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Unit plan: A VERY Loose Understanding by Design Outline

Your mission is to create a 5-day unit:

What standards will be addressed?

SS.9-12.H.1 Understand historical patterns, periods of time, and the
relationships among these elements.
SS.9-12.H.2 Understand how and why people create, maintain, or
changes systems of power, authority, and governance.
SS.9-12.H.4 Understand the role of individuals and groups within a
society as promoters of change or the status quo.
SS.9-12.H.8 Understand cause and effect relationships and other
historical thinking skills in order to interpret events and issues.


be addressed in the unit? What information do you want every
student to know?

- Explain why American colonists fought for independence from

Great Britain.
- Identify the major turning points in the American Revolution.
- Who were the significant individuals involved in the conflict?

What are some learning outcomes that are related to the big
idea and the standards? If you have academic standards
selected and there are additional behavioral and
metacognitive outcomes that will be addressed with your
student, list these here also.

- Recognize the issues surrounding the growing tensions between

the American colonies and the British
o Consider what could justify disobedience of laws
- Motive students to learn more about the causes of the
Revolutionary War
o Consider what it means to be a citizen of a nation
- Understand the cause and effect relationship between battles
that took place during the American Revolution.
o Consider what battles and events lead up to the colonists
- Describe the roles that individuals such as Samuel Adams, John
Adams, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington
played in the American Revolution.

How will you specifically assess these learning outcomes? BE

formative and summative assessments will you use?
- Jeopardy game at the end of the chapter. They will work together
in groups and answer the questions asked. Questions will also
include visuals.
- Group work on visual representations of information. These will
be graphs or draws that will show the answer to a questions I ask
the class.
- Answering question before they leave the room, verbally or on
paper. I will stand at the door and they can either hand me an
exit ticket or answer the question to me verbally. They also will
have to option of drawing out the answer, but they will have to
verbally explain it for me to understand what they are trying to
- Group conversations, and shoulder partner discussions. This will
allow them to think about the answer to a questions and see
other points of view before coming together as a class.
- Graphic organizers for notes, I will look at these before they
leave the class. This will ensure that students are taking the
correct notes.
- I will look over all notes, including the alternative main ideas
note before the students leave class. This will allow me to know if
they were paying attention in class. I will also be able to talk with
them about taking better notes if I do not believe they have been
taking enough.

Lesson outlines for 5 days:

