Merideth 5th Grade Lesson Plan

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Music Lesson Plan

Name: Alexander Merideth

Grade/Level: 5th Duration: 40 min Topic: Composition Assignment

Materials Needed:
White Boards

Lesson Objectives:
Students will improve upon their first 5 notes of the Bb Concert Scale
Students will compose using the first 5 notes of the Bb Concert Scale and Quarter Notes,
Half Notes, and Whole Notes
Students will perform their own compositions for other students

AZ State Standards Addressed:

Strand 1, Concept 1, PO 102: singing their own instrumental parts in tune with
appropriate articulation, phrasing and dynamics.
Strand 1, Concept 2, PO 104: identifying and playing individually and with others the
following note and rest values while maintaining a steady beat: whole, half, quarter,
eighth, dotted half, dotted quarter and sixteenth as well as other note and rest values
encountered in the repertoire.
Strand 1, Concept 2, PO 105: playing scale structures appropriate to the repertoire
encountered for full practical range.
Strand 1, Concept 2, PO 306: identifying and playing articulations and symbols as they
occur in the repertoire.
Strand 1, Concept 2, PO 108: playing expressively, on pitch, in rhythm, with appropriate
articulation, dynamics, phrasing, and tempo.
Strand 1, Concept 4, PO 102
Strand 1, Concept 5, PO 103: explaining and applying the terms encountered in the
Strand 1, Concept 5, PO 104: playing expressively, on pitch and in rhythm, dynamics,
phrasing, tempo markings encountered in the repertoire.
Strand 1, Concept 5, PO 105: using appropriate terminology to describe and explain
music encountered in the repertoire.
Strand 1, Concept 5, PO 107: recognizing and playing key signatures and accidentals in
the repertoire.
Strand 2, Concept 1, PO 104: analyzing and applying the relationship between rhythm
and mathematics as it occurs in the repertoire.
Strand 2, Concept 2, PO 104: applying appropriate audience behavior in the context and
style of music being performed.

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Strand 3, Concept 1, PO 106: Using appropriate terminology to describe and explain
Strand 3, Concept 1, PO 107: identifying and explaining the elements of music in the
Strand 3, Concept 3, PO 102: using student specified criteria to evaluate a musical
Strand 3, Concept 3, PO 103: showing respect for personal work and the work of others
through appropriate critique.
Strand 3, Concept 3, PO 105: analyzing the experience(s) of their performance and the
performance of others.

National Music Standard(s) Achieved:

#1 Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
#2 Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
#4 Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
#5 Reading and notating music
#6 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
#7 Evaluating music and music performances

Musical Focus:
X Rhythm X Melody Harmony
X Singing X Listening X Playing Instruments
Form History X Theory
Moving Conducting X Intonation
X Tone Color X Vocabulary X Creating
X Expression Balance/Blend Other:

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Introduction/Anticipatory Set:
During stretching/breathing, discuss composing and which students have gotten the
chance to compose.

Breathing Gym and Stretching
o Plan for 100% engagement: Be sure that all students are actively participating
o Modifications/Accommodations: N/A
o Formative Assessment: Assess each student to see if they are breathing properly
o Instructional Strategy: Begin by having students set their instruments down and
then go through a basic breathing gym and stretching activity.
Brass/Woodwind Sirens, Long Tones, Scale with Drones
o Plan for 100% engagement: All students will perform. Students who are not
regularly providing feedback may be called upon to offer input for another
o Modifications/Accommodations: Students who do not have their instrument can
finger along on a pencil
o Formative Assessment: Wandering inside the ensemble and making sure students
are using the correct fingerings.
o Instructional Strategy: Students will first be on mouth pieces/head joints and
echo/respond to sirens I create. We will work on the first 5 notes of the Bb major
scale by holding out the notes. We will then rotate around holding the drone while
the others go up and down the first 5 notes of the scale.
Rhythm Exercise
o Plan for 100% engagement: All students will perform. Students who are not
performing will be ask to count rhythms individually
o Modifications/Accommodations: Students who are unable to participate will be
granted an additional opportunity to show their knowledge of the rhythms (i.e
clapping, saying, etc).
o Formative Assessment: Students will be assessed through performance
o Instructional Strategy: I will say rhythms and have students say the rhythm back
and then play the rhythm. We may move around on pitches but will most likely
use concert Bb and/or F.
Composition Activity
o Plan for 100% engagement: All students need to help compose at least 1 of their
groups cards
o Modifications/Accommodations: N/A
o Formative Assessment: Students will hand in their completed compositions
o Instructional Strategy: I will first discuss meter and how rhythms fit inside each
meter. I will then do a demonstration of the activity. Students will work in groups
and be each given 4 blank staves. They must use at least 3 different rhythms and 3
different pitches. They can use no more than the 5 pitches they already know.
Students will then perform their compositions in pairs

Concluding Activity/Success Experience:

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Students will perform their groups composition for other members of the class

Students may work on larger composition assignments in the future

Summative Assessments (if performance objectives are not formally assessed during this
lesson, how would it be in the future?):

Performances are summative assessements

Notes for next time:

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