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Pursuit & Backup Codes

Codes Hotkeys

Code 1: En-route to Assist Alt + 1

Code 2: In Pursuit Alt + 2

Code 3: Taking fire need backup Alt + 3

Code 4: Everything clear Alt + 4

Code 5: Requesting Supervisor(or highest ranking) Alt + 5

Written by: Dark & David

Search a Suspect

Seeing a player leave an illegal area

Player has been reported by another officer or civilian

Player is driving an Ifrit / Armed Technical (50 cal off-road)

On the wanted list

Player has committed a violation that falls under any felony or

misdemeanors of trespassing on the Federal Reserve, Interfering with
police business/Trespassing in Police HQ, and brandishing a legal

Any player seen wearing rebel clothing within city limits.

Fines and Definitions

Vehicular Violations and Fines:

Excessive use of the horn- Constantly spamming the horn in any

vehicle [$500]

Driving without headlights/collisiying at night without headlights

or collision lights [$500]

Failure to yield to pedestrians (at intersections) and/or

oncoming traffic- If a vehicle doesnt yield to pedestrians, or traffic
when entering a roadway [$1,000]

Obstruction of traffic with vehicle- Anyone parking a vehicle in an

active roadway [$1,500]

Speeding (+20km/h) [$1,500] Speed limits are as follows:

Inside City Limits

65 km/h on main roads

50 km/h on side roads Link to city limits

Outside City Limits

100 km/h on highways

80 km/h on back roads

Driving without a license- Operating a vehicle without having the

proper truck, pilot, or driver's license. exception: ATV/ go karts.

Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle- Any vehicle that is operating

in an unsafe manner that can cause harm to those around them, also
used for helicopters not properly using collision lights.[$2,500]

NOT landing a helicopter in a designated landing zone- Landing

anywhere in a spawn city that is not a designated landing zone.

Leaving the scene of a vehicle accident- Leaving the scene of an

accident without bodily harm, Example: hitting another car and driving
off after the incident. [$2,500]
Misdemeanor Violations and Fines:

Disturbing the peace (harassment, threats, etc.)- Can be used

for trolls and also for anyone doing various obnoxious things. Also used
for unruly suspects. [$2,500]

Brandishing (inside city limits) or not lowering (outside city

limits) a legal firearm - Not properly following the law by lowering a
legal weapon outside city limits will result in a fine, as well as anyone
seen with a firearm out in city limits may be detained and questions.

Interfering with police activities or entering police HQ's

unescorted- Anyone that crosses into any police facility, or causes
interference to general police business. [$5,000]

Trespassing on the Federal Reserve- Anyone found on the Federal

Reserve facility may be ticketed, searched, and detained for removal
from the island. Player may be searched [$5,000]

Hunting without a license- Anyone in the hunting reserve that is

killing animals without the proper license. Auto Add charge of Poaching
is given for every animal killed. [$5,000]

Drunk in public- Anyone that is seen passing out or danger to

themselves in public. [$5,000]

Public discharge of a firearm- Used when a civilian discharges a

weapon outside, in a location that could be deemed unsafe. [$7,000]

Solicitation- Anyone soliciting sexual favors [$2,500]

Felony Violations and Fines:

Hit and Run- Run over a civilian and drive away, or run into another
vehicle and cause harm to the occupants. [$10,000]

Attempted murder - Unsuccessfully using a firearm to kill another

civilian [$15,000]
Attempted Kidnapping - Failure to completely kidnap a suspect.
Example would be rolling up on a civilian with his hands on his head or
assaulted then zip tied, or a civilian being told to get in the vehicle or
they will be killed. Also driving away with an unwilling occupant in the
vehicle. [$7,500]

Kidnapping- (Auto add charge) also can be used when a civilian is

forced into a vehicle against his will, or taken away in a vehicle without
zip ties used. [$15,000]

Evading arrest- Any suspect that fails to yield to lights and sirens in a
timely manner. Or flees on foot after receiving a direct police order to
stay where they are. [$25,000]

Assault on an officer- Anyone that assaults a police officer, and/or

uses a firearm with the intention of killing the officer. [$40,000]

Aiding a known felon (including jailbreak)- Used for anyone that

is actively aiding a known felon. Includes driving with/for a felon,
picking them up during a pursuit, acting as a lookout, or calling out
police positions. [$30,000]

False 911 Calls - Misuse of the 911 dispatch system, trolling using the
dispatch system, or any abuse. [$10,000]

Carrying an illegal/unlicensed weapon - Given to individuals that

do not have a Gun license and are carrying a weapon purchased at the
rebel shop [$30,000]

