc but R io true
d. \ tJ fue but R. is true
')) ,\ssortion (<\)i For transmillmg oudto
96. A.sset lon (A): A monostablc
fr~quoncy ;ignol!. untcnnaJ of sweral
multh ibrntor c.nn blil usc:~ as a .wuntcr.
hundred l.ilometet length "ould be
n~uon (R): The pulse widUt of lho

required. . . . mnnos table rnultivihrator il function of
R~~on (1~): Fclr otlocc~:~11 rnclo~ton of
its iuput de: voltage.
el<>ltrom~netJC C!ltrgy 10 occur fiom on
3 . Oolh A :rnd R are true ~~nd R is the
uoll:nno>.. the "~' elalgth of the 111di:tted

com:cl ""'PIn:~lion of A
~snl must be oompa nble with the
b l~oth A and R are true but I{ IN not a
pl\)Sical dlmonstons oi' the antenng.
._ Buth .-\ Jnd R rc: true ond R ., U1c: c~l ""rlanntlon
c. \ is true burR is fol"lo
c:on'CCt c~11bn>tion of A ra d .\ os fubc but R is true:
b. Both \ nd R Mu true but R ;, nlll
97. As. crtiun tA): For periodic inpu81
c<lrteo:l .:wlanation
, ol1.1ge wbooc amplitude i l.:u!" .:nougb
c. A is true bor R is folse to pllSS throush lbe trip poinas. Sel~ll
d A is folio but R is true
trig~r produc e. :t rechtn.gnlar w:we-1o ml
!13. \<srtfon (J.\); ln : high frequm c)'
al the output
tnln~mtssiun line. "hen \ Oltal!c is pbc:o:d
Rctw n (R): A SclonuU triuer is
cross the line 1l U1c I!CIIdiog end. tho
emupantur wi~t J)<l>ili' o fccdbek omt

voltage ond oum:nt in the tine chnnge with

henc:e prevents noise tri@~ring.
di<!IJlnce. u. Both A and R rc true and R L~ the
R~a.on ( R): A transmission line eotl>ists
eo.m:c: c:xplaOAtion of A
of continuou' conductors with a cron b . Both 1\ and R ore true but R i not a

!<.-.:tlonal onntigunlion tllnl i' content

correct aplana tion
throughout their l<ml!th.
Both A and R are true and R is Ute
c. A ill true burR is t:OIc
d. A i I-.lsc but R is true
con"ct cxplrutlltion t>f A

""''Nt inn (A): 'Otc multistage

b B~th A and R ;uc true hul R is 1101 a
inttnnedi>IC: fn:qUCIIC) amJIIili<T <of
correct .:'q)Wiation
c. A;, truY burR i; lois~ utltfhctetO) nc rlldio rte<:i' .:r ;, I" Y>

d. A is fol~ but R is true

stngget..:d hllttd.
Rt;ll~On (R): II \'efY hrp runed high gain
\ ncrrio n (A): MOSF'ET RAMs ore
11mplifh:r ;, m'limitin~ th: gtin
u, ually slower than bcpobr ~Is .

and inc:.reasing tlte fidcl il) of tl1c rc:c-.:~ver.

RtLun (R): MOSF Ef RA1-Js in a. Both A nnd R ANI truo and R .15 tltc
comp:ulson with bipolor RAM.<.""" be
fllri~ted tn much t.rser capacty .,
eom:ct ""plon:~tion of A
b. Bolh A nd It all: trUe but It IS not
ttnl!le IC and consume much lcs flO\\ er.
a. Bntb A ond R ,,.~ true aml R ,. the com:d ""plnont,on
c. \ is lruc bur R is flll
cor:n:el c:.~plll03tion of1\
d A i. f-.lsc but R is trUe
b. Both \ snd R ~"' lrUe hut R '" nnl
9?. A" erticm (A): rtu1phase tra>L<fonneO<
cnrrec:t u~>lnation of different vcclur !troops should not be
c.. A is true burR ill t lsc opcroled in paralleL
d 1\ is h be but R is ltlle
I ' ul II
Rm son (R); Tram;fonne~ belonging to c Signal Oow graph
different vecror groups will not have rhe D Compte~ frequenC)
same phase sequence on the ~tcondal)l List II
sidt. I. Currct11 sourc<:
(1. Both 1\ and R nrc true aM R Is the 1 ltncarh>
COtTl:ct U.<plnnatJOil or 1\ 3. ~-pion~
b Both A and R are rrue bur R Is not n mason's gain formnln
correct explanauon "'sVoltage source
o. A IS rnt~ burR t5 f'lllse A B {' 0
II A i~ fnlS<! but f{ i.~ tnlc a. :! I
, s

