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you want to be a
SQL Consultant?
Allen Smith
Consultant Bio
Skills Recent Projects:
Business Intelligence Sonic Drive Ins
Data Warehousing GE Oil & Gas
Architecture Southwestern Energy
SQL Server McJunkin Redman
Industries CerMcaMons/Tests:
Healthcare MCTS: SQL Server 2008
Business Intelligence
Development and
Energy Maintenance

TwiTer: @CogniMveBI

Show me the money
Unique Skill to Oer
Unique Idea for Market
Means to do it
OpMons for Independence
Contrac(ng Consul(ng
Stang companies do: You do:
MarkeMng MarkeMng
Insurance Insurance
Legal Agreements Legal Agreements
Project Management Project Management
Find other needed skills for a
Take a large % Take all the $

Salary W-2

Corp to

This presentaMon is not intended to provide legal or

nancial advice. Consult an accountant in your area.
3 People You Need
For sehng up company
Contract review, protect your ASSets
Tax advice
Set up books
Do bookkeeping
Someone to keep you on track.
3 People You Dont Need
Any C Level Execs when starMng out

Hiring a bum friend to help out

A sales person
Company Structure
Ask your ATorney and Accountant
ATorney will recommend based on liability laws and
the opMons of ownership structures.
Accountant will advise based on your tax situaMon.
Get assistance specic to your country and state.
Online DIY kits are aordable, but very limited.
Gehng Started
Protect your ASSets
Sole Proprietor
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Depends on your Assets
Company Structure OpMons*
Sole Proprietorship.
Easy to set up, le a DBA, limited asset protecMon.
Easy to set up
IMHO, ooen a good way to ruin a friendship..
Easy to set up in Oklahoma, states may vary.
C or S corp? Ask your CPA
Provides ASSet protecMon
LLC, Limited Liability Company
Similar to Corp, taxes vary
Provides ASSet protecMon.
Can be tough to get rid of partners
*This presentaMon is not legal advice, go over it with an aTorney.
Insurance Rich, Cash Poor
What you need.
Liability Insurance
Absolutely have to have these days.
Get InformaMon Technology riders
Get limits to meet your target customers
Workmans CompensaMon
May be required for some customers
May not be required for yourself
May need it on sub-contractors
Must have it on employees.
Ask about a min-pay minimum payment opMon.
Three Hats You Wear
Doing the work
Baker making Cupcakes
Business Plans
Order the Flour.
Count the Cupcakes
Risk Taker
Sell the Cupcakes!
Business Plan
MarkeMng channel
Sell direct? Subcontract? Organize and hire subs?
Social Media 4 Cs
Content, Community,
Someone will always do it cheaper
Used by permission.
Learn rates in your market
Geographic area
Learn the value of a soluMon to your clients
If you solve a $10,000 problem, price accordingly
so that you and the customer come out ahead.
Business Coaches Disclaimer: This informaMon is presented
The AlternaMve Board for informaMonal purposes only. This
Sales Training presentaMon is not legal or tax advice for
Sandler Sales Training your specic situaMon.
Get your own a2orney and accountant.

No warranty is made by CogniMve
InformaMon, Inc. regarding any
informaMon, services or products
provided through or in connecMon with
this presentaMon. CogniMve InformaMon,
Inc. hereby expressly disclaims any and
all warranMes, including without
limitaMon: any warranMes as to the
availability, accuracy or content of
informaMon, products or services; any
warranMes of merchantability or tness
for a parMcular purpose.
Session DescripMon
This career development session will explore
what it takes to be a Hunter in a land of
Farmers. Allen will show you the amazing
benets and the risks that come come with
being a consultant. We start with a look at
moMvaMons. The 3 People you Need. OpMons
for forming your company. How to protect
your assets. Technical and business skills
development. How to price your services.
Are you ready?

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