o Conflict between Great Britain and the American colonies
grew over issues of taxation, representation, and liberty.
o Summarize colonial resistance to British taxation.
o Trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts.
o Summarize the battles of Lexington and Concord.
o What was the Stamp Act and what was the colonists
reaction to it?
o Why did the Townshend Acts anger the colonists?
o What prompted the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea
o What were the Intolerable Acts and how did the colonists
respond to them?
o What did the British decided to march on Concord?
o What were the causes and outcomes of the battles of
Lexington and Concord?
o Video clip that is an over view of the content we will be
covering that day in class. This will help to create
background knowledge before reading in class together. It
will also help to heighten interest in the information we will
be discussing in class for the day.
The American Revolution History Channel (6 video
o Together we will read aloud the sections of the book we will
be reviewing for the day. Pausing every couple of pages to
answer the content questions as a group and check for
understanding. I will not pick out random people to read. I
will ask for volunteers to read, I will read aloud to the
group, or we will do choral reading together as a class.
o Every day on the board there will be main points. These
are the points that I want the students to make special
note of, and be sure to copy down. I will also give content
questions to the students who need it after class, and my
own version of the notes they should have been taking in
class. These will be the students that have
accommodations involved with writing. They will know who
they are and be asked to just write down the main points
and one detail during class reading/lecture time.
o Table groups will each get one of the learning outcomes.
Together they will decide how the want to present the
information they focused on to the group. This can be done
but presenting with just words, graphic organizers,
drawing, or using technology to create a short power point.
Not everyone will be required to talk, but I will check in to
make sure they are all contributing to the conversation and
information. Finally I will have them rate themselves on
how well the participated and how much the contributed to
the presentation. They will not always be placed in the
same groups every class period. This will change based on
a chart I will make for the class.
o With a shoulder partner, discuss the various issues that the
colonies has with the British. Share your opinions on how
that would make you feel and what you would do in that
o Before leaving class, share one thing that your partner said
that you agreed with. You may also share one extra piece
of information about your own opinion. If someone else
takes your answer, add to it or comment on what they said.
If you dont feel like sharing with the whole class, you may
tell me at the door before you leave class for the day.
o I will look over student notes before they leave class.
o Tensions increased throughout the colonies until the
Continental congress declared independence on July 4,
o Examine efforts made to avoid bloodshed as the colonies
hovered between war and peace.
o Summarize the philosophical and political ideas of the
Declaration of Independence.
o Contrast the attitudes of Loyalists and Patriots.
o What actions did the Second Continental Congress take?
o What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?
o What was the Olive Branch Petition?
o What did Thomas Paine argue in Common Sense?
o What ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence?
o Who were the Patriots?
o How did Loyalists differ from Patriots?
o What groups made up the Loyalists and Patriots?
o Video clip that is an over view of the content we will be
covering that day in class. This will help to create
background knowledge before reading in class together. It
will also help to heighten interest in the information we will
be discussing in class for the day.
The American Revolution History Channel (6 video
o Together we will read aloud the sections of the book we will
be reviewing for the day. Pausing every couple of pages to
answer the content questions as a group and check for
understanding. I will not pick out random people to read. I
will ask for volunteers to read, I will read aloud to the
group, or we will do choral reading together as a class.
o Every day on the board there will be main points. These
are the points that I want the students to make special
note of, and be sure to copy down. I will also give content
questions to the students who need it after class, and my
own version of the notes they should have been taking in
class. These will be the students that have
accommodations involved with writing. They will know who
they are and be asked to just write down the main points
and one detail during class reading/lecture time.
o Table groups will each get one of the learning outcomes.
Together they will decide how the want to present the
information they focused on to the group. This can be done
but presenting with just words, graphic organizers,
drawing, or using technology to create a short power point.
Not everyone will be required to talk, but I will check in to
make sure they are all contributing to the conversation and
information. Finally I will have them rate themselves on
how well the participated and how much the contributed to
the presentation. They will not always be placed in the
same groups every class period. This will change based on
a chart I will make for the class.
o (Table of 4) The four people at you table are going to have
a discussion. You and your shoulder partner are either
going to be a patriot or loyalist. Which every you choose, it
has to be the opposite of the partners across from you. For
5 minutes write down all of the positives or reasons to be
on your side during this war. Then with the group across
from you, you will try to convince the others to join your
cause in the war.
o Make sure one of the partners writes down the reason for
being on their side during discussion. This will be collected
at the end of class.
o I will look over student notes before they leave class.