100. Asscrtinn (A): In a 3-phase induc li<ln s
motor, the Sllllor is to be wound for II poles
but by, the rotor is wound for 1
d. 2


poles ouly, Whctt tile slaior tS led frol11 n 'l ltevctLttL'S equivalent resisHutcc Rm for
50Hz. :l-phase <lljtply with t ot~r wittdlltg tho IICIWQik shown in !he !liVCII n_gure is
shortt!d, lite motor do~~ not smrl up. Wilen known to oo 2 n '!'he vuluc ol' R In ohm>

ho,wver. the wound roror ~~ Nplnced by n fs
squirl'l!l-cage rotor. the mAchine operates R
wrlboulany problem.

Re11sou 1R): Rutur of rut tuductJoo motor
should not huve n11y p!liClS.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the tO
correct explanatton of A ra
b. t!oth A and R are mte bw R Is nor n a
correct cxplanntton b. 2
c, A is true bur R is fal~c c. 3
d A is false b~t R is true d 4
1111 n~e curreni It through the 5 n L'CSISIIlr Ill 105 Tile driving-point impedance of 1he
Ihe network 3hownm tiM! lif,'< t]elwork shown ttl the figure IS gtven by

a. ll.S8 A ~( . 312)
b 7S4 A (.v+$ 14)
" If 6(11\ ( 0 / 2)

d 14 A b
102. A lam1J rated at 1Owaus. :SO voUs ts (-+5/4)
proposed to be used in 110 volts. system. c. (.<+5 1 ~)

The WtltL~gc ond resislJinoo of the reSistor

(x+3 / 2)
to be connected in series with lnmp ,;hould
he 1 (s + 312)

!1. 15 wans, 3 50 ohms -1 (.+1 1)

b Iu watts. 250 ohms 106 The correcr vulue of the current 1 (t1 al11ny
o 12 watts. 300ohms mstant when K ts switched on at t = 0 In
d 15 wan;;, 250 ohm~ 11~ network in the given ligul\> is
103. Mnrah LtS\ I with List II nnd select the
corrctt answer ustog tbc code$ given
L bt I
A Sttpl'rapo.;ii!OII theot'tlllt
13 Thevenin theorem
IJ o( 14
-'JO" as ITequency varies from zero to
c. The amplitude and pha$e plots will be
consent al all frequencies
d. 1l1e amplitude plo1 ";11be constant bu~
[be p.ha$e plot will vary form +180 to
o s the frequency varies from z.ero to
q., /:: E ''"~
- 4--- t_~\ intinit)'
II R 110 In a series resonant eircuh, 1vhkh one <11'
b E- E the following will intrease on incrensing

11 the inductance to four rin1es its value and
reducin~ the capncilaJice to one-founh of
" /. <My
c. -+-e i~ value?
J< R a. Resonant frequency
d _f:~ IH'I )' b. Current at resonant frequency
II f( c. ilnpedance at rasonant frequency

