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Study Guide: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Chapter 1: The Panama Hotel (1986) p.3

1. How old is Old Henry Lee? He is the oldest Chinese American man
2. Describe his family. Be specific. The family is Chinese with Chinese culture
and tradition, and they have a son who has adapted the American culture.
But Henry his father still practice his Chinese tradition. Even when his wife
past away Henry still perform his Chinese tradition after her burial even
though his son has adapted modern western culture.
3. What is the Panama Hotel and why is Henry interested in it? Is the old
Bachelor Hotel that serve as an old Seattle landmark, the Hotel also serve as
a memory where he had once met the love of his life.
4. What did the hotels owner find in the basement of the hotel? Clothing, photo
albums, and an old electric rice cooker. These are personal belongings of
thirty-seven Japanese families who she presumed had been persecuted and
then taken away.

Chapter 2: Marty Lee (1986)-p.8

1. Describe Martys relationship with Henry. The relationship between Marty

and Henry is not cordial.
2. What are two problems that Marty and Henry have? 1 The death of Henrys
wife. 2 Failing to pay for Martys college fee.

Chapter 3: I am Chinese (1942)-p. 12

1. Why did Henrys dad slap him? What had he done wrong? To get Henrys
attention. Because Henry ask in perfect Cantonese.
2. Why did Henrys dad want him to wear the I am Chinese patch on his
clothes? This is because of his fathers pride.
3. Where does Henry go to school and why does he go there? Rainier
Elementary at Yesler Way. Because it is an all-white school.
4. Who was his boss in the cafeteria? Mrs. Beatty.

Chapter 4: Flag Duty (1942)-p.16

1. Why did Henry have a language barrier at home with his parents? NO one
really talks to him and his parent cannot speak English.
2. Who were the bullies that taunted Henry? What is a bully? Will Whitworth,
Carl Parks, and Chaz Preston. . A bully is someone who picks on you in
everything that you do.
3. Why didnt Henry explain why he was late?

Chapter 5: Keiko (1942)-p.19

4. What does Mrs. Beatty mean when she says, Shes from your part of town. I
bet you two are related? She feels Henry and the other new girl as piece of
kitchen Machinery.

1. Why doesnt Henry have any Japanese friends? He was a Chinese Nationalist.

Chapter 6: The Walk Home (1942)-p. 22

1. How does Mrs. Beatty get Chaz to leave Henry and Keiko alone?
2. Where were Keiko and Henry born?
3. Why do they go to Rainier?

Chapter 7: Nihonmachi (1942)-p. 26

1. What is Nihonmachi?
2. Who is Sheldon? What does he do?
3. Why is Sheldon excited about playing at the Black Elks Lodge?
4. What surprising thing does Henry learn about Keiko when he meets her at the
5. What is Keiko doing there when Henry arrives?

Chapter 8: Buds Jazz Records (1986)-p.34

1. What is Henry looking for at Buds shop?

2. What did Bud already know about even though Henry chose not to tell him
about it?

Chapter 9: Dim Sum (1986)-p. 37

1. What do you learn about Marty in this chapter?

2. What is he worried about?
3. Who is Ethel?

Chapter 10: Lake View (1986) p. 41

1. What was the funeral tradition that Henry refused to follow?

2. What does he do with the quarter? Why do you think he does this?

Chapter 11: Speak Your American (1942)-p. 45

1. How does Henry communicate with his parents?

2. Why didnt Henry tell his parents about getting beaten up by Chaz on his first
day at Rainier?
3. How do the other Chinese boys in the neighborhood feel about Henry going to
4. What does Keiko tell Henry about her mom and what does her mom want her
to do?
5. Why does Henry say that she wont be able to do this?
6. Why does Henry say that he likes jazz so much?

Chapter 12: Jamaican Ginger (1942)-p.50

1. How do Henry and Keiko get into the nightclub?

2. What song does Oscar play for them?
3. What is Jamaican Ginger? Why were they asked to pick some up for the old
4. What happened when Henry and Keiko tried to leave through the back door?
Who was there?
5. Who was removed from the club? Why?
6. Why was Keiko disappointed in Henry?

Chapter 13: I am Japanese (1986)-p.61

1. Who was Palmyra Pettison?

2. Why was Henry interested in the Panama Hotel?
3. Why is it ironic that Henry tells her that he is Japanese?
4. Why did Ms. Pettison think that people werent coming back to the hotel?

