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PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.

(Department of Management Sciences)

Internship/Employment Report

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Name: Rashid Sohail

Arid Number: 12-ARID-1463
Specialization: Finance
Telephone: +92-336-529-4950
Company Name: Mediland Pakistan (Pvt) limited
Supervisor Name: Muhammad Yaseen
Start Date for Internship: August 2nd, 2015
End Date for Internship: September 30th, 2015

Report date: February 9th, 2016

<Rashid sohail>
Completed internship at
<Mediland Pakistan (Pvt) limited>

Internship/Employment report submitted for the Final Evaluation in

Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

<Bachelors in Business Administration>

It is certified that, the Internship/Employment report and the work contained in it

conforms to all the standards set by the Institute for the evaluation of any such work.

< Signature >

< Type Name >

< Signature >

< Type Name >

< Signature >

< Type Name >


University Institute of Management Sciences

University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi

I dedicate all my efforts and struggles of the

educational life to my dear parents; without them
Im meaningless. Also I devote the work of this
internship report to respectable and honorable
teachers who taught and supported me in
developing my personality as a competent


First of all I thank Allah, who is the holder of my breaths,

without his order nothing is possible.
I am highly thankful to my respectable teachers and friends
and family members who were my supporter throughout my
educational career, further I thank all the employees of the
branch Mediland Pakistan (Pvt) Limited, where I have done
my internship.
I have set light, an ever-burning flame of gratitude and deep
sense of obligation to my honorable teachers for their
valuable guidance, constructive criticism and inspiring
attitude during my studies. I appreciate and thanks to all the
member of the faculty. Besides, this internship program makes
me realize the value of working together as a team and as a
new experience in working environment, which challenges us
every minute. Not forget, great appreciation go to the rest of
Medilands staff that helped me to write internship report on
Mediland Pakistan (Pvt) Limited from time to time during the
project. The whole program really brought us together to
appreciate the true value of friendship and respect of each
Last words are lacking to express my feelings and
indebtedness to my affectionate Family and Friends for their

love, appreciations, which always stand by me mentally and
spiritually during all years of my study.

1. Executive summary:
The aim of an internship was to have the practical knowledge about the organizational
working. The organization I selected was MEDILAND Pakistan (Pvt) limited. Departments
working in this building are finance, HR, and marketing. I accepted this task as a challenge
and tried my best to explore & cover each and every aspect of MEDILAND Pakistan (Pvt)
Ltd. within my 2 months internship. This internship report covers many important aspects
which are basically related with the financial aspects of the organization.

MEDILAND provides accurate, timely and reliable services supply services of major
hospital medical institute of Pakistan in both public and private sector. MEDILAND listen to
their customers, they value their choices and keep in touch with them and learn more about
their businesses to build trust and mutual relationship to grow and keep our valuable
customers as friend in deed.

MEDILAND open their branches in the major cities of Pakistan like Lahore,
Peshawar, Karachi, and Islamabad. The branch office where I complete my internship is of
Islamabad. They put the right product at right place at right time. They didnt compromise on
quality and provide the quality of products on which you rely on. They keep their customers
business to grow on and provide you a team of such a professionals to fulfil your need and
provide with an accurate and timely technical support. MEDILAND PAKISTAN (PVT) LTD
markets, imports, and distributes Healthcare Equipment, Instruments, and
Consumable/Disposable Items. And they also export medicines to other countries. They
purchase that medicines in Pakistan at a low price and then they export it to other customers
in the other countries. They are particularly in the areas of Endoscopy, Operation Theatre, and
Cardiology Equipment along with Disposable Items, Accessories, and Ward Furniture.

As they work in cross functional teams and also they made decision by them is part
from all employees which is no one set their own goals thats why it is one of the most
growing companies of Pakistan in such a short span of time.

1. Company Background:

The company starts its business in Pakistan to distribute the limited range of medical products
but grown into one of the prominent companies of Pakistan in a very short span of time.

Recently they celebrate 5 years of anniversary starting business in Pakistan. Their branches
are in many cities of Pakistan like Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, and Peshawar. Their said
Our mission is to make the purchasing experience of our customers fast, reliable, timely,
accurate, easy and pleasant. I work with them basically with the finance department team but
sometimes I spend some time with the other department like HR and marketing to know how
it work, how they market their products etc.

2. Business Operations:

A. SWOT Analysis:


Mediland import all of the products they distribute in the medical institute of
Pakistan either private or public.

Mediland distribute quality products.

They have better marketing strategy to market their product.

They work in the cross functional teams rather than individual.

They didnt compromise on quality.

They have well educated and skilled staff.

They uses up to date software of record keeping.

Their products are tested and confirm to international standard.


Their employees has low salaries.

As Mediland doesnt did their own distribution.

They didnt use e-commerce.


They must

Advertise their own products.

Did their own distribution.

Did social responsibility.

Organize events to aware people from their products.

They have also the opportunity to manufacture other products which resembles to
medical equipment.

They have the opportunity to use e-commerce.


They have very fast growing competitors.

Their products is somehow costly as compared to their competitors.

B. Marketing strategy:

Mediland has implemented the tremendous and successful marketing strategy. Every
branch is responsible to keep loyal the customer to give more profit to the
organization. Every branch has well educated staff and they kept good relation with
customer to attract more customer. The marketing is allow to changes in the marketing
strategy with respect to area and with respect to hospital. They also gradually fill
questioner from the customers about the products and the services of their
organization. And also employees help the manager that which part of the strategy
need changes. And at last when the strategy is final the marketing manager has the
responsibility to give overview of the new strategy to finance and other departments
because may be the other departments bring some other changes in the new strategy.

C. Competitive strategy:

As Mediland is new in medical equipment distribution business. They have very
strong and successful strategy thats why they are very growing and gaining the more
market in such short span of time. They give discount on their products to regular
customer as other firm did not. And also they very innovative and creative staff and
they the latest technology used in their equipment.

3. Work description:

During my internship period I did a lot of work with a very skilled and educated staff. I learn
so many thing like how to work in practical life. As they distribute the products from Lahore.
In Islamabad office they take orders from medical institute and then they start their process
from Lahore to that firms receiving order. They gave me many receipts from various
customer I first sort that and they their accountant show me how enter data in software he
enter the data of first receipt and the rest of is done by me. I spend some time with the HRM
officer to know the nature of their job and how they perform their work. Sometime ago they
using peach tree software for record keeping but later they using Quick book. The
working days of Mediland is from Monday to Friday and their working hours is from 9am to
6 pm. I am also working with them from 9 to 6. And I also learned how to work in group and
also how to work with cross functional team. The experience with Mediland change my entire
work attitude, communication, and way of talking and also I learned how to resolve problems
arises in groups and also in firms with products and also the competitors arises in customer
mind. I work with Mediland as an internee for 2 months.

4. Analysis:

As I specialized in Finance in bachelors, this internship is very useful to me to understand the

work of finance department in firm. The finance department has great role in the firm to meet
its objective and to gain market share. As I describe my work that how I work and my
working hours with them. I wish I could be permanent employee with Mediland. I see the
collaboration of individual in trams that how they work and how they work hard to achieve
firms goal. According to my supervisor I am very hardworking and confident internee. I have
the initiative to take tasks and make good decision to solve the problem.

5. Conclusion:

To conclude my internship I can say that these two months has great impact on my future
work. Before internship I have no idea how to work in practical life how to work with group
etc. but I am able to take my decision how work with group and how to take initiative to solve
the problem. With the cooperation of my own department members and other department
members I have been able to learn and experience new things about private limited
companies. And also I learned that how we deal with customers and also how to kept our
customer loyal and attract more customer.


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