107 l'or the. given row-port network, z,. ,,;11 d. Selectivity oflhe circuit
be Ill A series RLC circuit draws current at
Jeadirlg power famor at

a, The resonant frequency
b. Frequency Iess than the re$onam
ra c. Frequencies more than the rosonant
11. 1/5!1 d. Frequencies both less and more 1han
b. 3'/5 0 the resonant frequency
c. 115 0 112. Oue of the two watm1eter has read zero in
d 4/Sl:l the two-wattmeter method of power
108 fi' the driving-point admittance function of measurement. TI1ls indicated that the load
a 1-port network 'ts Y( .~ ) =-K<-, 11
' can be phase angle fs

s +a a. 0"
re~lt~ed using b. 30"
a. Series combination R.L c. 600
b Parallel combination elf R.L d. 9f10
c. Series combination of R,C 113 In the circuit shown In the. given figure.

d Paral lel combination ofR..C three-p'hase supply is oonnected to a star-

connected load. If runme.r~rs At, A,, A,
109 The f)ole-zero plot of a network furmtiatJ read 12..5 A, w'hlil will be the reading of

H(s) is shown in the given figure. Wllkh ammeter A,;?

otte of the following "iii be the conect
narure c>f Its frequency r<'Spon~c. plots?

(1' 1)
lt, -- -- !--t> [1, f)

..2 .-1 I .._, : +Z ct

t : ~. 37.5A
' 1 )~----- ---
t~, 1 (1 o b
Jl, The amplitude plot will decay wlll1 ' .JJ
frcqutncy but the phase plot will be C; 37.5J3/i
constant at all frequencies d, Zero
b. 1l1e ampli(Ude plm will be constam but I~~ For the circuit shown in the b"Ve!l ffgure, if
the phase plot will vary from -1 &0 to R = I0 n, Xt"'O.l n and X.,.=tl.l n , then
the fur rent through R is
1.1uf 11
c. ~ P~I11CE"' l w

d. ~ PPs,,c?E. I 01
8. 0 I 19 Match List I (Anremrna) 1viib List U
b 101 (Applic~tion/ChaJ'acteristics) and select the
c. I
correct answer using the codes given
d. 0,11
below the lists:
115 Two coupled coils have L 1 = O,o 1-1. Lis t I
l-f0,6H and coupling coe!licient = 0.25,

A. A quarter wave monopole over ground
coil 2 has 800 rums. lf current 1, In coil is plane
6sin IOOL amps, then the voltage across B. A vertical half-wave dipole
cqil 2 is C Folded di pole
a. 9()ws lOOtvol~ D. 1-fertzian dipole (lengtlt< ). 100)
b. 9cus J OOt voi!S
Li. t II
c, 0,9cos lOOt vohs

1 radiarion resistance <<1n
d 0,09cos 1001 volts 2. radio bmadcast
116. If a charge of one coulomb Is !0 be brought
3. omni directional pauem
to a disLance of one nt~t"er from a charge of

4 TV reception
l coulomb, then the worl< required is
a. - -N - m A B C D
2.'tl:. a. 2 3 4 1
ra b. 2 ) I 4
b. - - N - m c. 3 4 I 2
d, 3 4 2 I
c. 2m:0 N - 111
120 In respect of a rectangular wave-f,>ulde of
d. 4tre, N - dimension a x b. match List I (Mode) \l~ tb
117 A small permanent magnet makes small List U ((\n-oll' wavelength) and select the
osclrlatlons in a unllorm magnetic field as <;orrect answer u:,ing the codes given
shown in !he glven llgwe. The period of below ibe lists:

oscillations i~ T iF Ihe strength of the Lisl I

magnetic field is doubled, rhe period of A. no..
oscillations will be B. TEtl'
B C TEto

D. ' rEt .t

List II
I 2a
2. 2b

a, 2T 'J.ab
b. J,,, +h'

c. 'l' 4. a
d 'f/2 ~ b
-, I8 A uniform plane eleciromagnetic wave A B c D

with electric component E = E,, cos a. 2 I 3 4

b 2 I 4 3
( ml - p.t ) propagates in vacuum along the
c 4 5 3 I
positive x-dircctlon The mean palming \1. 4 5 I 3
vectOr i~ given by
8. ~ Ps,c' E! IOJ
I 11 'E'
b. 2'41\,c; . ... I Ill

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