o After a series of setbacks, American forces won at Saratoga
and survived.
o Trace the progress of the war through the turning point at
Saratoga and winter at Valley Forge
o Examine the colonial economy and civilian life during the
o How was the Continental Army able to capture Trenton?
o Why was the Battle of Saratoga considered the turning
point of the war?
o What difficulties did Congress face in financing the war?
o What contributions did civilians make to the war effort?
o Video clip that is an over view of the content we will be
covering that day in class. This will help to create
background knowledge before reading in class together. It
will also help to heighten interest in the information we will
be discussing in class for the day.
The American Revolution History Channel (6 video
o Together we will read aloud the sections of the book we will
be reviewing for the day. Pausing every couple of pages to
answer the content questions as a group and check for
understanding. I will not pick out random people to read. I
will ask for volunteers to read, I will read aloud to the
group, or we will do choral reading together as a class.
o Every day on the board there will be main points. These
are the points that I want the students to make special
note of, and be sure to copy down. I will also give content
questions to the students who need it after class, and my
own version of the notes they should have been taking in
class. These will be the students that have
accommodations involved with writing. They will know who
they are and be asked to just write down the main points
and one detail during class reading/lecture time.
o Table groups will each get one of the learning outcomes.
Together they will decide how the want to present the
information they focused on to the group. This can be done
but presenting with just words, graphic organizers,
drawing, or using technology to create a short power point.
Not everyone will be required to talk, but I will check in to
make sure they are all contributing to the conversation and
information. Finally I will have them rate themselves on
how well the participated and how much the contributed to
the presentation. They will not always be placed in the
same groups every class period. This will change based on
a chart I will make for the class.
o In table groups or with their shoulder partner, create a
visual to represent the strengths and weaknesses or the
British and US troops.
o Before leaving the room, tell me or write down which of the
two sides appears to have the advantage in this war?
(Whether or not they are the side that wins in the end.)
Give 2 examples that support your opinion.
o I will look over student notes before they leave class.
o Strategic victories in the South and at Yorktown enabled
the Americans to defeat the British
o Describe the war contributions of Europeans allies.
o Trace the Revolution in the Southern colonies.
o Summarize the British surrender at Yorktown.
o Recognize the symbolic value of the Revolution.
o Explain womens contributions to the Revolutionary War.
o What contribution did Friedrich von Stuben make to the
American effort?
o What role did Marquis de Lafayette play in the Revolution?
o Why did the British shift their war efforts to the South?
o How were the colonists able to reserve British advances in
the South?
o Why did General Cornwallis lead his army to Yorktown?
o How did the colonists defeat the British at Yorktown?
o What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris?
o How did the war promote egalitarianism?
o In what ways did the Revolution fail to change the lives of
women and African Americans?
o How did women help in the colonial protests against
o What did women demand in the Declaration of Sentiments?
o What was the significance of the Nineteenth Amendment?
o Video clip that is an over view of the content we will be
covering that day in class. This will help to create
background knowledge before reading in class together. It
will also help to heighten interest in the information we will
be discussing in class for the day.
The American Revolution History Channel (6 video
o Together we will read aloud the sections of the book we will
be reviewing for the day. Pausing every couple of pages to
answer the content questions as a group and check for
understanding. I will not pick out random people to read. I
will ask for volunteers to read, I will read aloud to the
group, or we will do choral reading together as a class.
o Every day on the board there will be main points. These
are the points that I want the students to make special
note of, and be sure to copy down. I will also give content
questions to the students who need it after class, and my
own version of the notes they should have been taking in
class. These will be the students that have
accommodations involved with writing. They will know who
they are and be asked to just write down the main points
and one detail during class reading/lecture time.
o Every day on the board there will be main points. These
are the points that I want the students to make special
note of, and be sure to copy down. I will also give content
questions to the students who need it after class, and my
own version of the notes they should have been taking in
class. These will be the students that have
accommodations involved with writing. They will know who
they are and be asked to just write down the main points
and one detail during class reading/lecture time.
o Table groups will each get one of the learning outcomes.
Together they will decide how the want to present the
information they focused on to the group. This can be done
but presenting with just words, graphic organizers,
drawing, or using technology to create a short power point.
Not everyone will be required to talk, but I will check in to
make sure they are all contributing to the conversation and
information. Finally I will have them rate themselves on
how well the participated and how much the contributed to
the presentation. They will not always be placed in the
same groups every class period. This will change based on
a chart I will make for the class.
o Together as a group we will talk about women in the war.
On the board we will put together a list of things that
women did for the war effort. Then we will discuss the
issues they still faced, even after the war. We will also do
the same with African Americans. Then compare the two in
order to see their similarities and differences. Before
leaving the class, students will write down what similarity
the found most interesting or which of the struggles they
thought was most important. Then they need to tell by why
they believe that is true. Students can either write it down,
email it to me, or tell me in person before they leave the
o I will look over student notes before they leave class.
o Reviewing the main ideas and understanding the events
that took place during the Revolutionary War.
o Discussing how the events that took place during the
Revolutionary War still affect Americans today.
Timeline Activity
o Look over the timeline for the Revolutionary War
What significant events occurred in America in 1776?
How long after the British surrendered did the 2 sides
sign the Treaty of Paris?
Why might have the war become more difficult for
the British after 1779?
Jeopardy Game
o Questions will include all questions about the content for
every section of the chapter.
o Working together in groups.
o Most of the questions will have visuals to help them
understand or remember what the topic is related to. Maps
and graphs will also be used with questions included.
Study Guide
o This will include all of the questions we talk about in class.
There will be 2 of them. One with all of the answers and
one without. The one without will be for them to try and
figure out the answers and the other so they can check to
see if they answered the questions correctly. All of the
questions will be on the test, I want to make sure they
know what I am testing them on, no tricks.
o I will also make a voice memo that they can listen to on
their computers. In the memo I will go over all of the
questions with the answers and reasoning behind the
answers. This will be for the students that dont do will with
written content, but do well with listening comprehension.
o I will make note of what questions some of the groups
struggled with during the game.
o I will also ask if any of the students have questions about
the content that we have covered. This will help them to
prepare for the final. By making note of questions they
struggled with will allow them to find answers to questions
they may be too embarrassed to ask in front of the whole

(Some of the days might be a bit longer than one day worth of
content. I might have to break a couple of them up into two days
of instruction.)

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