Global News Report Rubric English II Honors

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Category Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate

Opening & Clearly, quickly Established focus Audience had an Little or no intro,
Intro established the by the end of the idea of what was such that audience
focus intro, coming, but the did not know the
of the presentation, but went off on a intro speakers main
15 gained audience tangent or two. did not clarify the focus. 0-5
attention 15 Gained attention. main focus. 5-10
Clarity & Main points clearly Main points fairly Main points must Presentation jumps
Organization stated and clear; some be among random
explained; missing inferred by topics. Main points
logical, smooth links or audience; holes are unclear 0-5
organization 15 transitions evident. 5-10
Content- Evidence clearly Evidence perhaps Evidence, Lacks key
SUPPORTING presented. not assumptions, and observations.
Thorough, quite clearly interpretation Evidence unclear.
knowledgeable separated from difficult to untangle Appears largely
interesting, logical. assumptions and from one another. opinion-based.
15 Assumptions and interpretation of
interpretations evidence, but 5-10 0-5
clear, story is
and clearly logical. 10
identified. 15
Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph fails to
includes includes includes vague adequately address
2 fulfills all
thorough adequate reference to the three required
required explanation to explanation to news worthiness, components or is
elements news news and presenters missing whole
15 worthiness, worthiness, personal opinion, sections (eg;..No
connectivity/imp connectivity/im however fails to opinion section or
act upon self, pact upon self, relay explanation.)
society, or society, or connectivity/imp 0-5
nation and nation and act upon self,
presenters presenters society, or
personal opinion personal nation. 5-10
15 opinion 10
STYLE AND Audience could see Audience could Audience could Speakers spoke to
DELIVERY & see mostly see & hear the screen or mostly
hear speakers & hear speakers speakers. Speakers to one person in the
clearly. clearly, Most show some audience. Poorly
15 Effective pauses pauses hesitation or timed. Appears to
and & verbal uncertainty. 5-10 have not practiced.
verbal intonation. intonation
15 were effective. 10 0-5
LISTENING Student is attentive Student respects Student is mostly Student is lacking in
SKILLS & and respectfully all presenters by attentive with a few attentiveness and
listens throughout not distractions. 5-10 disrupts the
all presentations 25 talking/disrupting presentations 0-5
NESS presentations and
is adequately
25 attentive 20

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