Brandishing Illegal Gear or Vehicles - This charge is only used

when the individual is Brandishing illegal gear within city limits, or they
are brandishing an Illegal vehicle within city limits. Exceptions: Ifrits & .
50 Cals are illegal everywhere. [$30,000]

Driving under the influence (BAC = <0.08) - After using the

breathalyzer in your left windows key menu, the suspect was driving a
vehicle and has a blood alcohol content of .08 or greater. [$10,000]

Attempted Bank Robbery - Given to individuals detained when they

are actively robbing a federal reserve. [$50,000]

Attempted Organ Theft- Suspect found attempting to steal a kidney,

and/or found with a scalpel after assaulting a civilian. [$10,000]

Theft Police Property- Anyone that steals police vehicles or

equipment. [$30,000]

Impersonating a Police Officer- Anyone that has stolen a police

vehicle and is using the lights and/or sirens while evading, or using
vehicle to pull other civilians over. [$30,000]
Burglary- Anyone that is in the process of stealing items from
someone's home, or attempting to rob a gas station. Also can be used
for the federal reserve. [$20,000]

Bank Robbery- Anyone that is caught on the federal reserve after the
bomb has exploded. [$75,000]

Vehicle Pursuit Message

Pursuit Message
This is the Reckless Police Department, you are currently evading the police.
Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road and remain inside. You
will receive further orders from the RPD once your vehicle is safely stopped
on the side of the road. Failure to comply with this police order will result in
your vehicle being disabled by either spike strip or lethal force. You risk being
shot by exiting your vehicle until ordered. I repeat this is the RPD pull your
vehicle over, and remain inside until ordered.

Pursuit Procedure

1.Once in pursuit of a vehicle one must activate lights and sirens and switch
to code 2

( you can refer the police codes in the police code section in the handbook )to
let other officers know you are in pursuit of a criminal. OR If you are
responding to assist a chase go code 1. The vehicle that started the chase is
primary, your vehicle will be secondary. Follow behind the primary vehicle
and only take over if the primary vehicle wrecks. Only the primary vehicle will
use lights and sirens
2.Once you are behind the suspect you must relay the direction and vehicle
type to your fellow officers via teamspeak. (EX 1: I'm currently in pursuit of a
black Hatchback sport going north bound on the MSR heading out of Kavala)

3. Once you have the person's name you are pursuing (By way of Tilde or
Radar) you will send them a message to stop the vehicle. If you have
someone available to send the message for you

(ex: This is the Reckless Police Department, you are currently evading the
police. Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road and remain inside.
You will receive further orders from the RPD once your vehicle is safely
stopped on the side of the road. Failure to comply with this police order will
result in your vehicle being disabled by either spike strip or lethal force. You
risk being shot by exiting your vehicle until ordered. I repeat this is the RPD
pull your vehicle over, and remain inside until ordered. )

4. Once you send them the message and they do not comply there are ways
to stop the vehicle.

(EX 1: have another officer coming to back you up to lay down spike strips in
the direction the suspect in heading to pop there tires) (EX 2: you will preform
a D-Sync pit, causing them to crash and disable).

5. Once you have read and understood this section of the handbook, you are
ready to start chasing criminals. Good luck out there!

Felony Stop
Any suspect that is wanted for violent felonies (Manslaughter, kidnapping,
robbery, etc.) or a ticket price of $150,000 should be taken down as a felony
stop. A "felony" or "high-risk" traffic stop occurs when police stop a vehicle
which they have strong reason to believe contains a driver or passenger
suspected of having committed a serious crime, especially of a nature that
would lead the police to believe the suspects may be armed (such as an
armed robbery, assault with a weapon, or an outstanding felony warrant for
the registered owner). In a high risk stop, officers attempt to provide their
own safety by issuing instructions to maintain absolute control over every
step of the proceedings. They will have additional officers on scene for back-
up, often waiting for additional officers to join up before initiating the stop.
They will typically have their weapons drawn, and stay back from the suspect
vehicle, using their patrol cars for cover. If there is no choice but to make the
stop on a busy street, then they will often stop traffic. They will address the
driver and any passengers over the PA speaker of the patrol car, typically
instructing the driver to turn the engine off, remove the keys from the
ignition, and sometimes toss them out the window. They will instruct the
occupants, one at a time, to exit the vehicle with empty hands showing, place
their hands on top of or behind their heads, walk backwards some distance,
and then lie flat on the ground, where they will remain until all occupants
have done likewise, at which point officers will move up, apply handcuffs, do
a body search and then secure the suspects in the patrol cars. The vehicle is
then typically searched for weapons and other evidence.

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