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ANSFORMER PROBLEMS ECE3070:_ WORKED EXAMPLI EXAMPLE 4.1 igure 5, is subjected toa J cor of 2 twowindng transformer a shown in Figure 45a subj ‘Rapotc Maw avnton acted in Figure #36, What i he induced en in each winding? a 20500) “w 41S> (aed esos © SOLUTION ince the polarities are already marked on the windings, terminals b and c are like-polarity terminals, For the time interval from 0 to 0.06 s, the magnetic lux increases linearly as @ = 015 Wb ‘Thus, the induced emf between terminals a and Bis ~200 x 015 = -30V and the induced emf between terminals ¢ and d is a 7 500 x 015 = 75 From 0.06 to 0.1 s, the induced emfs are zero, as there is no variation in the flux. In the time interval from 0.1 to 0.12 s, the rate of change of the flux is ~ 0.45 Wb/s, Hence, the induced emfs are em = ~200 * (045) = 90. and fog = 500 X (045) = -225 The waveforms for the induced emfs are depicted in Figures 4.5¢ and d for the Primary and the secondary windings, respectively oe) (by Far varaon in he core of he ranfonmer shown in par a. ou as a0 (0 Indexed vag ea faction of ine a) 3s ae Hae oi | lah jo o08 ~aas (a) ced vole 8 anton of tne Figure 4.5 An ideal-transformer and related waveforms for Example 4. EXAMPLE 4.2 An ideal transformer has a 150-turn primary and 750-turn secondary. The primary is connected to a 240-V, 50-Hz source. The secondary winding supplies a load of 4 A ata lagging power factor (pf) of U8. Determine (a) the «ratio, (b) the current in the primary, (c) the power supplied to the load, and (d) the flux in the core. © SOLUTION (@) The ezatio: a = 150/750 = 0.2 (b) Since fy ~ 4 A, the current in the primary is © Thus, the power supplied to the load is, P, = Valy cos 8 = 1200 x 4 x 0.8 = 3840 W (4) ‘The maximum Aux in the core is 4AagN, ” TaN, = 7.21 mWb LHL 240, EXAMPLE 4.3 ‘A23-KVA, 2300/230-V, 60-He, step-down transformer has the following resistance and leakage-reactance values: R,= 4.0, Ry = 0.04 0, X,= 12, and X= 0.12.0. ‘The transformer is operating at 75% of its rated load. If the power factor of the load is 0.866 leading, determine the efficiency of the transformer. Ignore the no-load current, @ SOLUTION Since the transformer is operating at 75% of its rated load, the effective value of the secondary winding current is 23000 hy X O75 = 754 230 Assuming the load voltage as a reference, the load current at a leading power factor of 0.866, in phasor form, is i, = 75(300 A The secondary winding impedance is D, = Ry + jX, = 004 + join ‘The induced emf in the secondary winding is E, = Vy + 42, = 230 + (75/30°\0.04 + j0.12) = 228.287/233° V Since the transformation ratio is 200 230 10 we can determine the induced emf and the current onthe primary side as Ey = af, = 229287/238V ee job a rsara The primary winding impedance is Ze R timo 44 ja Hence, the source voltage must be ¥, - E+ 2, = roerer/aax + (75/3004 = 12) = 2269.578/4.7° V The power supplied to the load is P, = RelVi3] = Rel230 x 75/-30°)] = 14,938.94 W The power input is Pig = Rel Vit] = Re{(2269.578/4.7°)(7.5/—30°)) 15,389.14 W 0971, oF 97.1% EXAMPLE 4.4 ‘The equivalent core-loss resistance and the magnetizing reactance on the primary side of the transformer discussed in Example 4.3 are 20 kiand 15 k0, respectively If the transformer delivers the seme load, what is its efficiency? © SOLUTION From Bxample 43, we have ¥, = BoV a@=10 A P, = 49R8.94 W I, ~ 75/30" A 2282,87/233" V, 228287/235° V 75/30" A The core-loss, magnetizing, and excitation currents are 228287/2.39¢ 20,000 ~ 9114/23" A ro ee2e7/23e |, i i, FisGon ~ 015228767" a i, 0.114/2.39 + 0.152/—87, 7° = 0.19/ =508° A Thus, 7.5{30° + 019/508 ~ 7.53/2857° 228287/2.33" + (7.53/2857°KA + 712) = BAT V A The power