Chapter 14: The Basement (1986)-p.65

1. Describe what Henry saw in the basement of the hotel.

2. Did he find what he was looking for?

Chapter 15: Executive Orders (1942)-p.67

1. Why was Henry concerned about the executive orders? What did the
Executive Order say?
2. Why did Henry leave school?
3. What were Henrys fathers feelings about the war?

Chapter 16: Fires (1942) p. 72

1. When Henry talked to the photographer, what did he learn from him about
the fires?
2. Why were these things being burned?

Chapter 17: Old News (1986) p. 75

1. What did Henry find in the basement of the hotel?

2. What did he think that Ethel would say about what he was doing?

Chapter 18: Martys Girl (1986) p.78

1. Why hadnt Marty and Henry been talking to one another? What was their
disagreement about?
2. What did Henry mean when he said, You have your long story. I have mine?
3. What was it that Marty wanted to tell Henry? Why was he hesitant to tell
Henry this? Were his fears justified?

Chapter 19: Ume (1986) p.82

1. Describe Samantha.
2. What was the importance of the ume tree?
3. How was this tree different from Henrys fathers tree? Why do you think he
did this?
4. What did Henry ask Samantha and Henry to do at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 20: Home Fires (1942) p.86

1. Why did Mr. Preston and Chaz come to Henrys house?

2. How did Henry handle the situation?
3. How did Mr. Preston and Mr. Lee feel at the end of the conversation?

Chapter 21: Hello, Hello (1942) p. 91

1. Who called Henry and why?

2. Why had Keiko skipped school?
3. What did she want Henry to do?

Chapter 22: Downhill (1942) p.97

1. Whom did Henry meet when he was out that night?

2. How did the policeman react to Henry and the things he had in his wagon?
3. Where did he hide the items he had in his wagon?

Chapter 23: Tea (1986) p. 103

1. Why did Marty think that Henry disliked Japanese people?

2. Why had Henrys dad disliked Japanese people in their town?
3. What did Henry say about why he hadnt gone to Nihonmachi until recently?
What did he tell Marty and Samantha that shocked them?
4. What did Henry ask them to do?

Chapter 24: Records (1942) p. 110

1. What gift did Keiko give to Henry?

2. Why was the clerk at the store so mean to Keiko and how did Henry handle
the situation?
3. What was so upsetting to Keiko?
4. Why did they decide that Keiko should keep the record?
5. What did they witness on the way home and what did Sheldon tell them
about it?

Chapter 25: Parents (1942) p. 119

1. Why would Henrys father be livid if he knew that Henry was friends with
2. Why was the Japanese noodle shop given a new nameAmerican Garden?
3. Describe Keikos parents. How are they different from Henrys parents?
4. What happened at the end of their lunch?

Chapter 26: Better Them Than Us (1942) p. 125

1. How did Henrys parents respond when he showed them a copy of Public
Proclamation 1?
2. Describe Henrys conversation with his mother. What did he learn about his
father and his fathers family ?
3. What, according to his mother, did his father want for Henry? What were his
4. Instead of going to school on Monday, where did Henry go? What did he see?
5. Why is Chaz there?
6. How did Henry feel after fighting with Chaz? Why?
7. How did Henry try to help Keiko?

Chapter 27: Empty Streets (1942) p. 136

1. Where did Sheldon take Henry after Keikos family was gone? What did
Sheldon mean by his reply when Henry asked why they had come there?
2. Why did he buy his mom a starfire lily?

Chapter 28: Sketchbook (1986) p. 140

1. What were some of the items that Marty, Henry, and Samantha found in the
basement of the hotel?
2. Why was the sketchbook so surprising to Marty? What did he see?
3. Why was Henry happy about finding the record even though it was damaged?

Chapter 29: Uwajimaya (1986) p. 143

1. What was Henrys explanation to Marty about the value of the record?
2. Why do you think that Henry is surprised about how well Marty lives in two
cultural worlds when he did the same when he was young?
3. Why was Marty embarrassed about the dinner Samantha served them?
4. Who was Henrys best friend?

Chapter 30: Camp Harmony (1942) p.147

1. How does Henry explain his bruises to his mother? Do you think he was
fooling her?
2. What did his father give him and how does Henry react?
3. Why did Henry smile when he realized what Mrs. Beatty was serving for lunch
in the cafeteria? Why was it funny?
4. What did Mrs. Beatty offer Henry? Why was it so important to him?
5. What was Henrys job here?
Chapter 31: Visiting Hours (1942) p.158

1. What kind of person was Mrs. Beatty. Why do you think so?
2. What food item did Mrs. Beatty want to include in the menu for the campus?
Why do you think she wanted to include these?
3. Do you think Mr. Okabe was more surprised, happy or embarrassed to see
Henry at the camps serving food? Why?
4. What was Keikos dream? What do you think about Keikos dream?

