Instrumen CTH BI K1 Pemahaman Bah A PDF

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SULIT 6351/1



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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Kamu di kehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian ini.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan,
iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja.
Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.
Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian, hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.
4. Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas soalan ini.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak dan 2 halaman tidak bercetak di
bahagian A dan 8 halaman bercetak dan 4 halaman tidak bercetak di bahagian B.

[Lihat halaman sebelah

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SULIT 2 013

[ 20 marks ]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1 The stallion ______ grazing in the field just now.

A is
B are
C was
D were

2 Most boys prefer football to hockey, ______ they?

A do
B does
C dont
D doesnt

3 He ______ there for hours but she did not turn up.
A stand
B stood
C stands
D standing

4 The dove flew ______ the rooftop.

A against
B below
C along
D over

5 The maid opened the window ______ the room was stuffy.
A so
B and
C because
D although

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6 Be careful when you are doing something. As the saying goes____________.

A look before you leap
B first come, first served
C more haste, less speed
D make hay while the sun shines

013 20XX Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT

SULIT 3 013

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk setiap tempat kosong.

The gardener was tired because he __7__ a few hours trimming the hibiscus plants in the
garden. Now they look tidy. The gardener was thirsty, so he took out __8__ orange juice
that he had brought. After drinking, he decided to continue working __9__ he was still

7 A spend
B spent
C spends
D spending

8 A -
B a
C an
D the

9 A so
B if
C since
D although

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10 The innocent man was charged in court yesterday.

A foolish
B humble
C guilty
D selfish

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11 A Look! Theres a rainbow in the sky, said Puan Leela.

B Look! Theres a rainbow in the sky, Said Puan Leela.
C Look, Theres a rainbow in the sky. Said Puan Leela.
D Look, theres a rainbow in the sky! said Puan Leela.

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013 20XX Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT
SULIT 4 013

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

SK Bukit Perkasa organised a singing competition last week. The stage was
decorated beautifully with 12 and ribbons. One of the contestants 13
singing on the stage. A 14 was busy taking pictures of the event. There
was a panel of judges sitting 15 the table in front of the stage. The trophies
for the winners were arranged neatly on the table.

12 A balloons
B banners
C curtains
D buntings

13 A is
B are
C was
D were

14 A director
B musician
C conductor
013 20XX Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT
SULIT 5 013
D photographer

15 A at
B on
C by
D between

Questions 16 to 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Laila bt Sidek proved that poverty and family problems did not stop her from
succeeding in her studies. Laila scored straight As in the recent UPSR examination. She
was selected as the best pupil in her school for her achievements in her studies and co-
curricular activities. Her headmaster was very proud of her.

Her father, a labourer, works hard to support the family of six. In the morning, he
taps rubber trees. In the afternoon, he does carpentry to earn extra income. Her mother is
a housewife. She helps to make ends meet by selling nasi lemak. She also weaves mats
to sell.

Yesterday evening, when interviewed by three reporters, Laila said that she owed
her success to her teachers and parents. By having group discussions with her friends and
planning her time well, she managed to score good grades in her examinations.

16 How many members are there in Lailas family?

A Three
B Four
C Five
D Six

17 The phrase make ends meet shows that Lailas mother has _____
A planned the future.
B achieved her hope.
C a lot of money.
D to do extra job.

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SULIT 6 013

18 What did Laila do to achieve straight As in her UPSR?

A She had group discussions and managed her time well.
B She took part in the co-curricular activities.
C Her teachers helped with her homework.
D Her father supported the family.

19 To whom did she owe her success?

A Parents and teachers.

B Reporters and parents.
C Labourers and reporters.
D Parents, teachers and friends.

20 From the passage, we know that Laila _____

A likes to weave mats.
B is a nasi lemak seller.
C succeeded in her studies.
D always has discussion with her mother.

013 20XX Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT

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