input is By = RelVilj] = 15,645.35 Ww The efficiency of the transformer is Py 14953694 15.35 = 01955, or 95.5% EXAMPLE 4.5 Analyze the transformer discussed in Examples 4.3 and 4.4 using the approximate equivalent circuit as viewed from the primary side. Also sketch its phasor diagram, @ SOLUTION = a, = 10 x 230/0° 75/30" A 2300/0" V ca = Ry +R, = 4 + (1070.08) = 8.0 Xa =X, + aX, = 12 + (10°N0.12) = 24.0 fa = Ry + Xy 8 + 240 Thus, Vy = Vi + Zn = 2000/0" + (75/s0°y8 + j24) = 2249.59/47° V ‘The core-loss and magnetizing currents are 2269.59/4.7° 210,000 = o1nsfaze a = O1SI/- 85.3¢ 715,000 Tus, i-th +i, 27. ~ 7.54/28.6° A + 0113/47" + 0.151/—85.3° Hence, the power output, the power input, and the efficiency are P, w= Rel(2300/08)(75/ =30°)] = 1493894 w Pa, = Rel(2269.59/4.2°)(7.54/ 1493894 0 5367 9955 or 95.5% The corresponding phasor diagram is shown in Figure 4.18. ‘The reader is encouraged to compare the above results with those obtained in Fxample 44 in order to have some awareness of the errors introduced ae a result of the approximations we have made. & r= sjisoy Figure 4.18 The phasor diagram of a transformer discussud in Example 43. EXAMPLE 4.6 A 22KVA, 440/220-V, 50-Hz, step-down transformer has the following parame- ters as referred to the primary side: Ry = 3.0, X= 40, Ry = 25K0, and Xp, ~ 2 KO. The transformer is operating, at full load with a power factor of 0.707 lagging. Determine the efficiency and the voltage regulation of the transformer. © SOLUTION From the given data, 440 aL 104, 220 2 t= m0V $= 200VA For a lagging power factor of 0.707, @ = ~45° Using load voltage as a reference, i, = 10/- Referring to the equivalent circuit, Figure 4.16, we have I i Bilis Figure 4.16 Approximate equivalent cireuit ofa transformer as viewed from the primary side. 5+ HlRy + 7X) = M0 + G45 + ja) = 464762/048° Vv ‘The core-loss and magnetizing currents are 464.762/0.44° SA POR OSE 0 186/0.44° 186/0.44° PATOL «5 was 4 72000 ‘The current supplied by the source is =45* + 0.186/0.44° + 0.232/-80 5.296/=45.33" A P, = Ref{(440)(5/45°)) = 1555.63 W (5. 296/45.38°)] = 1716.91 W or 90.6% The voltage regulation is 464,762 ~ 440 % = VR’ 7 X 100 = 5.63% EXAMPLE 4.7 A 120-KVA, 2400/240-V, step-down transformer has the following parameters: R; = 075.0, X; = 08.0, Ry = 0.01 0, Xp = 0.02 0. The transformer is designed to operate at maximum efficiency at 70% of its rated load with 0.8 pf lagging. De- termine (a) the KVA rating of the transformer at maximum efficiency, (b) the maximum efficiency, (c) the efficiency at full load and 0.8 pf lagging, and (d) the equivalent core-loss resistance. ® SOLUTION Let us use the approximate equivalent circuit of the transformer as shown in Vigure 4.16. The rated voltage across the load as viewed from the primary side is 2400 V. Thus, the rated load current is 1, = 220,000 » 3400) = SDA The load current at maximum efficienc Jyy = O71, = OF x 50 = 35.8 (a) The kVA rating of the transformer at maximum efficiency is 35 x 2400 KVAlnavet, = yogg 7 SE EVA ‘Thus, the copper loss at maximum efficiency is Pooq = PAR, + @2Rq) = 3540.75 + 10 x 0.01) = 743.75 W and the core loss is Pay = 2143.75 W (b) The power output, the power input, and the efficiency when the trans former delivers the load at maximum efficiency are P, = 2400 x 35 x 0.8 = 67,200 W Phy = Py + Pr + Pon = 67,200 + 2143.75 + 2,143.75 = 71,4875 W 67.200 ae = 094 or 94% FLATS (c)_ The power output, the copper loss, and the efficiency at full load are », = 2400 x 50 x 0.8 = 96,000 W Pa, = 50? x (0.75 + 10? x 0.01) = 4,375 W 0936 or 93.6% (4) ‘The equivalent core-loss resistance at no load is 24002 — = 2686.88 0 2143.75 EXAMPLE 4.8 The following data were obtained from testing a 48-kVA, 4800/240-V, step-down