Chapter 32: Home Again (1942) - p166

1. What did Henrys Dad do to follow all the events in China?

2Why do you think Henrys dad followed all the events in China so closely?

3. What did Henry do to defend himself against his attackers? What does the
idiom stand-up-to

Chapter 33: Dinner (1986) - p 172

1. What is heung jou?

2. Why do Marty and Samantha think Henry should contact Keiko?
3. What reasons does Henry give for not contacting Keiko? I wanted this
sweater the minute I saw it online! I waited a couple weeks to buy it
and I am so happy I did. Definitely recommend this sweater! :)

Chapter 34: Steps (1986) - p 176

1. What dispute did Henry and Marty have about the care of Ethel?
2. Why do you think Henry never spoke to his son about his father?
3. Did Ethel know about Keiko?
4. What did Henry avoid in his walks around town? Why do you think
he did this?

Chapter 35: Sheldons Record (1942) - p179

1. What were Henrys fathers reasons for not wanting Keikos family photos in
the house?
2. Where was Keiko born?
3. What did Henrys father do to get rid of the photos?

Chapter 36: Camp Anyway (1942) - p186

1. What made Henry fell like a ghost in his little brick apartment that he shared
with his parents?
2. What did Henrys mom do to acknowledge his existence?
3. How and why did the food menu change at Camp Harmony?

Chapter 37: Moving (1942) p. 196

1. How did the Okabes benefit from Mr. Okabe working to help build the new
2. What did the sign above Keikos stall say?

Chapter 38: Stranger (1942) p.203

1. What happened to Henrys father?

2. Did anyone blame Henry for his fathers illness?

Chapter 39: Thirteen (1942) -p208

1. Why was Henry becoming more optimistic about school?

2. What made Henry decide to take the trip to Idaho?
3. Why did Henry think he would have an easy time finding the camp once he
got there?
4. What was the landscape like around the camp?

Chapter 40: Sheldon Thomas (1986) p.223

1. How old was Sheldon?

2. Why did Seldom think it was Sunday?
3. What was Henrys gift to Sheldon?

Chapter 41: Waiting (1942) -p226

1. How did Henry sneak into the camp?

2. What did Henry eat for breakfast in the camp?
3. What surprised you most about the description of life in the camp?

Chapters 42: Farewell (1942) - p.232

1. What did Keiko and Henry talk about at the camp?

Chapter 43: Angry Home (1942)- p.235

1.How old was Henrys father when he left home?

2.What was on Henrys bed when he returned home?

3.How long did Henrys parents want him to spend in China?

4.How did Henrys mother think he was like his father?

Chapter 44: Letters (1943)

1. What did Henry learn about Keikos life from the letters?
2. What did Henry start to realize about trying to keep up a relationship by

Chapter 45: Years (1945) p.246

1. What happened to Nihonmachi while Keiko was gone?
2. Why do you think Keiko stopped wanting updates on Seattle?
3. Why was Henrys father still a highly regarded member of the Bing Kung
Benevolent Association?

Chapter 46: Meeting at the Panama (1945) p.250

1. Do you think Henry made a deal with his father?

2. What do you think happened to Keiko and her family?
3. Why do you think Keiko stopped writing?

Chapter 47: VJ Day (1945) p.257

1. Why does Sheldon think Henrys trip to China will be ironic?

2. What did people do when they learned that the Japanese had
3. What did Ethel do when Henry asked her to marry him?
4. Do you think Henry really saw Keiko in the celebrating crowd? Why or Why
5. What does Henrys father confess on his death bed?

Chapter 48: Broken Records (1986) p.266

1. Why did Henry visit Marty in his dorm?

2. Why was Marty surprised at Henrys visit?
3. What did Marty and Henry discuss?

Chapter 49: Hearthstone (1986) p.269

1. Why did Henry grab only his keys when he went to the Hearthstone Inn?
2. What did Sheldon want Henry to fix?

Chapter 50: Tickets (1986) p.273

1. Why did Henry visit Bud?

2. Why did Marty buy Henry a ticket to New York City?

Chapter 51: Sheldons Song (1986) p. 278

1. Who sent the record?

2. Who played the record for Sheldon?

Chapter 52: New York (1986) p.282

1. Why didnt Henry call before he went to New York?

2. What did he learn about Keikos life from looking around her apartment?

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