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Homework 2
Due: 0900 Tuesday 23 September, 2014

Problem 1

a. Show that at a given frequency , the circuits in Fig. 1(a) and (b) will have the same
impedance between the terminals a, b if
1+2 R12 C 12
R 2=
2 R1 C 12
C2 =
1+ 2 R12 C12
b. Find the values of resistance and capacitance that when connected in parallel will give the
same impedance at 50 krad/s as that of a 1k resistor connected in series with a
capacitance of 40nF.
Figure 1

Problem 2
At t = -250/6 s, a sinusoidal voltage v(t) is known to be zero and going positive. The voltage is
next zero at t = 1250/6 s. It is also know that the voltage is 75V at t = 0.
a. What is the frequency of v(t) in hertz ?
b. What is the expression for v(t) ?
Problem 3
For the circuit in Fig. 3, suppose
v a =20 cos ( 2000 t36.87 ) V
v b =10 cos ( 5000 t +16.26 ) V

a. Find the steady-state expression for v 0 (t ) ?

b. Find the steady-state expression for i 0 (t) ?

Figure 3

Problem 4
The sinusoidal voltage source in the circuit in the below figure is developing a voltage equal to
247.49 cos(1000t+ 45) V.
a. Find the Thvenin voltage with respect to the terminals a,b.
b. Find the Thvenin impedance with respect to the terminals a,b.
c. Draw the Thvenin equivalent.

Problem 5
The operational amplifier in the circuit shown in the following figure is ideal. The voltage of the
ideal sinusoidal is vg = 30 cos 106t V.
a. How small can C0 be before the steady-state output voltage no longer has a pure
sinusoidal waveform?
b. For the value of C0 found in (a), write the steady-state expression for vo.

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