transformer: Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W) Open-cireuit test 40 a 120 Short-cituit test 150 10 600 Determine the equivalent circuit of the transformer as viewed from (a) the high- voltage side and (b) the low-voltage side. © SOLUTION Since the open-circuit test must be conducted at the rated terminal voltage, the above data indicate that itis performed on the low-voltage side, Thus, the equiv alent core-loss resistance as referred to the low-voltage side is Ry = So = 40.0 The apparent power under no load: S,. = Vel. = 240 x 2 = 480 VA ipparent ps ‘Thus, the reactive power is i ‘TA? = 464.76 VAR Hence, the magnetization reactance as referred to the low-voltage side is a 123.94. 9 Ynt = a6476 The core-loss resistance and the magnetization reactance as referred to the high: voltage side are obtained as follows: a = 4800/240 = 20 4 = PR, ~ (20°\(480) = 192 kD 'Xrat, = (20*)(123.94) = 49.58 kO R Xt = Since the shoct-circuit current is 10 A, the short-circuit test is performed on the high-voltage side. Thus, 600 wre 1 Lisa 10 “6 = 1375.2 Figure 4.26 The approximate equivalent circuit as viewed from the high-voltage side for Frample 48. The winding parameters as referred to the low-voltage side are 6 i Ry = = en 00D or 15 ma = Xa, B75 mo ais Gr = 00s or 34 ‘The approximate equivalent circuits as viewed from the high-voltage and the low- voltage sides are given in Figures 4.26 and 4.27, respectively. In order to draw an exact equivalent circuit, we can segregate the winding resistances and leakage reactances using Eqs. (4.33) and (4.34). That is, Ry = OSRy = 3.0 Xp = OSX yy = 688.0 = 000759, or 75m0 = 00170, or 17ma bad Mme J12396 9 Figure 427 The approximate equivalent circuit as viewed from the low-voltage side for Example 4.8. 3a i688 igirvlage side lavage de Figure 4.28 The exact equivalent circuit ofa transformer for Example 4 The exact equivalent circuit incorporating an ideal transformer is shown in Figure 428. EXAMPLE 4.10 A 24-KVA, 2400/240-V distribution transformer is to be connected as an autotrans- former. For each possible combination, determine (a) the primary winding volt- age, (b) the secondary winding voltage, (c) the ratio of transformation, and (d) the nominal rating of the autotransformer. © SOLUTION From the given information for the two-winding transformer, we conclude V, = 2400 V, Vp 240, §,- MKVA I, = 10A, and I = 100A (a) For the autotransformer operation shown in Figure 43a, Vig = 2400 + 240 = 2640. Va, = 240.V 2640 7 Vaglay = Vaee = Vaal 2640 x 10 = 26400 VA or 264 KVA 4 -u r Thus, the nominal rating of the autotransformer is 26.4 kVA, 2640/240 V. (a) (0+ Vp Vy stepedown 0) YI» step-up —i, (6) (Wy + UY, sepedown (0) Yul, =) mepeap Figure 4.31 Possible ways to connect a two-winding transformer as an autotransformer. (b)_ For the autotransformer connection shown in Figure 4:31b, Vy, = 240V Vy, = 2400 + 240 = 2640 V 240 op = OL ggg T2640 : Se = Varn = Varks 2640 x 10 = 26400 VA or 264A KVA, The nominal rating of the autotransformer is 26.4 kVA, 240/2640 V. (©) Ifan autotransformer connection is as shown in Figure 4.316, V,, = 240 4 2400 = 2640 V Va, = 2400 V 2640 ape sd “= 3400 = Varta = Vista = Viale 2640 x 100 = 264,000 VA or 264 KVA, The nominal rating of the autotransformer is 264 KVA, 2640/2400 V. (d) Finally, if the autotransformer connection is as shown in Figure 4314, v4. = 2400 Vv Ve, ~ 2400 + 240 = 2640.V 2400 2400 — 91 2640 o Vaclae = Vasle = 2640 X 100 ~ 264000 VA or 264 KVA The nominal rating ofthe autotransformer is 264 kVA, 2400/2640 V. Note that the power rating of a two-winding transformer, when connected as an autotransformer (Figure 431¢ or d), has an 11-fold increase,

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